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1、机密启用旧2017年襄阳市初中毕业生学业水平考试英语试题(本稼典一共8天,满分120分,若求竹司120分钟)祝考试顺利注意事项:1 .界卷就,¥生务必将勺己的姓名.老温号填写在试题叁和卷题迷上,并将考试号条 影因垢贴在琴髭卡上指定位五.2 .选逃连每小遇逸出冬窠后,用2B使笔珞谷超卡上"巨坐日的与柴标号漆黑,2需改 动,用橡皮擦干净后,畀选沦其它答案标号,谷在试咫卷上无效C3 .牛远界题(主脱逝用0.5本米的宣色笠字金近冷冬右冬旭卡上合乐对应的冬运区域 内,茶在试迦否上无效.4考试结束后,诗将本武题卷和答题卡一并上丸选择题(共80分)一、听力测试(本大题收2s小题,寻小题I

2、分.漏分25分)钱超对先将答案标点试卷上.录导内容於束后再将就卷上的答案纬涂到答星上.第一节面你将听到5&Q对%.馋我九,诏后有-人小题、从和小用所给的A、B、C三个10秒钟的»间表回答去关小题和闵C. In a bank.C. Rainy.C. They're lazy.C. ()n Sunday.选项中支出一个灵&冬蜜,所£每段对话后,你邪帝 读下一小法.每段对话只读一遍.1. What fiuit does Cindy like?A. Banana:B. Oranges.2. Where arc the two speakers talking

3、?A. In a bookstore.B. In a clothes store.3. Ikw is the weailicr luday?A. Siiiuiv.B. Cloudv. .4. Why does Tina like elephants?A. Tliey'ie smart.B. They,re friendly.5. When did Mary go to the tarm?A. On Friday.B. On Saturday.«y - -M-第一Tp面你将听到6枚计Z或冬白,每段计N或於今后有几个,.龙,队每小巫所给的A.b. C;人选项中.选出一人与你所听到

4、的对话或独向内容而存的问定的冬案.听每戊对 访或狡白前,你都方10秒钟的时河网试行关小题;哈完后,每小题将外出5尊舁的作不时 间,*校对话或真白读两遍.听书一靴材料,词答第6至8小现6. How many people arc there in BcckyS lamily?13. l our.A. I'lirce.7. Where do her parents work?A. in Lu middle school. B. In (he hospital.8. Aha: does Becky want to be when she grows up?A. A teacher.B. A

5、doctor.听第二段材料,出冬钝9至11小题.9. What,s wrong with Bill's bike? A. Ifs too old.10. WharsBill going to do?A. lb go to the zoo.11. WTiere is Linda's bike?A. Tn front of the house.B It's lost.B. lb buy vegetables.R. Under (he tree.听第三段材料,四冬.第12至14小超 12. Which floor would the man like?A. The seven

6、th floor. B. The fourth floor.13. How much should the man pay fbr two nights?A. Thirt-five dollars. B. Sixty dollars.14. Wha【(ime can the man have breakfast?A. Al 6:30 am.B. Ai 7:30 am.听第四段材才K M答第15至17小题.15. How long is Cathy going to (ravel by bike?A. Fur R)ur days.B. F or three days.16. Where is C

7、athy going to stay at night?A. In the villager's home. B. In the tent.17. Whom is Cathy going with?A. Her parents.B. Her cousins.听第五段材料,回答第18至20小18. Why was Bob in hospital?A. His left leg was hurt. B. His left ann was hurt.19. How did the accident happen?A. A taxi hit him on the road.B. Someone

8、 walked into him.C. He rode too fast and hit a stone.20. Who sent him to the hospital?A. An old man.B. A young woman.听第六段修才K M答第2】至25小题,21. . Whai's the relationship between Mrs. Black and Betty?A. Teacher and student. B. Mother and dauglilcr.22. Why couldn't Mrs. Black come fbr dinner?A. It

9、 was too late.B. The weather was bad.23. Who advised them io go io Mrs. Black's house?A. Mom.B. Jenny.24. Whv did Mom ask the kids to be careful?A. There were some terrorists.C. Al the TV sialion.C. A TV reporter.C. It's broken.C. Io repair his bike.C. Tn the house.C. The third loonC. Sevent

10、y dollars.C. Al 8:30 itin.C For Iwo ditvs. .C. In the hotel.C. Her teammates.C. He had a car accident.C. A college student.C. Neighbors.C. It was too hot.C. Betty.B. I here were lots of buses.C. The road was hard to walk on.25. How did the people in the passage feel about the winicr picnic?A. Happy.

