



1、七年级下短语归纳Unit 5 Our School LifeTopic 11.at the school gate在学校大门口2.Happy New Year!新年快乐3.The same to you!也同样祝你 - -4.looks very nice!看起来漂亮5.come on快点, 加油6.It's time for class该上课了7.It's time to have class该上课了8.know about了解- -的情况9.school life学校生活10.at school在学校,在上学11.eat out外出吃饭,上馆子12.on school da

2、ys在校期间13.have a short rest休息一会儿14.after class/school下课/ 放学后15.listen to music听音乐16.read books看书17.go to school/work去上学 / 工作18.school class / is over放学了 / 放学了19.in one's free/spare time在某人的业余时间里20.go swimming 去游泳21.ball games球赛22.have ball games举行球赛23.four times a year每年四次 once a week每周一次24.twice

3、 a week每周两次 three times a week每周三次25.ealy bird catches the worm早起的鸟儿有虫吃26.for a short time一会Topic 21computer room电脑室 机房1.teachers' office教师2.办公室classroom building教学楼3.swimming pool游泳池4.in the library在图5.书馆in the dining hall在餐6.厅on the playground在操场上7.at the moment= now此刻,现在8.clean the classroom清

4、扫9.教室clean the blackboard擦黑10.板make cards制作11.卡片on time准时12.in time及时13.on the shelf在书14.架上return = give back归还16lost and found失物招领处15.show sb around某人参观带着16.in the center of= in the middle of- 的中间,在 - -的中央在 -17.on the left/边 / 右边right在左18.next to在- -挨看,靠近-隔壁,在 - 旁边,紧19.at the back of后面在 - -后部,在 - -

5、20.Attention, please!请注意!Topic 31.have a music class上一节音乐课2.every week每周3.drawing pictures画画4.Work on math problems做数学题5.speak English说英语6.learn about the past了解过去7.be friendly to sb = be kind to sb 人友好对某8.school newspaper校报9.Thanks sb for doing sth事感谢某人做了某10.each other彼此,互相Unit 6 Our Local AreaTopi

6、c 11.On the second floor在二楼2.Go upstairs上楼3.Go downstairs下楼4.Put it/ them away起来放好请把它 / 它们收5.On the chair在椅子上6.Don't put it / them here们放在这儿别把它 / 它7.study on the computer在电脑上学习8.on the left /right of在的左面 / 右面9. in front ofin the front of在的前面Topic 21.an apartment building一座公寓2.in the country在农村3.

7、for rent出租4.wanted求租5.excuse me劳驾,请原谅打搅了,打搅一下,6.on the street corner处在街道拐角7.train station火车站8.Keep money存钱9.a lot of = lots of许多10.far from/ not far from不远离远/离11.a community service center心一个社区效劳中12. There is something wrong with = Something is wrong with 某人 / 某物出问题,有毛病了13. The traffic is heavy 交通拥挤

8、14. The cost of living is high 生活费用高15. A house with a garden有花园的房子16.close to靠近4.Plan to do sth打算/准17.post office邮局备做某事Topic 35.Want to do sth想做某事1.Excuse me, how can I get to- ?打搅了,请6.Have a birthday party开个生日问我怎样才能到聚会2.Excuse me, which is the way to-?打搅了,7.Would you like to come?你请问去 - 走哪条路?想参加吗?

9、3.Excuse me, could you tellmethe way to- 打8.I'd love to我扰了,你能告诉我怎样 - - ?非常乐意去4.Excuse me, where is -?打搅了,请问 - -9.Work alone独立工在哪里?作/ 练习5.How far is it from here?离这10.What day is it today?今天是星里有多远?期几?6.turn left at the first street11.What's the date today?今天在第一条街口向左转是几号?7.go across the bridge

10、穿过桥12.Be born出生;8.Go straight直走13.A model plane一个飞机模9.go along沿着走型10.It's about one hundre meters along on the14.Guess again再猜一下right顺着右边走大约100米15.What's the shape of your present ?= What11.on the corner of在 - -拐角shape is your present?你的礼物是什么形状处的?12.across from在- -正对面16.It's round它是圆的13.

11、Change to the bus换乘108 路车17.Black and white黑白相间14.go up/down this street to the end沿着这条18.Have a look看一看街一直走到尽头19.I'm afraid-恐怕15.public phone公用 16.traffic lights交通灯20.Look like看起来像17.Turn left/right左转 /右转21.Just now刚刚18.No right turn禁止右转No left turn22.How wide多宽禁止左转23.How long多长19.No parking禁止停

12、车No swimming24.How often多久一次禁止游泳频率20.get hurt受伤25.How soon多久,多块21.in traffic accidents在交通事故26.How far“多远,中问距离。22.Stop and look both ways停下来左右看看27.Use- for -用-23.Look left向左看Look right做-向右看28.Use it for writing用它24.It's good to do sth做某事是好来写字的29.What do we use it for?我们用25.cross the road = go acr

13、oss the road过马路它做什么呢26.a ticket for speeding超速行驶罚30.Must be一定是单31.Would like to do sth = want to do sth想27.Don't drive too fast车不要开太要做某事快32.Cook a special dinner做一顿特别28.Wait for等候的晚餐29.Be careful= look out33.Some candles一些蜡烛小心34.Want to celebrate the birthday at home30.Don 't play on the str

