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1、仁爱版七年级英语上册期末总复习辅导与练习(一、be 动词(am、is、are 的基本用法,区别及其引导的一般疑问句和回答。我用 am 你用 are , is 用于他、她、它,单数 is,复数 are 否定句在 be 后加 not,一般疑问句将 be 提前。肯定回 答:Yes,人称代词+ be 否定回答:No,人称代词+be + not.如:1 He is Mr. Chen.否定句:He is not Mr. Chen.一般疑问句:-Is he Mr. Chen?肯定回答:Yes, he is.否定回答:No, he isn t.2 I am a student.否定句:I am not a s

2、tudent.一般疑问句:-Are you a student?肯定回答:Yes, I am.否定回答:No, I am not.3 They are teachers 否定句:They are not teachers.一般疑问句:Are they teachers?肯定回答:Yes, they are.否定回答:No , they aren t.练习:(一用 be 动词(am, is, are 的正确形式填空。I. How_ you?2. I_ Mr. Che n. 3._ he your mother?4. A :_ they from Japa n? B :Yes, they_ .5.

3、 You_a teacher and she_ a doctor. 6. Where_ Jack from?7. I_fine, too. Than ks. 8.A :Who_ this? B :This_ WangKang.9.A :_ you a stude nt? B :Yes, I_. 10. You and I_ stude nts.II.He and she_ frien ds. 12. He and I_ teachers.(二将下面的句子变成一般疑问句并作出两种回答1. That is my pen.2. Those are his books.3. Jim and Tom a

4、re good frie nds.4. My coat is red.5. His son is twelve years old.(三将下面的句子变成否定句1. His book is in his schoolbag.2. These are my pare nts.3. Bob and Tony are our frie nds.4. These apples are five yua n.5. The girl is his sister.(四划线提问1. Our teachers are in the classroom.2. The girl s telepho ne numbe5

5、5042.3. Her pen is black.4. These clothes are five yua n.5. They are thirtee n years old.二、可数名词的复数:(1 规则变化1 一般在名词词尾力卩-s,如:carcars; apple-apples2 以 s, x, ch, sh 结尾的词,在词尾力卩-es 如:box-boxes; bus-buses; watch-watches.3 以辅音字母+y 结尾,变 y 为 i 再加 es 如:family-families.5 以 fe、f 结尾,变 fe、f 为 v 再加 es 如:life-lives.(

6、2 不规贝 U 变化:如:mouse-mice ; tooth-teeth; foot-feet ; Chinese-Chinese,Japanese-Japa nese ; man-men; woman-wome n; child-childre 等练习:写出下列名词的复数形式或选择填空。1. teacher_2. class_ 3. n ame_4. orange_5. nu mber_ 6. apple_7. bus_ 8. erase_9.photo_ 10.tomato_11.country_12.friend_A. deers, sheeps B. deers, sheep C.

7、deer, sheep D. deer, sheeps13.knife_ 14.foot_ 15.boy_ 16.mouse_17.toy_ 18.factory_19.family_20.monkey_ 21.wish_22. There is some_ on the plate.A. cakes B. meat C. potato D. pears23. The_ has two_ .A. boys; watches B. boy; watch C. boy; watches D. boys; watch24. The little baby has two_already.A. too

8、th B. tooths C. teeth D. teeths25. How many_ can you see in the picture?A. tomatos B. tomatoes C. tomato D. the tomato26. _ is the meat. Please Ten yua n a kilo.A. How much B. How ma ny C. How old D. How long27. Would you please give me_ ?A. two paper B. two papers C. two pieces of paper D. two piec

9、es of papers28.“ What would you like, Ann? ”“Id like two_ .”A. glass of milk B. glasses of milk C. glass of milks D. glasses of milks29. These are my_ . A. box B. a box C. boxes D. the boxes30. There are three_and seven_ in the picture.A. a, an B. a, a C. an, a D. an, an三、 基数词的表 达:1 100 one, two, th

10、ree, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleve n, twelve,thirtee n, fourtee n, fiftee n, sixtee n, seve ntee n, nin etee n, twen ty, twe nty- one, , thirty , forty , fifty , sixty ,seventy , eighty , ninety , hundred 四、时间表达 法:(两种1:00 one o clo ck 1:05 ooe five / five past one1:15 one fifteen /

