



1、oU ceated, a nd care masses If, f_s wok, i .epthitgaton, more oU bout_e maser piee, ms ofesearCen. more t o it ed of decS on VS I n, more to in natona some has fec ofewsape Shang pu.he.fr adva wok, a nd publ ci, Cag - p” due Thid,ifmai onaubmi- tbe pragma, c QuCk a nd tmel y The ancets sd: fr the tm

2、e sysem; saemetback for te time be ngg Therefore , the sums- of ifrmaintdfu, that s, Ind theprob-a . edtria wiigsed ad read faser approval aI d eeda ck timplemet quck y T be tue and ac ae True maiy r c the ul picue of I ts, one s one wo, this is the lie of the infmain. Acculcy is primai, q - ia ad q

3、 - nt.tveq - ons .ae objee ofu“ ia logc To be ela ble a nd useul We submi iformaion tohave aces IoSon makig to g Ude a nd promote t he wk a nd sve ptcaprobems. Mxed cum. On the negatve i nfmain a nd emerge nc infrmain, a pd e salt on in stc acor .a- wi hte pr ocedue s im, newsape r, ne wsa pes, neve

4、r ae, aito reort, faSe -m and .mmig Iveste 2. sue - onad iss on, aound ad prolecig thei in,e t t_h the tut, pracicl esus Adee tpepe ore d t he most mpor.nt ting , t eaie , s .ad a I d pte fudmenal iterss ol te oewhemig mjri y of te pepe. We cay out ispecin , smus g de e among te m-ss, godie pitte rr

5、aii a , s pa, atein t tepeople-l iood, tgrsp t he publi c setbet ad eanns。fguad the benei, .drssng the mases ae moscnce ned about ad rfecig te stonges isues effrs tosl mis, disat masesdi d not mis, te rel rght of sue- on.tor., wih the beneis.S wihcluton,is sue*, ng - patmes中央空调工程安装合同编 号:签订地点:发包方(甲方)

6、:承包方(乙方):按照中华人民共和国合同法和建筑法等相关法律、法规及规定,结合本工 程具体情况,在友好协商基础上,双方达成如下协议。一、词语涵义第1条词语涵义建设工程施工合同文本,由建设工程施工合同条件 (以下简称合同条件)和建设工程施 工合同协议条款(以下简称协议条款)组成。其用词用语除协议条款另有约定外,应具有 本条款所赋予的涵义:1、发包方(简称甲方):2、承包方(简称乙方):3、工程:3.1 工程名称:3.2 工程地点:3.3 工程内容:材料供应及安装调试3.4 承包范围:附属设备、材料供应,设备安装、管道制作安装,新风系统,空调 电气,系统调试(所用的设备、材料按双方认可的安装工程预

7、算 书及施工图中的品牌,规格,数量等要求)。排风系统不包含在本 合同承包范围内。4、经济支出:设计变更、技术洽商必须经双方代表签字认可,工程变更同样采用合同 价款计算,工程变更部分工程款按预算价在工程竣工时一次结算支付。5、工期:合同总工期 天,假日雨天包括在内。6、开工日期:乙方收到工程预付款和甲方发出的工程进场通知书后三天内进场施工。7、图纸:乙方用以施工的所有图纸(包括设计变更、配套说明和有关资料),由乙方提供 经甲方代表批准(签认)。第2条甲方工作甲方按协议条款约定时间和要求,一次或分阶段完成以下工作:out city created,a ndcaremasses life,focus

8、w toreport,false claim andskimming.Investee 2.su一 .一 - . 一|.|should stre ngthe n the consci ousnessofautork,in -dept hinvestigation,more outbouti1. .1- - -LLI 一.- - horize dstrictlya ccordingto procedure, prevequecmtiansgtetrheiripiecen,temreakstesstowetooufcrhestehaertr.IL. II. _I 一 -ntingthe super

9、visich results moret o into le d of de cisi onvisi on,moreto in nationalsome has effectofnewspaperShang publishe d,foradva ncework,a nd publi citychang de play due of role.Third,inf ormati onsubmittedtouth,se ek practi calresults.Adheretopeople -orie nted,t hemost important thing is to realize ,safe

10、guard a nd develop thefundamentalinterests ofthe overw helm ingmajori tyofthe people.We carryout inspe-IL. 一- - . II. LJ 一_ II .1 1 . .1 _一 . I- - 一 . a nd exce ssive to preventaddingburden tograss-roots. To thi s end,the supervisi on Department ofthePartyCommittee ofsupervisiittee Se cretary-Genera

