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1、Unit5 SectionA (1a-2d) 教案【教材版本与册数】 新目标人教版九年级上册【单元名称】Unit 5 What are the shirts made of ?【课时】Section A 1a-2d (第1课时)【课型】Listening and Speaking (听说课)教材分析【本单元话题】本单元以中国制造的东西为话题,以谈论中国的物产及其产地为交际功能,重点在这些语境中 学习和运用了 一般现在时的被动语态。【本单元重点掌握目标】掌握TK现在时的被动语态结构:am/is/are+PP【教材内容拆分分析】Section A从与日常生活相关的词汇入手,开展了简单的物产及产地的

2、会话和阅读活动,并在表 达中穿插了被动语态的陈述句、一般疑问句句、反义疑问句和否定句的使用。1a主题图及表格运用不同的材料及其制成的东西,谈论物品的制成的材料,呈现了一般现在时 的被动语态一M妣问句,如Is it made of silver?引导学生初步了解一M现在时的被动语态一M妣问句。1b和1c分别通过听力练习及口语交流活动, 为学生展示了该结构在英语中的运用及其基本特征。2a-2c通过正轮的听说活动,谈论不同的东西的制造,丰富英语学习话题下的谛言输入内容, 侧重听说技能的训练和提升学生的语言表达能力。2d则围绕茶的生产与制作,进一步熟练应用一般现在时的被动语态的陈述句。【通过本单元的学

3、习学生需掌握哪些综合技能】通过本单兀的学习使学生学会谈论/、同的东西及其制成的材料,掌握教材所呈现的与各种东西及原材料主题相关的单词和一般现在时被动语态的肯定句、一般疑问句。教学目标息语百知识目标:1 .能够用英语描述及询问物品的制作材料,正确理解被动语态的用法及句子,激发调动学生的求知欲,熟练使用以下词汇、短语和句型:单词: chopsticks, coin, fork, blouse, silver, glass, cotton, steel, grass, leaf, produce, widely, be knownfor, process, pack短语:be made of /fr

4、om/in/by, be famous for , as far as I know,句型: This ring looks nice. Is it made of silver?Yes, and it was made in Thailand. What is it made of/from? China is famous for tea, right? Where is tea produced in China?2 .听说训练:通过听前的词汇分类与听中聚焦关键信息,学生能掌握该听力策略略。通过听后深度挖掘听力信“务的设置和文本再构,学生能进一步去判断并思考表达观点,发展了 口语技情感态

5、度价值观目标:了解一些日常用品的制成材料,增加生活常识,养成良好的生活习惯;了解一些地方知名产品或 传统艺术品的制作过程以及制作材料,培养学生的民族自豪感及爱国主义精神。教学重难点教学重点:1 .被动语态的陈述句、一般疑问句和否定句。2 .be made of , be made in 和 be made from 的 区别。教学难点:理解被动语态的用法及句子结构 am/is/are+ PP建议教法情景交际法,任务型教学法,听说课的 “3蹴学模式:P-呈现(语言输入)P-操练(1.机械操练2.听力训练)P-运用(语百输出)设置t青景意义操练设计听后活动任务,先模仿再迁移总结,听后设置任务提升学

6、生语言运用能力教学流程(详见相应教学设计)教学评价1 .本课时的目标设计清晰可操作,活动的设计紧扣目标要求并与目标达成一致。2 .听中的活动设计遵循谛言规律,由易到难逐层递进,充分体现谛言输入到谛言输出的完整过程。3 .听后的活动设计体现对文本内容的深度挖掘和文本再构,体现了对学生思维品格的训练与培养。附:教学活动设计步骤过程措施(教师活动与学生活动)目的持续性评价DELC41预备与 激活先 期知识Step 1 Greetin g and Leading in (3mins )1. Greet the students and let them read the passaj My Chang

7、e in Middle School2. The teacher uses a question to lead in the topic T: I bought some new things yesterday. How are they like? What do you want to know more about them?3. The teacher presents the new clothes and talks about its materials.T: look at the red dress. It is cotton. Look at the T-shirts.

8、 It is silk e1 .利用IQEE策略利用旧的词汇来与 本堂课的话题词汇建立起记忆连接。 简单有效的激活学生与此话题相关 的背景知识激活学生的前期知识,培 养学生良好的预习习惯。2 .真实情景式导入话题,激发学生的 学习兴趣1 .通过课前的预习, 培养学生的“IIQEE” 学习策略2 .学生利用老师提供 的信息对老师进行提 问DEL C52 获取 iO 识Step2 Prelistening (听前)(3 mins)The teacher uses some things and pictures to let students be familiar with the new wo

9、rds.1.T: What are the chopsticks made of ?S: They are made of wood.T: What is the coin /ring /blouse/windowS: It is made of silver / gold/cotton/ glass1a What are these things usually made of? Match them with the materials. More than one answer is possible.ThingsMaterials1. chopsticksa. wood2. windo

10、wb. gold3. coinc. silver4. stampd.paper5. forke. silk6. blousef. glass教授核心句子It is made of.教授核心短语和单词be made of silver /steel/cotton/silk- beamiside?from paper/复习巩固目标词汇和短语,为后续听 力做准备和铺垫句型 made of silver/steel/cotton/silk.It is made from paper.培养学生听前预测和聚焦关键信息和关注细节问题的听力策略学生是否能熟悉核心 短语和句型学生两人一组能利用 目标句型进行对话

11、展 示Step 3 Whilelistening (听中)(5mins)1. Listen. Match the products with what they are made of.2. Ss listen and match the products with where they were made.3. Listen and fill in the blanks.Susan: Hi, Anita. I three shirts for 29dollars yesterday!Anita: Oh, really? What are theyofthough? Sometimes the