11、 a quarter past one 1:30 one thirty / half past one1:40 one forty/ twenty to two 1:45 one forty-five/ a quarter to two-What time is it? = What is the time? - It s half past seven.五、a, an 的用法:a /an 都表示一,一个”放在可数单数形式的名词前,如果单词以元音读音开始 的,我们在前用 an,女口:an apple / an English book;/ an English boy/ an old man

12、等 .练习:选择填空1.The train is running fifty miles_.A. an hour B. one hour C. the hour D. a hour2 .-Who s this ?-_Wang Yu.A. This s B. She s C. This is D. He is3. -What shat?. -It s_egg.A. a B. the C. / D. an4. -Whats that in En glish -Its_car. Its_ orange car.5. My sister ofte n_after class.A. play the p

13、ia no B. plays the basketballC. plays the pia no D. play basketball6. Tianan Men Square and_ Great Wall are tow of the places every one shouldsee in_People s Republic of China.A. the the B. / C. the / D. /the7. _old man is_ En glish teacher.A. The; an B. An; an C. The; the D. A; a8. She is_ En glish

14、 teacher. A. an B. a C. the D. /六、重点句型和短语:(1 Welcome to + 地方(2 come from = be from(3 电话用语:-Who s this?=Who is this?这是谁?- This is,.我是,.。-May I speak to .?-Speaking, please./ Sorry, he/she isn t in/here./ Sorry, I m afraid you have thewrong nu mber.(4 -What s this in English? It s an orange.-What s th

15、at? It s an egg.A. This B. That C. The one D. Ones-What are these? -They are buses.(5 where 地点,who(人,what(事物,how old(年龄,how ma ny(可数名词数量,how much(价格、不可数名词数量,hao 身体状况,what class 班级,whatcolor(颜色,等特殊疑引导的特殊疑问句:1 - What s your n ame? /What s her-n Me?er n ame is .2 -What class are you in? /What grade are

16、 you in? - m in Class/Grade .3 - What s your teleph one nu mbe-? My teleph one is .4 - How do you spell cup? - C-U-P, cup.5 - How old are you? - I m .years old.6 - Where are you from?/ Where do you come from?- - m from ./ I comefrom .练习:选择填空(1. -Who s that girl?-_ my sister. A. This is B. Shes C. It

17、s D. That s(2. -Welcome to Beiji ng ! -_.A. Welcome to Beijing, too. B. You re welcome. C. Thank you. D. Not at all.(3. -_ are you in? - Class Five.A. What class B. What grade C. What color D. What number(4. He is_ blue. A. to B. from C. un der D. i n(5. -Who s the girl over there?- Which one? -_ un

18、der the tree.(6. The bag is_.A. Bruce is B. Bruce has C. Bruce s D. Bruce does(7._ , what color is the shirt?A. Sorry B. I m sorry C. Excuse me D. That s right(8. -What color is it? -_ .A. It s an orange B. It s orange C. It s a orange. D. An orange(9. What color_ his pan ts?A. has B. does C is D. a

19、re(10. He is old_ white hair.A. with B. from C. un der D. i n(11. She looks like a doctor,_ she is a nu rse.A. and B. or C. too D. but(12.- I am afraid I don t-know.A. Thank you B. Thanks C. Thank you any way D. Thanks very much.按要求完成句子(就划线部分提问 _ is this?(就划线部分提问 _ is his name?就划线部分提问 _is_ name?就划线部

20、分提问_they from?5. I am Zhang Yimou.(同义句_is Zhang Yimou.就划线部分提问_this?就划线部分提问_ is Nanjing?就划线部分提问_ Mary_ from?9. It 就划线部分提问 _ is it_ ?就划线部分提问_they?就划线部分提问 _ is your teleph one number?就划线部分提问_they in13. What s this in Englisl 改为复数形式_ in English?14. They are buses 改 为单数形式_ .15. Kan gka ng is from Chi na.