11、B. Upset.C. Bored.英语试题乖第2以(共8心二、法挥填空(本大题 15小超*每小是I分、满分力分),;每小屋A, H. CL I) “入选画中.比它一K可以填人里t向处的选,可-升在多通 子上埼氏项濠盅.2(1.Whar's yourto I .iiglisb learning I.in io?-*-I ill ink wabching English movies is hlpJiil.A. phctI1 口¥C. tin)e11 secrtt2工 Great! Our womemX volleyball k'am Lhc guld tnedil i

12、n Ric? Olyinpic Omitk'son Saturday.-Yes. We sue Ukj grv$l spiril ul-Cliincse kULinu'H volleyball Leiiin irnce aiiti!A. wnl< hejilC. lortD. mieJ28. Liii. Cau 玷lieumad m her nuiit suti hl hoirn bul is always Iicj noisypupils in The iniwit! class.A vuotl icaclier, but ikm h uitillicr.A. an&#

13、171;rh with B. patient withC. worried about T3. simiiarto29. Ilia bdix-r giuur、il's impurUiDl lor phiers lo pJay lugelLirr dtiJthe bisl in end!other.A. liarid out li. Jcatc outC, briii outD. mki; out30. ”I believe wc will achieve our Chinn Dreiin eai lier if all <if us.1 由事也.L曳'$ do what

14、vve。射i 小om Q0w QU.A. pull rngclhcr R. have a pnintC. pay 3欣ntimi31. -(Jan you tatch wluil !li« s|xak«r is snyin luia7一Sorry. He sjx?aks st> tasi ilwt I can underxEnil himA. nearlyB. hafdly& pnitiably32. -Wculd you Hkv suitu milk ur collet, sir?一.Ju$taof wfiter, please.A- B(xhR Euhcr

15、C. NcUhcrD. keep tiur enolI J. exactlyD. Mme53. -McT flfthe ild aiiirln力k Areh&cause L>f their bad 3ivi H£ envimnnient,-So xvc must du HtmiG山nig lu 谣*心 山cm,A, in needB. on dutyt: fit work11 in d力ng审34. Could >xxi g口 iu Ihv ncv muvii: with inr now ?f arryj. Look, if t time fbr me to wa

16、tch 7/if Header on CU1TV.A, ctijf IBh ttuiC. nwdnD.t5. -Can yon fell me when you ure pninE。arrive there ?-I'm iiui suk. BuiH ring yuu up ay swn n* 1thvrir (ujn<?LTuw .A, arriveB. arrivedC. witl nirive D. am geing tf> arrive30 "Ov<j100 uxinlrMs 曲血 w第“左田沁心Httnii sup pun i* Uic Ik It

17、and Ruudinitmtive (伐设 j sin尺 2013.AViniitTfijl! Our ut' IrkmE is lfuwiiik hityxdA. giveB. tiiive givenC. gaveD. will uive37h I he 24ih Wiiiur Olympic Gainesin Beijing And ZhaEiftjinkou in 2022, firomFebruary 4th tci 20th.A. is 堂。ii喀 w holdholdC, will he h*ld 11 was held38. VI nn. I took iny part

18、ner's math book home by mistake. WTiat should I do?一Well、you sliould call heryou can say sorry to her.A. as 】lB so IhaiC. even though D. ever since39. -China is over 5000 years old. one ofcountries in rhe world.Yes. 11 Ikw mudi history limn lire LSA.A. old, long B. older, longer C. older, the lo

