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1、个人资料整理仅限参考外研英语九年级上期末英语试卷及答案英语试卷I.听力部分20分,每小题1分)听句子,然后找出句子中所听到的单词。5分)每个句子朗读一遍)D. hand181aM7edpcD . closeaM7edpcD . sti11181aM7edpcD. bottle181aM7edpcD. thirteen181aM7edpcbetterfourteen1. A.halfB.2. A.coatB.3. A.smallB.4. A.letterB.5. A.fortyB.hardC.hatnoseC.roadsmileC.spellC. little C. thirty二)听对话及对话

2、后面的问题,选择最佳答案。5分)每个对话读两遍)6. A . A doctor . B. A worker .teacher. 181aM7edpc7. A . Black .B. White .8. A . To see a film .shopping.C. To go to a park .9. A. At8:00 .B. At9:00 .D. At9:30. 181aM7edpcC. A farmer.D. AD. Blue . D . Brown . 181aM7edpcB. To do someE. To go to school. 181aM70dpeC. At8:30 .10.

3、 A. Behind Wei Hua.B. In front of WeiHua.C. On Wei Hua's left .D. On Wei Hua's right . 18IaM7edpc三)听一段对话,根据对话内容选择最佳答案。5分)该段对话读两遍)11. Sam went to during his holiday .A . EnglandB. AmericaC. AustraliaD. Canada181aM7edpc12. His took him there .A. friendsB. classmatesC. sistersD . parents181aM7e

4、dpc13. He came backA. three hours agoB. three days agoC. three weeks agoD. three months ago14. It s time for them to .A . have classesB. play footballC. go homeD . borrow books 181aM7edpc15. Kate is Sam s.A . sisterB. auntC. classmateD. student181aM70dpe四)听短文,然后根据短文内容完成下列句子。5分)短文读两遍)16. I went to se

5、e a friend by last Sunday . l8IaM7edPc17. It was a day .18. Bad luck! I hurt my badly .19. A policeman came and me .20. I'm sorry . I don ' t know his. 181aM7edpcn.单项选择每小题1分,共20分)21. Who is taller you or he?My height is just the same as.A. himselfB. heC. himD. his22. 一 Lily and Lucy look the

6、 same .That' s true Sometime it is really difficult to them apart . 181aM7edpcA . tellB. sayC. talkD. speak23. I haven ' t met.MBrown for ages .Oh . he for two years .A. has diedB. diedC. has been deadD. has been died81aM7edpc24. 一 Don' t eat!It ' s bad for your health81aM7edpc But I

7、 am thin .A . too much . too muchB. too much, much too.个人资料整理仅限参考C. many too. much tooD. too many, too much25. It is Sunday today . isn ' t it?-Yes. We to school today .A . don't need goB. need to not goC. needn ' t to goD. don' tneed to go 26. Neither Danny nor Brian at schoo1 . Wha

8、t' s the matter with tem?181aM7edpc I don ' t knowLet ' s phone themA. isB. isn' tC. areD. aren' t27. Could you please give this message to Mr. White? 181aM70dpe Sorry, I can' . t He doesn' t work here. 181aM7edpcA . no longerB. any longerC. no moreD. any many181aM7edpc 2

9、8. My uncle has never studied cloning .A . So I haveB. Neither I haveC. So have ID. Neither have I aM7edpc29. 一 do you water the plants? Twice a day.A . How longB. How soon C. How oftenD. Howmuch181aM7edpc 30. Excuse me, could you please help me carry the heavy box?aM7edpcA . Im OKC. With pleasureB.

10、 It doesn ' t matterD. Don' t mention it31. 一 What did he say?He said he to Shanghai to visit me the next week . l8IaM7edpcA. will comeB. is comingC. was comingD. had个人资料整理仅限参考come181aM7edpc32.There is an ID card on the floor . Please.181aM7edpcA . give it upB. pick it upD . pick up it 181aM

11、7edpc33. Mom. I'm very hungry .-Really? Why some cakes?C. give up itA . not to stop to eatB. not stop eatingC. not to stop eatingA. spendB. costC. takeD. not stop to eatl8IaM7edpc34. I don ' t know the piano .-Don' t worry I can teach you .A . how to playB. when to play C. how playingD.

12、when playing 181aM7edpc35. Sorry. I have taken your spots shoes by mistake. 181aM7edpcA. That's fightB. No. thanksC. All fightD. doesn't matter181aM7edpc36. What is your friend's family name if his fall name is James Allen G8een?dpcA. JamesB. AllenC. GreenD. James Allen181aM70dpe 37. In

13、Western countries , women don ' t want others to know their ages 181aM7edpcRight. So it is to ask a woman her age in Western countries . 181aM7edpcA . rudeB. formalC. politeD. usual38. Did you have any trouble Mr. Smith s house?81aM7edpc-No. we didn : t A . findingB. to findC. findD. found39. Ho

14、w long did you eating in the restaurant? 18IaM7edpc个人资料整理仅限参考D. pay40. I won' t go to the party I'm invited.A. soB. unlessC. becauseD. orin.完形填空每小题1分,共10分)请根据短文内容,从各题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。What is a close? A clone is a copy a genetic基因的) copy. Genes基因) are the instructions for life .

