



1、第01讲一个人的工作,究竟是三分成绩七分错误,还是七分成绩三分错误,必须有个根 本的估价。We must have a fundamental evaluation of a person work and establishwhether his achievements amount to 30 percent and his mistakes to 70 percerVjoor versa 变换(variation) 同名异称法: Mrs. Thatcher, she, the Prime Minister, the Iron Lady, the leader othe Conserva

2、tive Party, the first woman Prime Minister.近义词复现:上位词和统称词。John ' s bought himsenfewFord He practically lives in th图arI don ' t know where to stay when I arriveew YorkI have never been to thaplace3.省略一零位替代(omission)在并列结构中,英语常常省略前面出现过的词语,而汉语则往往重复这些词语:Reading exercises on ' e eyes; speaking,

3、 one ' s tongue; while writing, one' s阅读训练人的眼睛,说话训练人的口齿,写作训练人的思维。英语常常承前省略相同的谓语动词,而汉语则较常承前省略相同的主语 一、重复结构汉语的重复作为一种修辞手段有两种作用。一是为了强调,重复表达一个意思,或增添修饰语,加强语义。二是为了便于 词语搭配,或平衡节奏,增加可读性。” 前者称为语义性重复,后者称为修辞性重复。这些具有重复语义的词语或句子,可有效地增强语势、强化语义、提高表达效果。花言巧语 fine words 汕嘴滑舌 a ib tongue 捕风捉影 to catch at shadows 精疲

4、力竭exhausted 随波逐流 to swim with the stream 水深火熟 in deep waters 咬牙切齿to gnash one ' s teeth 土崩瓦解to fall apart 自吹自襟 to blow one ' s own trumpet 铜墙铁壁bastion of iron二十年,时间看起来很长,一晃就过去了。所以,我们从八十年代的第一年开始, 就必须一天也不耽误,专心致志地,聚精会神地搞四个现代化建设。(邓小平文选第二卷Although a period of 20 years sounds quite long, the time

5、will slip by very quickly. From the very first year of the 1980s, we must devote our full attention to achieving the four modernizations and not waste a single day.我们说,长征是历史记录上的第一次,长征是宣言书,长任是宣传队,长征是播种机。(毛泽东选集第一卷We answer that the Long march is the first oifts kind in the annals of history, that it i

6、s a manifesto, a propaganda force, a seeding-machine.二、四宇结构花园里面是人间的乐园, 有的是吃不完的大米白面, 穿不完的绫罗绸缎, 花不完的金银财宝。(周而复:上海的早晨 )The garden was a paradise on earth, with more food and clothes than could be consumed and more money than could be spent.三、汉语意义上的赘余现象:他所担任的工作his work另外还有in addition不切实际的幻想illusion; fanc

7、y1. 加速经济改革的步伐。To accelerate the pace oefconomic reform.To accelerate economic reform2. 农业收成很好。There have been good harvests in agriculture.There have been good harvests.3. 这些困难从本质上讲是短暂的。These hardships are temporary in nature.These hardships are temporary.The flag is red in colour.The pandas are few

8、 in number.4. 我们经济未来的发展在很大程度上取决于教育的发展。The development of our economy in the future will, to a large extent, depend on the development of education.The development of our economy will depend to a large extent on the development of education.5. 随着农业机械化和电气化的实现,农民的生活水平得到了极大的提高。With the realization of me

9、chanizationand electrification of agriculture, the peasants living standards have been greatly raised.With the mechanization and electrification of agriculture, the peasants living standardshave been greatly raised.6. 这些是过渡时期努力完成总任务的重要条件。These constitute important conditions in striving for the fulf

10、illment ofthe general task inthe transitional period.These are important conditions for fulfilling the general task in the transition period.7. 确保两国之间密切合作的关系To ensure a relationship of lose cooperation between To ensure close cooperation between8. 要我们一夜之间完成整个社会的转变是不可能的。It is impossible for us to acc

