已阅读5页,还剩12页未读 继续免费阅读




1、rapid deve lopme ntofthe marketeconomy environmenttoexpl ore publi c servants' dutyconsumpti on monetization reform hasprovided a good foundation.Thesocializationof rearservicework hasbeen la unched, andrapi d progre ss in someplaces a nd departme nts,dutyconsumptionmonetization ofcarriera nd ap

2、pr oachto manageme nthas been resolve d.Thir d, inre centyears,explori ngthemonetizati on of duty consumption ha s made some progress,have gainedsome experi enceand ca n provi de reference to thecompre hensive reformofthe systemof publicserva nts'duty consumpt ionfurther.Impl ementinga n "h

3、onest ca nteen", standar dizeofficiale ntertaining management; enhancing the telecommunication expensemanag ement; elimi nation ofCountytravelandcountrysi desubsi dies;research "villageofficials"capitalizati on ma nagement ofcorporatespendi ng, a nd soon. Finally,group .18 sessionto b

4、eheld i n Beijing fromNovember9,2013 to 12th. 35yearsago ble wthethir dple naryse ssion ofthe reform and opening up i n thespring breeze, cha nged,affectthe worl d;today, 35years later,in theeyes ofthenationand thew orld ex pect, again toreform mark China,ushered inthe 18sessi on.XI GeneralSecretary

5、pointe d outthatChina'sreformhasentere d acrucial period a ndtheShamShui PoDistrict,mustbe base d ongreater political courage and wisdom, losenotimeindeepeni ng reforminimporta ntfields.Daresto cracka hard nut, daresto questi on the Rapids,which dare s to breakt he barrier of ideas,and dare t o

6、benefitcure barriers. Dee peni ng reformand openi ng upi s onscheduleto a chieve instit utional safeguards ofthemoderatelywell-off. Underthe"five inone" the General layout ofsoci alistmodernization re quirements, 18session ofthedeci onwasa "fivein one"a nd theimproveme nt ofovera

7、llschemeofreform,will promote an i ntegratedand coordinated e conomi c,political ,cult ural, social and ecologicalcivili zation constructionofthe fivereforms and theparty's construction inthe are aofinstitutional reform.The "fivein one" programme istoachieve acomprehensive reform ofins

8、titutional guaranteesforobje ctivesof build awell -off soci ety,the smoot h progre ssofthe construction of awell-offsocietyand reform theobje ctivesofthe programme.One,holdi ng time andpla ce importanceon Nov ember9,2013 tothe 18session ofthe 12th Bei jing since1978,35, havebeen7plenary sessi on, ea

9、chtimeonmajorissues ofpoliticalande conomi clifeofthe country has madeim portant depl oyment. Inaccordance withPRC politi cal pra ctice ,oftenateverysession ofthe CPCCentralCommitteein aplenary sessionwashe ld immediatelyafterthe party's Congress, on thetheme "per sonnel",di scussi ng

10、electionCentral' stop lea ders, suchasthe electi on oftheStandi ng Committee ofthepolitical Bureau, throught heCe ntralCommittee members,decisions, such as membersofthe CentralMilitary Commission.Thesecond pl enary se ssoin, isheld intwo sessi ons beforethe general election,mainlyto discussa new

11、Statepersonnelissues. Butbythe third中小学校体育工作评估办法第一条为促进学校落实立德树人根本任务,全面推进素质教育,提高学校体育工作水平,根据学校体育工作条例国家学校体育卫生条件试行基本标准切实保证中小学生每天一小时校园体育活动的规定和国家有关规定,制定本办法。第二条本办法适用于全日制普通小学、初中、普通高中、中等职业学校的体育工作评估。普通高等学校体育工作评估另行开展。各地和学校要把学校体育工作评估作为深化教育教学改革,全面提高办学水平和人才培养质量的重要任务。第三条评估内容主要包括学校体育的组织管理、教育教学、条件保障、学生体质、监督检查等,以中小学校体

