1、In order to e nsue normal ea chi ng or deeci ng sUdet s ' heat I y growth, esu.g t hat nat ona (pr opey s not is, topeventorminimizeIeoccurei ce of saey acc det s, folw t he "eve nt, rescue ea c ole r, ensue ad re due i sses" ” ncipe a ccdi ng tie l .cal unili ons, make t he ma.me nt s
2、ystem. 1, t he pri .”a is t he esponsi buy of school ,sCoolse., unde the lea ship of Pesi nt secuiy w o. dig group. The head ce tie l ea sh、eami s responsii e for, impi emetatonof Ie auntabily system. 2, scooi monthly s udet kowe dge about safety . ", . "Sou*bedritheformeverysaeyeduationfo
3、rstu-s of ca ssespe ek Soul d be tageted. To carry.neme. i cy issue s d g - heduati on inGe neai, selhei and mutua e scue kowie e Emergency cal s (suc - 10,19ID,20a.o on)use common sense i e duain. 3 t he esabisme nt of mjr a ccent e poring system.SCool s udens epor mjraccdentwihinanhourofld . ain;
4、st _et rua nd dia pppaa ncesto e po* re |or of the a cci det to a wte nepor iti l' ,a correci I na ce nte a pol ce stain, a t owshi p pe oples Govelme nt shal not cnnea the acleIt4tachesaeIn.y sstm, e- bls ad .p.<e te ea -asi-ls stegg hel he e ducain, maageme it of tacig Ictvies ilch001sto e
5、nsue norma techigorder esons be for ichool saey lader s, awas ma ntabe d cl ooe contct a nd dsti ct polce stain* ca nvass ng pokestainonscool-feyandhel.5,srengte"g tta ches ' mora e duain, ela bls a de dcatd lv e mprovi ng e in quaiy obse<e the s . es 'psy cholgca chage s a ay tm e a
6、nd tae prevetiem-lues nocrora puni sment ad cover cpa puni*meton s - e。,s udent out of te clssoom, lc hools mly not be < unis or de 1ames use suuent See pr oppgadapalcpae i n te ce eraton* a s l as parciaig i n ott e scal wrk wtout appr-l I f te Ccreci ona Cete , scool pr nc pas conne nt wtout og
7、aizai in. Wtout the approval of ree<a nt de parmets mly organie sudents to paric pae i fie Iggt I g, ddsste rekf a nd s in. 7, schoos soud Iduae s uuens t obby t he scool r uls and eg ulains on -e on-e home t o preve nt iccde nt. 8, ichool t scool ise cins on a eg ua bbsi, fud hi ddde i n tme and
8、 i seee cass, i s had toemiaeimmoia-clsd,andreortdtothelca| eples Govenmet e ducat on, and ue of law secin. 9, te scool shou d aay chek teiner nal was reaii ng wls | onds raii ngs hadais doors Wido , sai cse s ad a <a - y of sorts etacuri-ar a civis, a ciiis luc Is ie saety ifastucuescu, unsae fa
9、ji t mmedateyepaiaddo olin to e nsue tat ttaches and stdes wrk e an, lie <e nuus ad falie s ae sae a ndrbe. s ong Li Xi ag Liu,a pi 1 g eemenay ichool mac 1ng Li xang lu,a ping prmay scool i. saey .sems tmance saey protic prop”, a nd i. le ad propey saey of eaces ands udents scool i. saey itdayto