15、 They 4 l a cell what to do and how to do it . Genes make. 42 plant or animal different and unique . A clone has the same genes 43 the original organism 生物 体),181aM7edpcCloning is not new . 44 have been cloned for centuries . Many new plants aregrown l8IaM7edpcFrom cuttings 插枝)from the original plan

16、ts . One benefit of cloning is that we can make many copies of the best and healthiest plants. l8IaM7edpcIt ' 45 more difficult to clone animals than plants . In 1997 scientists succeeded in 46 a sheep. The creation of Dolly , the Cloned sheep, caused great attention around the world in no time.

17、 Scientists had tried to clone other animals like frogs before that , but they failed Frogs died as tadpoles蝌蚪),never living 47 to become adult frogs . l8IaM7edpcIt may soon be 48 to clone many types of animals . Will we also 49 clone human organs 器 官), or even a whole human being? Maybe now the que

18、stion is not whether we can clone humans, but 50 should we clone humans? 181aM7edpc41.A.keepB.makeC. tellD.let181aM7edpc42.A.eachB.neitherC.bothD . none181aM7edpc43.A.forB.fromC . withD.as181aM7edpc44.A.PlantsB.AnimalsC.LifeD . Humansl81aM7edpc45.A.manyB.muchC.fewD . little 181aM7edpc46.A.clonesB.cl

19、oningC.clonedD . to clone181aM7edpc47.A.long enoughB .short enoughC. enough longD. enough short181aM7edpc48.A.helpfulB.difficultC.possibleD . new181aM7edpc49. A. mustB. shouldC. canD. be able tol8IaM7edpc50. A. exceptB. except forC. insteadD. insteadof181aM7edpcW.阅读理解。AAs we know, there are differen

20、ces between Western culture and Chinese culture . We can see differences when we pay attention to the way some words are used . Let's look at the words about animals and ants. 181aM7cdpcAlthough dogs are thought to be honest and good friends of humans , most expressions in Chinese about the dog,

21、 for example, “ a homelessog"," a running dg" and " a dog catchingamouse”, have negative meanings. But in Western countries , people use "og" to describe positive actions . In English , for example, “ You are a lucky d)g“ means “ You are aucky person". And " E

22、very dog has its day" means “Each person has good luck sometimes” . However. Chinese love cats very much . But in Western culture . " cat” is often used to describe a woman who is cruel 冷的). There are many other examples of how"cat" is used differently as well . 181aM7edpcThe ros

23、e is regarded 视为)as a symbol 象征)of love in both China and some Western countries. People think the rose stands for 代表)love, peace, courage and friendship . And the rose is the national flower of England , America and many other countries . 181aM7cdpcThe words about animals and plants are used in pos

24、itive or negative ways in different cultures. We can learn about many differences in different cultures by comparing how some words are used181aM76dpe 请根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。51. The word "og" in Chinese usually. 18IaM7edpcA . stands for peaceB. stands for goodluckC. has a negative meaningD. has a

25、positivemeaning181aM7edpc52. “ Every dog has its day means':”. 18IaM7edpcA . Everybody in the world is luckyB. Each person has his own way of个人资料整理仅限参考life 181aM7edpcC. If one works hard, he's sure to succeedD. Everybody has a time inlife to be lucky 181aM70dpe53. Western people usually use

26、“catt6 refer to “. l8iaM7edpcA . a tired personB. a brave manC. a homeless personD. an unkindwoman54. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?81aM7edpcA .”A lucky dog me ans “ a lucky persorin Western countries . 181aM7edpcB. Chinese people prefer dogs to cats.C. Western people consi

27、der cats to be good friends .D . The rose is the national flower of all the Western countries . 181aM7edpc55. What does the writer talk about in the passage ?A . Some words have both negative and positive meanings . 181aM7edpcB . Different countries have different cultures .C. The rose means the sam

28、e in Chinese culture and Western culture. 181aM7edpcD . Western culture and Chinese culture have a lot in common. 18IaM7edpcBAn index 索弓I) is usually at the end of a book . It tells us most of the topics the writer talks about in the book . The topics are usually listed from letter A to Z . Under ea