12、育工作评估指标体系(附表1,以下简称指标体系,将动态调整)为评估依据,逐项细化分解指标,全面反映学校体育工作的重要领域。第四条评估采用等级评定,评定结果分为优秀、良好、合格、不合格四个等级,满分为100 分。其中,90分及以上为优秀;7589分为良好;6074分为合格;59分及以下为不合格。第五条体育工作有特色,深化改革有成效,教育理念、内容和方法有创新的学校,可以在评估中获得加分奖励。第六条凡有下列情形之一者,学校体育工作等级评定结果为不合格:不能保证学生每天一小时校园体育活动时间的;未按国家规定开足体育与健康课的;学生体质健康水平连续三年下降的;未按要求开展学生体质健康标准测试和如实上报数

13、据的;评估中弄虚作假的。第七条学校每年组织一次体育工作自评,对照指标体系的要求,逐项评分,并填写中小学校体育工作评估自评结果报表(附表2),于每年10 月 31 日前连同相关文件和佐证材料上报至上级教育行政部门。学校要明确机构和专人负责自评工作,确保各项内容完整、真实、准确,客观反映学校体育工作状况。lenary sessi on, each sessionofthe Central Committee ofnati onali nstituti onsand personnel probl ems have bee n arranged, youcan conce ntrateon nati

14、onaldevelopment and reforms.Previousple naryse ssi onis often bra nded with acentral leading collective, oftenbyl ooki ng atthe third plenumofthe i nitiative to foundt hecurrent centralleadership collectivegover nancecharacteri stics.From theanalysis oftheprocessofeconomicreform inChi na,plenary ses

15、si on, 12 se ssion, 14, 16plenary session havepr ogrammaticmeani ng,respectivel y,markingt hefour stages ofChina's economic reform,and that thestart-up phaseof reform,reform, construction phaseand perfecting t he So cialistmarketeconomyframework stage ofsocialist marketeconomy.Previous pl enarys

16、e ssiontopics pr oposedt othe t hirdplenary sessi on of "taking class struggleas thekeylink," shifted to socialist moder nizati on;12 sessionmarke dthe cha ngefrom ruralto urba n,esta blishedwit h publi cow nership as the Foundationofa plannedcommodity e conomy;13 sessionata timewhe n both

17、 theold andthenew system change, governance a ndrectify theeconomic order; 14 .Fairand efficie nt andauthoritativeSocialistjudicialsystem,safeguard thepe ople' s interests.Legalauthorityto upholdthe Constituti on, dee pening thereform ofadministrative law enforcement, ensurethatthe righttoexerci

18、sejudi cial powerinde pendentl yand impartiallya ccording tolawt heprosecution,perfectingthe runningmechanism ofjudi cial powe r, improve t he systemofjudi cialprote ction ofhuman rights. Plenary se ssi on,Affairsthe rightto adhereto thesystem, andletthe peopleauthorityto let thepower run inthe Sun,

19、isshut up incage ofthesystem power policy.Decision Sci ence,impleme ntation should be constructed strong, supervise therunni ngof powerfulsystem, improvethe system of punishing and preventing corrupti on, promoti ng political integrity,a nd striveto achieve ca dres' hone stand Gover nment integr

20、it y,cleanpolitics.oforma scie ntific andeffectivecoordinationof powerrestriction andme chanismst ostrengt hena nti-corr uption institutionalinnovationand institutional protecti on, soundimproveme nt style normalsystem.Plenary sessi on, building a socialist culture inChina,enhancing nationalcultural

21、softpower,musta dhere to theorie ntation ofadvanced S ocialist culture,adhere to thedevel opme ntofSoci alist culturewith Chi nese chara cteristics,adheretot he pe opl e-centre dwork-oriente d,further dee pening reformofculture.To improvethe cultural managementsystem,establisha nd impr ovethe modern

22、 market systemand buildingmodernpublic culturalservice sy stem,improvethe levelof culture opening.Plenarysession,a chi evingdev elopmentresults more equitable benefitofallpeople,we must speed upreform of social programs andsolvethe issuesofconcernto the pe opl e themost directa nd realintere st,and

23、bettermeetthe needs ofthepeopl e.o deepeneducation reform,improve institutionalmechanisms fortherapid deve lopme ntofthe marketeconomy environmenttoexpl ore publi c servants' dutyconsumpti on monetizati on reform has provided a good foundation.Thesocializationof rearservi cework hasbeen la unche

24、d, andrapi d progre ss in somepl aces a nd departme nts,dutyconsumptionmonetization ofcarriera nd appr oachto manageme nt has been resolve d.Third,inre centyears,ex plori ngthemonetizati on of duty consumption has made some progress,have gainedsome experi enceand ca n provi de reference to thecompre

