1、2021/8/21 Language studyUnit 2 Poems2021/8/22一、单词拼写一、单词拼写 根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。1._ daimnd n. 钻石钻石 2. _ raim n. 押韵押韵 3. _ n:sri n. 托儿所托儿所 4. _ spekt n. 方面方面 5. _ blu:n n. 气球气球 6. _ ktid n.村舍村舍 7. _ sru n. 悲伤悲伤 8. _ endi n.结局结局 9. _ ptn n. 模式模式;图案图案 10. _ snain n. 阳光阳光 sunlight diamondrhy
2、menurseryaspectballooncottagesorrowendingpattern2021/8/2311. _ br:nt n. 枝条枝条;部门部门12. _ kmps n. 指南针指南针13. _ .ndlain vt. 在在下画线下画线14. _ trnsleit vt.翻译翻译15. _ knvei vt.传达传达;运送运送16. _ ti:z vt.取笑取笑17._ risait vt. 背诵背诵18. _ pruprit adj. 适当的适当的19. _ s:lti adj. 咸的咸的20. _ endlis adj.无穷的无穷的endlessbranchcompass
3、underlinetranslateconveyteasereciteappropriatesalty2021/8/24四、词组互译四、词组互译 将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。1. _ 1. _ 不紧张不紧张 2. _ 2. _ 用完用完 3. _ 3. _ 构成构成 4. _ 4. _ 把把翻译成翻译成 5. _ 5. _ 处于危险中处于危险中 6. _ 6. _ 使某人大笑使某人大笑 7. _ 7. _ 给某人一种印象给某人一种印象 8. _ 8. _ 表达表达( (自己的思想感情自己的思想感情) )express oneself take it easy
4、run out ofmake up oftranslate intobe in dangermake sb. Laughgive sb. an impression2021/8/259. be popular with _10. tell sb. a story _11. tease at sb. _12. take my eyes off _13. run away _14. pay attention to _15. knock over _16. keep an eye on _留心留心 受欢迎受欢迎给某人讲故事给某人讲故事取笑别人取笑别人不看不看跑开跑开注意注意打翻打翻2021/8/2
5、61. reasonreason后可接后可接whythat引导的定语从句引导的定语从句; The _ _ _ _ _was that he didnt care about health1) 他生病的原因是他不注意自己的健康。他生病的原因是他不注意自己的健康。reason why he fell ill句型句型: The reason whyis that.我迟到的原因是我错过了早班车!我迟到的原因是我错过了早班车! The reason why I was late(定语从句)(定语从句) is that I missed the first bus.2021/8/27 我说不出有多愤怒。我
6、说不出有多愤怒。I _ _how angry I feel. cant convey convey: 1express feelings, emotion to sb. 传达2. Some poems tell a story or Others try to convey certain emotion.adj. emotional言语无法表达我的感情言语无法表达我的感情. _Words cannot convey my feelings2021/8/28 2) to show 传达传达,说明说明 convey+ that 他的信说明他有副热心肠他的信说明他有副热心肠. _. 3)to ta
7、ke or carry from one place to another 输送输送,搬运搬运,运输运输 这艘船从中东运输石油到欧洲这艘船从中东运输石油到欧洲. _.His letter conveys that he has a warm heart.This ship conveys oil from the Middle East to Europe 2021/8/29即学即用即学即用(1)(1)请向你母亲转达我美好的祝愿。请向你母亲转达我美好的祝愿。 Please Please to your to your mother. mother. (1)(1)水管将热水从锅炉输往浴室。水管将
8、热水从锅炉输往浴室。 The pipe The pipe from the from the boiler to the bathroom. boiler to the bathroom.(3)(3)作为一名老师,他知道该如何准确地把自己的思作为一名老师,他知道该如何准确地把自己的思 想传达给他的学生们。想传达给他的学生们。 As a teacher,he knows exactlyAs a teacher,he knows exactly to the students. to the students. convey my good wishesconvey my good wishesc
9、onveys the hot waterconveys the hot waterhow to conveyhow to conveyhis ideashis ideas2021/8/210 3. delight 1)n. with delight 高兴地高兴地,欣然欣然; 拜读大函,至感欣慰. I read your letter_. to ones delight 令人高兴的是令人高兴的是 儿子通过考试令我大感欣慰. , my son passed the examination.with great delightTo my great delight2021/8/211 2)v. 使欢
10、喜使欢喜,使高兴使高兴,使快乐使快乐 他讲的笑话使大家很开心他讲的笑话使大家很开心. _. 习惯搭配习惯搭配: delight +n.+(with+n) 以以逗人高兴逗人高兴 e.g.他时常以魔术逗他的小孩高兴他时常以魔术逗他的小孩高兴. .习惯搭配习惯搭配: delight+in +n. 喜欢喜欢 e.g.那个老人喜欢听爵士乐那个老人喜欢听爵士乐. . His joke delighted everyoneThe old man delighted in (listening to)jazz.He often delighted his children with his magic.202
11、1/8/2122) 我们剩下的时间不多了我们剩下的时间不多了 1) 汽油快用完了。汽油快用完了。 拓展:拓展: use up 设法利用,用尽材料等设法利用,用尽材料等 3) 我把所有的钱都用光了。我把所有的钱都用光了。I _ _ _ all my money.4. run out (of ) The petrol_ _ _.is running outWe are running out of our time. have used up2021/8/213辨析辨析 run out 与与 run out of sth. run out vi. (某物某物)被用完了被用完了 (没有被动没有被动)
12、sb. run out of sth. vt. (某人)用完了(某物(某人)用完了(某物) I have _ my oil.Our ink has _.run out of run out2021/8/2141. By the time his patience had completely _.2. Unluckily, we have _ gas when we are still on the highway.run outrun out of2021/8/2155. make up (of) 形成、构成或组成某物形成、构成或组成某物1) 一支足球队由一支足球队由11个队员组成。个队员组