19、ngest D. the oldest, longer 40, What did the matiager ask you a版r the meeting?-She ssked hk.B. what T do tor the project last weekB. if can T finish the work on timeC. how did 1 deal widi the problemD. why 1 was hie for the ineeiuig三、完形填空(本大题其10小思冬小题1分,满分】0分)读下步的M文,标招第丈内容从年小池所给的A, B. C、D凸个选项,选出一个 叶以

20、城人空白我的适住龙,免.使包大奇思完登、为子泣时.开&冬燃一上将法项涂T finished middle school in the 1970s. T still remember the teen years were the 41 time of my life. Ai that time, as a girl. 1 hated it when twy parents asked me42 about myprobknis that made me uncomCoriablc. I also remember many times when Mr. Ivrnplat, my tea

21、cher, would take ine aide and talk to me. He had a special vzay of finding out whar the problem was. Lverjt lime he 43 with iik. 1 felt belter, lie was a leacheM will never 44He had a way of making his classes enjoyable. We always got Ihr highest 45 in math in our grade with his teaching. If there w

22、as a big world ball game on the radio, we would 46 cvcrxthing and he would pul ihc game on so we could all enjoy il.Teens often Icam things on TV or from adults about world 47 tliat can make themscared. Now ii is terroi,ism (XMI. i:义).Back in niy teen years it was Ilie Cold War. It worried me so muc

23、h ihal 148 each tiay would be my lasl. Mr. Tcinplai knew how much il troubled his49 . He opened the subject up to discission. He gave iis a way tc express our fears and helped us uixlcn>taud war and polilics (政治).When I think back to those special days. I appreciate (感念)lhatJ:c helped me go 50 su

24、ch a difficult dine in my life.11. A. happicslB. hardestC. bcslD. hubicsl42. A. direct!vB. politelyC. kindlvD. softly43. A. playedB. foughtC. arguedD. talked44. A. IcarB. trustC. IbrgelD. rciTicmbcr45. A. progressR. resultsC. marksT), fever46. A. doB. dropC learnD. repeat47. A. problemsB. meetingsC.

25、 weatherD. pollution48. A. thoughtB. decidedC. promised1), suggested49. A. rclalivcB. familyC. icachcniD. sludcnts50. A. againstB. acrossC overD. through四.阅读理源 格大懑共15小城,每小渔2分满分3。分)阅读下面三角材料,根据材料内容从余小题所给的A. B, C.DE个选项中.选出一 个良勺池:,并在冬建卡上胃渣项涂生.Dear Sir or Madam,One of die Leuchcrs al. my sch<H>l in

26、 New York tells me Ihal your school has summer courses. I an) planning to go to Beijiiig next summer and would like to take a short one-month course.I am 18 years old arid liave been sludying Chinese lor six years. 1 was bom in Lhe 1>SA and have never been to China before. I am going to study Chi

27、nese at the university. I think the course will help me improve my Chinese.Could you send me a catalogue (目求)and application term (申诘表)? I would also like infbnnaiion about Beijing and other places nearby. I hope to do soine travelling when the course is over.Thank you! I am looking forward ro your

28、reply.Very iruly yours, Jim Green51. Jim (irccn is a sludcnl from.D. AustraliaI), travel in BeijingI). Never.A. AmericaR. ChinaC. Canada52. Ue was twelve years old when he started to.A. go to schoolB. Icam ChineseC. study in Chin;,53. IIow many times has he been to China before?A. (>iicc.B. Twice

29、.C. Many limes.54. He will come to China nexr summer ro.A. improve his ChineseB. visit friendsC. look for jobsD. teach summer course55. He will probably after the summer course.A. graduate from universityR. work in this schoolC. take a trip in DeijiiigD. post his application formMany kids do housewo

30、rk such as doing the dishes, making rhe bed. and folding the cloches. In exchange, they gc( some money or other conipulcr time.Paying kids for housework is one of the most popular topics, especially at a time when even one is inorc careful about money. Some parents think since aduks arc paid to do t

31、heir jobs, we should puy kids ibr evenday housework.But some people don't think kids should get rewards (报SH) for doing housework. Susie Walton, an expert, believe that by rewarding kids, parents arc sending a message that work isivt worth doing unless you get something 访 re”“,*Running any kind