12、 cheap ones are made of materials that don' t feel very good.Susan: A hundred percent. They' rnice and soft, and they were made in America.Anita: Oh, OK. By the way, where did you buy those? They ' re really cool!Susan: O h, I them in Korea.They' re nice, aren ' t they?Anita: Yea

13、h. Chopsticks are usually made of wood. I ' ve never seen steel ones before.Susan: Oh, steel chopsticks arepopular in Korea. Hey, do you think this ring looks OK?Anita: Hmm yes, I think it' s quite pretmade of?Susan: Yes, and it was made in Thailand. I ' give it to my best friend for her

14、 birthday.Anita: Oh, I ' mshe' ll love it.1 .通过听力练习,达到谛言输入的目 的。2 .能逐步掌握利用听中聚焦关键信 息和关注细节的策略,容易地完成听 力任务3 .再次听力练习,要求听和写务 让轴入和轴出致。ey. Is itl部分学生应该能利用 此策略获取有效信 息.1 .学生是否能听懂目 标词汇匕基本句型。2 .学生是否能用目标 词汇回答问题。4. Listen and read follow the tape.Step 4 Postlistening (听后)(5 mins)1. T: Let's practice th

15、e conversation with your partner.Pair workShow some pictures. Make conversations using the information in 1b.A: The shirts look nice. Are they made of cotton?进一步巩固听力内容,拓展学生思维学生是能通过听音 与朗读,用目标词 汇和句型创编新的 对话。B: Yes, and they were made in America.1. Look at the picture and answer the following questions.

16、1.学生是否能用已 学的目标词汇或句DE LC63 深 度 加 工 知 识Step 5Pre由听到说,学习和巩固本课时所学的词 汇。型回答问题2.学生是否能朗读 目标句型。-listenin g(听前) (3mins)? What is this? What is made of ? Where is it presented?2. Present the new words and guess the words.Step 6 Whilelistening (听中)(6 mins)1. T: Listen and check the main topic of Nick and Marcus

17、' conversation.2. Check the answers with the class.3. Listen again. Write short answers to the questions4. Listen again and fill in the blanks.Nick: Hey Marcus, have you heard about the art and science fair?Marcus: You mean the one just outside the science museum?Nick: Yeah, that ' s the one

18、. The school notice b says that all students are invited to forfree! Our school is paying for it!Marcus: Wow, that ' s great!1 .通过听力练习巩固并检测学生所学的 目标词汇及句型是否掌握。2 .通过听力原文听音模仿,进一步巩 固所学的目标语言。ioard1 .学生是否能听懂 目标词汇及句型2 .学生是否能通过 听音模仿朗读课文。Nick: I went there yesterday.Marcus: Did you see anything cool?Nick:

19、 Of course! All the works there were made by students.Marcus: What did you see?Nick: I saw a model plane. It ' made ofwood and glass. I also saw a really beautiful painting. It ' m ade from, leaves andflowers.Marcus: Oh, yeah, theis aboutenvironmental and recycling, right?Nick: Yes, and the

20、studentsup withsome really interesting and creative ideasStep 7 Postlistening(听后)(5 mins)Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.A: What did you see at the art and science fair?B: I saw A: What is it made of/from?B:Ss make their own conversations with his or her partner. Then let some

21、pairs act out their conversations.创编新的对话,巩固拓展学生词汇及所 能力。学生能运用所学目 标词汇,创编新的 对话Step 8 Role-pla y (8 mins)1. Read 2d and answer the following questions.1) Where is tea produced in China?It is produced in many different areas2) How is it grown?Tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains. When the leave

22、s are ready, they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing.3) What happens next?The tea is packed and sent to many different countries and places around China.2. Fill in the blanks in the table with the informationfrom 2d.How is tea produced:1) Theplants are onthe.2) When the leaves are r

23、eady, they are and then are,3) The tea is and to manydifferent places.答案:grown, sides of mountains, picked by hand, sent for processing, packed, sent3. Read 2d and role play it with your partners.4. Language pointsA. be made of, be made from, be made in ,be made by的辨析1. be made of, be made from两词组都是

24、 由 制成”之意。be made of指从原料到制成品只发生1 .通过阅读Role play,回答所设置的问 题,学生能通过寻找细节,达到掌握对话,后、02 .通过模仿朗读,以及表演对话达到语2 真实运用的目的。3 .有能力的学生可以在对话原文的基 础上创编新的对话,并进行表演,进一步培养巩固学生英语学习兴趣,也检 查学生是否掌握当堂课要求达到的教学 目标通过问题和判断题 '能让大多数学生清 晰掌握本课的内容。DE LC74 评 价 学 生Step9了形状变化,没有发生本质变化(属物理变化); be made from指从原料到制成品,发生了质的变 化,已无法复原(属化学变化)。2.

25、be made by表示“由 制作”,后面接指人的 名词或代词,强调动作的执行者。3. be made in当后面接指时间的数词或名词时, 表示“某物何时制造的或何时产的”。当后面接 指地点的名词时,表示“某地产某物”。根据汉语意思完成英语句子。1)这个飞机模型是用木头做的。The model planewood.2)葡锢酒是由葡锢酿成的。Winegrapes.3)这些汽布是在上海制造的。These carsShanghai.4)这些蛋糕是我姐姐昨晚制作的。These cakesmy sister last night.答案: (1) is made of (2) is made from(3) are made in (4) were made byB. be known as思为 作为用著名 b女no


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