13、成。 2) 社会是由能力迥异的人组成的。社会是由能力迥异的人组成的。Society _ _ _ _people of widely different abilities.be made up ofis made up ofEleven players _ _a football team.= A football team _ _ _ _11 players.被动形式:被动形式:make upis made up of英国是由英国是由4个主要部分组成的。个主要部分组成的。The United Kingdom is made up of four main parts.2021/8/216ma
14、ke up (1)组成,构成组成,构成 (2) 编造编造 (3)弥补弥补 (4)化妆化妆 (5)创作创作 (6)铺床铺床a.Two doctors and six nurses made up the medicalTeam.= The medical team is made up of two doctors and six nurses.(1)b.We were asked to make up a poem. (5)c.She made up herself before going to the ball.(4)d. Jack made up a wonderful story to
15、 explain hisabsence. (2)e. His mother makes up the bed for him every day.(6)f.Nothing can make up for the loss of time. (3)弥补弥补2021/8/217 相关短语:相关短语:make up formake sensemake use ofmake up ones mindmake out make progressmake a promisemake sure弥补弥补有意义有意义辨认出,理解辨认出,理解取得进步取得进步许诺许诺利用利用 make full / good us
16、e of确保确保2021/8/218即学即用即学即用(1)(1)妇女仅占劳动力的妇女仅占劳动力的30%30%。(2)(2)我认为整件事情都是他们编造出来的。我认为整件事情都是他们编造出来的。(3)(3)我正在设法补回我生病期间耽误的学业。我正在设法补回我生病期间耽误的学业。Women make up only 30% of the workforce.Women make up only 30% of the workforce.I think theyre making the wholeI think theyre making the wholething up.thing up.Im
17、trying to make up for the studies IIm trying to make up for the studies Ilost while I was sick.lost while I was sick.2021/8/2196. be made up of; be made of; be made froma. The medicine team _ 5 doctors and 10 nurses.b. This kind of paper _ wood.c. The bridge _ stones over a century ago.7. translate
18、into; translate froma. “Red Mansion Dream” has been _ several languages.b. This text is _ one of Shakespeares famous works.translated from is made up ofis made fromwas made oftranslated into 2021/8/220_, the scientists worked hard in the laboratory. 那些科学家们日复一日在实验室中努力工作着。那些科学家们日复一日在实验室中努力工作着。 It is g
19、etting warmer_. 天气一天天暖和起来。天气一天天暖和起来。 The patients condition is improving_. 病人的病情逐日好转。病人的病情逐日好转。 _she waited in vain for him to telephone her. 日复一日日复一日, 她徒劳地等待他的电话她徒劳地等待他的电话. 8. day by day 强调了一个强调了一个变化变化的过程的过程day after day 强调日复一日重复强调日复一日重复无变化无变化的动作的动作Day after dayDay after dayday by dayday by day2021
20、/8/2219. choose “选择选择”,指,指“选择出来选择出来”(pick out)choose from 指指“从从选择选择”,这些词典可供你选择。这些词典可供你选择。Here are some dictionaries for you choose from. 事实上,有各种各样的颜色可供选择。事实上,有各种各样的颜色可供选择。In fact, there are various colors to choose from. 2021/8/2229.let out9.let out意为意为“ ”。(1)let sth.out(1)let sth.out泄露(秘密等);发出(叫喊泄露
21、(秘密等);发出(叫喊等);放宽,放大(衣服等);让等);放宽,放大(衣服等);让跑掉跑掉(2)let sb.out(2)let sb.out放放出去;释放出去;释放(3)let sb.down(3)let sb.down让某人失望让某人失望let sb./sth.inlet sb./sth.in让某人让某人/ /某物进来某物进来let alonelet alone更不用说更不用说let sb.golet sb.go释放某人释放某人let sb.in on sth.let sb.in on sth.告知,透露告知,透露let sb.offlet sb.off放过;宽恕放过;宽恕let sb.o
22、ff sth.let sb.off sth.允许某人不做某事允许某人不做某事let uplet up减轻;松劲减轻;松劲发出;放走发出;放走2021/8/223即学即用即学即用(1)(1)别把我丢了工作一事泄露出去。别把我丢了工作一事泄露出去。 Dont Dont about my losing job. about my losing job.(2)(2)他越来越胖,裤腰都得放宽了。他越来越胖,裤腰都得放宽了。 Hes getting so fat that his trousers Hes getting so fat that his trousers have to have to r
23、ound the waist. round the waist.(3)(3)这孩子连爬都不会,更不用说走了。这孩子连爬都不会,更不用说走了。 The baby cant even crawl yet, The baby cant even crawl yet, . .let it outlet it outbe let outbe let outlet alonelet alonewalkwalk2021/8/22410. worth,worthy,worth-while 都为都为adj.“值得的值得的” worth: be worth + n. 值得值得 be worth + doing 某
