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1、汕头市高考英语阅读理解训练经典题目(附答案)一、高中英语阅读理解1 .阅读理解Cassandra Feeley finds it hard to manage on her husband's income. So this year she did something more than a hobby. She planted vegetables in her yard. For her first garden, Ms. Feeley has put in 15 tomato plants, and five rows of a variety of vegetables. T

2、he family's old farm house has become a chicken house, its residents arriving next month. Last year, Ms. Rita Gartin kept a small garden. This year she has made it much larger because, she said, "The cost of everything is going up and I was looking to lose a few pounds too; so it's a wi

3、n-win situation all around."They are among the growing number of Americans who, driven by higher living costs and a falling economy, have taken up vegetable gardening for the first time. Others have increased the size of their existing gardens. Seed companies and garden shops say that not since

4、 the 1970s has there been such an increase in interest in growing food at home. Now many gardens across the country have been sold out for several months. In Austin, Tex, some of the gardens have a three- year waiting list.George C Ball Jr. owner of a company, said sales of vegetable seeds and plant

5、s are up by 40%, over last year, double the average growth of last five years. Mr. Ball argues that some of the reasons have been building for the last few years. The big one is striking rise in the cost on food like bread and milk, together with the increases in the price of fruit and vegetables. F

6、ood prices have increase of higher oil price. People are driving less, taking fewer vacations, so there is more time to garden.(1) What does the word "residents" in Paragraph 1 probably refer to?A. chickensB. tomatoesC. gardensD. people(2) Why is vegetable gardening becoming increasingly p

7、opular?A. More Americans are doing it for fun.B. The price of oil is lower than before.C. There's a growing need for fruits.D. The cost of living is on the rise.(3) Which of the following might be the best title for the text?A. Family Food PlanningB. Banking on GardeningC. A Belt-tightening Move

8、D. Gardening as a Hobby【答案】(1) AD(3) B【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,越来越多的美国人在自家花园里种菜,分析出现这一现象的原因是由于生活成本的上升和经济的下降,人们不得不自己种菜以降低生活成 本。(1)考查词义猜测。根据第一段中的 "Thefamily's old farm house has become a chicken house, its residents arriving next month.”可知, Cassandra Feeley 的旧房子成为了养鸡的地 方,下个月新的居民就要来了。这里的新居民就是指他们所养的鸡。故

9、选 Ao(2)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的 "Theyare among the growing number of Americans who, driven by higher living costs and a falling economy, have taken up vegetable gardening for the first time.可知,”菜园的出现是由于生活成本的上升以及经济的下降导致的。故选D。(3)考查主旨大意。纵观全文可知,本文讲述了越来越多的美国人在自家花园里种菜, 分析出现这一现象的原因是由于生活成本的上升和经济的下降。文章并没有涉及家庭食物 计

10、划和紧缩活动,更不是把园艺当成爱好。故选B。【点评】本题考点涉及推理判断,词义猜测和主旨大意三个题型的考查,是一篇社会现象 类阅读,考生需要根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,概括和归纳,从而选出正确 答案。2 .阅读理解An experimental cleanup device called RemoveDEBRIShas successfully cast a net around a dummy (仿真的)satellite, imitating a technique that could one day collect spaceborne garbage.The test, w

11、hich was carried out this week, is widely believed to be the first successful demonstration of space cleanup technology, experts told CNN. And it symbolizes an early step toward solving what has already been a critical issue: junk in space.Millions of pieces of junk are turning around in orbit the r

12、esult of 50 years of space travel and few regulations to keep space clean. At orbital speeds, even a small bit of paint crashing with a satellite can cause critical damage.Various companies have plans to send thousands of new satellites into low-Earth orbit, already the most crowded area.The RemoveD

13、EBRISexperiment is run by a company and researchers led by the U. K.'s Surrey Space Center and includes Airbus, Airbus-owned Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. and France's ArianeGroup.Guglielmo Aglietti, the director of Surrey Space Center, said that an operational version of the RemoveDEBRlS

14、technology would cast a net that remains fastened to the main satellite so the debris can be dragged out of orbit. It could target large pieces of junk, including dead satellites up to 10 meters long.The RemoveDEBRISsatellite will conduct a few more experiments in the coming months, including testin

15、g navigation features that could help guide the satellite to a specific piece of debris.Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said the success of this week's experiment was exciting, but he cautioned against "over- publicizing" it.Ther

16、e are still enormous barriers to clear before operational cleanup tasks are underway, he said, and the most discouraging is figuring out how to fund such projects.Aglietti, the Surrey professor who helped lead the RemoveDEBRISproject, said "The challenge will lie in persuading the relevant auth