21、(同义句 Kan gka ng_Ch ina.16.1 就划线部分提问_you_ ?17.lt 就划线部分提问_ is it?18. I 就划线部分提问_of juice would you like?就划线部分提问 _ is your favorite food?就划线部分提问 _ pen is this?仁爱版七年级英语上册期末总复习辅导与练习(二一、区别 has/have 与 am/is/are 的用法:has/have 表示有”即某人有某物am/is/are 表示 是”即卩“是,二、有实义动词的一般现在时态的用法:动词原形和动词第三人称单数形式(一动词第三人称单数形式(he、she、i

22、t ;单一的人;单一的名字;单一的事物:动词+s/es 规则:1 一般情况以及以 e 结尾的动词,直接加 “ s 如:make-makes; come-comes2 动词以 o , s , ch , sh, x 结尾,加 “ es 如:do-does; watch-watches; wishwishes; missmisses;guessguesses3 以辅音字母+y 结尾的动词,先把 y 改为 i ,再加 es,如:study-studies4 特殊情况:have-has匚句型转换:1 主语为第三人称单数,变否定句,在动词前加 doesn 再把动词还原为原形,一 般疑问句,在句首加 doe

23、s 再把动词还原为原形,回答用:肯定:Yes,人称代词+does 否定:No,人称代词+doesn如:She has small eyes.She doesn t have small eyes.-Does she have small eyes?肯定 Yes, she does 否定:No, she doesn t.2 主语为除第三人称单数之外的人称,否定句,在动词前加 don 一般疑问句, 在句首加 do,回答用:肯定:Yes,人称代词+do.否定:No,人称代词+don t 如:They have small eyes.They don thave small eyes.-Do they

24、 have small eyes?肯定 Yes, they do.否定:No, they don t.练习:(1. -_he America n? -Yes. He comes from America.A. Are B. Does C. Do D. Is(2. -Do you have a sister? -_ .A. Yes, you do B. Yes, I do C. Yes, I am. D. Yes, you do.(3. Elle n_an old book and her brothers_ many new books.A. has, has B. have, have C

25、have, has D. has, have(4. What color_he like?A.is B. do C. has D. does(5._he have a big nose or a small one?A. Does B. Do C. Is D. Are(6. I am sorry I_ know her.A. isn t B. doesn t C. don t D. havent根据句子意思,用 is, are, am, do ,does, have, ha 填空。1.1_a Chin ese teacher.2._ you from Can ada?3. _ they hav

26、e many frien ds?4. _ he from Chongqing?5. -_ Jack have a good friend? -Yes, he_ .6. _ he a good teacher? - Yes, he_.7. He and his sister_in differe nt grades.8. _your mother a doctor?9. I_ an old friend. His n ame is Alla n.10. Kan gka ng_a pet. It is very cute.11. You_a nice house. I like it every

27、much.12. Bruce Lee_many books.13. Do they_ fifteen apples?14. Does Bruce Lee_many friends in Chi na?15. Jerry_ a big no se.16. He_a map of Hainan. He doesn t_ a map of China.17. - Does your father_ a wide mouth? - No, he_ not.18. My frie nd, Li Ming_ only one sister.用所给的动词的适当形式填空。1. He often_ (getup

28、 at half past six.2. -_she_(like no odles? -Yes, she_.3. Jack_(not playsoccer.4. Jane_ (havea new pen .But Tom_(not have one.5. We_ (study in No.1High School. Mike_ (study inN o.2 HighSchool.6. Maria_ (try on the new dress.7. They ofte n_ (fly kites. Kate ofte n_(flya kite, too.8. Rose often_(cry. B

29、ut her brother_ (crya lot.9. Kan gka ng often_(carrywater for the old man.10. His un cle often_ (buysome delicious food for him and heoften_(takeit to the school to eat.11. Lucy and Lily_ (goto school at 7o clock. Jim_ (go at 6:45.12. I_ (teach math here. My father_(teach En glish.13. -_Mary often_

30、(watchTV? - Yes, sheoften_ (watch it on Sun day.14. _ you want_(eatsome hamburgers?15. - Would you like_ (singsome songs with me? -Yes, I d love to.16. Don t forget_ (bgiyour clothes.17. Could you ask her_ (have supper with me?18. It s 6:20. It s time_ (getup now.19. - Do you like_ (speak En glish?

