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1、 基础模块上册 Unit 10 知识点汇总 一、重点词组: 1. north of . “.以北, 的北边” 拓展: to the n orth/east/west/south of. 外 eg: Japa n is to the east of China. in the n orth/east/west/south of. eg: Shan ghai is in the east of China. on the n orth/east/west/south of. eg: Shandong Pro vince is on the east of Hebei Province. 山东省位于

2、河北省东面。 “因.而.”。这种语义的with gree n with envy 嫉妒的脸色发青 2. with great joy 欣喜若狂” 该结构是介词短语在句中作伴随状语。 with (表原因,理由) 拓展:red with anger 愤怒的涨红了脸 jump with exciteme nt 兴奋的跳起来 almost mad with joy 欣喜若狂 一般表示位于某地范围之 日本位于中国的东面。 表示位于某地范围之内 上海位于中国的东部。 表示两地接壤 多半与表示情绪的词连用。 eg: With all the no ise, I could nliste n to the l

3、ecture. 这么吵,我无法听演讲。 3. be good at sth./doing sth. “擅长于 ” eg: She is good at singing pop songs. 她擅长于唱流行歌曲。 4. be eager to do . “急着要 , 渴望 ” eg: We are eager to learn English. 我们渴望学英语。 She is eager to see her son. 她渴望见到她的儿子。 5. as soon as possible “尽可能快地,尽早地 ” eg: We have to finish our homework as soon

4、 as possible. 我们得尽快完成作业。 6. without doing sth. eg: She went out of the room without saying anything. 她一言不发地走出房间。 7. keep on doing . “继续进行 . , 坚持不断做 . ” eg: In spite of the noise outdoors, she kept on reading. 尽管外面很吵,她还是继续读书。 8. not. any more “不再,再也不 ” eg: I will not come here any more. 我再也不到这里来了。 9.

5、 . at the end of . “在 的末尾,末端 ” eg: There is a Children hospital at the end of the street. 在这条街的尽头有一家儿童医院。 10. look for . “寻找,寻求 ” eg: I am looking for my English book. 11. come up “出现,被提出来 ”我在找我的英语书 eg: The problem will come up at the meeting tomorrow. 明天这个问题将在会议上提出来 拓展: come across (偶然 )遇见,发 come o

6、ut 出来,出版 考虑,认为 ” 考虑要做,想要做 ” eg: What do you think of my new car 你认为我的新车如何 I am thinking of going to Europe this summer 我在考虑今年夏天到欧洲去。 eg: She is such a lovely girl that we all like her. 她是一个如此可爱的女孩以至于我们都喜欢她。 14. not all (each , every , both . ) = all ( each , every , both . ) . not . 表示部分否定,意为“并不是所有的

7、 . , 并非都 . ” eg: Not all the answers are correct.=All the answers are not correct. 并不是所有的答案都是对的。 15. take part in . “参加 . ” eg: He will take part in the activity. 他将参加这次活动。 16. keep . + (形容词,名词,分词,介词短语等 ) “使 . 保持某种状态”come about 发生,产生 现 come back 回来,想起来 12. think of . think of doing . 13. such . that

8、 . 如此这般 . 以至于 eg: We should keep ourselves healthy. 我们应该保持自身身体健康。 Keep the wi ndow ope n. 让窗户开着。 二、常用句子及句型: 1. Keep on, never give up. 坚持,永不放弃。 2. 表示计划和打算常用的表达方式: going to . I want to . Idlike/love to . I will . I pla n/am pla nning to . I expect/hope . Unit 11 知识点汇总 一、重点词组: 1. play a part in . 在 中起

9、作用,在 . 中担任角色” eg: Frie nds play an importa nt part in our lives. 朋友在我们的生活中担任重要角色。 2. get on well with . 与 相处得很好” a number of . “许多”(后接可数名词) 区分:the number of . .“.的数量” a few of .“.中的几个,一些”(用于可数名词) eg: We may get on well with a nu mber of people, but we usually make friends with only a few of them. 我们