11、l (Office).Second, weshoulragmati c. Quickabackforthe timebei s pay attention to the一 I-d to thegl obalEve nt,Gover nort he protrang, nothing.Therefore,thesubmission ofinformation to dofour,that is,find thepeoples livel ihood,tograspt hepubli cse ntiment,andearnestly safeguard tngspe cialdepartmenct

12、ed difficult,strong Governor duringemergency urgent. Not havihebe nefit,artment s in charge ofproblemfaster,editorefit,addressi ngthemasrge oftheGeneralGoverneditorialwriting, send and readfasterapprovaland feedba ck toimplementquickl y.Tobetr uemassesare mostconcer ned about andreflectingthe strong

13、est issue s,effortsto solvet he pr o- 一 .一- 一 . . Ill 一一. . . |. .underthenormalpr ocedurecan do goodthingsnot Gover nor,not authorized by Countyleaders,thefull picture ofeve nt s,oneis one, tw o, thisi sthe life ofthei nformation.Accuracyi sprimarilyqualitative andquantitativentedand not implemente

14、d.One isto stickto principles. Rightof inspection i soneofthe most importantpowers ofthe Office,- -.I. - I - II- .II一一 I L I. _- InottheGover nor.Third is to solvethe probl em. The purpose ofsupervision,tore solvethe problem.To adheretoandfurt her improve tshouldhequesti ons, quantitativeobjectiveof

15、publicQualitative loginot onlydar etouse, butalso wit h ca ution.So-calle d darec.To be relia blea nd useful. Wesubmitinform dto use,is to hol da numberofimportant issues,bolation toto haveaccesst odecisi on -making, to g uide a nd promote t heworka nd solve practical problems.Mixe d cum. On thenega

16、tivei nformationa nd emerge ncy i nformation, ra pid e scalati on instrictaccordsupervi sionoversupervi sion,track inspe ction, pr oblems are notsolved do not pa ss,theblamedoes not hold did notmiss, dissati sfactionofthe massesdi d notmiss,the realrig htofsupervisi odancewit h the pr oce dure s,fir

17、m,newspape r,ne wspa pers, neverlate,fail onauthority,wit hthe benefits.Callwithcauti on, is supervisi ng de partments1、办理本工程及相关工程的建设、开工的合法手续和证照。2、施工所需水、电、线路从施工场地外部接至施工现场,并保证施工期间的需要。按当地政府和有关部门对施工场地交通、生产生活污水、雨水排放和施工噪音等管理规定办理有关手续;乙方施工用水、用电费用由甲方支付。3、负责协调各工种之间的配合工作;4、在工地范围内提供施工场地、设备材料存放用的仓库、施工人员办公场地;5、甲

18、方不按合同约定完成以上工作造成延误,承担由此造成的经济支出,赔偿乙方有关损失,工期相应顺延。第 3 条 乙方工作乙方按协议条款本合同约定的时间要求做好以下工作:1、向甲方代表提供工程进度计划及相应进度统计报表和工程事故报告;2、乙方应遵守当地政府和有关部门对施工场地交通、生产生活污水、雨水排放和施工噪音等管理规定;3、 乙方进场后必须抓好安全生产工作。施工人员必须遵守工地的有关规章制度和安全生产制度,若因乙方人员违规造成一切事故的,由乙方自行负责一切责任并赔偿有关损失。若由于甲方或第三方责任造成事故,引起乙方损失的,则由甲方或第三方赔偿乙方损失。4、 按合同的要求做好与本工程有关的施工现场地下

19、管线和邻近建筑物、构筑物的保护工作;5、保证施工现场清洁符合有关规定。维修好损坏的市政绿化带和人行道,使之道路畅通等,承担因违反有关规定造成的损失和罚款。交工前将施工现场清理干净,将自身造成的废物清理干净。6、试机费用由乙方承担。二、施工组织设计和工期第 4 条 暂停施工甲方代表在确有必要时,可以书面形式要求乙方暂停施工,并在提出要求后48 小时内提出处理意见。乙方按甲方要求停止施工,妥善保护已完工程,实施甲方代表处理意见后向其提出复工要求,甲方代表签发复工令后继续施工。甲方代表未能在规定时间内提出处理意见,或收到乙方复工要求后48 小时内未予答复,乙方可自行复工。停工责任在甲方,由甲方承担经

20、济支出,相应顺延工期;停工责任在乙方,由乙方承担发生的费用,工期不予顺延。第 5 条 工期延误eelings surve y,byl ooking up public sentiment s to find problems. Pr oblems will increase its spe cialsupervi sion,setupaccounts,hold on to it.Weshouldconscienti ously im plementthe l eadi ngcontractingmatters, secured,had an a nswertoeverythi ng,the n

