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1、定语从句要点复习定语从句要点复习判断对错判断对错要点一:关系代词的选择要点一:关系代词的选择There seems to be nothing which he cant do.All the books which I have have been given to the poor students.nothing thatAll the books thatHe is the only person whom I knows here.the only person that This is the most interesting film which I have seen. (th

2、at)要点二要点二 作定语的关系词作定语的关系词Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, _ was reasonable.A.which price B. the price of whichC. its price D. the price of whosewhose + n = the + n + of which =of which the + n=whose price=of which the priceThe house whose door is broken will be repaired. =the door of which

3、= of which the doorDo you know the girl whose hair is very short in our class?=of whom the hair=the hair of whom要点三要点三 关系副词的选择关系副词的选择判断对错判断对错Tell me the time which the train leaves./atwhenThis is the school which I used to teach./atwhere The factory which we visited it yesterday was built last year.

4、This is the pen for that I am looking. for which要点四要点四 谓语动词的选择谓语动词的选择He is one of the students who _ made great progress. (have)He is the only one of the students _made great progress.havehasone ofthe only one of要点五要点五 as that which 的选择的选择 This is the same pen which I lost.This is the same pen as I

5、lost.This is the same pen that I lost.the samethe samethe sameFTT这支笔这支笔和和我丢的那支我丢的那支一样一样。(两支)。(两支)这这就是就是我丢的那支笔。(同一支)我丢的那支笔。(同一支)asthatthe same as/that我的女儿像她一模一样我的女儿像她一模一样My daughter is the same as her.这就是我前几天买的自行车这就是我前几天买的自行车This is the same bike that I bought the other day.要点六要点六 the way 后关系词的选择后关系词

6、的选择This is the way _ he did it._that in which/I dont think the way _you offered is good._whichthat/Englishevol1. We should go to the place_ we are most needed.2. We should go to the place_ needs us most.wherethat对比训练对比训练1 1 1. It was October_we met in Damiao for the first time. 2. It was in October_

7、we met in Damiao for the first time.whenthat对比训练对比训练2 2 1. He is such a good teacher_ we all like him. 2. He is such a good teacher_ we all like.thatas对比训练对比训练3 3 Is this school _ we visited three years ago. Is this the school _ we visited three years ago. Is this the school _ we worked three years

8、agothe onewhichwhere对比训练对比训练4 4 She is such a lovely girl _is liked by everybody. She is such a lovely girl _ everyone like her.asthat对比训练对比训练5 5 She likes to use words _are clear to him. A. of which the meanings B. meanings of which C. whose of meanings D. meanings of whose Ive read all the books _

9、our teacher requires us to read.that对比训练对比训练6 6 Mother bought me a new bike as my birthday present,_ made me very happy. Mr. Green is an Australian,_ I know from his accent.whichwhich对比训练对比训练7 7 I dont like the way _you speak to her. I dont think the way _you offered is good A. which B. that C./ D. in


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