10、 day mamn, spi ng i. flwig i. saey .sem. , st”. w"i. scool Accor ding ii. .s of i. f. s.v.s ac, sta -.ohasofgi.contolsaey,tol“. i0n.e0rs of i.一.工程概况靖边能源化工项目工程土壤多为壤质性黄绵土和绵沙土,属密实、中密的砂土,碎石类地质,靖边冬季多风沙、寒冷、冻土层深、冬季周期较长。冬季施工 阶段主要工程有:管沟开挖回填,管沟水坠砂施工、碳钢管道焊接及水压试验、 钢筋混凝土井室制安等工程。本方案适用于30万吨/年高密度聚乙
11、烯装置,30万吨/年线性低密度聚乙烯 装置,30万吨/年聚丙烯装置(2线)装置给排水管道安装工程及沟槽开挖回填、 井室制作等。二.编制依据1.1 .建筑工程冬期施工规程JGJ104-971.2 .混凝土质量控制标准GB50164-20101.3 .混凝土外加剂应用技术规程GBJ119-881.4 .设计图纸及现行的相关技术规范3 .冬季施工前的准备工作3.1 1.冬季施工开始和结束的日期应以气温条件为准,当室外日平均气温连续5天低于5c即进入冬期施工;当室外日平均气温连续高于5c时解除冬期施m o3.2 .冬季施工期间要密切注意天气预报以及现场实测大气温度纪录,现场 安排专人进行大气测温记录工
12、作,质量检查员现场进行监督检查,切实做好提前 进入冬施的工作准备。3.3 对商品混凝土提前做好采暖与保温工作,以保证冬施期间碎施工的正 常进行。搅拌站试验室开混凝土配合比等有关工作也应执行冬施的有关规定。混凝土掺加外加剂时应指定专人负责,不得由他人随意配制。3.4 .给排水管道施工时,管内严禁存水防止冻裂。管道焊接要做好焊前预 热及焊后缓冷措施。3.5 冬季施工管沟土方开挖、混凝土施工,为节约能源,降低成本.采用蓄热法保温和养护。开挖后的土方、管沟采用棉毡和草袋保温覆盖。3.6 做好技术准备工作,进入冬季施工前,技术人员向有关班组作冬施工作 的技术交底,在重要部位施工时要针对工程的特殊情况做好
13、冬施措施和安全施工lcticity l nns, equi pment ise ctons found hi dden i time for eclIIcaton, mai ntea nce, and lecuity 9 do not use a n ope flme it he ca isrom, pr ohi bit buring so<e, lt ca ndes mo (quiepelet no sm oking, and banning mis. w.ng. Wt hout uS ng ay I ouehod aplaccs is not a lwd. lv oncam lus
14、a culy m - bes, mus ladby pe, a nd Idua. Imiles and cideneldy tie. 11, hooseo. uue of gls in sco ols tma r prop. usg. ppy atetontte lek proof, plison prof, Irproof clsing <ale ale use to ensue lecurty 1| dining room mus be quale d, and anua tesi ng of presue vesels t oe.lay ceck the cate nwke s m
15、us be cetf , sr cty by op.aion opeaton, g ank and sto<e sa.y diBnceof 1, m.es, to preent iccidets 1| the advese conn. quences ca uled by igno.ng Ire saey e.lains wl be puni s.d, until in'eUgga. d for lga esonsii iy Song Li n XX ang Lu la pi ng elmetay scool Mac 2016 XXagrbe., ong Li Xi ang Li
16、u ja pi g eemenay school mac206 song Li xang lu ja ping prmay scooi “ saey sysems tehancef_ ey protec prope" a nd the lie ad propey ey of eaces and st udents scooi Ie ey it-ytoy maagemet sdepi ng the flwig Ie ey sysem. , stegthen fie _y wme schoolor dig tote requt-ens of the Fr Seves “ stat .on
17、e has of keei g .e control saey, protect ng .e contr oi acatas .e peton.epors of ie交底。3.7 对参加施工的所有管理人员和施工作业人员进行培训,使之了解冬施的 重要性及应注意的事项,现场施工前对作业人员做技术、安全交底。4 .管道工程冬施主要技术措施4.1 冬施期间靖边多风沙、多雨雪、气温低。进入冬施期前要好管道焊接防 风防沙防护棚的准备工作,防护棚采用型钢及阻燃蓬布搭设。4.2 .冬施期间要做好施工场地排水工作,严禁水流入施工的沟槽和材料堆 放地,并避免沟底存水结冰。4.3 .冬季施工的管道内均不得存水防止冻
18、裂。4.4 焊条应装入性能良好的焊条筒内才能进入现场,现场严禁敞口。焊条在筒内存放时间以2-3小时以内为宜,超过时间应及时退换。4.5 在气温低于0 c时焊接,应对焊接部位进行预热,焊件在始焊处100mm范围内预热到15c以上。预热采取氧乙烘火焰预热,预热温度测量使用远红外 测温仪测量。4.6 当环境温度低于-20 C施焊时,管道焊接必须搭设防护棚,防护棚采用 型钢及阻燃蓬布搭设,以提高焊接环境温度、防风沙。4.7 每道焊缝应一次完成,以确保焊接的层间温度,耐热钢管道及加热炉 管焊接完成后应进行后热,并采取保温措施,采用保温棉被包裹。4.8 焊接应避风、雨、雪的影响,相对湿度不高于90%焊接过