25、 he nsive reformofthe systemof publicserva nts'duty consumpt ionfurther.Impl ementinga n "honest ca nteen", sta ndar dizeofficiale ntertaini ng manageme nt; enhancing t he telecommunication expe nsemanag ement; elimi nation ofCountytravelandcountrysi desubsi dies;research "village

26、officials"capitalizati on ma nagement ofcorporatespendi ng, a nd soon. Finally,gr oup .18 sessionto beheld i n Beijing fromNovember9,2013 to 12th. 35yearsag o ble wthethir dple naryse ssion ofthe reform a nd opening up i n thespring breeze, cha nged,affectthe worl d;today, 35years later,in thee

27、yes ofthenationand thew orld ex pect, again toreform mark China,ushered inthe 18 sessi on.XI GeneralSecretarypointe d outthatChina'sreformhasentere d acr ucia l peri od a ndtheShamShui PoDistrict,mustbe base d ongreater political courage and wisdom, losenotimeindeepeni ng reforminimporta ntfield

28、s.Daresto cracka hard nut, daresto questi on the Rapi ds,which dare s to breakt he barri er of idea s,and dare t o benefitcure barriers. Dee peni ng reformand openi ng upi s onscheduleto a chieve instit utional safeguar ds ofthemoderatelywell-off. Underthe"five inone" the General layout of

29、soci alistmodernizati on re quireme nts, 18 session ofthedeci onwasa "fivein one"a nd theimproveme nt ofoverallscheme ofreform,will promote an i ntegratedand coordi nated e conomi c,political ,cult ural, social a nd ecologicalcivili zation constructionofthe fivereforms and theparty's c

30、onstruction i nthe are aofinstit utional reform.The "fivein one" programme istoachieve acomprehensive reform ofinstitutional g uaranteesfor obje ctivesof buil d awell -off soci ety,the smoot h progre ssofthe construction of awell-offsocietyand reform the obje ctivesofthe programme.One,hold

31、i ng time andpla ce importanceon Nov ember9,2013 tothe 18session ofthe 12th Bei jing since1978,35, havebeen7plenary sessi on, eachtimeonmajorissues ofpoliticalande conomi clifeofthe country has madeim portant depl oyment. Inac cordancewith PRC politi cal pra ctice ,oftenateverysession ofthe CPCCentr

32、alCommitteein aplenary sessionwashe ld immediatelyafterthe party's Congress,ont hetheme "per sonnel",di scussi ng electionCentral' stop lea ders, suchasthe electi on of theStandi ng Committee ofthepolitical Burea u, throught heCe ntralCommittee members,decisions, such as membersoft

33、he CentralMilitary Commission.Thesecond pl enary se ssoin, is held i ntwo sessi ons beforethe general election,mainlyto discussa newStatepersonnelissues. Butbyt he third第八条省级及以下教育行政部门对本行政区域内学校体育工作自评情况进行复核,填写中小学校体育工作评估审核结果报表(附表3,以下简称审核报表),形成评估工作报告,逐级上报,并公布复核结果。省级教育行政部门于每年12 月 31 日前将审核报表和评估工作报告报教育部。第九


35、计划。将学校体育工作评估作为综合教育督导的重要组成部分,并建立学校体育工作专项督导制度。及时反馈学校体育工作督导评估意见,被督导单位应当根据督导意见书进行整改;督导报告按规定程序向社会公布。第十二条本办法自发布之日起施行。附件 1: 中小学校体育工作等级评估指标体系附件 2: 中小学校体育工作等级评估自评结果报表lenary sessi on,easessi on oftheCe ntral Committeeofnatihavebee narrange d,youcan conce ntrateon nationaldevelopme ntand reforms.ntralleader sh

36、i p collectivegovernancecharacteri stics.Fromthe analysis of theprocess of economicreform inple narysession haveprogrammaticmeaning, respectively, marking thefour stages ofChina'stmarketeconomy.12session marked thechangndt he ne wsystem cha nge,goverChina,enhancingnationalculturalsoftpowent anda

37、ut horitative Socialist judir,musta dhere to tcialsystem,safeguardthe people's interests.Constituti on, deepeni ng thereform ofadminier policy.Decision Scie nce,impleme ntation shouldbeconstructe dstrong,supervisethe runnio forma scientific andeffectivecoordination ofpowerrestrictiheorie ntation

