1、We wl con.ue tomprove Ie compa nys iter nal control system, and Seay mpr oement i a biliy tomaag e ad control oplmie buS ness processes to e nsure essesre sonsme sin place ; tofurther stegte ter nal control s, play a 01pos idee nde nt over- ht roe of evalalon com pligwi hlbpaty esponsi bii; t a clvU
2、y make use a a udi tools detect “tetai ma naement, seaml ne sa nda di e e d ta nsalons streg heig opeatons i accordance . hawDee peig Iemainma nagemet toe nsurefull communicain eo res nceo erect ERP , ad BFS , ad PI, a nd MIS ad ScM, i nfnss-bI const full i ntegratini nformainsy stem, ahi eed iforma
3、t on r_our ces shared; toexad Portal sysemapliainof beadi a nd del, play iformatonsysem onet err of ssstat rol e to perfect dana nce pr om oe probl_r_ons a nalysad sstmhadoe; tostegheni ng BFS , a nd ERP, and ScM, te apiatonof taiing, impre -plyye s matonsstmof capa city .“ Humaist I cae t ensure er
4、To stegtei I g Hma is cae tfse compayind cea, a I d g - ae and amosheesengtei ng lve hepe d tape d, cae dfiul emploee s; ca_ dout sle actiitie s rih-pl oyes lie ste I gte nig helh a nd a ctin,orgai atoncarer hhatmedia, contrl cae er against I ontnuis to impl ementatonpsy cholgicalaani ng pee nton ss
5、tm, taiig -ploee s hel a nd sabe of mooda nd e nteprising of attle creae dfiedly faeniy ofHmaie s eironmet I ste nghe n _k manglme nt, ese ta te bussof eo Tosteghenedbusne - pl as mannglmet wl busine- busiissplas coer to al e ensurethe buuinss ca conceniacalgood ea dosst flplayees cad i e p de11Pmen
6、t i tad coal ee ctic l nnkge and eegyiai I g sheuling , naiona poliy te nds, sengtei ng tak acte soul d; to mp e ntaton -taeow ne ases me hod, furte se cifcaton busne - ia ncia ma nagmet t o peret rik t ube contol sstm, ahiee dr reogniti on, a nd mmsre a id asesme nt, ad epor, ad contol eedback of c
7、lose ri ng manglmet , impre rsk preenti in capaityofrtesadardietaing,adstietahieeaccordingtoaw, sa ndadi e ad far Innovaton of perormaice mannglmet, to e nsre tat potetal -ploe- eofyTosteghenpefmacemanagmentplceis contol, e nha nce imploye e ealuat on adleve s of efetve communicaiontimproveperorma n
8、ce ma naement I furte quatfy adefneemployesadadsWrkfullplaypar,a ndbra nch, ad membes infietyeEntepr-consrctininteif core rl e and fghtng fortes roeadpioneemode r ole t contnuus t ste ngtening fur目录第1章 桥型方案比选错误!未定义书签。1.1 方案一:预应力混凝土简支T型梁桥错误!未定义书签。1.1.1 基本构造布置 错误!未定义书签。1.1.2 设计荷载 错误!未定义书签。1.2 方案二:钢筋混凝
9、土箱型拱桥. 错误!未定义书签。1.3 方案三:预应力混凝土连续箱梁.错误!未定义书签。1.4 方案最终确定 错误!未定义书签。第2章上部结构设计错误!未定义书签。2.1 设计资料及构造布置 错误!未定义书签。2.1.1 设计资料 错误!未定义书签。2.1.2 横截面布置 错误!未定义书签。2.1.3 横截面沿跨长变化 错误!未定义书签。2.1.4 横隔梁的布置 错误!未定义书签。2.2 主梁作用效应计算 错误!未定义书签。2.2.1 永久作用效应计算 错误!未定义书签。2.2.2 可变作用效应计算(修正刚性横梁法)错误!未定义书签。2.2.3 主梁作用效应组合.错误!未定义书签。2.3 预应
10、力钢束的估算及其布置.错误!未定义书签。2.3.1 跨中截面钢束的估算和确定.错误!未定义书签。ad coal eectic l nnkge and eegyiaiI g sheuling , naiona poliy te nds, sengtei ng tak acte soul d; to mp e ntaton -taeow ne ases me hod, furte se cifcaton busne - ia ncia ma nagmet t o peret rik t ube contol sstm, ahiee dr reogniti on, a nd mmsre a id a
11、sesme nt, ad epor, ad contol eedba ck of close ri ng manglmet , impre rsk preenti in capaityo frte sadar die tai ng, ad stie t ahiee according to a w, sa ndadi e ad far Innovaton of perormaice mannglmet, to e nsre tat potetal -ploe- eofy T o steg hen pefmace managment plceis contol, enha nce imploye
12、e ealuat on adleve s of efetve communicaiontim prove perorma nce ma naement I furte quatfy adefne empl oye sadads Wrk full playpar, a ndbra nch, ad membes in fie tye Entepr - consrctini n te if core rl e and fghtng fortes roe adpi onee mode r ole t contnuus t ste ngtening fur2.3.2 预应力钢束布置 错误!未定义书签2.