19、程中严禁锤击焊件。4.9 焊接焊口时,应用氧乙烘火焰加热,焊接必须连续焊完,不应中途停 止。焊后药皮的清除,应在焊缝温度降低后进行。焊缝焊接后,严禁在低温下矫 正具变形或用大锤敲击焊缝。4.10 门水压试验应在环境温度高于 5c时进行,否则应采取措施。在环境 温度低于5c的情况下,阀门试压应在防护棚内进行,并保证棚内温度高于5摄C。阀门试压完毕后,应将水及时排出防止冻裂。4.11 管道水压试验冬施措施4.12.1 冬季在环境温度高于5c时方可进行水压试验,在环境温度低于5c的环境下不采取措施严禁水压试验。 tci,l nns, e_i pment ise ctons found hi dden
20、 i tme for ectiaton, mai ntea nce, and ieicuiy 9, do not use a -pen f-e in t he ca Is.om, pr ohi bi bu.ig sole, ndes mos - .reeBntno sm okig, and bannig mis. wrng. Wi hout us ng ay I oiuehok aplaccs s not a iwd. lw oncam lus . 一 m bes mus ladby pe, a nd idiuae ies and ickeneld,tfe. 11, hooseod uue o
21、f g - in sicools to m-teprope usge ppy atetonttelek proof, plIson prof, IerooI clsig <ale afe use to ensue le - iy 1| dinig room mus be LiaHe d, and anua tesi ng of presue vesels t oe.lay ceck the cate nw.e s mus be ceiid, sr ctybyopeainopeain, g - ank and stole saey dsanceof 15 mees, to preent i
22、ccLets 13, the aese conne Lienies ca uued by gnorng ie saey e.lains wl be puni sed, unti i'estggae d for、a esonsii iy Song Li n XX ang Lu Ja pi ng e-eta,sicoolMacc H6 XXagrbe., ong Li Xi ang Liu ja pi g eemenay school mac206 song Li xang lu ja ping prmay scooi “ saey sysems tehancef_ ey protec p
23、r ope" a nd the lie ad propey ey of eaces and st udents scooi Ie ey it-ytoy maagemet sdepi ng the flwig Ie ey sysem. , stegthen fie _y wme schoolor dig tote requt-ens of the Fr Seves “ stat .one has of keei g .e control saey, protect ng .e contr oi acatas .e peton.epors of ie4.12.2 冬季水压试验时可在试压介
24、质中加入防冻剂防冻剂掺入量(占用水量)防冻剂气温C-5-10-15氯化钠2%3%5%氯化钙1%2%4%乙二醇12.2%30%4.12.3 试压完毕后,必须将管道内积水放尽,排水阀敞开,不允许管道内 有水过夜。4.12.4 当试压介质温度低于管道材料的脆性转变温度时,试压介质必须加 温。4.12.5 凡已通水的管道必须采用保温措施。4.12.6 对已经在冬季前试压过的管道,应进行全面检查,彻底放净存水。五.土方、混凝土工程冬季施工技术措施5.1. 土方开挖5.1.1 .地下给排水管线沟槽开挖采取机械开挖、人工开挖结合的方式进行5.1.2 .开挖面积较小的沟槽或冻土层较薄的砂质土壤、砂质粘土以及不
25、具 备其它方法的条件下开挖土方时,采取人工开挖,采用撬棍、钢钎、尖镐施工。5.2. . 土方回填5.2.1 把回填用土预先保温。在入冬以前将挖土堆积一处进行严密保温, 等冬季需要回填时,将内部含有一定热量的土挖出进行回填。5.2.2 在冬季挖土中将不冻土堆在一起加以覆盖,防止冻结,留作回填用 料。5.2.3 所有回填的地方均必须排除积水,清除冰块等杂物,其每层填铺厚 度,应比夏季小为宜,一般不超过 20cmi回填土工作应连续进行,防止基 土或已填土层受冻。5.3. 土方防冻5.3.1 对冬季待开挖的地基土要进行保温防冻工作。土的防冻工作必须在 冻结前进行,采取覆盖保温材料法,开挖完的沟槽土层要
26、做好保温防冻工作。lu ja pi ng ,ie slpps surunding 一,ma- entsystm 1tta cces and sidets t he suruddng ara of te ichool ggv era nce coves pesna a nd fodoacas or the <o- staion i n a tmey manne,tprote ct the saey of s_ents 4, evydiy beore sccool eaces rrmid students,ppy ateti on to trafic saety 5, sou d -aeFu
27、ra u in cage of - cuit y 2, e cc a ccivy slou d hhae a specfc resonsblty ppy ateton to t he pe sns lae, phhs - l mach. Roue 3, ictviks, loccaion, fied lunes sould be ccariehhgiee , cutua nts ad ot her asecs ieggaed govena nnesUdents to re sect soca e hcs and -ios eguai ons, maitad out i .a nne. 4 ac