32、of housework is a team cflort/' Wal Ion said, "A home is a living space Ibr everyone in lhe lamily. Ils imporlunl G)r kids to see that we all have responsibilities in tlie house, mid families cecide how they want their home to look, and how ihcy air going u> keep il looking like whal the

33、y waul."Other people believe that getting a reward encourages kids to do housework, and it also leaches ihcni real world lesions about how we need lo work Lo gel money. l licrc are also apps (程 .序)that give kids poinls and digital gills that can be redeemed (兑叫 either online or in the real worl

34、d. MOur goal is to give kids lawftil power so they can get rewards?* says Cliris Bergman. “And kids need rewards lo help encourage them.'B. Cookine meals.J -, Making the bed.A. as a rewardR. for punishment C. on saleD. under control56. Which of ll)c following housework is NOT mentioned in Paragr

35、aph 1?A- Washing the dishes. C. Folding the clothes.57. Ihe underlined phrase "加 return* in Paragraph 3 has the same meaning as " 5X. Whal is Walloif s idea in die passage?A. Running exercise is a kind of team workB. People work to gel sonic rcwarck.C. Kids have cesponsibililies in tlic ho

36、use.D. Doing housework is only the parents' job.59. According to Chris Bergman, kids should be encouraged to.A. do housework witliout rewardsB. do more houseworkC. suiy away Irom houseworkI), de housework by gelling rewank60. Which is the best title for the passage?A. Kids Should Study as Well a

37、s Doing HouseworkB. Let Children Do Some HouseworkC. Should Kids Be Rewarded for Doing Housework?D. Doing Housework Is (i(xh1 for ('hildrcn s StudyCLast summer f went to one of the world's most famous historical places, the Forbidden City in Beijing. China. Il was I he home of the emperors o

38、f ihc lahl Iwo dy nasties (朝代)in China, lliu Ming and Qing Dynasties.The Forbidden City was built in 1420. The palace has over IO,(XX) rooms. Il was where the emperors dealt with the official business widi their ministers.In Mandarin (普道 古),the Forbidden Cit>, is called the Purple Forbidden City.

39、 However, the color of the palace ihclf is not purple. I he color purple stands ibr power of die great emperors of Cliina. Ir was so sacred (沔 系心)that the commoners could not even dream of ever going in.I hc emperor also had some of the largest festival cclcbralions al the Forbidden Cjlv. During Chi

40、nese New Year, the emperor would invite all die members of his family and his officials to a banqs Tlie banquet had a hundred and eight Chinese dishes. It was such an expensive banquet that it could (cud a commoner's larnily lor Lhiw generations (代).Right now die Forbidden City is known as a his

41、torical site for tourists from all over die world. Everyone can go in there. It is a museum with priceless (Chinese antiques (J 苹)and treasures in ILI really leamed a lot about the Chinese culture and its history fiom this trip to the Forbidden Cily. Il was like a dream conic true lo go on Ihc trip

42、and see the things ihal I had always wanted to see.61. How long is the hislory of Lhc Forbidden City?A. About 600 years.B. More than 600 years.C. 1420 years.D. Over 10.000 years.62. We call the palace the Purple Forbidden City because the color purple is the symbol for of the emperor.A. powerB. lame

43、C. wealthD. Iicallh英语乂踞卷第6页(JE贞)he I'hincse rnuiining oTlhc Lindcrlincd word JujiKftter'''' in Ptir4gmph 47X. /演B.匕赛C堆宽D哀公L . .iui uClhe liJkiwin 诵 NOT Irui: about the I'rbiddini City hi 山u passage1?A, Tlie emperor lived there.B. flic wdll uf the City was purple.C. It is ahis

44、iorical phee tor visirinD. Ihc emperor luud festival cclobmlons there.65. In Ihi! pit4sa空 Iht! H'nter wanls tn sliow nsofihc FiiTbidclii City by ctwriparinits past with present.A, Ihc iTcauLyR. die treusurexC. tlw changes in useB. the building process非选择题(主观题)(共40分)五、阅读还原(太大期共5小地.每小现1分满令5分)国越下面的

