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1、文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载! The Olympic Games教学设计设计:崔静永安一中点评:苏琳永定侨育中学TopicM2,U2,The Olympic GamesbjectEnglishStudentsClass 5, Senior One.TeacherCuijing(崔静)PeriodOne periodTpyeReading一、Contents (教材内容分析)本课出自人教版高中英语模块2的第二单元。本单元以世界性的体育盛会Olympic Games 为话题,旨在通过本单元的教学,使学生进一步了解奥运会的起源、宗旨、比赛项目以及古代、现代奥运会的异同。学会用英语表达自己的兴

2、趣爱好以及如何向别人推荐某一种爱好,同时培养学生对体育运动的爱好。点评:教学内容部分对本课的教材出处、知识背景、教学内容、课时安排等进行了详细的分析和介绍,清晰、明了,符合课程标准。二、Teaching aims(教学目标:知识,技能,情感态度、价值观)Teaching Aims.Knowledge AimsKnow the differences between modern and ancient Olympic Games, and learn some words about sport events.点评:本课知识目标的确定体现了以教学大纲为依据,促进学生的实际知识水平确定。.Abi

3、lity AimsA. Improve the reading ability.B. Learn how to do a summary点评:本课技能目标的确定体现了以教学大纲为依据,其次是遵循了素质教育对课堂教学的要求,从提高学生的阅读能力和归纳总结的能力出发,促进学生的实际知识水平确定的。例如“skim,scan 和writing ”等环节体现了课堂知识与课外实践活动相结合的教学理念。 .Emotion AimsA. Know the spirit of Olympics.B. Build up confidence on study, and the cooperation with o

4、thers.点评:情感态度目标寓德育于教学中,在学习奥运精神的同时,培养学生的团体协作精神,使教书育人渗透于英语教学中,实现了素质教育的突破。13 / 16IV.Cultural AimsA. Learn more about the Olympic Games.B. Build up the sense of global cooperation. Difficult pointsHow to improve the reading ability.Important pointsGrasp some reading skills三、学习者特征分析I. The Ss of senior on

5、e enjoy sports, they like playing the events of the Olympics games.II. They have learned some information of the Olympics games.III. The past 2008 Beijing Olympics will arise their interests of this period.点评:教师在学习者特征分析中尊重学生,注重分析学生的智力因素和兴趣、习惯等非智力因素,目的在于给学生创造机会,激发他们积极参与、主动发展。四、教学策略选择与设计Teaching Metho

6、dsCompetition , discussion, introduction.(1先行组织者策略、演示法:利用视频导入新课,利用动画和图片对本课主要词汇进行演示。2.讲授法、反馈:对本课主要知识点进行总结归纳,并巩固练习。3竞赛法:通过竞赛,学习词汇和进一步了解本课的主旨大意。)Learning methodsCooperation, exploration study, group work(1协作式:通过的讨论式、角色扮演式,学生以小组的形式表演对话。2. 问题解决式、研究式:学生独立完成课本的阅读,找出本文的主旨大意和古今奥运的异同。)点评:教学策略选择与设计方法灵活多样,教与学的方

7、式的选择有利于课堂教学的实现;并努力为学生提供实践、自主探索、独立思考、合作交流的空间. 学习活动的设计有利于形成英语语感和语言技能,并对课堂活动过程进行有效的引导。能利用课程资源,创新教学活动,促进学生发展、师生相长。五、教学环境及资源准备Teaching aids: Multi-media, flash,ppt点评:能够借助多种教学媒体,使课堂教学活动顺利的进行。六、教学媒体选择分析表知识点学习目标媒体类型媒体内容要点教学作用使用方式所得结论占用时间媒体来源2-2-1语言能力目标视频, ppt等其他相关资料Lead-in新课导入Warming up(competition)B,EFHH利用

8、电影片段吸引学生注意,激发起学生学习课文的兴趣让学生更多的了解奥运的历史和背景3分2分截取电影片段,自制自制222ppt等其他相关资料words about sport eventsE,GG利用图片复习、学习有关词汇,直观、形象,易接受3分自制2-2-3文字Pre-readingandSkimmingJ,KJ预测课文的大意,培养学生的快速阅读能力。4分自制2-2-4文字、演示文稿、表格、文字、图片、BBSScanningJ,EA加深对课文的理解,培养学生的语言综合能力。8分自制2-2-5能力目标:表格、文字Careful reading and discussJB,A,E培养学生搜集、整理信息

9、的能力,同时培养学生的合作精神。10分自制2-2-6文字、演示文稿、consolidationF,JF,J巩固所学知识,培养学生综合整理的能力5自制2-2-7文字、演示文稿、体验高考 (writing)H,JH,J培养学生运用所学知识的能力8自制媒体在教学中的作用分为:A.提供事实,建立经验;B.创设情境,引发动机;C.举例验证,建立概念;D.提供示范,正确操作;E.呈现过程,形成表象;F.演绎原理,启发思维;G.设难置疑,引起思辨;H.展示事例,开阔视野;I.欣赏审美,陶冶情操;J.归纳总结,复习巩固;K.自定义。媒体的使用方式包括:A.设疑播放讲解;B.设疑播放讨论;C.讲解播放概括;D.

