1、关系副词when和where在定语从句 中的使用教学案例研究背景随着新课程改革的推进,淡化语法似乎成了英语课上约定俗成的规定,甚至有些老师对语法讳莫如深,闭口不谈.他们认为新课改中提到的 增强学生语言表达是意指 增强 口语表达工从而无视语法.事实上,这是极具错误的观念.语法,这一 对语言词汇和句子规那么的研究,其最终目的正 是为语言表达效劳的.如果说词汇是语言表达的根底,那么 语法那么是语言表达的载体.没有了语法,语言也就失去了成 为语言的可能性.因此,语法仍在学习语言中占有重要地位.作为英语的学习者和传授者,我们都有这样的感受:语言的习得,很大程度上是以语境为依托的.学习者只有通过 大量的输
2、入目标语言,才能够掌握该语言的词汇并进一步学会表达.同样,语法的学习也是和语境密不可分的.学情分析:学生学情及心理状况1.本堂课针对高一新生,他们对于周围老师和同学还不是十 分熟悉,课上仍比拟怯于表达和交流.2,我校学生普遍英语根底知识和根本技能较弱,对英语没有太大兴趣.因此课堂上会由现学生不自信和不敢张嘴的现象.3 .现在的高中生大都 95后,喜欢接触新鲜事物,好奇心强.4 .本课是讲授时是在高一第一学期,高一新生刚刚进入一个 陌生的、远离家人的环境,或多或少都会经历一些困扰,测试 失败、思念过去等问题或多或少都有存在.解决举措及方法1 .为了帮助学生建立学习英语的自信,我做了以下设计:1)
3、 .把教授的内容缩小化,仅限于定语从句的关系副词,且仅 仅专注when和where,有利于他们理解和接受;2),在课件中参加了视频、背景音乐、图片等多种辅助教学 手段,帮助学生理解并提升英语学习的兴趣;3.)在练习的设计上,我采用了由浅入深、层层递进的方式展开 课堂环节,易于学生理解和接受.4),整节课由现的句子均采用简单常见的单词,生词也给予标注或配以图片,便于学生理解,从而建立自信心.2.为了引起学生兴趣,激起他们的共鸣,我的设计如下1),整节课的内容是一个全新的、原创的故事,脱离了课本,采用时下流行的穿越这个话题,参加年轻新鲜的元素,易于引 起学生共鸣.2),本课故事中人物所经历的事情,
4、也是大多数学生多经历的.用这种方式,容易让学生身临其境,更有带入感,从而更容易引发他们对自己目前现状的审视和思考.教学目标:a. Knowledge aims:1. Enable students to understand the usage and function of relative adverbs when and where.b. Ability aims:1. Let students choose the relative adverbs when and where precisely.2. Make students use attributive clause in c
5、ommunication.3. Let students use attributive clause to describe a place or a period of time.c. Emotional aims:1. By learning XuChang ' s experience, make students find the beauty in life, so that they can have a positive attitude towards life.2. Cultivate students ability of solving problems and
6、 improvestudents ' sense of cooperation.3. Stimulate students interest in English and encourage students to think and express their opinion in English.教学重难点:Important points :1. Make students understand the usage of relative adverbs when and where in attributive clause.2. Enable students to expr
7、ess their opinion by using compound sentence, such as attributive clause.Difficult point :Let students feel the emotion and attitude of the characters, at the same time, enable them use attributive clause correctly and flexibly.教学环节:Step 1. Lead-in1. Warming upGreeting the whole class.T: Do you have
8、 any difficulty in your high school life?S: yes!T: Of course everyone has their own problems in life or study, so does one of my students, Xu Chang. Today I will share a magical story of Xu Chang with you.2. Telling the Story't know wXu Chang is studying in senior one in our school. Recently, sh
9、e didn ' feel happy. Because she just failed in the final exam. She felt hopeless and frustrated. She didnto do, so she wondered around in the school yard, where she found an old piano. She sat down and played it. Then something magical happened.3. Enjoying a piece of videoShow them a piece of v
10、ideo from the movie A Secret Which Can Not Be Told, directed by Jay Chou.(the video ends)T: what happened while Xu Chang was playing the piano?S: Everything changed.T: Yes, as the last note ended, something magical happened.Xu Chang disappeared from the real world and dropped into a time tunnel.Step
11、 2: Grammar Studying1. The first part of the story: Back to her mommy ' s wombchild(continue the story) She came back to the time when shewas just a little baby and she was lying in her mother ' s wombwhere she was surrounded by water. The womb was justlike a pool where she could swim freely
12、 and happily.T: why do I use“ when in the first sentence and“ whthe second sentence? Pay attention to the underlined words.S: the first sentence is time, the second sentence is where.2. Exercise: Fill the blanks with when or where1) This was a place she felt comfortable and warm.2) This was the afte