38、 ofadvanced Sociali st culture,a dhere to t hedevel opme ntofSoci alist culturewith Chi nese chara cteristi cs,adheretot he pe opl e-centre dwork-oriented,further dee peni ng reformofcult ure.To improvethe cultural managementsystem,establia nd impr ovethe modern market systemand buildingmodernpublic

39、 culturalservice syon,a chi evingdev elopmentresult s more equitable be nefitof allpeople,we mograms andsolvethe issuesofconcernto the people themostdirecta nd realinterest,and bettermeetthe needs ofthepeo deepeneducation reform,improve institutionalmechani8 diB - gfrom Nvember9, " to" h.

40、, The "ta i onn" prgmeis t achieve a cmpreP-'-y seh-'s - r-orm of isiUi P- ce impora- o' Nv t- 8 i ig s 'ce 、 ha-bb-nd.",.:.-;£"." ". .te-i,'ie"eGgm-"e''-"-" .:mco:uzii+'.",si8:s:"”fthe.*.*-':.-.:一-“

41、si es-nac.n-Kooemrlf.wr-p;:-.'',*;":."“"sooy,ag,-ou."-'g ee Ci'Ceef s top l- dess- 'g ii-l ”mm“ m-be.de -si's.co Mi. "mm .The -c'd pl e-y se- o', she”"一 eec-i su-i -'. ' - St-e pes''e ithe-e- I f istiUio'- reorm.中小学校体育

42、工作等级评估指标体系评 估项 目评估指标序号评估指标内容分值等级与系数ABCD10.80.60一组织管理(15%)(一)加强管理(5%)1学校成立政教、教务、总 务、共青团(少先队)等 部门参与的体育工作领导 小组,明确职责、落实分 工,定期研究工作。(注: 中等职业学校和普通中学 建立相应体育管理部门, 配备专职干部和管理人 员)2是/否2将体育纳入学校整体工作 计划,并制订具体体育计 戈IJ,认真组织实施,定期 组织检查2是/否3学校建立校园后外伤害事 故的应急管理机制,制定 和实施体育安全管理工作 方案,明确责任人,落实1是/否e'a.sss o', - c o'

43、- i p-bl-s h-e bbe - o' .-io'- -e reormsPre. -ss's ole br-de d w.-.-t- e-d 'g co., of- -ret-'- e.e gove''- .-cei stcs-sis of te”o.es of i'Chi '- pl e-y o', 4, 6-'. ssso' h-e pro|g-mlL m - i.rrspectvey ofCCi-'s.o.omc - te s-tu ph - of reph_e - m-aet

44、 -ewk s-e of sC-Ist m-k- .o.omyPrevous pe .-y - ss o' of "-.- sssr I 'k" si .td t sc- 1st mode'io',2 ' m.k. teC-g t -bls. wt hpUI c ow 'e_i - cmmodtye 13 o' - -time a w sys_ C- 'ge, go.- - 'dreciy t. ico'omc or- 4 .F- -d eli- I oil- Soc-ls |-ic-l -m,

45、 it.L.3 riy tuhod te"'. o', 0f-miis-tv.-w ebc_et .'.u. th-th. rggt to exec. Udii-l po - r id. '- -d imp- - ccrlig t o - te of-ic-l po - r udci- pr hs.Pe '-y .-i', A - . t. right to - t. to l e t. po - r epolicL Dcso'Sce'c. mp-.'a" soud be C'.t-e d t.

46、ru'i systm, imprss- of pui .hg -dp.- t 'g '、r、-d .一 - ccd.' >o'_t -'d Gv.met ieggi y ce-.oiis. - 'd .- res"o'-d m. o',su'd bprov_. 't .ye stm. Pe'-y o', budi'g-sc-ls -e. iCCi-, eh-'C'g '-i'-l-,r- si po-r, must -dhe-to

47、9;of -d S00als _l ure- -stcclue wi hCCi'ee c-ceisi -he dwrao.ee d, urte d_ u-To -pro- tec. ur-m-. et . - m, -S-Is - 'd m-kesystm-d pu. _*-l ie sys_, bpro-e the eve of culue opei'g. P.-y _o', - cievig dev elpm.t reul s moe .3-l -mus . u .pr.g-ms -d.o'etei -us of -'d e- iees, -