10、可以和很多人相处得很好, 但 eg: We should keep ourselves healthy. 是我们通常只和其中的一些人交上朋友。 3. share . with . “与 . 分享,共用 . ” eg: A close friend is someone who is able to share joys and sorrows with you. 亲密朋友是能与你共享欢乐和分担悲伤的人。 4. rely on . “信赖 , 依靠 ” eg: We can only rely on our teachers in English study. 在英语学习中我们只能依靠老师。 5

11、. lend a hand to sb : lend sb a hand “向某人伸出援助之手,帮一下忙” eg: Can you lend me a hand to clean these windows 你能帮忙把这些窗户擦了吗 二、常用句子及句型: 1. Friendship is one of lifes greatest treasures. 友谊是人生中的宝贵财富。 2. 表述“打扰”和与陌生人交流的常用语: Hi! OK./All right./Of course. Excuse me, I/Can I. Yes,please. Excuse me, will you . Go

12、ahead, please. Would you mind doing . No, sorry./Im sorry I cant. By the way, . Let me see. Unit 12 知识点汇总 、重点词组: 阴历,农历” the solar calendar “阳历” Lunar New Years Eve “农历除夕夜” 1.the lunar calendar eg: The Spring Festival is on the first day of a year in the lunar calendar. 春节是阴历年的第一天。 2.no matter how .

13、“无论 . ” eg: No matter how difficult the question is, we have to answer it. 无论问题多难,我们都得回答。 拓展: no matter what “无论什么” no matter who “无论谁” no matter where “无论哪儿” no matter when “无论何时”等 都可以用来引导让步状语从句 eg::No matter what he said, we couldnt believe him. 无论他说什么,我们都不信。 3. try to do. “尽量做 ,设法做 ” eg: We try t

14、o help the old man to find his way home. 我们设法帮助老人找到回家的路。 4. just as. “正如 ” eg: Just as the teacher said, English is not so difficult to learn. 正如老师说的那样,英语并不那么难学。 5. prepare for “为 做准备”。 eg: We are preparing for the English exam. 我们正为英语考试做准备。 6. sweep out. “扫掉 . ,清除 . ” eg: Could you help me sweep ou

15、t the snow你能帮我清除积雪吗 7. hang up. “把 . 挂起来” eg:: You may hang up the map on the blackboard. 你可以把地图挂在黑板上。 8. on both sides of . “在 . 的两边” eg: There are some trees on both sides of the road. 在路的两边有一些树。 9. make+ n.+ adj. “使得 . 处于 . 状态” eg: He tries to make his less on lively and in teresti ng. 他设法使他的课生动有

16、趣。 10. so that “为了,以便” 引导目的状语从句,通常从句中有情态动词 can, could, may, might 等。 eg: He studies very hard so that he can pass the exams. 他学习非常努力以便能够通过考试。 11. as for . “谈到 .,至于 . ” eg: As for Professor Wan g, it is well known to every one. 说起王教授,大家众所周知 12. at mid night “在午夜”set off “使爆炸” eg: At midnight, we have

17、 some Jiaozi and set off crackers and fireworks to welcome the New Yeaco ming. 在午夜,我们吃饺子并燃放烟花爆竹以迎接新年的到来。 13. dress up “着装,打扮起来” show respect to . “向表示敬意” the senior members of the family “家中长辈” eg: On the first morni ng of the Lunar New Year, we get up early, dress up and go to show respect to the senior members of the family. 在大年初一的早上,我们早早地起床,打扮齐整,去给家中的长辈 拜年。 二、常用句子及句型: 1. The Spring Festival is coming. 春节快到了。 句中的is comi ng是进行时,表示将来要发生的动作。英语中可用 进行时表将来的词有: come, go, arrive, leave, get, return 等。 eg: My frie nd is leavi n


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