24、事值得某事值得The question is not worth discussing again and again.worthy:be worthy of +n.值得值得 be worthy to be done 某事值得被做某事值得被做The question is not worthy to be discussed again and again.worth-while: be worth-while to do sth. 值得值得做某事做某事2021/8/225I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式。母或汉语提示,写
25、出各单词的正确形式。1. Our English teacher asked each of us to write a p_ (诗诗) after class.2. My p_ (诗集诗集) was published last year.3. Parents always give their children names that r_: Donnie, Ronnie, Connie.poempoetryhyme2021/8/2264. Six weeks later we heard, to our great s_, that he had died.5. She wore a pa
26、ir of _ (钻石钻石) earrings at last nights party.diamondsorrow2021/8/2275. As a piece of _, it seems to be a selection of Renaissance.6. He is both a soldier and a _.7. I decided to write a _ about what I felt.poetrypoetpoem2021/8/2286. The doctor told me to relax when examined.The doctor told me to _ _
27、 _ when examined.7. I have used up my money. Please lend me some. I _ _ _ _ my money. Please lend me some.take it easyhave run out of2021/8/2298. appropriate 8. appropriate (1)(1)运动服当然不适合在这样一个政治会议场合穿。运动服当然不适合在这样一个政治会议场合穿。 Sports clothes Sports clothes of course of course such a political conference.
28、 such a political conference. (2)(2)现在发表演讲是不是时候?。现在发表演讲是不是时候?。 Is now Is now to make a to make a speech? speech?(3)(3)我们这时候种树很适合。我们这时候种树很适合。 we (should) plant we (should) plant trees at this time. trees at this time.arearenot appropriatenot appropriateforforan appropriate timean appropriate timeIt i
29、s appropriate thatIt is appropriate that2021/8/2309. 根据括号内所给的提示将下列句子翻根据括号内所给的提示将下列句子翻译成英语。译成英语。 他讲了一些笑话他讲了一些笑话, 使观众很开心使观众很开心.(delight)2. 医生叫我休息几周。医生叫我休息几周。(take it easy)He delighted the audience by telling some jokes.The doctor told me to take it easy for a few weeks.2021/8/2313. 这是一种很受说英语的人欢迎的日本诗。这
30、是一种很受说英语的人欢迎的日本诗。(be popular with)It is a Japanese form of poetry that is very popular with English speakers.4. 我们的汽油昨天就用完了。我们的汽油昨天就用完了。(run out of)We ran out of petrol yesterday.2021/8/2325. 这个团体是由医生和教师组成的。这个团体是由医生和教师组成的。(make up of)6. 她的书已经被译成了她的书已经被译成了10种语言。种语言。(translate . into)Her book has been
31、 translated into 10 languages.The group is made up of doctors and teachers.2021/8/233五、词组运用五、词组运用 1.While he was on a travel in Tibet, he _ all his money, so he had to phone his parents and asked them to send him some.2.Harry Potter is very _ young kids in the world.3.Dont be nervous, just _, everyt
32、hing will be all right.4.A football team _ 11 members.5.We should not _ others when they are in trouble.tease atran out ofpopular withtake it easyis made up of2021/8/2346.What he said _ us _ because it is too funny.7.He _ that he was intelligent and humors.8.There is no need to _ everything _ Englis
33、h when we are learning it.9.Teenagers often have difficulty _.10.We have asked the neighbors to _ the house for us while we are away.keep an eye onmade laughgave me an impressiontranslate into expressing themselves2021/8/2351.In some places women are 1.In some places women are expected to earn expec
34、ted to earn money money men work at home men work at home and raise and raise their children. their children. A.but A.butB.whileB.while C.because C.becauseD.thoughD.though B单项填空单项填空2021/8/2362.Either you or one of your 2.Either you or one of your students students to attend the meeting to attend the
35、 meeting that is due that is due tomorrow. tomorrow. (湖南(湖南高考)高考) A.areA.areB.isB.is C.have C.haveD.beD.be B2021/8/2373.3.What a pity!Considering his What a pity!Considering his ability ability and experience,he and experience,he better. better.(江西高考)(江西高考) A.need have done B.must have A.need have d