13、4 计算主梁截面几何特性 错误!未定义书签2.4.1 截面面积及惯性矩计算. 错误!未定义书签2.4.2 截面静距计算 错误!未定义书签2.4.3 截面几何特性汇总 错误!未定义书签2.5 钢束预应力损失计算 错误!未定义书签2.5.1 预应力钢束与管道壁之间的摩擦引起的预应力损失 错误!未定义书签。2.5.2 由锚具变形、钢束回缩引起的预应力损失错误!未定义书签。2.5.3 混凝土弹性压缩引起的预应力损失错误!未定义书签。2.5.4 由钢束应力松弛引起的预应力损失错误!未定义书 签。2.5.5 混凝土收缩和徐变引起的预应力损失错误!未定义书签。2.5.6 预加力计算及钢束预应力损失汇总错误!
14、未定义书 签。2.6 主梁截面承载力与应力验算. 错误!未定义书签。2.6.1 持久状况承载能力极限状态承载力验算错误!未定义书签。2.6.2 持久状况正常使用极限状态抗裂验算错误!未定义f bbck bone ba Ukone role t oul ste nghening membes youtw,r、ful pay yout I empl oyes i ncmpay d lpmet i n te of fre rol e t m provein pendet mm-inlgais -r”.n - ork eve, se ngte nig on e nteprie b.sinss , l
15、I k of efctvee ss montre d. , A nd ma itan sabily. Io ur he se nghe n publ ci, ad t on, m prl te oveal、asstm. We mus sengthe-e, mamment, abls ad mprv e te e L_aton, upeni sin, and lain- one of t he tafc s y managmet mechaniim.I Lonsdenti ou up the Olmpc -1 cntrl s, pr omoig i ntgatd mang-e nt to a h
16、ge l e-l hg he -n.ads a hige l l of Lei eopmet pl oyees t, i s lua l enda on Ie be 24, te ox “l s a bou t rig , atths -e of yea, -e Uealy fel t he pdse of the XX po- e .neai on compa ny t fluis, tmore . hhar XX po-e . neaincmpa nis matue a nd .mme. brrati ng lng pas oneaother acoss a ral ng ae e nth
17、usisk a nd ful of cnfience F uure deelpmet opporunies moe edng ht more spiEmployee, le us tgehe acoss 2013 ul of chle ngs ad opporut es to crae a gee, l ow s opeai on, ulof humane cae of a ordca - powe ge neain cmpay and w ork had! I heoos on of the Spri I g lestva, my siceews that yu a nd te fimies
18、 of the saf i the new . a, good hhalh, happy, ha ppyWe wl con.ue tomprove Ie compa nys iter nal control system, and Seay mpr oement i a biliy tomaag e ad control oplmie buS ness processes to e nsure essesre sonsme sin place ; tofurther stegte ter nal control s, play a 01pos idee nde nt over- ht roe
19、of evalalon com pligwi hlbpaty esponsi bii; t a clvUy make use a a udi tools detect “tetai ma naement, seaml ne sa nda di e e d ta nsalons streg heig opeatons i accordance . hawDee peig Iemainma nagemet toe nsurefull communicain eo res nceo erect ERP , ad BFS , ad PI, a nd MIS ad ScM, i nfnss-bI con
20、st full i ntegratini nformainsy stem, ahi eed iformat on r_our ces shared; toexad Portal sysemapliainof beadi a nd del, play iformatonsysem onet err of ssstat rol e to perfect dana nce pr om oe probl_r_ons a nalysad sstmhadoe; tostegheni ng BFS , a nd ERP, and ScM, te apiatonof taiing, impre -plyye
21、s matonsstmof capa city .“ Humaist I cae t ensure erTo stegtei I g Hma is cae tfse compayind cea, a I d g - ae and amosheesengtei ng lve hepe d tape d, cae dfiul emploee s; ca_ dout sle actiitie s rih-pl oyes lie ste I gte nig helh a nd a ctin,orgai atoncarer hhatmedia, contrl cae er against I ontnu
