



1、外研版(三起)三年级英语下册期终复习(根据情景选句子)班级 姓名 根据情景,选择合适的句子。()1. Yang Ling称赞Mike手中的连衣裙漂亮,她说:A. It s short.B. How nice!C. That s allright.()2. Wang Bing邀请Helen到公园去玩,他说:A. Let s go to the zoo. B. Let s go home. C. Let s go to the park.() 3. 当你想画图时,你最需要:A. a rulerB. a bookcase C. a pencil() 4.当 Miss Li 说现在回家吧David ,

2、 David 说:A. Yes, please.B. Nice to meet you. C. All right.See you.() 5. 你想问老师春游用什么交通工具,你说:A. But how?B. Great.C. Thanks.() 6. 介绍你的眼睛大,你会说:A. I m tall.B. My eyes are big. C. My eyesare not big.()7.哪种动物最爱吃竹子?A. catB. elephantC. panda()8.当你身体不舒服时,你可以说:A. I m not so good. B. I m not bad.C. I m fine.()9.

3、当你介绍你爸爸时,你应该说:A. This is my father. B. This is my mother. C. Nice tomeet you.() 10. 你在网上向外国朋友介绍自己是一个中国女孩,你说:A. I m a Chinese boy. B. I m a Chinese girl. C. I m anEnglish girl.11. 想告诉别人自己看见了一架红色的飞机,你说:A. I can see a plane.B. I can see a red plane.C. I can see a brown plane.12. David 请 Nancy 关一下窗户,他说:

4、A. Close the window, please.B. Open the window, please.C. Turn off the window, please.13. 别人夸奖你时,你应该说:A. Thank you.B. Yes, it s nice. C. No, thankyou.(14. 奶奶请你帮他开窗,你回答:A. All right. But how?B. OK.C. Thank you.(15.你称赞David 的夹克衫时说:A. Not so good.B. It s smart.C. It s a nicecoat.(16. 妈妈递给你一些水果,你不想吃,说:A

5、. OK.B. No, thanks.C. All right.17. 打扫房间卫生时,应该先:A. Open the books. B. Open the windows. C. Close thewindows.(18.当别人邀请你去动物园时,你说:A. Yes, please.B. OK. Let s go.C. It s nice.(19.当你的铅笔秃掉时,你最需要:A. a ball penB. a pencil sharpener C. a pencilbox(20. 询问你的朋友要不要吃冰淇淋,你说:A. Some eggs? B. An ice cream? C. Some j

6、uice?()21.介绍自己的年龄,你可以说:A. I m fat.B. I m ten.C. I m not tall.()22.当老师叫你回家时,老师说:A. Go home.B. Go to school.C. Go to bed.()23.你想买两件毛衣,可以说:A. A sweater?B. A sweater, please. C. Twosweaters, please.() 24. 当 Jim 忘记关水龙头时,你会告诉他:A. Turn on the tap, please.B. Close the tap, please.C. Turn off the tap, please

7、.() 25. 你介绍你的朋友王兵给爸爸时,说:A. Dad, this is Wang Bing.B. Hello, I m Wang Bing.C. What s your name?() 26. 当你想问候别人时,你可以说:A. How are you? B. What s your name? C. A hamburger?()27.当你向服务员说要买一个绿色的文具盒时,服务员说:A. All right.B. No, thanks.C. Oh, no.()28.当你写错字时,你最需要:A. a penB. a rubberC. a book()29.平时见到朋友,你会说:A. Thi

8、s is my friend. B. Hello.C. Whatcolour is it?() 30. 放学时看到同学,你可以说:A. Goodbye.B. Good night.C. All right.() 31. 当你想郎读英文对话时,你最需要:A. a bookB. an English book C. a ball pen() 32. 你问对方想不想吃点西瓜,可以说:A. Some watermelon? B. Some watermelon, please. C.Yes, please.() 33.当你想写作业时,你最需要:A. a pencilB. a rulerC. a rub

9、ber() 34. 你让别人把书合上,可以说:A. Close the book, please. B. Open the book, please. C. OK.() 35. 当你的朋友介绍新朋友给你认识时,你说:A. This is my sister. B. Nice to meet you. C. What s your name?() 36. 哪种动物会是绿色的?A. dogB. birdC. elephant() 37. 你请爸爸帮你开门,你说:A.Open the window, please.B. Turn on the door, please.C. Open the doo

10、r, please.() 38. 想炫耀一下自己的外套,你说:A. Look, this is my new blouse.B. Look at my coat.C. Look, that s his new coat.() 39. 哪个动物最爱吃肉?A. monkeyB. tigerC. zebra() 40. 当妈妈早上叫你起床时,她说:A. Get up.B. Go to bed now. C. Yes,Mum.()41.当有人向你问好 How are you?时,你说:A. OK.B. I m fine. Thank you. C. Thankyou.() 42. 介绍说你来自伦敦,你

11、会说:A. I m from Shanghai.B. I m from London. C. I m fromChina.() 43. 当你和朋友分别时,你说:A. Good night.B. Bye.C. No,thank you.() 44. 早上遇到同学时,你会说:A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. See you.() 45. 第一次认识李老师,你会礼貌地说:A. This is Mr Li. B. Nice to meet you, Mr Li. C.Good morning.() 46. 你想请家人一起看电视,可以说:A. Let s watch TV. B. Let s turn off the TV. C. Let s go to the cinema.() 47. 当妈妈叫你睡觉时,你可以回答:A. OK.B. Go to bed.C. See you,Mum.()48. Helen介绍自己的名字时,可以说:A. I m Helen. B. Hi, Helen.C. My hair islong.() 49. 你让 Nancy 看你的新尺子时,


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