36、one B.must have donedone C.can have done D.might C.can have done D.might have donehave done D2021/8/2384.At present,one of the arguments 4.At present,one of the arguments in in favor of the new airport _ favor of the new airport _ that it will that it will bring a lot of jobs to the area. bring a lo
37、t of jobs to the area.(江西高考)(江西高考) A.isA.isB.areB.are C.will be C.will beD.wasD.was A2021/8/2395.But for the help of my English 5.But for the help of my English teacher,I teacher,I the first prize in the the first prize in the English Writing Competition. English Writing Competition. (福建高(福建高考)考) A.
38、would not winA.would not win B.would not have B.would not have wonwon C.would win D.would have C.would win D.would have won wonB2021/8/2406.6. everybody enjoys fresh cut everybody enjoys fresh cut flowers flowers around his house,few people know around his house,few people know how to how to keep th
39、em for as long as keep them for as long as possible.possible. A.Because A.BecauseB.SinceB.Since C.While C.WhileD.IfD.IfC2021/8/2417.Mike has put on so much weight 7.Mike has put on so much weight this year this year that his mother has to that his mother has to all all his trousers his trousers to h
40、is measure. to his measure. A.let out A.let outB.give awayB.give away C.bring in C.bring inD.lay outD.lay out A2021/8/2428.The way 8.The way he worked out the he worked out the problem problem isnt the way isnt the way I told him. I told him. A./;/ A./;/B.which;whichB.which;which C./;what C./;whatD.
41、that;whatD.that;what A2021/8/2439.Zongzi, 9.Zongzi, rice,red beans and rice,red beans and salty salty meats,is used to celebrate the meats,is used to celebrate the annual annual traditional Chinese festival traditional Chinese festivalDragon Boat Dragon Boat Festival. Festival. A.made up of A.made u
42、p ofB.made ofB.made of C.made from C.made fromD.made intoD.made into A2021/8/24410.Parties on river-boats have 10.Parties on river-boats have lost their lost their appeal since one sank last year appeal since one sank last year _ thirty-two people. thirty-two people. A.having killed A.having killed
43、B.killing B.killing C.being killed C.being killedD.killD.kill B2021/8/24511.We must choose texts (that) are 11.We must choose texts (that) are appropriateappropriate our teaching. our teaching. A.to A.toB.forB.for C.of C.ofD.A or BD.A or B D2021/8/24612.As the income is increasing,the 12.As the inco
44、me is increasing,the _of _of family life has been changing family life has been changing over recent over recent years. years. A.model A.modelB.characterB.character C.process C.processD.patternD.patternD2021/8/24713.Ill give you three sweets 13.Ill give you three sweets _an apple._an apple. A.in exc
45、hange for A.in exchange for B.in the name of B.in the name of C.in return for C.in return for D.apart from D.apart from A2021/8/24814.Stand over there 14.Stand over there youll youll be able to be able to see the oil painting better. see the oil painting better. A.but A.butB.tillB.till C.and C.andD.
46、orD.or C2021/8/24915.If you really have to leave 15.If you really have to leave during the meeting,youd better during the meeting,youd better leave_the back door.leave_the back door. A.for A.forB.byB.by C.across C.acrossD.outD.out B2021/8/25016.How did you enjoy your visit?16.How did you enjoy your visit? in my life had I received in my life had I received such good such good service from any business. service from any business. A.Few A.FewB.Never
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