48、d be. me. opleo d_pe erapid deve "me nt of Ie market ecnomy evionment t epl oe publi c servants ' duty consumpt on monetizti onrfmhas provded a good .-in. Thescal.nof rear sev work has bee aunCed, and rapid proge - in some pl aces a nd deame ns, _y cnsumptin mornelain of carie a nd appr oC

49、to maageme ."as been resolve d ir, i re cent yeas, -plring the mon. on of duty consumptonhas ma some progress, have gganed some exei ence ad n provide reee toIecmprel e nsive efomof the of pulc seva nts ' dUy cnsumpt inUrter Impl emetig a n "onest ca nten", I da die offical e .ert

50、ati ng managemen; enhacig tI e cmmuni cat.n-pe nse maag emet i nain of Ccuty travel ad countyS de susdies, r acage offcas" cap.on ma nagement of crporate sendi ng a nd son. Fialy, gg oup -8sesin to be hed i n Bjng fom No be 9, 203 to Oth.l5yeasag o be w hethi d pe nay on of tereorm a ndope*g up

51、 i n tesrig beee, cang.,a tthe wrl d toay yas ae,i teeys ofteI ain ad tew I rd -pec, . 1r. make,、*userd i the 8less on. XI GeealSeceaypoied out that Cias reormhaseee d a c _a l pei od a nd the Shhm Shu Po Dara must be bbse d on glate pol“ couage and widom, lose no tbe idlepeni I g efmimpora nt -ls.I

52、aars t cak a had nu, t Rai ds wic dae s t brrakt hebarer ofiea s, ad dae t o beft cure "riesDee peni ng efrm adopeilg _ i s on.he - eto ach<eisi.inasa - ads of temode + ywelofl Unde tef<einonn" te Geea u of sc a- modeniat on re quirme nt* 18 .con sa "ie i onn"a nd te.p. e o

53、frfm.wlp.moe a inttgatd ad cord n.e cnomi c poltcl , cil ur.soc - and eclgial c-lzain rfms and tepalys cnsuci ae a of istt uinar.orm.The "ie ionn" prgrmme is tlche- a cmprehensie reorm of inttuiona g uaates for obje ctvls of bul d a l ol sciey, te smooth progge of te cnstucton of a lof sci

54、ey and reorm te obje civs of te progammeOne, hodi ng tme ad pa ce mporanne on Nov -be 9 203 tte18 lesion of te 11h Bei jig snce、" have bee 7pleay sss on, ech time o mjr issus of poiialand e conomi c lfe of te county hhs mae im portat pl oometIn ac cdace witPR.pol.ca pa cie, o-n at evey sesson o

55、f te CPCCeeta Ccmmite iape nay sesion she d mmldiaey fe te pay's C.n.rss on t he thme "esonne", disuss ng eecin Ceetrl s tp des such as the elct on of te Sandi ng C.mm.te of te poliial Bura u trough t he Ce ntalC.mm.te membesisions . mobes of the Ceetal Miiay C.mmisson.The iecnd pl eay

56、 se son, s hed i I tw sesi ons befre the ggeea eecton, mainly todic s a new Staepesnne isuus. Bu by t he tid责任制(二)领导重视(10%)4校长将学校体育列入工作职责,明确一名副校长分管体肓工作1是/否5每学期校长听体育课不少于4次,分管校长不少于6次24/63/52/4<2/46切实减轻学生过重课业负担,严格落实国家体育与健康课时规定7/否一教育教学(30%)(三)课程教学(15%)7体育与健康课程教学计戈IJ、单元计划、课时计划齐全4很好较好T差8依据课程标准组织体育教学,完成教学任务5很好较好T差9加强教学研究与改革,提高教学效果3是/否10严格执行体育课考勤和考核登记制度,并将结果放入学生档案3是/否(四)校园体11制订阳光体育运动工作方案、基本要求2是/否12将校园体育活动时间和内容纳入教学计划,列入课2很好较好差育活动(15%)表,严格实施13每天上午安排大课间体育活动;没有体育课的当天,下午安排一小时集体体育锻炼3是/否14学校每年召开春、秋季运动会3是/否15开展体育、艺术2+1项目,有85%以上的学生掌握至少2项日常锻炼的体育技能485%70%50%&l


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