10、讲解播放举例;E.播放提问讲解;F.播放讨论总结;G.边播放、边讲解;H. 边播放、边议论;I.学习者自己操作媒体进行学习;J.自定义。点评:以课件为主的多媒体资源呈现了本课所需的视听材料,体现了信息技术在教学中的优势,将信息技术与教学有机地整合在一起,加大了信息的输入量和语言实践量,让学生在虚拟的“真实”语言环境中将所学的语言知识学以致用。六、Teaching Procedures(教学过程)StepsItems of teachingAimsSteps1 Lead inA. See a short video “YOU AND ME”B. Have you ever heard the s

11、ong?What is the name of the song?What will you think of when we say Olympic Games?Enable the students to get interested in this lesson点评:本环节先从视、听入手,完成表层信息的输入;然后设问启迪,引导学生主动探究,积极获取语言知识,最后再进行理解和运用,发展思维。Steps2 Warming up(competition)A. Have a quiz among groups to learn more about Olympic Games1.When and

12、 where were the Olympic Games first held?2.What is the motto of Olympic Games? 3.What are the names of the mascots of the 29th Olympic Games?4.How many events were there in the Beijing Olympic Games?5.What do the five rings on Olympic flag mean?6.When and where will the next Olympic Games be held?B.

13、 Review some words about sport events点评:本环节通过竞赛、抢答的形式活跃了课堂气氛,拓宽了学生的感性思维,充分调动了学生的学习兴趣和积极性。 使学生都能参与,在愉快的交际化教学中让学生掌握语言知识。A. Let students know some backgrounds about Olympic GamesB. review some words about sport events.Steps3 Pre-readingandSkimmingA. Get the students to predict what the text mainly talk

14、s about?B. Get the Ss to read the text as quickly as possible and answer the questionsQuestions:1. Who are the two people? 2.What are they?To improve the students ability in fast readingSteps4 ScanningGet the Ss to scan the text and do the exercisesTrue or False one after another.1. Pausanias has co

15、me to find out about the modern Olympics (T)Get the Ss to know the meaning of the whole text and to improve their reading ability.2. Every four years, athletes compete from all over the world (T)3. The summer Olympics are usually held two years after the Winter Olympics. (T)4. Neither running races

16、nor horse riding events are included in Winter Olympics. (T)5. All countries can take part in the Olympics whatever standards their athletes are. ( F)6. Women play a very important part in the Olympics(T)7. Hosting the Olympics is not expensive. (F)8. Athletes compete for money. ( F)点评:本环节通过快速阅读,让学生

17、在了解本文主旨大意的基础上,进行“正、误”练习,既调动学生学习主动性,又培养了其阅读能力。Steps5 Careful readingA. Get students to read the text in groups of four and discuss the differences between modern and ancient Olympic gamesB. Get students to fill in the following table. DIFFERENCES:Modern AncientWinter Olympics Yes NoCom

18、petitors all over the world  only the people in Greece Men/ Women both only menPrize medals olive wreathOthers  more events, Olympics Village  less events, no Olympics VillageGet the Ss to get some details and improve their ability in cooperative learning.点评:在

19、小组合作学习中增强了团队合作意识和合作精神,学生互相促进,互相提高。Steps6 consolidation.A. Get students to read the text following the tape and underline difficult expressions and sentences. B. Get students to conclude what we have learnt today. 1.The differences between modern and ancient Olympic Games 2. Some useful words about s

20、port events.点评: 本环节通过让学生将所学归纳总结出来,培养了学生动手能力,同时有利于对所学知识的理解和掌握,体现了素质教育的精神。Get the Ss to consolidate what they have learntSteps7 体验高考(writing)A. Give out students papers.B. Get students to fill in the blanks with proper words.(if time permits, they can have a discussion)C. Let Ss speak out their answer