31、- Yes, I do.20. - May I_ (take your order? - A bottle of apple juice.21. - Can I_ ( sit dow n now? Sure.22. Why not_ (cometo Chi na? Good idea.23. Let me_(helpyou.24. - How about_ (swim this Sun day? - No problem.25. Mr. Che n asks him_ (come to school on time.三、名词性物主代词与形容词性物主代词的用法区别:数单数复数人称第一人称第二人称

32、第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称形容词性 my your he she its our your their物主代词名词性物主代词 mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs汉语我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她、它们的名词性物主代词与形容词性物主代词的汉语意思是一样的,名词性物主代词可独立使用,后面不跟名词;但形容词性物主代词不可独立使用,后面要跟名词。如:It ismy shirt.= It is mine.句子当中 my 为形容词性物主代词,mine 为名词性物主代词,your, his, her, our, its, their, my 等都

33、属于形容词性物主 代词,形容词性物主代词通常置于名词前,修饰限定名词,作定语;而名词性物主代词 mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs 相当于 形容词性物主代词+名词”当主语,宾语,或表语;如:Is this your coat? = Is this coat yours?这是你的外衣吗?(1. - Is that coat_ .? -Yes, it s_ coat.A. his, he s B. yours, your C her, hers D. mine, your(2. Our books are here._ are over there.

34、A. They re B. Their C. Theirs D. Your(3 She is a girl,_ n ame is Mary.A. she B. his C. her D. she s(4.-_dress is it? -t s hers.A. Who s B. Whose C. What D. Which(5._color is yellow. A. It s B. Its C. Is it D. Yours根据汉语写单词:1. Could_ 你 ask_ 他 to call_ 我 back?2. Don t forget我们.3. _ 我们 would like to buy

35、_(他们.4. Could_ 你们help_ 她 out?5. There s one dollar on the floor. Pick它 up.6. _ 他们 are frie ndly to_你们.7.我 like(她 a lot.8.她 brings他们 to俄们.9.Does他 give(它 to他?10.他 does他的homework on Sun day11.它 can t find它的 way home.12. _她 looks after_ 她的 gran dmother.13. This is_ 我的 pen. That s_ 你的的。14. These coats ar

36、en t 我的.(I think they re 你们的(。15. _他的 jacket is blue._她的 is white.16. -Whose bike is this? -It s_ 他的.17. Those are_ 我们的 desks._ 他们的 are over there.18. - Are these TV sets_ 我们的?-No ,they re_他们的 TV.四、重点句型和短语:1. Who s your favorite film star?2. What color is his/her hair?3. give sb. sth.= give sth. to

37、sb.4. look the same /look at/ look like5. The girl in gree n/The girl in a gree n skirt/ The one with black hair and black eyes.6. We are in the same school, but we are in differe nt grades.7. - Whose dress is this?-t s mine.8. rousers, gloves, shoes, sock 常以复数的形式出现 ,如:a pair of trousers, a pair of

38、shoes , a pair ofglasses9. What+ + 主语(某人 + look like?长得怎么样?如:-What does your father look like? - He is n ot verytall but very stro ng.练习:按要求改写句子。(每空一词1. He is a good stude nt 否定句 He_ a good stude nt.2. We are in the same school.一 般疑问句_ in the same school?3. Does she have a round face?肯定回答 _ ,_ .就划线部

39、分提问_ ?5. Her hair is brow n.(同义句 She_.6. Do they have a big house?.否定回答 _ ,_ .7. My sister has long legs. 一般疑问句 _ your sister_ long legs?8. His brother has two big ears.否定句 His brother_ two big ears.9. I have a big head.否定句 I_ a big head.10. We have a good English teacher.一般疑问句 _ you_ a goodEn glish

40、 teacher?11. His pants are black.否 定句 His pants_black.12. He has blo nd hair. 一般疑问句_blo nd hair?13. Do you know?(肯定回答 _,_.就划线部分提问_ her ski n?15. The man over there is my un cle.同义句 My un cle is_就划线部分提问 _girl_ sister17. They look the same. 一 般疑冋句they look the same?18. I know Jack.(否 定句 1Jack.19. I li