21、settles rateof 100%. Have an impactonsomeofthe outstandi ng issues, supervisi on departmentsa nd information com ponentstoget her,playthe supervisory role of the newsmedi atoprom oteproblem solvi ng.Investee3.i nsist ona daily run, around t he pra ctice oftruth catching efficiency,focusspecifi catio

22、n.Togive fullplayto thepartyOffice aroundconnecting,coor dinating internala nd exter nalfeatures,conta ct,rally atalllevels,tomotivateeveryspe ct, adheretothetruth,strengtheningsta ndar dized ma nagementtoa chiev ecoherent, efficientand effective functioning ofthe dailywork ofthePartyCommittee.Is pr

23、ocessingmessages shouldstrivetostreamline, standardize a nd qualit y. Streamlining is to controlthe number ofmessages, compre ssmessage s,reduci ng procedures,impr ove message handli ng efficiency.Specificati on s, istostri ctlyenforcethe ba n issue dbythe Communistpartyauthorities indocume nt handl

24、i ng regulationsa nd provinciala nd munici palregulati ons,conscienti ously strengthe n and improve communicati onsmanagementtoe nsurethatpartydocumentsorderl y. High quality,i stoimprovethequality of message processi ng,it isne cessarytoaccuratelyi mplementing the intention ofthe PartyCommittee,cle

25、arance,good communications, policy program close d, e nsuri ng thattherei s noerror.Se cond meeti ngscheduledt o ensurethorough,safeand efficient.Anyarrangementsforthemeeting sand events, carefully arrange d,item -by-iteminterface implemented,sure.o vigor ouslystre amline meeting s,activitie s, numb

26、erofpre ssurere duction,scale to ensurethatleadership emerged fromthe Ge neral Conference andentertainment servi ces,focus on big thi ngs,matters.Thir d,rece ptionservi cesshould laystress on huma ne, personal,cultural and human. Recepti onand work directlywit h pe opl e,rece ption servi ces directl

27、y affect ing the Officeof party CommitteeTheimageofthe region.Atthe sametimestrengthe ningthe construction oflibrary,improvet he rece ption conditions,more human-oriented, personal, . 9culturalw ork into t herece ption,alittle morehumanneeds,alittle more humancare more humaneatmosphere,andconstantly

28、improve the servi ce,improvet he qualityofservi ce.Meanw hile,tofurt herpayspeci alattentiontothe dailywork ofthe otherOfficeSystem.Confidentialwork responsibility systemforleadingcadre sto impleme ntse curityasalea der,t oimprovetheconfidentiality ofclassified per sonnel,e speciallylea dingca dres,

29、stre ngthe ning partyand Governmentfocuson vitalsectorsof se curitymanagement,toa dvance privacy ma nagementsta ndardization,modernization of securityte chniquesasamea nsofadmi nistrationa ccordi ng tolawand se curity e nforceme nt,ensurethe safetyof the partyandState secrets.Confidentialworkto meet

30、the demands of newtechnology developmentout city created,a ndcaremasses life,focuswork,in -dept hinvestigation,more outboutitoreport,false claim andskimming.Investee 2.supervision and insist on,aroundand proteo procedure, preveque master piece,makeswe ofresearch results moret o into le d of de cisi

31、onvisi on,moreto in nationalsome has effectofnewspaperShang publishe d,foradva ncework,a nd publi citychang de play due of role.Third,informati on submittedtobe pragmati c. Quicka ndtimel y. Theancients said: for thetime system; statementctingtheir i nterests to touchthe truth,se ek practi calresult

32、s.Adheretopeople -orie nted,t hemost important thing is to realize ,safeguard a nd develop thefundamentalinterests ofthe overw helming majori tyofthe people.We carryout inspection,so must go de epamongt he masses,go dee p intothe realities, alwayntingthe supervisind excessive to preventaddingittee S

33、e cretary-General (Office).Second, weshould to thegl obalEve nt,Govershouldhequesti ons, quantitativeobjectiveofpublicQualitative loginot onlydar etouse, butalso wit h ca ution.So -calle d darec.To be relia blea nd useful. Wesubmitinform dto use,is to hol da numberofimportant issues,bolation toto ha

34、veaccesst odecisi on-making,tog uide a nd promote t heworka nd solve practical problems.Mixe d cum. On thenegativei nformationa nd emerge ncy i nformation, ra pid e scalati on instrictaccor dancewit h the pr oce dure s,firm,newspape r,ne wspa pers, neverlate,faildsupervi sionoversupervi sion,track i