17、orities to sponsor these tasks." Aglietti said he hopes RemoveDEBRISwill conduct a few cleanup tasks per year, targeting the largest pieces of junk in the most crowded orbits.11) What is the use of the RemoveDEBRISsatellite?A. Demonstrating space technology.B. Imitating a developing technique.C

18、. Collecting wastes existing in space.D. Symbolizing great progress in space.(2) How does the RemoveDEBRlSsatellite work?A. By throwing a net to take the junk from orbit. B. By fastening it to the main satellite tightly. C. By dragging satellites up to 10 meters long. D. By targeting large pieces of

19、 junk carefully.(3) What does the underlined word "sponsor" in the last paragraph probably mean?A. Accomplish.B. Support.C. Oppose.D. Provide.(4) What's the best title for the text?A. The RemoveDEBRISProject Is Perfect B. How RemoveDEBRISs Invented in the Lab C. Why the RemoveDEBRISSat

20、ellite Is Invented D. Satellite Collects Space Junk for the First Time 【答案】(1) C A (3) B (4) D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了卫星首次收集太空垃圾。”一种名为清除碎片”的实验清理设备成功地在一颗虚拟卫星周围撒网,模仿一种有朝一日可能收集太空垃圾 的技术。(1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中 ”.,imitating a technique that could one day collect spaceborne garbage.模仿一种有一天可以收集太空垃圾的技术。可知, the RemoveD

21、EBRIS 卫星的用途是收集太空中存在的废物。故选Co(2)考查推理判断。根据第六段中的“.,saidthat an operational version of the RemoveDEBRlStechnology would cast a net that remains fastened to the main satellite so the debris can be dragged out of orbit. It could target large pieces of junk, including dead satellites up to 10 meters long.该公

22、司表示,一种操作性版本的RemoveDEBRlS技术将会在主卫星上撒网,这样碎片就可以被拖出轨道。它可以瞄准大块的垃圾,包括长达10米的报废卫星。”可知,RemoveDEBRlSS星是通过撒网把垃圾带离轨道。故选A。(3)考查词义猜测。根据最后一段中的"Aglietti said he hopes RemoveDEBRIS will conduct afew cleanup tasks per year, targeting the largest pieces of junk in the most crowded orbits. "Agliettj他希望清理碎片的工作每

23、年能进行几次,目标是最拥挤轨道上最大的垃 圾碎片。可知,挑战在于说服有关当局赞助这些任务。”可知,划线词的意思是支持”。故选Bo(4)考查主旨大意。根据第二段中的"Thetest, which was carried out this week, is widelybelieved to be the first successful demonstration of space cleanup technology, experts told CNN. And it symbolizes an early step toward solving what has already b

24、een a critical issue: junk in space.专'家告诉CNN,本周进行的这次测试被广泛认为是太空清洁技术的首次成功演示。 它象征着解决太空垃圾这一关键问题的第一步。可知,本文主题是卫星首次收集太空垃圾”。故选D。【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,推理判断,词义猜测和主旨大意四个题型的考查,是篇科技类阅读,要求考生在捕捉细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行 分析,推理,概括和归纳,从而选出正确答案。3 .阅读理解It seems we're always being told to get more sleep. Studies sugges

25、t spending less time on sleep can lead to obesity( 肥胖)and even cancer. You might even find yourself with a head full of false memories. But rarely does science explore the dark side of sleeping too much. That's because few of us in today's busy world have the luck of exploring that option.In

26、 an August 2018 study, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, researchers researched the sleep patterns of those "fortunate" few and found they may not be so lucky after all. In fact, they found people who get more than eight hours of sleep have greater health risk com

27、pared to those who sleep together less than seven hours. What's more, sleep- aholics-those who manage to get 10 hours a night-stand a 30 percent higher chance of dying compared to the seven-hour crowd.The wide-ranging global study invoked(涉及)more than three million people who selfreported on the

28、ir sleep habits and came to an eye-opening conclusion: If you tend to sleep a lot, you may want to buy an alarm clock. As with all things in life, sleep is best taken in moderation( 适 度).You may be thinking: What if I only sleep in on Saturday and Sunday, am I still at risk? The answer is yes, accor

29、ding to a 2019 study published in Current Biology. Researchers discovered that even if a person sleeps more than seven hours on the weekends but still sleeps less than that on weeknights, they are at risk of gaining weight and developing sensitivity to insulin, which controls the level of sugar in b

30、lood.For the study, 36 participants were divided into three groups that each had a different sleep schedule: nine hours every night, five hours every night, and five hours from Monday to Friday and sleeping much on weekends. People who get too much sleep tend to feel tired and lack energy. Also, bot

