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1、贵阳市初中统考2019年七年级上学期英语期末检测试题(模拟卷三)一、选择题1. When you attend class, you go to have it.A.a2. -It's 287-9662.B.anC.theD.不填A. What's your nameC. How are you3. 一 your sister Yes, she does.B. What color is itD.Do; likesD./D.whiteD. What's his phone number salad?A.Does; likeB.Does; likesC.Do; like4

2、. When do you have geography? We have it Tuesday and Thursday.A.inB.onC.at5. 下列选项中字母e的发音与其他不同的是 A.redB.penC.spell6. This is eraser . That is ruler .A. an ; anB. a ; aC. an ; aD. a ; an7. class, I play ping-pong.A. In B . On C . After D . Of8. (题文) This is orange , but(但是)it isn't(不是) orange. It&

3、#39;s green.A. a; / B . /; an C . an; / D . an; anB. has;haveD. has;has9. I a basketball,and Steve a volleyball.A. have;have10.C. have;hasare the socks?black.A. What color, Its B . What size, It ' sC. What color, Theyk. What about you?re D . What size, They ' re11. I don ' t have money t

4、o buy the boo一I have now, I can lend( 借给)you some.A. some; someB. some;anyC. any;anyD. any ;some12. (题文)I should scary movies.A. allow to watch B . allowed to watchC. be allowed to watch D . be allowed watching13. (题文)It ' s ruler.A. my B . a my C . my a14. _ are these socks ? They are green .A.

5、What colorB.How oldC.WhenD.How much15. Let' s some ice cream.A. eat B . How C . What D . What' s16. Rush Hour is Jackie Chan ' s movie.A. twelve B . twelveth C . twelth D . twelfth17.Hi , My name ' s Emma .A. Hi,I ' m Li Tao. B . Hello. C . Hi D . Good afternoon18. What' s hi

6、s name? .A. It ' s Tom B . He' s Jerry C . She is Lily D . Her name' s Gina 19. Is on March 8th in China? Yes, it is.A. Father's Day B . Women's DayC. Children's Day D . Mother's Day20 .找出下列字母中有相同音素的一项。A. Aa, FfB. Cc, DdC, Gg, FfD, Ee, Aa二、用所给的词填空21 .(题文)1 .(小题 1) (I)name

7、 is Helen.2 .(小题 2) The boy(be)Bob.3 .(小题 3) (she)name i Alice.4 .(小题 4) Nice(meet) you , Grace.5 .(小题 5) What's(he)name?一Frank.22 .(题文)二用所给词的适当形式填空。1 .(小题 1) His idea sounds(well).2 .(小题 2) Kate(not run)every day.3 .(小题 3) My sister(have) many friends.4 .(小题 4) Tom and I(not be)classmates.5 .(小

8、题 5) They need lots of(tomato)三、句型转换23 .句型转换1. His pants are white and black.(对画线部分提问) are his pants?2. She wants a blue skirt.( 改为一般疑问句) she a blue skirt?3. What can I do for you ?(改为同义句)I you?4. That hat is blue.(改为复数句)hats blue.5. What's the price of the skirts?(改为同义句)the skirts?四、完形填空24. The

9、re' s a big shop near Mr Brown ' s home . One morning the Browns go shopping in their1 .In the shop they see a lot of 2 . Mrs Brown likes them very much . She 3 a shirt for their son ,a skirt for their daughter 4 a sweater for Mr Brown 5 buys herself a blouse ,too . 6 about twelve o ' cl

10、ock ,they go home . But they lose their way . Mr Brown 7 over to anold man and asks ,“8 am I ? Please tell me ." Theold man looks 9 him and the car ."You are in your car ,sir " he 10 ._A.buscar C.train D . plane2.A.food.shoesC . hats D . clothes3.A.buys.sells.makes D . borrows4.A.buto

11、r Cso D . and5.A.They6.A.In BAt D . On7.A.leaves.drivesC . flies.swims8.A.WhereWhat C . How D9.A.after Bat C . like Dfor10. A. reads B.listens C.sings D . says25.I am an American boy. 1 name is Paul. I am 2 . I 2 two friends, Sally and Mona.They' re 3 . We play sports 4 . We play soccer, basketb

