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1、学科教师辅导教案学员编号:年 级:高三课时数:3学员姓名:#辅导科目:英语学科教师:授课类型C-非谓语动词与动词时态语 态复习星 级教学目标1、 #2、 #教学日期#年#月 #日 # : #-# : #/TO I'V专题导入雪非谓语动词复习1、解题步骤2、分类举一反三1 .A phone call sent himto the hospital.A. hurryB. hurryingC. to hurryD. hurried2 .My work, I went home .A. had been doneB. doneC. having doneD. to be done3 .You

2、can close your umbrella. The rain seems.A. stoppingB. to stopC. to have stoppedD. having stopped4.1 rushed there in a taxi onlythe library.A. finding; closedB. finding; shutC. to find; closeD. to find; closed5 .Many things impossible in the past are common today.A. consideringB. to consider C. consi

3、dered D. being considered6 .He must have gone out. I heard the noise of the door when I was still in bed.A. being lockedB. to lockC. lockingD. having locked7 .As a boy, he was hard all day long.A. made to workB. to make working C. made workingD. to make work8 .The look on his face suggested that he

4、had passed the exam.A. excitingB. tiredC. tiringD. excited9 .a nurse, she knew how to take care of a patient.A. BeenB. BeingC. To beD. Be10 .twice,he didn't want to try again.A. FailedB. FailingC. Having failedD. To failBBCDC AADBC4动词时态语态1、画图2、动词时态结构及用法课堂检测81 .The power station keeps the village

5、s with electricity.A. suppliedB. to supply C. supplyingD. having supplied82 .The path in the park looked beautiful,with leaves.A. covered; falling B. covered; fallen C. covering; falling D. covering, fallen 83.I won't go to the party even if.A. invitingB. being invitedC. invitedD. having invited

6、84 .All work is pleasant when the habit of working is formed.A. doneB. doingC. to doD. to be done85 .The man in a blue jacket at the party was a doctor.A. put onB. dressedC. had onD. wore86 .People are talking about the new play in two weeks.A. to be put on B. to put onC. being put onD. put on87 .Th

7、e man in the chair asked me to.A. seated; seated B. sitting; sitting C. seating; seatD. seated; be seated88.1 happened with him when he was hit by a stone.A.I was talkingB. talkingC. to talkD. to be talking89 .We are not sure which restaurant tonight.A. eating atB. for eatingC. to eat atD. we eat90

8、.The way Della thought of enough money was to sell her beautiful hair.A. gotB. to be gotC. to getD. get81-90 ABCCB ADDCC回顾小结化身为小老师来展不*下吧 课后作业1.(2014 大纲全国卷,32,1 分)The reports went missing in 2012 and nobody them since.A.sees B.saw C.has seen D.had seen2 .(2014 大纲全国卷,23,1 分 )Today there are more airpl

9、anesmore people than ever beforein the skies.A.carry B.carrying C.carried D.to be carrying3 .(2014 大纲全国卷,22,1 分 )Unless some extra money,the theatre will close.A.was found B.finds C.is found D.found4 .(2014 重庆,11,1 分)Group activities will be organized after class children develop teamspirit.A.helpin

10、g B.having helped C.helped D.to help5 .(2014 重庆 ,8,1 分 )James has just arrived,but I didn t know heuntil yesterday.A.will come B.was coming C.had come D.came6 .(2014 重庆 ,5,1 分 )The producer comes regularly to collect the camerasto our shop forquality problems.A.returning B.returned C.to return D.to

11、be returned7 .(2014 重庆 ,4,1 分 )You d better write down her phone number before youit.A.forget B.are forgetting C.forgot D.will forget8 .(2014 四川 ,9)Shesomeone,so I nodded to her and went away.A.phoned B.had phoned C.was phoning D.has phoned9 .(2014 四川 ,7) I hope to take the computer course. Good ide

12、a.more about it,visit this website.A.To find outB.Finding outC.To be finding outD.Having found out10 .(2014 四川 ,5)The manager was satisfied to see many new productsafter great effort.A.having developedB.to developC.developedD.develop11 .(2014 福建,30,1 分)For those with family members far away,the pers

13、onal computer and the phone are important in staying.A.connected B.connecting C.to connect D.to be connected12 .(2014 福建 ,27,1 分)the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong,Linda appearsmore mature than those of her age.A.Spending B.Spent C.Having spent D.To spend13 .(2014 福建 ,23,1 分) Haven t