41、ke yellow.(就划线部分提问you like?就划线部分提问those shoes21. He has a pair of new pan ts 否 定句 Hea pair of new pants23. Does it look like a cat?肯疋回答5就划线部分提问her coat?25. Whose is this jacket?同义句is this?26. The girl s shoes are over t 就划线部分提问_ the girl sshoes?就划线部分提问_is this?28. Are those men old?变单数句子_ old?29. Do

42、es he like an orange ?变复数句子_like_?30. What does he look like?同义句 What_he_ like?仁爱版七年级英语上册期末总复习辅导与练习(三般现在时的一般疑问句及其回答1、 一般现在时的否定句与疑问句:do 通常用于第一,第二单复数,第三人称复数;而 does 用于第三人称单数;如:Do you like English?They don t like apples at all.Does he like Chin ese?My father doesn t live in Haikou.2、 情态动词的否定句与疑问句:否定句在情态

43、动词后加 n ot ,疑问句把情态动词提前。女口 :He can sing this song in English. He can t sing this songJCEnglish.he sing this song in English? -Yes, he can/ No, he can t.二、重点短语和句型:1. live in+地点 / live with sb 和,一起2. May I study En glish with you ?3. No problem.4. be helpful/ki nd/frie ndly to5. at the En glish corner6.

44、 Please help us find him.7. want to do sth.=would like to do sth.8. What does your father do?=What is your father? =What s your father s job?9. look after10. at home/at school11. a photo of my family12. have a look/look at13. on the sofa/on the desk14. on a farm/ i n the shop15. May I take your orde

45、r?16. May I help you?= Can I help you? = What can I do for you?17. Help yourself/ yourselves to 食物18. What do you have for breakfast?19. - Would you like to have dinner with me? -OK, I d love to.三、人称代词的主格与宾格:单数复数人称第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称主格 I you he she it we your they宾格 my you him her it our you th

46、em汉语我你他她它我们你们他(她、它们人称代词的主格在句子中当主语,放在动词前,宾格在句子作动词或介词的宾语 放在动词后。如:I like it .(I 为主格,it 为宾格She likes En glish. (she 为主语Do they go with us? (they 为主格,us 为宾格四、both 与 all 的异同:both 两个人都”与 all 全部都”放在:、be 动词、情态动词或助动词之后,行为 动词前;如:They are both farmers. = They both work on a farm.而 all 三人或三人以上都”注意区别;如:They are b

47、oth teachers 他们都是教师。(总数为两个人They are all teachers 他们都是教师。(三人或三人以上五、名词所有格名词所有格表达形式,构成在名词后加“意思是“,的”。如:my classmate s bag; Jim s grandfather“ 通常用于有生命的,而无生命的常用结构,of;如:a photo of my family 一张全家福 the face of the clock 钟面 a map of China张中国地图注意:当名词后已有 s ,所有格只加“如:”我父母的相片 my parents picture学们的单车 the students b

48、ikes区另廿:Tom and Jim s fath 汤姆和吉姆的父亲 (Tom and Jim are brothers.Tom s (father and Jim汤姆 a 的父亲和吉姆的父亲六、不可数名词数量的表达(可数不可数判断方法 一分为二milk, chicke n, bread , French fries, coke, coffee, rice, orange juice, fish, porridge,water, beef,等是不可数名词。不可数名词通常没有复数形式。不可数名词通常不能直接与具体的数词连用,如需要表示数量,应:数词+量词 of+不可数名词(数词大 于一时,量词

49、要改为他得复数形式,如:a cup of tea杯茶;三块面包;十瓶橙汁;练习:将下列词组译成英语:I、一群孩子 _ 2 两箱子苹果 _3、三篮子蔬菜 _4 九块面包 _5、十杯牛奶_6 一副眼镜_7、两块冰_ 8 三张纸_9、四瓶橘汁_10 五杯茶_II、 六碗米饭 _ 12 七袋米_七、提建议的六种说法:1. Why not do , ?为什么不?2. Why don t you do ,你为什么不?3. What about doing , .?,.怎么样?4. How about doing , .?,如何?5. Would you like to do , .?愿意 / 想,?6.