13、rnoon her mother was singing a ballad(摇篮曲)to her gently. soon she fell asleep.3. SummaryT: Look at the four sentences on the screen, when should we use when and where in attributive clause?S: When we refer to time, we should use when; when we refer to a place, we should use where.T: Good! That is th
14、e first point, then pay attention to the sentences in blue., and tell me: how do we use when or where in Attributive clause?S: A complete sentence.T: Yes, when or where should be followed by a complete sentence, in other words, a sentence contains subject, verb, and object.Step 3: Filling the blanks
15、 with where or when(individual work)The second period of the story: Back to the kindergarten- child1) It was a period of time she was in the kindergarten.2) Kindergarten is a paradise for children they can notonly have delicious food but also play games.3) Kindergarten was also a place you could see
16、 manyhappy children.4) Lunch time came,XuChang shared fruit with other children.5) She and her friends danced on the stage a tree wasdecorated with beautiful flowers.T: How do you think of her life in kindergarten?S: she was very happy.T: Yes, she had a colorful life at that time.Step 4. Completing
17、the attributive sentences ( individual work)The third part of the story: Back to Tibet- pupil1. Provide examples for studentsShe came back to Tibet. She remembered that was the summer holiday when she and her parents went on s journey to Tibet. Tibet is a place where the air is hard to breathe. Tibe
18、t is also a place where visitors from all over the world come to worship the gods.2. Exercise: Finishing the attributive clauses (pair work)1) Tibet was a place.(天空是蓝色 的,河水是清澈的)2)They climbed to the top of a small mountain .(他们看见了羊和老鹰)3) It was the time (徐畅只有十岁 ). Step 5. Putting the words together
19、to make sentences (work in pairs)1. Show an examplethis was a period of time when she was studying in middle school.2. Exercise: Putting the words together in a correct order (individual work)1) where, she, was sitting, in the classroom, their homework, students, were busy doing,2) where, her middle
20、 school, was a place, statuesof great people, you could see,3) when, a hard period of time, she, This was, the examinations, must prepare for,Step6.Discussion (four people a group)1. Help students to review the whole story.Four periods: baby - child - pupil - middle school studentFour places: her mo
21、mmy ' s womi kindergarten - Tibet -middle school2. Have students discuss the question in group of four: Imagine if you were Xu Chang, when and where will you miss during the journey?3. Provide structures:I will miss the days when.Because was a place where.4. Check individuallyStep 7. HomeworkNow
22、 you are a high school student, you are studying in Tarim High school, do you like it? Why?Structure :I love my school because my school is a place where .Step 8. SummaryIn our life, we have various difficulties. Although there are ups and down in our life, but please remember: stick to it, and you
23、will succeed. Life is a journey, enjoy and cherish it!板书设计:time + when + S + V + O place + where + S + V + O She preferred the time when she was a baby, because it was a place where she felt comfortable and warm.教学反思:经验积累及收获:1 .通过讲述故事的方式,以及大量图片、视频、音频的辅助, 给学生构建了良好的语境,激发学生用英语思考并用英语输由;2 .本课从一个学生从未读过的故事
24、入手,脱离了课本,让学 生以一种放松的心态学习,从而使学生从一开始就对本课充满期待和兴趣;3 .故事中人物设定为高中生,他所穿越回的过去也正是大部分学生的过去,让学生有身临其境之感,更容易引起学生 共鸣;4 .本课在设计上来说,运用穿越这个话题,故事情节的开展 也随着空间和时间的变化而推进,从而完美地把关系副词when和where贯穿其中,教学和情境有机的结合在一起, 使整节课结构连贯流畅;5 .以往我们发现,在给学生介绍关系副词在定语从句中作状 语的时候,学生通常只记住概念,并不懂作状语的真正含 义.所以本课在讲解语法这个环节上,我不再强调语法成 分,用when和where后跟完整的句子这一理念,更有利 于他们理解;6 .在语法讲解方面,通过三次对故事情节的提问,引导学生 在不知不觉中说由目标句式,让他们自己体会和总结,正 是新课改所要求和提倡的.首先,在导入局部,通过提问为什么在此句中用when的方式,激发学生自主总结和归纳;另外,在第一局部结束时,通过提问她更喜欢哪个时期,弓I导学生说由 目标句式 she preferr
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