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1、编号:本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载协议范本中英甲方:乙方:日期:说明:本合同资料适用于约定双方经过谈判、协商而共同承认、共同遵守的责任与 义务,同时阐述确定的时间内达成约定的承诺结果。文档可直接下载或修改,使用 时请详细阅读内容。This Contract is entered on by and between:本协议是由以下双方在 年 月 日签订:Party A :A 方:Party B: , a Company organized and existing under the lawsof China and having its principle place

2、 of business at, Shanghai -Peoples Republic of China.B 方: ,一家根据中国法律成立,主营业地位丁 的公司。Whereas, 1 、 Party A is engaged in the business of marketing of in ;2 、 Party B is engaged in developing and manufacture of;Now this Contract witnessth and it is hereby agreed by and between the Parties heretoas follows

3、:鉴丁,A方从事 产品在国市场的营销工作,B方是 产品专业的研发、生产企业,双方为共同的发展,达成如下合作协议:Section 1. Definitions and Interpretation.第一条:总则和定义1.1 Cooperation Manner: Both Parties agree that Party A shall sell the productswith the brand designated by Party A (the Products ").合作方式:双方同意 A 方以 OEM 方式销售合作产品, B 方采用 OEM 方式研发、 生产 并提供合作产品

4、,合作产品的商标由 A 方授权。1.2 Definitions: 定义:1.2.1 Products:合作产品:是指 B 方根据 A 方或 A 方客户要求设计、研发、生产的 产品;1.2.2 OEM: The Products with the brand designated by Party A shall be technicallybased on the products developed and designed by Party B and approvedby Party A.OEM方式:指A方授权B方在产品或产品的载体上印制A方名称和商标,同时A方也有权禁止 B 方将其名称

5、和冏标印制在广品上;1.2.3 Purchase Order:订单:指 A 方出具的用丁向 B 方订购产品的正式文件。1.3 Duration: This Agreement shall be for a period of years from the date ofexecution unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.协议有效期:本协议自签订之日起生效,有效期为 年。本协议自有效期满时 终止或本 协议中约定的终止情况发生时终止。Section 2. Brand and T

6、rademark:第二条:商标2.1 Party A grants Party B to use the Brand and Trademark on the products.A 方授权 B 方在合作产品上使用 A 方名称和商标。2.2 Party B undertakes not to use the Trade Mark in any way without the expressed approval of Party A. The Trade Mark can only be used in products as approved by parties. B 方按双方约定范围和方式

7、使用 A 方提供的名称和商标, 不侵犯 A 方名称或商标。2.3 Party A warrants that the Brand and Trademark do not infringe any admissible intellectual property right of any third party, Otherwise, Party A shall indemnify Party B s loss and damage result from such infringement (including but not limited to attorney fee, any pen

8、alty, damage or compensation) .A方保证其提供的名称和商标等不侵犯任何人的权利,若 B 方因产品侵权而导致的一切损失 (包括但不限于 直接经济损失、律师费等 ),A 方应予以赔偿。2.4 Party A shall provide Party B with the corresponding brand symbol, brand LOGO image and other relevant brand and/or design. The cost of putting the brand on the Products shall be for the acco

9、unt of Party B.A 方应当将相应的商标、商标 LOG 。设计以及其他相关的商标或设计提供给 B 方。将商标印制在产品上的费用由 B 方承担。Section 3 .Products, Quality Standards第三条:产品质量标准Party B hereby guarantees that the Products provided to Party A will comply with the quality standards provided in this Agreement, country standards, Party A 's factory st

10、andard or as maybe agreed upon in writing by both parties. If the liability of the product s quality is caused by A 's directions, B will not be with responsibility for the liability.B 方承诺,提供给 A 方的产品符合本协议约定的质量标准或 B 方的工厂标准或者 双方书面同意的标准。如果产品的质量责任是由 A 方的指示造成的, B 方不承担相关责任 .Section 4. Rights and Oblig

11、ations第四条:双方的权利与义务4.1 Party A warrants that it shall not divulge relevant technical materials to a third party. In case of violation by Party A of its warranty, Party B shall have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately by giving written notice to Party A.A 方承诺,不会将所获悉的 B 方的相关技术资料泄露给第三方 。如果

12、 A 方违反其 承 诺,B方在书面通知A方后有权立刻终止本协议,并要求 A方赔偿由此引起的一切损失。4.2 Party A further warrants that it will not dismantle or dissect the Products or counterfeit the Products. In case of violation by Party A of its warranty, Party B shall have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately by giving written notic

13、e to Party A.When the Intellectual Property Rights of Party B is violated, Party B shall have the right to claim the legal and/or economic compensation from the Party A.A方进一步承诺,不拆解产品或者仿冒产品。如果A方违反其承诺,B方在书面通 知A方后有权立刻终止本协议。并且 B 方有权要求 A 方给予经济赔偿。4.3 Party B warrants that it shall not directly or indirect

14、ly contact with Party A scustomer or sell product, whether directly or indirectly to Party A ' s customer. Except the approval of Party A. B方保证,不直接或间接和A方客户联系,并且不直接或问接向A方客户销售产品, A 方同意除外。4.4 Party B warrants that the Product do not infringe any admissible intellectual property right of any third p

15、arty, including, but not limited to, copyright, patent and/or trade secret. B方保证,OEM产品不侵犯任何第三方的知识产权,包括但不限于,著作权、专利权或商业秘密。4.5 Party B warrants and shall provide the technical materials covering the Productsand shall help Party A finish the corresponding advertising materials and manuals. B 方保证, 提供有关广品的技术资料,协助 A 方完成相应的说明资料和手册 .4.6 Party B warrant


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