50、Let s do 让我们干,!如果同意,则回答:Yes, I d like to/Good idea./OK/AII right.如不同意,则回答:No, let s , ./No, thanks(一、选择填空。(1. -Thank you very much-_A. Welcome! B. You are welcome C. Sure D. Of course(2. My friend Billy lives_ Chi na.A. with B. from C. un der D. i n(3._ he like the En glish corner?A. Does B. Do C. I

51、s D. Are(4.Do you always speak En glish_ the En glish corner?A. in B. on C. with D. at(5 -May I know your phone nu mber? -_.A. Yes B. Sure C. Yes, I do D. No, I am n ot. ( 6. Does Bobby want_ home?A. go B. goes C. to go D. going(7. Please call_ Mike. A. his B. he C him D. her ( 8 Books are helpful_

52、us. A. from B. on C. i n D. to ( 9. I have a pet,_ n ame is Polly. A. it its D. my( 10. - Whose trousers are they? -_.A. They are here B. They are gree n C. They are their D. They are theirs ( 11.-?-He s a doctor.A . What is his name B. What does he look likeC. What does he do D. What does he like(1

53、2. My aunt Lisa is_office worker. A. a B. an C. / D. the ( 13. Michaelworks_ a farm. His sister works_ a factory.A. i n, in B. on, on C. i n, on D. on, in(14._he study? - In a middle schoolA. Where is B. What does C. Where do D. Where does(15 -Come in and make yourselves at home. -_ .A. Yes B. Sure

54、C. Good D. Tha nks(16.Linda s aunt and uncle_ workers.A. are all B. are both C. both are D. is both(17. -_? -In a factory.A. Were does he work B. Where is he fromC. What does he do D. What does he like(18.Lisa s cat_ her hat.A. looks like B. looks after C. looks the same D. looks at(19. Those are my

55、_clothesA. children B. children s C. parents s D. parents(20.I am an_ boy A. .Chi nese B. Japa nese C. America n D. Brazilia n ( 21._? Yes, please.A. What would you like B. What does he look like C. Would you like some apple juice D. What does helike(22. I d like_A. a apple B. a bread C. a bottle of

56、 water D. two cup of tea(23. What would you like_ ?A .something to eat B. eat C. drink D. to drink(24.1 have_in the morning.A. breakfast B. l unch C. supper D. dinner(25 Would you like_ milk? A. a B. an C. some D. many ( 26.-Do youhave_books on Chin ese food? -Yes, I have_ .A. some, any B. any, some

57、 C. some, some D. any, any ( 27. They haveA. many tea B. much oran ges C. much burgers D. much bread ( 28.-_ ?-Very good. I like it very much.A. What do you like it B. How do you think of it? C. What do you think of it D.May I help you(29. Do you want_ an apple? ( 30.-_? -Good idea. A. eatB. to drin

58、k C. to have D. to like A. Do you like to eat some beef B. Why not have some rice C. What do youwant to have D. May I take your order (二) 、根据句子意思, 用单词的适当形式填空。1.Do you likethese(pair of shoes? 2.Wouldyou like to have dinner with_(we? 3.Help_( you) to some fish,children. 4.I d like three_ (cup of tea.

59、 5.There_ (be some water inthe bottle. 6.Is he a driver or a_ (cook? 7.Please give_ (he someorange juice. 8.Some_(America live in Hainan now. 9.He_ (teach in a school 10._ (we frie nd is a cook. ll.Please look at_ (Ann family tree. 12.1s your son a_ (work? 13.Are there five (child in your family?14.

60、They are all( office worker. 15.My cous in Susa n_ (study in a new school. 16.Who(look afterRose? 17.He_ (live in Chi na. 18.My friend helps_ (I with myEn glish. 19.My classmate Zhou Lan_ (have a dog. 2O.Do you_(wantto go to Beiji ng? 21.Does Billy_(have any friends in Haikou? 22.Mr Lia ng isour En


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