14、seen you for ages!Where have you been? I went to Ningxia andthere for one year,teaching as a volunteer.A.stayed B.stay C.had stayed D.am staying14 .(2014 江西,34,1 分)He is thought foolishly.Now he has no one but himself to blame forlosing the job.A.to act B.to have acted C.acting D.having acted15 .(20

15、14 江西 ,31,1 分)nearly all our money,we couldn t afford to stay at a hotel.A.Having spent B.To spend C.Spent D.To have spent16 .(2014 江西,26,1 分)When it comes to in public,no one can match him.A.speak B.speaking C.being spoken D.be spoken17 .(2014 江西 ,24,1 分) Tony,why are your eyes red? Iup peppers for

16、 the last five minutes.A.cut B.was cutting C.had cut D.have been cutting18 .(2014 湖南 ,35,1 分 )ourselves from the physical and mental tensions,we each need deepthought and inner quietness.A.Having freed B.Freed C.To free D.Freeing19 .(2014 湖南,34,1 分)Whenever you a present,you should think about it fr

17、om thereceiver s point of view.A.bought B.have bought C.will buy D.buy20 .(2014 湖南,28,1 分)Since the time humankind started gardening,we to make ourenvironment more beautiful.A.try B.have been trying C.are trying D.will try21 .(2014 湖南,27,1 分)There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the

18、middle of the grassland,at the night sky.A.to stareB.staringC.stared D.having stared22 .(2014 湖南 ,23,1 分)your own needs and styles of communication is as important aslearning to convey your affection and emotions.A.UnderstandingB.To be understoodC.Being understoodD.Having understood23 .(2014 湖南,21,1

19、 分)Children,when by their parents,are allowed to enter the stadium.A.to be accompaniedB.to accompany C.accompanying D.accompanied24 .(2014 陕西,22,1 分)During his stay in Xi Jerry tried, almost all the local foods his friends.A.would recommendB.had recommendedC.have recommendedD.were recommending25 .(2

20、014 陕西 ,20,1 分)the difficult maths problem,I have consulted Professor Russellseveral times.A.Working out B.Worked out C.To work out D.Work out 26.(2014 陕西,12,1 分)It ' s quite hot today.Do you feel like for a swim?A.to go B.going C.go D.having gone27 .(2014 安徽,32,1 分)While waiting for the opportu

21、nity to get,Henry did his best to perform his duty.A.promote B.promoted C.promoting D.to promote28 .(2014 安徽,23,1 分)The twins,who their homework,were allowed to play badminton onthe playground.A.will finish B.finish C.have finished D.had finished29 .(2014 浙江 ,14,0.5 分 )Amie Salmon,disabled,is attend

22、ed throughout her school days by anurseto guard her.A.to appoint B.appointing C.appointed D.having appointed30 .(2014 浙江 ,11,0.5 分 )Sofia looked around at all the faces:she had the impression that shemost of the guests before.A.has seen B.had seen C.saw D.would see31 .(2014 江苏,29,1 分)The lecture,a l

23、ively question-and-answer session followed.A.being given B.having given C.to be given D.having been given32 .(2014 江苏 ,23,1 分) How much do you know about the Youth Olympic Games to be held in Nanjing? Well,the mediait in a variety of forms.A.cover B.will cover C.have covered D.covered33 .(2014 山东,9,

24、1 分)It ' s standard practice for a company like this one a security officer.A.employed B.being employed C.to employ D.employs34 .(2014 山东,6,1 分)There ' s a note pinned to the door when the shop will open again.A.saying B.says C.said D.having said35 .(2014 山东,5,1 分)They made up their mind tha

25、t they a new house once Larry changedjobs.A.bought B.would buy C.have bought D.had bought36 .(2014 山东,1,1 分)Writing out all the invitations by hand was more time-consuming thanwe.A.will expect B.are expecting C.expect D.had expected37 .(2014 天津,11,1 分)We won ' t start the work until all the prep

26、arations.A.are being madeB.will be madeC.have been madeD.had been made38 .(2014 天津,7,1 分)Clearly and thoughtfully,the book inspires confidence in students who wish to seek their own answers.A.writing B.to write C.written D.being written39 .(2014 天津,5,1 分)Anxiously,she took the dress out of the packa

27、ge and tried it on,only itdidn t fit.A.to find B.found C.finding D.having found40 .(2014 北京 ,35)The film star wears sunglasses.Therefore,he can go shopping without.A.recognizingB.being recognizedC.having recognizedD.having been recognized41 .(2014 北京 ,32)I found the lecture hard to follow because itwhen I arrived.A.started B.was starting C.would start


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