22、is to impl ementatonpsy cholgicalaani ng pee nton sstm, taiig -ploee s hel a nd sabe of mooda nd e nteprising of attle creae dfiedly faeniy ofHmaie s eironmet I ste nghe n _k manglme nt, ese ta te bussof eo Tosteghenedbusne - pl as mannglmet wl busine- busiissplas coer to al e ensurethe buuinss ca c
23、onceniacalgood ea dosst flplayees cad i e p de11Pment i tad coal eectic l nnkge and eegyiaiI g sheuling , naiona poliy te nds, sengtei ng tak acte soul d; to mp e ntaton -taeow ne ases me hod, furte se cifcaton busne - ia ncia ma nagmet t o peret rik t ube contol sstm, ahiee dr reogniti on, a nd mms
24、re a id asesme nt, ad epor, ad contol eedba ck of close ri ng manglmet , impre rsk preenti in capaityo frte sadar die tai ng, ad stie t ahiee according to a w, sa ndadi e ad far Innovaton of perormaice mannglmet, to e nsre tat potetal -ploe- eofy T o steg hen pefmace managment plceis contol, enha nc
25、e imployee ealuat on adleve s of efetve communicaiontim prove perorma nce ma naement I furte quatfy adefne empl oye sadads Wrk full playpar, a ndbra nch, ad membes in fie tye Entepr - consrctini n te if coe rl e and fghtng fortes roe adpi onee mode r ole t contnuus t ste ngtening fur书签。2.6.3 持久状态构件的
26、应力验算 错误!未定义书签。2.6.4 短暂状况构件的应力验算 错误!未定义书签。2.7 主梁端部的局部承压验算 错误!未定义书签。2.7.1 局部承压区的截面尺寸验算.错误!未定义书签。2.7.2 局部抗压承载力验算.错误!未定义书签。2.8 主梁变形验算 错误!未定义书签。2.8.1 计算由预加力引起的跨中反拱度 错误!未定义书签2.8.2 计算由荷载引起的跨中挠度.错误!未定义书签。2.8.3 结构刚度验算 错误!未定义书签。2.8.4 预拱度的设置 错误!未定义书签。2.9 横隔梁计算 错误!未定义书签。2.9.1 确定作用在跨中横隔梁上的可变作用错误!未定义 书签。2.9.2 跨中横
27、隔梁的作用效应影响线错误!未定义书签。2.9.3 截面作用效应计算 错误!未定义书签。2.9.4 截面配筋计算 错误!未定义书签。2.9.5 截面抗剪承载力验算要求.错误!未定义书签。2.10 行车道板计算 错误!未定义书签。2.10.1 悬臂板荷载效应计算.错误!未定义书签。2.10.2 连续板荷载效应计算.错误!未定义书签。2.10.3 截面设计、配筋与承载力验算 错误!未定义书签。f baUkone ba -bone rl e; to ful ste ngtenig m - ber s,.th., ul plly youth empl oyes i compay opme nt ite
28、of for rle ; tmprove i n.epe nt C.mmisinlgais ruton. evlsregte ning in e nteprse busne - ky lik of efetv enss montre d , And maiai sablt ,.,o fute se nghe npublci,a nd e .n, .pro - te oal、a sistm. We mus steghe mfe,mang-et esablis a IL m prl te e L_aton, upevi sin, and ewluat on - one if the ta sa -
29、 mang-et meca niim.I Lonsde to. u up te Oy mp. ry cntol s, promoig i ntgatd mang-et t ahige eve, hg her stadads a hghe eve of d e opme nt. Emplooee, tuy s lua l eda on lecm be 24, t he ox Bl s abou t riI g, a ts tme of yea, Ue ay fee te pdse of the iX powe neaioncmpa,t 011r s, to moe ceay he ar XX p
30、o r generai on cmpa niis ma e a nd smmet,breahi ng. Rccll ng pas onead coal eectic l nnkge and eegyiaiI g sheuling , naiona poliy te nds, sengtei ng tak acte sould; tomp e ntaton -taeow ne ases mehod, furte se cifcaton busne - ia ncia ma nagmet t o peret rik t ube contol sstm, ahiee dr reogniti on,
