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1、初一下册英语16单元短语汇总Unit 1 短语l.play chess 下棋2.speak English 说英语3 .be good at sth./ doing 擅长于4 .talk to/with sb. 与某人说话5 .join the swimming club 加入游泳俱乐部6 .play basketball 打篮球7 .play chess 下棋8 .tell stories 讲故事9 .school show 学校表演10.do kung fu 做功夫11.show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.向某人展示某物12 . play the guitar/

2、the violin/the piano弹吉他/ 小提琴/钢琴13 .play the drums 敲豉14 .talk (about) sth. with sb.与某人谈论某物15 .play sth. with sb.和某人玩16 .be in + 组织=be a member of+ = join 成为 的一员17 .take part in = join in 参力口活动18 .at the old people s home 在养老院19 .be free= have time 有空余时间20 .make friends with sb.与某人交朋友21 .call sb. at按号

3、码打给某人22 .help sb. with sth.帮助某人某物23 .help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事24 .on the weekend = on weekends 在周末25 .teach sb. sth. = teach sth. to sb.教某人某物26 .school music festival 学校音乐节27 .be good with sb.擅于应付的28 .need sth.需要某物29 .need to do sth.需要去做某事30 .need sb. to do sth.需要某人去做某事31 .be busy with sth. / doi

4、ng sth.忙于某事 /做某事Unit 2 短语1 .get up early/ late 起得早 / 晚2 .go to school 去上学3 .get dressed 穿衣月艮4 .brush teeth 刷牙5 .eat/ have breakfast 吃早饭6 .take/ have a shower 洗澡7 .at a radio station 在广播电台8 .radio show 电台节目9 .fromto从至.10 .at night 在晚上11 .go to work 去上班12 .be late for sth.迟到13 .on school days 在上学日14 .

5、do exercise = play / do sports = exercise 做运动15 .go home/ here/ there 回家/去这儿/去那儿16 .get to = arrive in /at=reach 到I达17 .do one s homework做某人的家庭作业18 .clean the room 打扫房间19 .take/have a walk =go for a walk 散步20 .go to bed 去睡觉21 .either or或者或者一.22 .lots of = a lot of 大量的23 .be good for对有好处24 .taste goo

6、d尝起来很好25 .half past seven 七点半26 .a quarter to eight 七点四十五27 .make breakfast 做早饭28 .the first class 第一节课Unit 3 短语1 .ride a/the bike to = go to by bike 骑自行车去2 .take a/the train to=go to by train 乘火车去坐地铁3 .take a/the subway to = go to by subway4 .walk to = go to on foot走路去5 .How about = What about + do

7、ing 怎么样?6 .ninety -nine 997 .one hundred and five 1058 .two hundred 2009 .How long 多久10 .How far 多远1.1 It takes sbto do做 花费奥人多少时间12 .every day 每天13 .the bus ride 公交车程14 .have a good day 玩得快乐的一天15 .at school 在校16 .drive to.= go to.by car 开车去17 .the bus stop 公交车站18 .the train station 火车站19 .the subway

8、 station 地铁站20 .think of 认为 ;看待21 .his grandparents home 他祖父母的家22 .cross the river 过河23 .for many students 对于很多学生24.It s easy to do 做容易25 .between and 在两者之间26 .run quickly 跑得快27 .go on a ropeway to走索道去28 .an 11-year-old boy 一个 11 岁的男孩29 .love to do /love doing 喜欢做一30 .play with us / them 和 我们/他们一起玩3

9、1 .be like 像羊32 .many of 中的许多1.1 It is their dream to do 做 是他们的梦想34 .come true 实现35 .dream of (doing) 梦想做某事一1.1 in the village在村子里37 .have / has to 不得不38 .Thanks for sth . / doing sth .因为 感谢39.leave home 离开家Unit 4 短语1 迟到 arrive late for/ be late for2 .准时 on time3 .在走廊里 in the hallways4 .在餐厅里 in the

10、dining hall5 .听音乐 / 听我说 listen to music/me6 .在上课 in class7 的一些 some of.8 .把带来 bringto9 . 音乐播放器music players10 .不得不,必须have to11 .穿校服wear the schooluniform12 .在外面吃eat outside13 .许多规则 a lot of/lots of/ many rules14 . 保持安静be /keep quiet15 .和某人打架fight with sb.16 .不必 don t/doesn t have to17 .为.外由 go out f

11、or18 .练习(做)某事practice ( doing ) sth.19 .洗碗 do the dishes20 .做早餐 make breakfast21 . 在上学的晚上on school nights22 .在上学日 on school days23 每周六every Saturday太多 too much/many26 .铺床make the/one s bed27 .把某物留在某地方 leave sth sp28 . 喧闹的 be noisy29 .放松自己 relax oneself30 .读书 read a book/read books31 .在睡觉,卧床(be) in b

12、ed32 .我知道你的感受 I know how you feel.33 .思考,考虑 think about34 .对某人严格 be strict with sb.35 .对某事严格 be strict in sth.36 .记得去做某事 remember to do37 .记得做过了某事 remember doing38 .遵守规则 follow the rules39 .好运 good luck40 .幸运地做某事 be lucky to do41 .制定规则 make the rules42 .留长/ 短发 keep one s hair long/short43 .让某人/某物保持某

13、种状态keep sb/sth adj44 .让某人做某事 keep sb doing sth.45 .做.有乐趣 have fun doing46 .学做 learn to do sth.Unit 5 短语1. kind of = a little 稍微,有点儿2. be from = come from 来自3. all day 整天4 .walk on用一行走5 . like a lot = like very much 非常喜欢6 .be friendly to sb.对友好7 . Lets do- - = Why not do =Why don t you do 咱们做,一吧8 .on

14、e of +复数名词.中的之一one of them 他们中的一个9 .a symbol of的一个标志10 .forget to do 忘记做一11 .forget doing 忘记做过12 .walk for a long time 走很长时间的路13 . get/ be lost 迷路14 . a place with water and food 有水和食品的地方15 . be in danger= be dangerous 处于危险中16 .cut down 砍伐17 . over 100,000= more than 100,000 十多万18 . be made of 由做成(物

15、理)19 . be made from由一做成(化学)Unit 6 短语1. clean the room= do some cleaning 打扫房间2. read a newspaper/read newspapers 看报纸3. talk on the phone (to sb)(给某人)电话聊天4. listen to a CD/ the radio 听一张 CD/ 收音机5. use the computer 用电脑6. make soup 做汤;煲汤7. wash the dishes = do the dishes 洗餐具8. do some exercise 锻炼9. go t

16、o the movies 去看电影10. not much = nothing much 没什么事11. join sb for sth / join sb. to do sth. 与某人一起做某事12. eat out 出去吃饭(动态) eat outside 在外面吃(静态)13. I d love to do =l d like to do (I d = I would 我愿意) 我很乐意做.14. See you !=Good bye! 再见15. at school=in the school 在学校16. in a swimming pool 在游泳池里17. in a super

17、market 在超市里18. in a library 在一个图书馆里19. go shopping = do some shopping = shop 去购物20. in the shop = in the store 在商店里21. live with sb 和某人一块住live in. 居住在 .22. an American family 一个美国家庭23. the Dragon Boat Festival 龙舟节;端午节24. make zongzi 包粽子25. watch boat races/ football games (on TV) (在电视上)看龙舟比赛 / 足球比赛26. any oth


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