45、珞丈,根捺短文内本,从迪文后礼进项中造出能珞人文中空白Q的愈位诲 项、井臀正跪答案的标号策马忐等避卡上相应的超号后.提示:微个选项只用一次,选 项中有一项为多东造项.)Having a pen p:il is Hm nnd can be ; gTCiil way Ui improvd your MTiLing skills. Bill ithjl people have trouble knowing wJat to write to dieir pen pals, 66. 67.Break the ice by 归Hing your p(il 口 little JihGiH yoinU

46、9;. Stnrt itliyour nuTni:, a断 nrid job. Wrik abuul what you like U)d(i or wlial on jiHir mind LiE 山呼 Wllul you pass on will encourage your pen pal To rd! you something baut his. 6& Ask questions. 69.Tliis will help you gd tn knem him and pTttlxibly getyou a lasLer answer. Make yjiir qucsiiom int

47、o the e-niftil by tellhig Lilin oinediine you like io do n(i tliun asking if tie-s ever tried it. Ask (br LucKikX- Yuu ma liavc 心 di 111c Lilli us in your ilc arid Lt) usk ft)r Mwiix. Your pen pd jnay cell you wiiat ra do, 70. Also, discussing real-world quest ions will pnimolc每your incn<l!<ln

48、p.A. Shure yuur inlbimtiliuil, 1B. Wlut di> yon think of living a pen pat ?C. And Lhis will be help Hit to hluI your friendship,D. Luckily lieiv。慎 sutue wiiys io 恪士L tu know ti pen pul.F- Wiiw questions 卜油 yotn' pn p浦 1。ijn5wtr in his nsW e-mailK Ybll don'I Ikivc 10 liikc all his ad icc.

49、but 1L will yive you KHiidhing nbtmL his upink)ns.六,完成句子(本义能共5小题 “小题2分、满分10分)阅读下歹I各小遮,根擢括号内的汉语援赤,用句备括号内的臭诏单词完成因子,并将 权案片皮卷蹈卡上相总钩遇号舄. (;!*:只写卷案,斌般的算它内容不得抄人然超卡.) 了 L % Molly d inlcnled girl?Yes. She can druw 皿d sing. And Mi。£抵长僦号, loo. (be)7t Ry the time joined Grcejier Group, they(义务打扫图书愉finr 2 y

50、ears.(volunkcTj盛个温冽卷,速?九:八邑立:o - Did he 1 汰e to play games iii his spare time?Na he did】、. He said(玩游戏没行闰读有歆育点义).(as)74. Is liiciv anyone you adniirc in your life?-Weil, I(崇版那位帮我卷龙困爱的智室).(look)75. Do you remember wh;jt Mr. Brown said to us at the gnuination ceremony?-Yes. We(受到告或不妥放弃对创逵的兴亚 in our li

51、fe.(warn)七,短文综合填空(入大越共10个空,与空1分.满分10分)用设下面妁蛇丈,根痣短文为容及首字咛提示,在皎文空白处厦人-一个岭当的词,使 近文内容究超通顺,并将所填单词整5在笨题千上杓应的题子后.1 ite will be peaceful it you ulways do kind things. I teach my daughters to d(76)a habil of helping others.We live in a rural (乡 “、) area. Most of what we see is beautiful nature. One of the ex

52、ceptions (洌外)to the beauty is the rubbish that some people throw out of their car windows. Anti there are no necessary public、(77), such as rubbish collcclioii.A helping behavior (举that 1 often p(78) with my daughters is picking uprubbish in our neighborhood. My daughters ohen have a m(79) to see wh

53、o cancollect the mosi rubbish, ihey will often say to me in an exciied voice, 1 here's some rubbish.一 Daddy, stop rhe car!" Without t(80) more, we will oten get out of our car andpick it up. Though it may seem s(KI), wc <io it. In fact, wc enjoy it. Wc pick uprubbish in parks, on sidewalks, almost a(82).One day I saw a man I had never met before picking up nibbish on the road. I stopped. He r(83) his head and said k) me with a smile, "I saw you doing ihis wilh your lu


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