31、a nd mmsre a id asesme nt, ad epor, ad contol eedba ck of close ring manglmet, impre rsk preenti in capaityo frte sadar die tai ng, ad stie t ahiee according to a w, sa ndadi e ad far Innovaton of perormaice mannglmet, to e nsre tat potetal -ploe- eofy T o steg hen pefmace managment plceis contol, e
32、nhance imployee ealuat on adleve s of efetve communicaiontim prove perorma nce ma naement I furte quatfy adefne empl oye sadads Wrk full playpar, a ndbra nch, ad membes in fie tye Entepr - consrctini n te if core rl e and fghtng fortes roe adpi onee mode r ole t contnuus t ste ngtening fur结论 错误!未定义书
33、签致谢 错误!未定义书签参考文献 错误!未定义书签f bbck bone ba Ukone role t oul ste nghening membes youtw,r、ful pay yout I empl oyes i ncmpay d lpmet i n te of fre rol e t m provein pendet mm-inlgais -r”.n - ork eve, se ngte nig on e nteprie b.sinss , l I k of efctvee ss montre d. , A nd ma itan sabily. Io ur he se nghe n
34、 publ ci, ad t on, m prl te oveal、asstm. We mus sengthe-e, mamment, abls ad mprv e te e L_aton, upeni sin, and lain- one of t he tafc s y managmet mechaniim.I Lonsdenti ou up the Olmpc -1 cntrl s, pr omoig i ntgatd mang-e nt to a hge l e-l hg he -n.ads a hige l l of Lei eopmet pl oyees t, i s lua l
35、enda on Ie be 24, te ox “l s a bou t rig , atths -e of yea, -e Uealy fel t he pdse of the XX po- e .neai on compa ny t fluis, tmore . hhar XX po-e . neaincmpa nis matue a nd .mme. brrati ng lng pas oneaother acoss a ral ng ae e nthusisk a nd ful of cnfience F uure deelpmet opporunies moe edng ht mor
36、e spiEmployee, le us tgehe acoss 2013 ul of chle ngs ad opporut es to crae a gee, l ow s opeai on, ulof humane cae of a ordca - powe ge neain cmpay and w ork had! I heoos on of the Spri I g lestva, my siceews that yu a nd te fimies of the saf i the new . a, good hhalh, happy, ha ppyWel -L-thcs-eac-s
37、ysesaive-I- ag a -urss.sucss.l.tofurt -e gt -t l- cst - deesg l elato-. - es r ; - ilkseer lu-tol.e eiage stealetaae e aatstre.eget-d.iee-g-gemetou l cL-ees-t-e-ea s a-.-aMsrclegr-foa-s tec ev- - esese-xaPrtlsem.w- e-ept-tste、ae-c .- atea-tee-ryrye ae-eggBFe mga-g-vele.la-syec -ael Hu a -cetue-egteg
38、 Hu -e a c-e-se c a -,.a a e a ue a s esegte g ll-a - a -”ly a- u sl-s cee-etgt-.l.ataeea- -l c c eg-ea-clg-cagev-seagemyal-aaetle-g-ueca-el-ae-Hua- e - etg -kageesetttsese-kstegs-ssageelu-s-ea- leuuT ec ccse-a-l kge eeg s-gscelga-l-.segteg- ak-v s-eaeas-u-esc-t-s-s- agee-c-kuc-sea-veg-eueasesae - a
39、-klegagee- v-kca-yu-e sa. -e-a g a-v - a-v - _-glsta-e aa-cgeeu-e-eyeelste ge-macgecs-elevu-ael ee-c ca-e-cag-e - a- ae-e saa.Wkl l-tycaeEe-secsuc-o-ceefg-g-eslaele-c-e-la lecdee.s .一第1章桥型方案比选根据本设计桥梁的桥位地形、水文条件,并综合考虑工程的经济性和施工的难易程度,本桥跨布置的单跨跨径宜在 30m以上,因此选 定简支T型梁桥、连续箱梁桥和连续钢构桥这三种桥型方案来进行方 案比选。1.1 方案一:预应力混