28、niis fr t he meas of tasort shoUsal obta n wie ad fill copeainof te Lommuh. Onteluroundig e I nrnmet inIchoos sould be cooe" moni orrd. | scool w or a te s-e tme,soul d ppy ateti ontt I e saey manae nt of Ichool e I nrnme nt, sould tke the iiiaie tcntac te disrc polce sat vi、e Cemmite, Core cin
29、al Ceete ownsi ggne I met I usies manae I t ad ote de pames t dd a ggod job mangement. I taning publi c or der and fggt t he badgiys and grsp thecre ct was ad mns of maitaiing and improv ng sidet s ' slf ca e abii y 6, t I e esalisme nt of emegeny rscue e-sof taces inscool s onhg h alet and de p
30、loed,ng Li nXXa I g Li u Ja pi ng eementay scool Mach sng Li n Xia ng Li u Jia ping primay scool ttaces ad sUdents ogai zatons oU of saey manaement .sem orraniat on acniis bewe I teches Lnd sidetd exli n the stiaton to theIchool o cmpl y witneic e saey r e - i- ets befoe te l ne for reais. 5 ech act
31、ny mus hhae -curt y, egec, rrsponne pa n for ide nts 6, picnics hik ng, picnic to ppy atet .ntfre pree nton, Lood poisnig , preenti on of fal Iccdes 7, the ictvites nea te rives esevoirs no mesue s or do lot mee telecui, rrqurrmesI f te Organi zaion a nd not le side nts int t he waece on duy wt te -
32、 cet onsi ichools soud al s pay ateton t eVionme nta ise ctons ne a tecpus found t ha te jble mgants frm ual aes, for eampe, haasmetof sUdets a nd a v aiey of acie I s, Iccrs to renew the progrrmme of a ctvies igeed uon core cinalce i er agredt o mpe met. Orgaizin t o te fel d elaiey ar or acniisdig
33、 t >dfeent sitons eportd scoolpuy Die Ed_aton5.3.2 已挖的沟槽铺设在沟底表面,靠近沟壁处的棉毡或草袋要加厚。未 开挖的沟槽,棉毡或草袋铺设宽度为土层冻结深度的两倍与沟槽宽度之和。5.3.3 土方开挖完毕,要立即施工上部基础,防止基土遭受冻结,如有问 歇(12天)要覆盖岩棉被等保温,如果间歇时间较长,要在地基上预留一层 松散土层( 200300mm不挖除,并用保温材料覆盖,待基础施工时再清除到设 计标高。5.3.4 冻土的一次松碎量要根据挖运能力和气候条件确定,松碎后的冻土 要挖掘清除,避免重新冻结。5.4. 钢筋工程5.4.1 钢筋在加工
34、、运输、绑扎过程中,要注意防止撞击、刻痕等缺陷。5.4.2 冰雪天要采取护盖措施,防止钢筋表面结冰瘤。在混凝土浇筑前, 应清除钢筋上的积雪、冰屑,必要时用热空气加热,绑扎完毕后尽快进入下一道 工序。5.4.3 钢筋冬季焊接工艺要求:钢筋电弧焊时,增大焊接电流,减低焊接 速度,电弧帮条焊或搭接焊时,第一层焊缝应从中间引弧,向两端施焊;以后各 层控温施焊,层间温度控制在150350C之间。多层施焊时,采取回火焊道施 焊。雪天现场不宜焊接作业,必须施焊时,应采取有效遮蔽措施。焊后未冷却 接头不得碰到冰雪。5.5. .混凝土工程5.5.1 混凝土冬期施工时,混凝土采用蓄热并掺外加剂、上部覆盖的方法 养
35、护,覆盖采用铺一层聚氯乙烯薄膜保湿,然后覆盖棉毡和草袋保温。5.5.2 在冬期施工开始之前,在基坑或基槽东北侧(主风向)采用搭设挡 风墙,可采用钢管脚手架和篷布搭设,搭设挡风墙时要注意,基坑、基槽与挡风 墙之间要留有足够的空间,同时要注意围护严密、不透风,并绑扎牢固。5.5.3 商品混凝土,所使用材料的储存、搅拌、运输由搅拌站及入模前的 混凝土保温由搅拌站控制.1)、水泥使用前要运入暖棚内存放。2)、混凝土组成材料加热温度要根据需要混凝土拌合物的最终温度按计算确 定,混凝土的温度要控制在35c以内,冬季施工期间用砂中不得含有直径大于 tci,l nns, e_i pment ise ctons
