



1、小学四年级上册英语期末复习试题一、按要求写单词。1. I d ( 完整形式 )2. let s( 完整形式 )3. he( 物主代词)4. tall( 反义词)5. snowman( 复数 )6. beautiful( 近义词 )7. sandwich( 复数 )8. for(同音词)9. I( 同音词 )10.fat( 反义词)二、英汉互译。1. 在厨房里 2. 一杯咖啡 3. 她的长尾巴 4. 一杯牛奶 5. 一个白色冰箱 6. 一些面条 7. 在沙发上 8. 一个酷的机器人9. make a fruit salad10. three brown horses11. at the snac

2、k bar12. ride my bike三、单项选择( )1.-What would you like? I d likeegg.A.the B.an C.a( )2.Can I help you? .A.I like a cake. B.I d like a cake. C.I na*e a cake.( )3.nose is small and nose is big.A.My, he B.His, I C.His, my( )4.Her eyesbig and her hairshort.A.is, is B.are, is C.is, are( )5. I can play ches

3、s, but I can t swim. I swim either.A.can B.can t C.don t( )6.I ha*etoy cats, but I don t ha*etoy dogs.A.some, some B.some, any C.any, any( )7.-Do you ha*erice? -Yes, I ha*e.A.a , some B.any, some C.some, some( )8.Look at my new skirt! nice skirt!A.What a B.What C.How( )9.are the shoes?A.How many B.H

4、ow much C.What( )10.-What do you like? -I like this.A.pineapple B.pineapples C.a pineapple四、从II栏中找出与I栏相对应的答句,并将其序号填入题前括号内I( )1. Can I help you?( )2.Would you like a banana?( )3.How much are they?( )4.How are you?( )5.Where are my bags?( )6.How many dolls do you ha*e?( )7.What do you ha*e?( )8.What d

5、o you like?( )9.What can you do?( )10.What are those?五、连词成句。I. look, come, a, and, ha*e (HA. No, thanks.B.They re in the bedroom.C.I m happy.D.They are socks.E. I d like some bananas.F.I like hamburgers.G.I can jump.H.I ha*e three.I.I ha*e some milk.J. They re 20 yuan.。)2. ha*e, in, we, room, li*ing

6、, flowers, the, some ( . )3. please, like, glass, grape, a, I d, juice, of ( , . )4. my, T-shirt, is, new, where, white ( ? )5. a, is, cat, that, nice ( . )六、根据中文提示,完成句子。1. 看我们的洋娃娃,真漂亮。Look atdoll. It s.2. 这是一把雨伞。它是给我姐姐的。This is. It smy.3. 我篮球打得非常好。I can*ery.4. - 你想要多少个? -30 个。-would you like? -.5.

7、- 袜子多少钱?-28元 。 - the.yuan.6. 我有长头发和大耳朵。I ha*eand big.七、阅读理解,正确的写“ T”,错误的写“ F”sameTim is my friend.He is in Suzhou now. We are in the school. He is a little fat. He has big blue eyes. His hair is not black but yellow. His nose, mouth and ears are allbig. He likes blue. He likes wearing(穿) a blue T-sh

8、irt andblue jeans(牛仔裤)。Look at his hand(手)。He has a football in it. We often play football after class(放学 ) 。( )1.Tim is an English girl.( )2.Tim s hair and eyes are blue.( )3.Tim s fa*ourite( 最喜欢的 ) colour is blue.( )4.Tim likes basketball.( )5.The boy with big eyes, big ears, a big nose and a bigmouth is Tom.八、句子排序( ) Yes, I do. What about you?( ) Look at this cat!( ) Do you like cats?( ) No, I don t. I like pandas.( ) Oh, it s cute.九、用所给词的适当形式填空。1、 I can t play football (t


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