35、nspe ction, pr oblems are notsolved do not pa ss,theblamedoes not hold did notmiss, dissati sfactionofthe massesdi d notmiss,the realrig htofsupervisi onauthority,wit hthe benefits.Callwithcauti on, is supervisi ng departments对以下造成竣工日期推迟的延误,经甲方代表确认,工期相应顺延。1、工程量变化和设计变更;2、非乙方原因停水连续4小时、停电连续4小时以上、暴雨连续 4

36、小时以上造成停工;3、不可抗力,指因战争、动乱、空中飞行物坠落或其它非甲、乙双方责任造成的爆炸、火灾、水灾以及七级以上台风,五级以上地震等对工程造成损害的自然灾害;4、合同中约定或甲方代表同意给予顺延的其他情况。乙方在以上情况发生后3天内,就延误的内容和因此发生的经济支出向甲方代表提出 报告,甲方代表在收到报告后5天内给予确认、答复,逾期不予答复,乙方即可视为 延期要求已被确认;乙方逾期提出报告,甲方即可视为没有发生。三、质量与验收第 6 条 检查和返工乙方应认真按照标准、规范和设计的要求以及甲方代表依据合同发出的指令施工,随时接受甲方代表及其委派人员的检查检验,为检查检验提供便利条件,并按甲

37、方代表及委派人员的要求返工、修改,承担由自身原因导致返工修改的费用。因甲方不正确纠正或其它非乙方原因引起的经济支出,由甲方承担,工期顺延。以上检查检验不应影响施工正常进行。如影响施工正常进行,检查检验不合格、影响正常施工的费用由乙方承担。除此之外影响正常施工的经济支出,属甲方责任的,由甲方承担,相应顺延工期。达不到合同条件的部分,甲方代表一经发现,可要求乙方返工,乙方应按甲方代表要求的时间返工,直到符合合同条件。因乙方原因达不到合同条件,由乙方承担返工费用,工期不予顺延。因甲方原因达不到合同条件,由甲方承担返工的经济支出,工期相应顺延。第 7 条 隐蔽工程和中间验收工程具备覆盖、掩盖条件或达到

38、协议条款约定的中间验收部位,乙方自检合格后在隐蔽和中间验收48 小时前通知甲方代表参加。通知包括乙方自检记录、隐蔽和中间验收的内容、验收时间和地点。乙方准备验收记录。验收合格,甲方代表在验收记录上签字后,方可进行隐蔽和继续施工。验收不合格,乙方在限定时间内修改后重新验收。工程质量符合规范要求,验收24 小时后,甲方代表不在验收记录签字,可视为甲方代表已经批准,乙方可进行隐蔽或继续施工。四、合同价款与支付eelings surve y,byl ooking up public sentiments to findproblems. Problems will increase itsspecia

39、lsupervi sion,setupaccounts,hold on to it.Weshouldconscienti ously im plementthe leadi ngcontractingmatters, secured,had an a nswertoeverything,the nsettles rateof 100%. Have an impactonsomeofthe outstandi ng issues, supervisi on departmentsand i nformation com ponentstoget her,playthe supervisory r

40、ole of thenewsmedi atoprom oteproblem solving.Investee3.i nsistona daily run, around the pra ctice oftruth catching efficie ncy,focusspecifi cation.Togive fullplayto thepartyOffice aroundconnecting,coor dinating internaland exter nalfeatures,contact,rally atalllevels,tomotivateevery aspe ct, adheret

41、othetruth,strengthe ningstandar dized ma nagementtoa chiev ecoherent, efficientand effective functioning ofthedailywork ofthePartyCommittee.Is processingmessages shouldstrivetostreamline, standardize a nd qualit y.Streamlining is to controlthe number ofmessages, compre ssmessage s,reducing procedure

42、s,improve messagehandling efficiency.Specificati ons,is to stri ctlyenforcethe ban issue dbythe Communistpartyauthorities indocume nt handli ng regulationsa nd provincialand munici palregulations, conscientiously strengthen and improve communicati onsmanagementtoe nsurethatpartydocumentsorderl y. Hi

43、gh quality,istoimprovethequality of message processi ng,it isne cessarytoaccuratelyimplementing the intention ofthe PartyCommittee,clearance,good communications, poli cy program closed, e nsuri ng thattherei s noerror.Second meetingscheduledt o ensurethorough,safeand efficient.Anyarrangementsforthem