14、eet不要在街上想在家庆祝生日玩35.Buy some candles for her mother想给31.Don't be late for school上学不准迟她妈妈买些蜡烛到36.buy sb sth =buy sth for sb为某人买32.It's about - away from here.离这某物里大约 - - 远。37.Cook a big dinner做一顿大餐Unit7 The Birthday Party38.Make a cake做一个蛋糕Topic 139.When were you born?你什么时候出生1.Next year明年的?2.N

15、ext week下一周40.Where were you born?你在什么地方出3.How do you plan to celebrate it?你生的打算怎么庆祝?41What's your favorite present? 礼物是什么你最喜欢的19.Sat around the cake旁围坐在蛋糕Topic 220.Make a silent wish默默许个心愿1.Perform ballet表演芭蕾舞21.Blow the candles out = blow out the candles2.Have a good time玩得开心吹灭蜡烛3.At the party

16、在生日聚会上22.In one breath一口气4.No way!没门23.Have a big dinner吃一次大餐5.Pair work结对练习Unit 8 The Seasons and the Weather6.You are so smart!你太聪明了!Topic 17.I can count我能数数1.What's the weather like in spring?春天的天8.Take these flowers to the party把这些花气怎么样?带到聚会上去2.=how is the weather in spring9.Take - to -把- -3

17、.It is warm.天气很暖和送 / 带到 - -4.It is a good season for flying kites.是放10.Speak English very well英语说得很好风筝的好季节。11.Take photos照相5.In spring /summer/fall/winter在春,夏,12.Make model planes做飞机模型秋,冬13.Class activities课堂活动6.It's a good time to do sth是 - 14.Outdoor activities户外活动的好时候15.Fly a kite放风筝7.It is a

18、 good time for sth/ for doing sth是16.One year ago一年前- 的好时候17.Be good at doing sth=Do well in擅长 -8.Make snowmen堆雪人-9.It's hard to say这很难说18.Kangkang is good at playing soccer康康擅长10.Last year去年踢足球11.Take a walk = have a walk =go out for a walk19.He hurt his right leg他的右腿受散步伤了12.What's the temp

19、erature温度是多20.At the age of five在五岁时少?21.Life was hard for her生活对她来13.Answer the following questions答复以下问说变得很艰辛题22.She is great!她太棒了!14.Summer/winter holidays暑假/ 寒假23.Grammar focus语法重点15.Plan to do sth方案做某事24.Useful expressions习惯用语16.Had better do sth最好做某事25.Work in groups分组工作17.Had better not do st

20、h最好不要做某事26.Check the answers检查答案18.Need to do sth需要做某事27.not any more不再19.Remember to do sth记得去做某事Topic 320.Remember doing sth记得做过某1.Recite a poem背诗事2.Perform magic tricks表演魔术21.Wear warm clothes穿暖和的衣服3.Perform kung fu表演功夫22.In most parts of China在中国大局部地4.It's your turn现在轮到你区了23.The sun shines b

21、rightly阳光明媚5.Miss the chair没坐到椅子24.Later on以后,后来,随6.Poor Michael可怜的迈克尔后7.Did you hurt yourself?你摔伤了25.Be different from和- -吗?不同8.Hurt oneself伤着某人自己26.Weather report天气预报9.Go and wash them at once马上去洗一27.Spring returns in March三月春归洗28.Get warm/cold/hot变暖和 / 冷 /10.This way, please请走这边热11.Come back回来,回到

22、29.Come back to life苏醒,复苏,复12.Come back home回家来活13.Come back to school回到学校30.It rains heavily雨下得大14.Play video games玩电子游戏31.The harvest season收获的季节15.Lie to sb = tell a lie to sb对某32.Be busy doing sth忙于做某事人撒谎33.From- to -从- -16.Tell me the truth跟我说实话到-17.Each of us我们每个人34.come out开花,出版,发18.Sit aroun

23、d坐在 -行- 周围Topic 21.travel around the country周游全国2.Hope to do sth希望做某事28.By the fireplaces在壁炉旁3.Get together with与- -29.At the end of their beds在床尾在一起30.Greet each other互相问候4.has a good plan for the holidays有一个美好31.Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!的假期方案32.Decorate Christmas装点圣诞树5.On the beach在海滩上33.The whole fam

24、ily全家人6.Sure = of course = certainly当然34.Get together for a big dinner聚在7.The best time to go there去那里的最一起吃丰富的晚餐佳时间35.Stay up熬夜8.All the year round一年到头36.On the first day of the lunar newyear在阴9.Go on a trip/ journey去旅行历新年的第一天10.Go on a picnic去野餐37.Greet their parents向他们的父11.Go on a vacation去度假母问候12

25、.The Great Wall长城38.Lucky money压岁钱13.The Palace Museum故宫博物院39.Last night昨晚14.Customs in different countries不同国家的40.Trick or treat!是请客还是风俗要我们捣乱?15.Enter someone's home进入别人家里41.Complete the table完成表格16.Take off脱下,脱掉,起42.Hold dragon boat races举行龙舟比赛飞43.The birthday of China祖国的生日17.Put on穿上44.the capital of的首都18.Point to指向45.Sweet dumplings元宵19.Point at指着46.Enjoy the bright full赏月20.Point out提出,指明47.Chinese New Year = Spring Festival新年21.Touch a child on the head摸小孩的头48.Visit friends and relatives拜访朋友和亲戚22.Make


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