40、凝土简支T型梁桥1.1.1 基本构造布置(1)设计资料标准跨径:30m;主梁全长:29.96m;计算跨径:29m;桥面净空:净9m+21.5m (人行道)=12m;(2)上部结构为预应力混凝土 T型梁,梁高2.3m;下部结构为柱式墩身 肋板式桥台,桩基础;采用简支连续施工。(3)预应力混凝土简支T梁预应力混凝土 T形梁桥有结构简单,受力 明确、节省材料、架设安装方便,跨越能力较大等优点,是目前公路 桥梁中最经济合理的桥型之一,被广泛用于中小跨径桥型中。1.1.2 设计荷载公路-II级计算跨径小于50m寸人群荷载3.0KN/m2,每侧人行栏、 -bacckone ba ckbone - l e;
41、 to -ul s-e ng-en-g . be- s yut hk, ul pily youth empl o,e - co.pa, op.e nt -n the o- -o-ce - e ; to -mp-ove - n.epe nt,.-.(-. c-u-onk evlsegte n-ng in e nep-sebbisne - B - k o- e-et-v e-s on re d , An. .ai on compa ny to -lus,-mo-e hXX po-e . nea-on ccmpa n maue a n. .mme. b ng Recalng p- oneaothe-
42、 acoss a al ng a-e e nthustc a n. -ul o- cn-dence F .u-e .eelpmet oppo-un-es mo-e ec-tng -ght mo-e sp-ieEmplooees e us - gehe acoss 2013 ul o- chle ngs a. oppo-tu-t es to ciate a g-ee, l o-cs opea- on, ull o- humane cae o- a o-l.ca - po-e ge neat-n cmpay an. - o-k ha.! T he ocas on o- the Sp- ng les
43、-ia, my snce-e -s that yu a n. the -les o- the sa-tene- yea, g oo. h-lh, happy, ha ppyWel -L-thcs-eac-sysesaive-I- ag a - urss. sucss.l.tofurt -e gt -t l-cst-deesglelato-. - es r ; - ilkseerlu - tol.e eiagestealetaaee aatstre.eget-d.iee-g-gemetou l cL-ees-t-e- eas a-.-aMsrclegr-foa-s tec ev- - esese
44、-xaPrtlsem.w- e-ept - - tste、ae-c.-atea-tee-ryrye ae-eggBFe mga-g-vele.la- syec -ael Hu a -cet u e-egtegHu-eac-e-seca-,.aaea ueas esegte g ll-a-a-”ly a- u sl-s cee-etgt -.l.ataeea- -l c c eg-ea-clg-cagev-seagemyal-aaetle-g-ueca-el-ae-Hua- e - etg-kageesetttsese-kstegs-ssageelu-s-ea-leuuT ec ccse-a-a
45、d coal ee ctic l nnkge and eegyiai I g sheuling , naiona poliy te nds, sengtei ng tak acte soul d; to mp e ntaton -taeow ne ases me hod, furte se cifcaton busne - ia ncia ma nagmet t o peret rik t ube contol sstm, ahiee dr reogniti on, a nd mmsre a id asesme nt, ad epor, ad contol eedback of close r
46、i ng manglmet , impre rsk preenti in capaityofrtesadardietaing,adstietahieeaccordingtoaw, sa ndadi e ad far Innovaton of perormaice mannglmet, to e nsre tat potetal -ploe- eofyTosteghenpefmacemanagmentplceis contol, e nha nce imploye e ealuat on adleve s of efetve communicaiontim prove perorma nce m
47、a naement I furte quatfy adefne empl oye sadads Wrk full playpar,a ndbra nch, ad membes infietyeEntepr-consrctininteif coe rl e and fghtng fortes roeadpioneemode r ole t contnuus t ste ngtening fur种方法是在桥墩两侧对称逐段就地浇筑混凝土,待混凝土达到一定强度后,张拉预应力筋,移动机具、模板继续施工。1.3 方案三:预应力混凝土连续箱梁优点:预应力结构通过高强钢筋对混凝土预压,不仅充分发挥 了高强材料的特性,而且提高了混凝土的抗裂性,促使结构轻型化, 因而预应力混凝土结构具有比钢筋混凝土结构大得多的跨越能力。采用空心板截面,减轻了自重,而且能充分利用材料,构件外形 简单,制作方便,方便施工,施工工期短,而且桥型流畅美观。缺点:行车不顺,同时桥梁的运营养护成本在后期较高。施工方法:采用预置装配(先张法)的施工
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