31、h sleep-deprived(睡眠不足的 )groups consume more food and gain weight.(1) Why is the harmful effect of sleeping too much seldom studied?A. Few people have time to sleep too much. B. Lack of sleep causes much more harm.C. It turns out to be a healthy sleep pattern. D. People's health has nothing to do

32、 with it. (2) What does the underlined words "those 'fortunate' few" in paragraph 2 refer to?A. Those leading a relaxing life.B. Those getting too much sleep.C. Those with less time to sleep.D. Those with no sleep problems.(3) What can be learned from the 2019 study?A. Sleeping muc

33、h is particularly beneficial to hungry people.B. Many people sleep more on weekends than on weekdays.C. An alarm clock of high quality is important for good sleep.D. People who sleep much only on weekends also have health risk.(4) What is the main idea of the text?A. It is necessary to save enough t

34、ime for sleep.B. Too much sleep can result in gaining weight.C. Sleeping too much does harm to people's health.D. People can avoid sleeping much by eating healthily.【答案】 ( 1 ) A(2) B(3) D(4) C【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇说明文,我们似乎总是被告知要多睡觉,但是睡眠过多对身体也是有害的。( 1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的 ” Butrarely does science explore the d

35、ark side of sleeping too much. That's because few of us in today's busy world have the luck of exploring that option. 可知,在如今忙碌的社会很少有人会有时间睡太多,所以睡眠过多对人体的危害很“ 少被研究。故选A。( 2)考查词义猜测。根据第一段中的“ That'sbecause few of us in today's busy world havethe luck of exploring that option. 这是因为在当今这个繁忙的世界

36、上,很少有人有机会探索”这种选择; 以及第二段中的“theymay not be so lucky after all. In fact, they found peoplewho get more than eight hours of sleep have greater health risk 他们可能根本就没有那么幸“运。事实上,他们发现睡眠超过8 小时的人有更大的健康风险,可推断,划线部分指代 “睡眠时间太长的人” 。故选B。( 3)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的” Researchersdiscovered that even if a person sleepsmore than

37、seven hours on the weekends but still sleeps less than that on weeknights, they are at risk of gaining weight and developing sensitivity to insulin, which controls the level of sugar in blood. 研究人员发现,即使一个人在周末的睡眠时间超过“7 个小时,但仍然比工作日晚上的睡眠时间少,他们也有体重增加和对控制血糖水平的胰岛素敏感的风险。可知,只有周末睡得多的人也会面临健康风险。故选D。( 4)考查主旨大意。

38、根据第一段中的 ” Butrarely does science explore the dark side of sleeping too much. 可知本文介绍了睡眠过多会对身体造成一定程度的伤害。故选 “C。【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,词义猜测和主旨大意三个题型的考查,是一篇健康类阅读,考生需要准确捕捉细节信息,同时根据上下文进行逻辑推理,概括归纳,从而选出正确答案。4 ( 2019?江苏)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。In the 1960s, while studying the volcanic history of Ye

39、llowstone National Park, Bob Christiansen became puzzled about something that, oddly, had not troubled anyone before: he couldn't find the park's volcano. It had been known for a long time that Yellowstone was volcanic in nature that's what accounted for all its hot springs and other ste

40、amy features. But Christiansen couldn't find the Yellowstone volcano anywhere.Most of us, when we talk about volcanoes, think of the classic cone ( 圆锥体 ) shapes of a Fuji or Kilimanjaro, which are created when erupting magma ( 岩浆 ) piles up. These can form remarkably quickly. In 1943, a Mexican

41、farmer was surprised to see smoke rising from a small part of his land. In one week he was the confused owner of a cone five hundred feet high. Within two years it had topped out at almost fourteen hundred feet and was more than half a mile across. Altogether there are some ten thousand of these vol

42、canoes on Earth, all but a few hundred of them extinct. There is, however, a second les known type of volcano that doesn't involve mountain building. These are volcanoes so explosive that they burst open in a single big crack, leaving behind a vast hole, the caldera. Yellowstone obviously was of

43、 this second type, but Christiansen couldn't find the caldera anywhere.Just at this time NASA decided to test some new high-altitude cameras by taking photographs of Yellowstone. A thoughtful official passed on some of the copies to the park authorities on the assumption that they might make a n

44、ice blow-up for one of the visitors' centers. As soon as Christiansen saw the photos, he realized why he had failed to spot the caldera; almost the whole park-2.2 million acres was caldera. The explosion had left a hole more than forty miles across much too huge to be seen from anywhere at groun