44、eeting sand events, carefully arrange d,item-by-item interfaceimplemented,sure.o vigor ouslystre amline meeting s,activities, numberofpre ssurere duction,scale to ensurethatleadershipemerged fromthe General Conference andentertainmentservi ces,focus onbig thi ngs,matters.Thir d,rece ptionservi cessh

45、ouldlaystress on humane, personal,culturaland human. Receptionand workdirectlywit h pe opl e,rece ption servi ces directly affectingtheOfficeof party CommitteeTheimageofthe region.Atthe sametimestrengthe ningthe construction oflibrary,improvethe rece ption conditions,more human-ori ented, personal,

46、.一 4culturalw ork into t herece ption,alittle morehumanneeds,alittle more humancare more humaneatmosphere,andconstantlyimprove theservice,improve t he qualityofservice.Meanw hile,tofurt herpayspeci alattentiontothe dailywork ofthe otherOfficeSystem.Confidentialwork responsibility systemforleadingcad

47、re sto impleme ntse curityasalea der,t oimprovetheconfidenti ality ofclassif ied per sonnel,e speciallylea dingca dres,stre ngthening partyand Gover nmentfocuson vitalsectorsof securitymanagement,toadvance privacy managementsta ndardization,modernization of securityte chniquesasamea nsofadmi nistrat

48、iona ccordi ng tolawand security e nforceme nt,ensurethe safetyof the partyandState secrets.Confidentialworkto meetthe demands of newtechnologydevelopmentoU cty ceated, a nd cae masses lie, f.s wok, i depthitgaln.more oU boutt lieoil, fasecam and Ikmmig Ives- 2. sue - on ad inSS on, aound ad prolequ

49、e m-te piee, maes of lesalcelu. mole I o ito e d of de ciionvs.n, mole to in natona some hhs feC of newsae Shang pU.he d, fl -awo a nd publ ., Cag - pa, due Thid,ifoimat onlubmitd to be pilgmat c QUCk aCig thei i nleess lo touch the tut, 一 piacicl esuls Adee lopepe ole I led l he most mpoilanl ting

50、, lo e , sae.ad a I d pte fu enlal ileiss ol te oeh ig mjii y of te pepe. cay oul ispeCin, so mus go nlig the suevsi on a nd ece ie to pevel a_ig bulde to gissl00s. To thi s end, thelupevii on Ie payment of thePal, Ccmmi of iupeniion m us be unde !,and Count, pay Commi Se cltayGenea (fie. Slcond sho

51、ud focus on. s thed tte gl obaEve n| G -back foi tetmebe s pa,atein t the.i i . i -nol l he plolangg. Theeoie , te sumssin of ifoimuln t id fu, that s, Ind tepeopC 2 iood, tgisp t he publi c se n-et ad eanns safguad l ng spe ca depalmen, d dfiul stong Gvenoi duig - egenc, uget Nol havitmenlplba” edt

52、la wiig sed adi - dfase aplova aI d feda ck tmpl-elquck y T be t ue and acuae Tihe benei, - diss ng the mases ae moscnce ned about ad ifecig the stonges isue s efils lo sle lhe piobem of nss i cage of te Xnea Gveno.unde te noma pl ocedue ca ddgod things not Goeinoi, nol-uhoiy d b,Count,eaes,many e.c

53、 the ul picue of I t s one s one o, tis i s tel. of te inf.ainccuic,isp.a. -.taie ad quanltaiepllmenled and nolimp eed. Oe s to slck to plncies、htof isecion i s one of the mos impoitantpo s of the Ofc,the Geinol lid i s lo sle the plbl -. Ie pupose of lupeviion, t e se tepiob . To addee lo and ful h

54、ei mp. da e lo us, but alsih ca ulin. So d dae d lou m , s t hold a numbe of mpoilal isues boldlupevisin ove spev sin.acTise ci aenol sled a te b e does ddnil mis, disai mases did nol mis, the lel ighl of sue onlutoii,ih the bene - Cal ihccuton,、suevsi I g de palmels第8条合同价款及调整。本空调工程合同总造价工程款为人民币: %鹭(元)。本合同价款约定后,任何一方不得擅自改变。但约定当发生下列情况时可作调整:1、双方代表确认的设备、工程量增减;2、双方代表已确认的设计变更或工程洽商;3、合同约定的其它增减或调整。第9条工程款支付1 .本合同签订后U_天内,甲方向乙方支付工程合同总造价的 30%人民币 支付给乙方。乙方应将此款用于乙方供应的主的要材料的订购,乙方要确保所供应的材料到货 时间不影响工期。2 .每两层空调管网完工(配电、与装饰配合的风口等工作除外)后2大内,甲方


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