11、omplish the transformation otfhe whole society overnight.It is impossible for us to transform the whole society overnight.9. 想要诱使朝鲜军队对他们发起攻击。Trying to entice the Korean army to launch an attack against them.Trying to entice the Korean army to attack them.Pronouns英语代词指代事物或者人物的时候有两种方式,一种是前指(Anaphoric

12、Reference:a word or phrase referring back to something previously stated. Example: God loves us. That is what the prophet said to the people.); 一种是后才旨或者预指 (Cataphoric References word or phrase referring forward to an idea or event not yet expressed. Example: This is good for you, to eat some fresh f

13、ruit every day.)英语倾向于多用代词,凭借指代关系传递逻辑信息;汉语倾向于重复名词或名称, 凭借复述传递逻辑信息。按R. Quirk所著A Grammar of Contemporary English一书中的说法是:英语普通 名词的独特属性(与汉语区别)是前面必须用不同类型的,排他的限定词。最常 见的限定词是冠词。不使用冠词的情况下,限定词必然是某类代词。比如:the/a/my/each/this/whose - classmate英语普通名词要求前置限定词的属 性,导致代词的广泛使用(注意普通名词复数形式可以不用限定词,如 pens are useful或we have en

14、ough pen野)而汉语则不然,汉语没有冠词,也不存在功能 相当于冠词的限定词。This Organization has repeatedly declared that it will never involve in any regional conflict which has so far led to discordance in that area. It will never commit itstofany undertaking against its fundamental principles. Moreover, it will never act for any

15、agency that has involved in regional conflicts and will never do anything in the interest ofany agencythat has committed itself to venturesagainstthe fundament principles of this Organization.本组织曾反复宣告,绝不介入任何导致某一地区纠纷的区域性冲突,绝不参与与本组织的基本原则背道而驰的活动。不仅如此,本组织绝不充当任何业已卷入区 域性冲突的机构的代理人,绝不参与这类机构所从事的任何违背本组织基本原则 的

16、活动。第02讲1. Communication context2. Time and spaceLow context cultures tend to communicate directly, with meaning clearly and explicitly conveyed through words themselves.High-context cultures tend to communicate less directly, with meaning inferred from the surrounding context.Low ContextHigh Context

17、Equality before the lawRevere the mandarins/lordsRule of lawHuman relations, trust & carePrinciples and concepts importantThe situation is everythingLogic is goodLogic is dangerousmpersonalism and objectivityAvoidance of outsiders in decision-makingDetailed contracts and prior understandingsGene

18、ral, non-specific agreementsFriendship distinct from obligationsFriendship involves obligationsReadiness to litigateDisaster for litigationUse professionals in dispute resolutionPresumption of guiltLittle emphasis on face savingHeavy emphasis on fact saving to foster friendshi developmentRead the fo

19、llowing sentences carefully, decide what is wrong with them and think about the effect that such errors could have they happened in a real business situation.1. We shall try out the questionnaires first on our guests to see ifwe can improve on them.The questionnaires may need improvement. We shall t

20、ry them out on our guests.2. Your question annoys us since all guestsincluding you were given an information booklet in which all such matters are clearly dealt with. Had you read it you would not be making complaints. (write to a customer).We are annoyed at ourselves for not drawing to your attenti

21、on the information booklet available to all o guests. you had been awaithe)suggestions it contained, you would not have been so inconvenienced. Five Levels of Speech Frozen FormalConsultative Casual IntimateA young lady home from school was egg she said, “ and makeperforation in the ba

22、se and a corresponding one in the apex, then apply the lips to the aperture, and by forcibly inhaling the breath, the shell is entirely discharged of its contents. ” 一位刚从学校回家的女学生正在解释:取一枚鸡蛋,”她说,在蛋的底部打一小孔,再在顶点上打一对应小孔。然后,将嘴唇置于该孔之上并用力吸气,壳内 之物则尽释无遗。”An old day who was listening exclaimed: " Ibeats a

