



1、2017-2018 学年三年级下册英语期末测试试题 姓名 _ 分数 _ 听力部分(32 分) 、选出你所听到的字母或单词。10分 ( ) 1 A U B.O C. A ( ) 2 A b B. P C. c ( ) 3 A box B. big C. boy ( ) 4 A lake B. walk C. talk ( ) 5 A were B. youre C .theyr 、听音编号。12分 )1. This monkey is fat. )2. They are mon keys. )3. Look!What are they?. )4. One, two. Two mon keys.

2、)5. That monkey is thin. )6. How many mon keys? 三、听音,连词成句。10分 I home go bike by 1. _ It s in hot summer 2. _ I football like 3. _ She TV watches six at o clock 4. _ Does Amy no odles like? 5. _ 笔试部分(68分) 、找出不同类的单词。5分 ( ) 1. A. one B. five C. black D. ten ( ) 2. A. coat B. ship C. bike D. train ( ) 3

3、. A. summer B. autumn C. monkey D. spring ( ) 4. A. skipping B. basketball C. elephant D. table tennis ( ) 5. A. cool B. cold C. hot D. park ( ) 6. A. rice B. meat C. P.E D. milk 二、 选择题。 10 分 ( )1.What color do you like? I like_ - A. TV B. red C. pig ( )2. How do you go to school? A. I go to school

4、by bus. B. It s a bird. C. Let s go. ( )3. Do you like basketball? A. I am 8. B. No, I don t. C. No, he doesn t. ( ) 4. What s your favorite food? AI am Sam. B. Yes, I do. C. My favorite food is ( ) 5. What do you do at Chinese New Year? A. I am a teacher. B. I watch TV. C. He likes dogs. ( ) 6. Wha

5、t s the time, please? A. It s half past ten. B. I go swimming! C. It s a nice pen. ( ) 7. What do you have at school? A. I have English and Chinese. B. She likes cats. C. He is a farmer. ( ) 8. Where is the pen? A. It s on the desk. B.生 C. No, she isn t. ( ) 9. What s Sam doing? He is _ . A. eight B

6、. Watching TV C. a good student ( ) 10. Have you got a new book? AHe is a boy. B. Yes, I have. C. Yes, I haven t. 三、 连线题。 12 分 1. bedroom 玩具 doll 卧室 favorite 洋娃娃 toy 特别喜欢的 2. small 胖的 thin 大的 fat 小的 big 瘦的 3. football 早操 morning exercises 足球 table tennis 游泳 swimming 乒乓球 四、选词填空。10分 haven t this like

7、past doesn t 1. What s _ ? It s a pencil. 2. What do you like? I _ football. 3. Have you got a new book? No, I _ . 4. Does Daming like table tennis? No, he _ . 5. What time do you go to work? I go to work at half _ six. 五、 从B栏中A栏句子的答语, 把编号与在括号内。10分 A )1. What s the tirtwasp? )2. Pass me the rice, please. )3. What are they? )4. Do you go to school by car? )5. Has she got a new T-shirt? 六、画一画。12分 1. The pen is on the box. 3. The apple is on the box. 4. The apple is un der the box. orange skipp ing Chin ese sleep table tennis no odles doll tree 七、在图片下方填上对应的单词。


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