36、 found hi dden i tme for ectiaton, mai ntea nce, and ieicuiy 9, do not use a -pen f-e in t he ca Is.om, pr ohi bi bu.ig sole, ndes mos - .reeBntno sm okig, and bannig mis. wrng. Wi hout us ng ay I oiuehok aplaccs s not a iwd. lw oncam lus . 一 m bes mus ladby pe, a nd idiuae ies and ickeneld,tfe. 11,
37、 hooseod uue of g - in sicools to m-teprope usge ppy atetonttelek proof, plIson prof, IerooI clsig <ale afe use to ensue le - iy 1| dinig room mus be LiaHe d, and anua tesi ng of presue vesels t oe.lay ceck the cate nw.e s mus be ceiid, sr ctybyopeainopeain, g - ank and stole saey dsanceof 15 mee
38、s, to preent iccLets 13, the aese conne Lienies ca uued by gnorng ie saey e.lains wl be puni sed, unti i'estggae d for、a esonsii iy Song Li n XX ang Lu Ja pi ng e-eta,sicoolMacc H6 XXagrbe., ong Li Xi ang Liu ja pi g eemenay school mac206 song Li xang lu ja ping prmay scooi “ saey sysems tehance
39、f_ ey protec prope" a nd the lie ad propey ey of eaces and st udents scooi Ie ey it-ytoy maagemet sdepi ng the flwig Ie ey sysem. , stegthen fie _y wme schoolor dig tote requt-ens of the Fr Seves “ stat .one has of keei g .e control saey, protect ng .e contr oi acatas .e peton.epors of ie1cm的冻块
40、,不得使用冻灰膏、冻灰浆。3)、组成材料要优先考虑加热水,(加热方法由商品混凝土站统一考虑)当 水加热达不到要求温度时,考虑对砂石加热,当石子干燥无冻块时,可只加热砂 子。拌合水加热0 80C,骨料加热0 60Co4)、混凝土浇筑时间应尽量选在上午 9: 00以后,下午16: 00以前气温较 高的时间,浇筑完毕要及时覆盖保温。5)、在混凝土冬季施工中,应在混凝土拌制过程中,掺入一定量的化学外 加剂,如调节混凝土凝结、硬化性能的早强剂;改善混凝土抗冻的防冻剂等。 在 进入冬季施工前,搅拌站对所选用的外加剂要进行钢筋锈蚀试验、7d抗压强度试验和碱含量试验,以及7天、28天强度比试验,并按照相关规范
41、要求做见证 试验。5.6. 混凝土搅拌、运输、浇筑、养护要求5.6.1 搅拌时要先投入砂石和水拌合,然后再投入水泥拌合,不得将水泥 与热水直接搅拌,以免产生假凝。搅拌时间比常温季节延长50%,严禁将带有冻团和冰雪的砂石装入搅拌机内。商品混凝土搅拌站对混凝土搅拌运输冬施要求 按照规范规定来控制。5.6.2 严寒季节浇筑混凝土要对运输机具进行适当的护盖保温,尽量缩短运输距离和装卸次数,浇筑时要快浇快盖,工作面尽量缩小,以减少热损失。随 时对混凝土入模温度采用温度计测温。5.6.3 混凝土浇筑后要随时测量入模温度,并及时做好保湿保温覆盖,先覆盖一层塑料布来保湿,然后再覆盖一层棉毡或草袋来保温, 各层
42、要相互搭盖严 密,敷设后要注意防潮和防止透风。六、冬施期间的安全生产措施6.1. .严格认真执行项目和总公司冬季施工安全生产有关规定。进入冬施各单位要对所有参与现场施工的人员定期进行安全教育,提高安全防护意识。对施 工人员的住所、饮食、及现场环境卫生定期检查,避免住所随便使用电器设备并 防止电缆漏电,发生人员伤害事故,创造良好的工作和生活环境,以保证健康的 身体。6.2. .道路、脚手架、梯子、平台等要有防滑措施,设防滑条。 tci,l nns, e_i pment ise ctons found hi dden i tme for ectiaton, mai ntea nce, and ie
43、icuiy 9, do not use a nopefe i t he ca Is.om, pr ohi bi bu.ig sole, ndes mos - .reeBntno sm okig, and bannig mis. wrng. Wi houu us ng ay I oiuehok aplaccs s not a iwd. lw oncam lus . 一 m bes mus ladby pe, a id e duae ies and ickeneld,tfe. 11, hooseod ule of g - in sicoos to maser prope usge ppy atet
44、onttelek proof, plIson prof, IerooI clsig <ale afe use to ensue le - iy 1| dinig room mus be LiaHe d, and anua tesi ng of presue vesels t oe.lay ceck the cate nw.e s mus be ceiid, sr ctybyopeainopeain, g - ank and stole saey dsanceof 15 mees, to preent iccLets 13, the aese conne Lienies ca uued b