12、all, volleyball and 5Sally 6 a sports collection经常)9 volleyball on TV. What(收藏).7 has seven soccer balls, 8 basketball,four volleyballs, and six tennis rackets. We often(There are four people in John's family. Hisare English teachers. He 2little brother. His name is Peter. Peter is only five 3ol

13、d. He doesn't go to school.1.A. My B .His C .Her2.A. am B .do C .have3.A. them B.brothersC . sisters4.A. everydayB . every day C . i5.A. sports B.moreC . them6.A. doesn' t have B .plays C .7.A. He B .She C .Paul8.A. one B.zero C.three9.A. play B.have C.watch10.A. do B.does C.don' t10 you

14、 often play?sports26.morninghasSo he can ' t read or write. One day, John 4 Peter sitting at the table with a pen inhis 5“What are you doing Peter?" John asks. "I' m writingmy friend,Tony." says Peter.“Butcan you write? "John asks,“You don' t go to school,8 you don

15、9;t know the words ” . Peter says.“But it ' s OK because my9 and I knowan(语言).I want to tell 10the words on the moon. I write to Tony in the moon language interesting story. I think Tony will be happy to read it.A.father B.mother.parent D . parents2.A.has Bremembers.takesD . leaves3.A.daysweeksm

16、onthsD . years4.A.hearsseestells D.calls5.A.mouth.headhand Darm6.A.to Bin ConD . with7.A.when.whatwho D . where8.A.but Bso CorD . because9.A.brotherB . sister C.friend D . teacher10. A. you B . him C . her D . themth五、阅读理解27. Dale is from Hong Kong( 香港).He is nine years old and his birthday is on No

17、vember 5He likes eating apples and bananas. He likes blue very much.Dale' s family is not small. In his family there are five people. They are his parents, histhbrother, his si ster and Dale. Dale ' s brother is Dick. He is six years old. His birthday ison May 5 th. His sister is Rose. She i

18、s only three years old. Her birthday is on February 2Dale' s father is thirty - six years old and Dale ' s mother is thirty -four years old. They are teachers. Dale has a good friend in Shanghai. His name is Mike.1. Dale likes eating.A. pears and parrots B . tomatoes and apples C . bananas a

19、nd apples D . pears and bananas2. Mike is Dale ' s.A. cousin B . classmate C . brother D . friend3. Rose' s birthday is on.A.February 2 th B. November 5 th C .May 5th D . April 5th4. is 4 years old.A.Dale B. MikeC . Dale' s motherD . Dale' s father5. 下列哪项陈述是正确的?A. Dale likes black ve

20、ry much.B. Dale' s parents are teachers.C Dale is ten years old.D. There are four people in Dale ' s family.28. My name is Anna. I ' m very healthy. I eat fruit and vegetables every day. I like pears and apples, but I don ' t like oranges. I like carrots and tomatoes for lunch.Lily i

21、s my sister. She likes strawberries and bananas, but she doesn ' t like pears. She likes hamburgers and ice-cream very much. She eats them every day. And she is fat.Jane is my cousin. She likes apples. She eats an apple every day. She doesn' t like chicken.She likes fruit salad. She likes to

22、 have it for dinner every day.1. Who is Anna?A.She' s Lily ' s friend.B.She' s Jane' s cousin. C.She' s Jane' s sister.D.She' s Jane' s friend.2. like apples.A.Anna and Lily B.Lily and Jane3. Whose eating habit is not healthy?A.Anna' s.B.Lily ' s.4. What does

23、Anna eat every day?A.Pears and oranges.C.Fruit and vegetables.5. Jane likes to have for dinner.A.fruit saladB.applesC.Anna and JaneD.LilyC.Jane' sD.Lucy' s.B.Apples and ice-cream.D.Pears and ice-cream.C.chickenD.eggs29. I' m Tina. I ' m eleven years old. I like September very much. S

24、eptember 4th is my birthday, and my mother ' s birthday is in September, too. We have a birthday party every year. Teachers ' Day is in September, too. And I can play with all my teachers. SoSeptember is my favorite. What about you?根据材料内容选择最佳答案。C.tenthD.tenB.Tina ' s father ' sD.Tina ' s grandfather ' sB.Tina ' sD.Tina ' s father ' sB.September 4thD.September 2ndB.Tina ' s motherD.Ti


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