45、d level. At some time in the past Yellowstone must have blown up with a violence far beyond the scale of anything known to humans.(1) What puzzled Christiansen when he was studying Yellowstone?A. Its complicated geographical features.B. Its ever-lasting influence on tourism.C. The mysterious history

46、 of the park.D. The exact location of the volcano.(2) What does the second-paragraph mainly talk about?A. The shapes of volcanoes.B. The impacts of volcanoes.C. The activities of volcanoes.D. The heights of volcanoes.(3) What does the underlined word "blow-up" in the last paragraph most pr

47、obably mean?A. Hot-air balloon. B. Digital camera. C. Big photograph. D. Bird's view. 【答案】(1) DA(4) C【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,二十世纪六十年代Bob Christiansen在研究黄石公园的火山历史时,奇怪地发现到处看不到火山的影子,原来,这儿的火山并不是像我们大部 分人想象的那种圆锥体形状的高耸的样子,而是一个巨大的洞,这个洞太大了以至于从地 面上的任何地方都看不见。(1)细节理解题。根据第一段中的"ButChristiansen couldn't find

48、 the Yellowstone volcanoanywhere.可知,他困惑的是到处看不到火山。故选D。(2)段落大意题。本段讲述了两种形状的火山,一种是通常人们所理解的由火山岩浆堆 积形成的圆锥体,还有一种极具爆发力的火山,它们会在一个大裂缝中爆裂,留下一个巨 大的洞,故选Ao(3)词义猜测题。根据第三段中的"Jusa t this time NASA decided to test some new high-altitude cameras by taking photographs of Yellowstone. A thoughtful official passed o

49、n some of the copies to the park authorities on the assumption that they might make a nice blow-up for one of the visitors' centers.可知,美国国家航空和宇宙航行局为测试一些新的高海拔照相机而拍 摄了黄石公园的照片。一位深思熟虑的官员把其中的一些照片副本转交给了公园管理部 门,认为他们可能会将其放大以供一个游客中心展示。故可知,此处意为将照片放大。故 选C。【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,词义猜测和段落大意三个题型的考查,是一篇故事类阅 读,要求考生在捕捉细节

50、信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推 理,概括和归纳,从而选出正确答案。5 .阅读理解Positive thinking is a significant element of happiness. In order to become a positive thinker, determination and consistency are important. The first thing to know about positive thinking is that everyone can do it. With certain cognitive (认知的)and

51、 behavioral changes, we can all become positive thinkers. Another important factor is that being a positive thinker does not mean you become numb to anything that is not working properly in your life or is negative - it just means that you approach life and face challenges with a healthier outlook.I

52、nstead of selectively attending to negative events, focus on the positive ones. Then pay attention to the delayed consequences of your behavior rather than the immediate ones. For example, if a job is not going like you want, focus on the fact that you have a job and how you can take your time to ma

53、ke the situation better.Challenge any internal attributions and see if you compare your behavior to standards that are excessively rigid and perfectionistic. If so, change these and be reasonable with your comparisons. For example, if you constantly compare your weaknesses with other people's st

54、rengths, then switch this and compare yourself with those who are doing poorer than you as well. Overall, people who focus more on their strengths than their weaknesses but at the same time are aware of their weaknesses have a healthier self-evaluation result.When faced with too much fear about a si

55、tuation, imagine the worst case and visualize a solution for it, then let go of fear. This way, you will be prepared for anything and your fear will not block you from being open and creative to different solutions. For example, if you are constantly worried about losing your job up to a point where

56、 it is creating a lot of anxiety and fear and is effecting your performance and your happiness negatively, then think of losing your job, visualize how you will handle it, find solutions in your mind and then let go of the thought and the fear attached to it.So positive thinkers are better problem s

57、olvers and have better interactions. In addition to that, people who are positive thinkers are happier and more satisfied with their life.(1) Why is positive thinking a significant element of happiness?A. It means that one is blind to the troubles and difficulties that exist.B. It means that one con

58、stantly compares everything with other people's.C. It means that one is strong in mind and has nothing to be afraid of.D. It means that one approaches life and faces challenges more healthily.2 2) What does the text suggest about the job you don't like?A. Quitting it and finding a better one

59、.B. Keeping and trying to make it better.C. Being negative and numb to it.D. Challenging yourself with a new outlook.(3) What does the author intend to tell us in paragraph 4?A. Be prepared for the worst: and let go of fear.B. Being constantly worried will lose your job.C. Fear will prevent you being open and creative.D. There is nothing to fear if well prepared.(4) What can be a suitable title for the text?A. How to focus on the positive eventsB. How to be a positive thinkerC. What to d


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