23、ll how folks do things nowadays.When I was a gal, they made a hole in each end and sucked”一位听她讲话的老太太嚷了起来:如今的人做事真叫人摸不着头脑,我作姑娘的那阵儿,人们把蛋一头磕一个洞,嘶溜儿一嗫就吃了。”Culture: the shared values and balierouof opeople.Hofstede defines culture as' ' the collective phogmnramwhgpbfdistinguishesthe members of one

24、 human group from others. Culture, in this sense, includes systems of values and values are the building blocks oulture. ' ' Culture is the coherent, learned, sharedview of a group of people about life corscerns that ranks what is important, furnishes attitudes about what things are appropri

25、ate, and dictates behaviours.Geert Hofstede conducted an extensive program oresearch on cultural dimensions in international business. Statistical analysistbfs data suggests that four dimensions could be used to describe the important differences among the cultures in the study: 1. individualism/col

26、lectivism, 2. power distance, 3. career success-quality ofe,4. uncertainty avoidance. American DreamThe American dream is the idea (often associated with the Protestant work ethic) held by many in the United States oAfmerica that through hard work, courage and determination one can achieve prosperit

27、y. Thesewerevaluesheldby manyearlyEuropeansettlersa,nd havebeenpassedon to subsequent generations.COLLECTIVISMCollectivism is defined as the theory and practice that makes some sort gorfoup rather than the individual the fundamental unit of political, social, and economic concern. In theory, collect

28、ivists insist that the claims of groups, associations,or the state must normally supersede the claims oinf dividuals.Collectivism meansthe subjugation of the individual to a group - whether to a race, class or state does not matter. Collectivism holds that man must be chained to collective action an

29、d collective thought for the sake owfhat is called 'the common good'.IndividualismThe foundation of individualism lies in one's moral right to pursue one's own happiness. This pursuit requires a large amount oinf dependence, initiative, and self-responsibility."Individualism reg

30、ards man - every man - as an independent, sovereign 独立自主 entity who possesses an inalienable right to his own life, a right derived from his nature as a rational being. Individualism holds that a civilized society, or any form of association, cooperation or peaceful co-existence among men, can be ac

31、hieved only on the basis ofthe recognition of individual rights - and that a group, as such, has no rights other than the individual rights ofits members.Negotiation Around the World BritainArrogant, conservative, logical and gentleman like. They are not used to showing oinff public and keep a dista

32、nce with others. They will not confuse personal relation with business relation, so business affairs go first.GermanyCool-headed, diligent, confident, conceited, inflexible and pursuing perfection. They are very serious and cautious about business affairs, which explains the reason why they care a l

33、ot about their dressing. They treasure individualism. Therefore, personal opinions and abilities are looked upon as important in negotiation.FranceFrench people are by nature optimistic, enthusiastic, humorous, romantic and patriotic. They consider friendship as important in doing business,so they w

34、ill not place large order before trustful and friendly relation is established. They have strong consciousness of their national culture which is manifestedin their preference of using French in international business talks.ItalyItalian people are self-centred and very independent due to historical

35、reasons. They do not like to contact outside world. Italian leadersare dogmatic, stiff and dictatorial. In negotiations, they appear to be emotional, changeableand arguable,especiallyover prices.SpainSpanish people appear to be arrogant and superior. They respect reputation and contracts. In Spain,

36、business is often done at dinner table and feasts usually go late into midnight.Northern European CountriesNorthern Europe includes Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Iceland. With its protestanttradition and indoor culture, they are generally independent, polite, peaceful, frank, active but stubborn and obstinate.RussiaHospitable, enthusiastic, firm and obstinate. They rely heavily on the network of relationship. In negotiation, Russian will almost never accept first offer no matter how low it is, so it is wise to leave a space for price reduction and be firm when it is necessary. America


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