21、, one student, one word.D. Read it together点评: 本环节通过将interview的文体改编为一篇短文的文体,让学生体验高考,充分调动了学生的学习兴趣和积极性, 使学生在愉快的氛围中将所学知识应用到实际中。To check the students if they master the main idea of the text.Steps8 ClimaxDo you know this man?How many gold medals did he get in the Beijing Olympics?How does he to be a cha

22、mpion?He realized his dream through his effort, then.How can we realize our dreams?Some proverbs:Impossible is nothing. Just do it.Keep moving.Everyone is No.1(If time permits, Lets enjoy a song “I believe I can fly”)点评: 本环节是本课教学的升华,通过学习,让奥运精神“Swifter,Higher,Stronger”成为学生学习的动力。To build up their conf

23、idence in study.Step9Homework1.Search for more information about Olympics on the net.2.Try to analyze the difficult sentences which were underlined.3.Recite the text according to your summaryContents on the Bb Unit 2 The Olympic GamesG1G2G3G4Quiz+20+20+20+20Wordscompetitionhurdles race,long jump hig

24、h jumpgymnastic wrestling, diving, weightlifting, judoskiing, skating, ice hockey, etctable tennis, badminton, tennis, baseball Record after teaching:总得来说,本课在整个学习过程中,以学生为学习的主体,教师起主导的作用,贯彻了新教材的教学思路。教学过程中,教师不仅注重知识的传授,更注重英语学习方法的传授,符合基础教育新课程改革中不仅重知识更重方法的精神。教学流程图Enable the students to get interested in t

25、his lessonSee a short vedio “YOU AND MESomequestions Get the Ss to think more about the Olympic Games?Have a quiz among groups to learn more about Olympic Gamesknow the meaning of the whole text and to improve their reading ability.Scanning-True or False Exx.predict the main idea and answer some que

26、stions.Pre-reading and SkimmingflashLet students know some backgrounds about Olympic Games Review some words about sport eventssome pictures about the sports events教学内容和教师的活动学生的活 动媒体的应 用教师进行逻辑判断The end A f video.Homework体验高考 Writing: To check the students if they master the main idea of the text.Con

27、solidation:Get the Ss to consolidate what they have learntflashfill in the following table.some details and improve their ability in cooperative learning.Careful reading:discuss the differences between modern and ancient Olympic games六、评价本节课体现素质教育要求,把评价的侧重点放在学生的学习活动上,围绕学生主动学习来评价;充分利用现代教育技术,使评价具有客观性和

28、可操作性,便于掌握和应用。评价分为两部分:1.    定量评价评价总分=课堂学习成果评价表得分(30)+小组协作互助表得分(20)+小组成果汇报表得分(30)+学习感受得分(20)2.定性评价一系列的定性评价和为促进学生发展的改进意见等等。1.课堂学习成果评价量表(30)班别_          姓名:_            得分:_评价项目评  价

29、60; 标  准等级(权重)分自评小组评教师评优秀良好一般较差知识与技能掌握本课的生词、重点句型等10853   了解奥运会的历史、背景和古今奥运的异同10853   能够了解本课主旨大意,并用interview的形式进行表演10853   链接高考:把本课的interview形式改写成短文形式,同时巩固本课所学的重难点8642   操作技能熟悉运用网络独立收集、分析、处理和评价信息的方法(课前在家完成)10853   积极参与小组合作

30、与交流10853   情感态度课堂上积极参与,积极思维,积极动手、动脑,发言次数多8642   小组协作交流情况:小组成员间配合默契,彼此协作愉快,互帮互助10853   对本内容兴趣浓厚,提出了有深度的问题。8642   课堂调查:书面写出你在学习本节课时所遇到的困难,向教师提出较合理的教学建议。  8642   2.定性评价一系列的定性评价和为促进学生发展的改进意见等等。我这样评价我自己:  伙伴眼里的

31、我:  老师的话:   注:1.得分为自评、互评、教师评总分之均值;2.“我这样评价我自己”、“伙伴眼里的我”以及“老师的话”都是针对课堂学习情况的概括性评判和描述。2.课堂小组协作学习评价系列表表二:小组协作互评表(20分)编号题目成员1成员2成员3成员4    1在大部分时间里他(她)踊跃参与,表现积极。    2他(她)的意见总是对我很有帮助。    3他(她)经常鼓励/督促小组其他成员积极参与协作。    4他(她)能够按时完成应该做的那份工作和学习任务。    5我对他(她)的表现满意。    6他(她)对小组的贡献突出。    7如果还有机会我非常愿意与她(他)再分到一组。    8对他(她)总体上是喜欢的。      表三:小组成果汇报评价表(合30分)汇报组别:汇报主题:汇报人:评价者:评价者组别:


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