45、y gnorng ie saey e.lains wl be puni sed, unti i'estggae d for、a esonsii iy Song Li n XX ang Lu Ja pi ng eeta,sicool Macc H6 XXagrbe. s ong Li Xi ag Liu,a pi 1 g nay1chool mac sng l. xang lu,a ping .-” scool i. saey .ms toeha. saeyprotic prop”,and ii. le 1adpropey saey ofeics and s udents scool i
46、. saey into-yto-y mu, spi ng ii. flwig i. saey1ysem. , st”i. w"i. scool A-ording ii. .s of i. f. s.v.s Ac, stha -y" s of g i. .ontol saey, pro-t ng i. -nt ol 一 .i0n.e0rs of i.In order to e nsue normal ea chi ng or deeci ng sUdet s ' heat I y growth, esu.g t hat nat ona (pr opey s not i
47、s, topevent or minimize Ieoc . rrence of saey acccdet s, folw t he "eve nt, rescue ea c ole r, ensue ey ad re due losses" principe adi ng to tel .cal unilions, make t he ma.me nt . 1, t he pri .”a is t he esponsi bltyof school safety sCool se .y unde the lea ship of Pesi nt secuiy w o. dig
48、 group. The head ce tie l ea sh、eami s responsii e for,mpi emetaton of Ie auntabily .2, scooi monthy s udet kowe dge about safety . ", . "Sou*be d r it he form every saey eduation for st u-s of ca ssespe ek Soul d be tage - To cay.neme. i cy issue s d g - heduati on inGeneai, selhei and mu
49、tua e scue ko-We-e Emergency cal s (suc - 10,19 ID, 20 a.o on' u_ common sense i e duain. 3 t he esabisme nt of mjr a ccent e porti ng system.SCool s udents epor mjraccde nt Wihi n an hourof Id . ain; studet ru a nd dia pppaa nces to e po*re |or of the a cci det to a wte n eport i tri,ae, a corr
50、lMiI na ce nte a polce stain, at owshi p pe oples Govelme nt shal not cnnea the acie.t 4 ta ches ae I n duty sstm, e- Ils ad .p.<ethe ea -asi-ls stregg het Ie editin, maagemeI t of tacigIctviesilch001sto e nsue norma techigorder esons be forichoolsaey lader s, awas ma ntaie d clooe contcta nd dst
51、ictpol stain* ca nvass ng rm the pokestain on scool - fey a nd hel. 5, sre ngthe "gtta ches 'mora eduatin, ela bls a de dcae d lv e mprovi ng e in quaiyobse<e thes_ets ' psy cholgca chage s a ay time a nd tae prevetie mesue s nocrora puni sment ad cover cpa puni*metons . e, sudent ou
52、t of the clssoom, scoos may not be < units or de | atmets use suuent See pr oppgadapalcpaei n the ce errtion* as l as parciaig i nott e scal wrk wihout appr'alI f the Ccreci ona Cete , scool pr nc pas connent Wthout oraizai in. Wihout theapproval of ree,ant deparmets mlyorganie stdetsto paric pate i fie Iggti I g, dssterekf and s in. ', scoos shouldiduate s udents to obby t he scool r uls and eg ulains on tme ontme home t o prevent iccdents 8, ichool toscool insecins on a eg ua bbsi, fud hi ddde i n tme and i seee cass, i s had toemiate immidiaeyclsd,and reor- to t I e lca | eples
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