29、ch topic, there are some small topics, and we can find the page number after each small topic . Here is part of an index from a cookbook : 181aM7edpcPotatoes Salads Sandwiches Soupsdry 63 cabbage 125 apple and beef 161 bean 189french fries 67 chicken egg 137 cheese 1 70 beef 192new 82 fruits 139 chi

30、cken 172 carrot 196sour 100 green 151 cold meat 182 chicken 220请根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。56. How many small topics are listed in the index of the cookbook the writer shows us? 181aM7edpcA. 4.B. 16.C. 220.个人资料整理仅限参考D. 172.57. If we are learning to make dry potatoes , we may turn to'age. 181aM7edpcA. 638. 67

31、C. 82D. 10058. From the material , we know that "apple and beefis a kind of . l8IaM7edPc A. salad B. fruit C . sandwich D . soup59. In this material . the underlined word “green“ means a kind of. 181aM7cdpcA. colourB. saladC. cookbookD. vegetable181aM7cdpc60. The whole material tells us about .

32、 181aM76dpeA . how to be a very good chefB. what kind of food is verypopular181aM7edpcC. where to buy the cookbookD. how to use theindex l8IaM7edpcCYears ago, I lived in a building in a large city . The building next door was only a few feet away from mine . There was a woman who lived there and who

33、m I had never met , yet I could see her sitting by her window each afternoon , sewing 缝纫) and reading. l8IaM7edpcAfter several months had gone by , I began to notice that her window wasdirty . Everything was unclear through the dirty window . I would say to myself , “ Whydoesn ' t that woman cle

34、anher window? It really looks terrible . ” 181aM7edpcOne bright morning I decided to clean my flat , including cleaning thewindow . 181aM7edpcLate in the afternoon after I finished the cleaning , I sat down by the window with a cup of coffee for a rest . What a surprise! The woman sitting by her win

35、dow was clearly seen . Her window was clean! 181aM7edpcThen it dawned on me . I had been criticizing 批评) her dirty window , but all the time I was watching hers through my own dirty window . l8IaM7edpcThat was quite an important lesson for me . How often had I looked at and criticized others through

36、 the dirty window of my heart , through my own shortcomings 缺点)?l8IaM7edpcFrom then on , whenever I want to judge someone , I ask myself first , “ Am I looking at him through my own dirty window? ” Then I try to clean the window of my own world so that I can see others world more clearly . 181aM7edp

37、c请根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。61. The writer couldn 'anyteing early through the window because . 181aM7edpcA . the woman ' s window was dirtyB. his window was dirty 181aM7edpcC. the woman lived far awayD. he was near-sighted 近视的)181aM7edpc62. After the writer finished the cleaning . he was surprised to fi

38、ndthat. 181aM7edpcA . the woman was sitting by her windowB. the woman ' s window wasstill dirty 181aM7edpcC. the woman was cleaning her windowD. the woman ' s window wasclean181aM7edpc63. The underlined part “it dawned on me" probably means "” . 181aM7edpcA . I began to understand

39、itB. it cheered meup181aM7edpcC. I could see myself through the windowD. it made me sad18IaM7edpc64. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?81aM7edpcA . Both the woman and the writer lived in a small town . 181aM7edpcB . The writer often cleaned the window .C. Both the woman and the

40、 writer worked as cleaners . 181aM7edpcD . The writer never met the woman .65. From the passage we can learn that. 181aM7edpcA . one shouldn't criticize others very oftenB. one should often keep his windows cleanC. one should judge himself before he judges othersD . one should look at others thr

41、ough his dirty window 18IaM7edpcV.情景交际每小题1分,共5分)请根据对话内容,从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话,有两项多余。Paul and Susan walk into a restaurant. A waiter comes up to them . ) |8IaM7edPcWaiter: Good evening!Paul: Good evening!66 ) Waiter: Of course, sir. This way, please.They walk to a corner table .)Waiter: Sit down , please.

42、67) Paul: Wd d like to try your Chinese food .Walter : 68) aM7edpcPaul: What would you like to eat . Susan?Susan: Let me see. Uh, beef, fried fish and noodles . 69)181aM7edpcPaul: I prefer rice and chicken .Waiter : 70) Paul: Oh. yes. tomato and egg soup.Waiter : Is there anything else?Paul: No, tha

43、nks.Waiter : OK. Please wait a moment. They' ll be ready soon 181aM7edpcA. Here's the menu.B . You 're welcome .C. What about you?D . Have you got a table for two?E. Which would you like . Chinese food or Western food?F. May I have the bill?G . Would you like some soup?VI.请根据句意,用括号内所给单词的

44、适当形式填空。71. Have you ever seen any clone) animals?181aM7cdpc72. Mr. Li 1ive ) in the village since he moved here three yearsago. 181aM7edpc73. If I am ) you, I would go to France with him . 181aM7edpc74. The little girl traveled from New York to London by she ) . l8IaM7edpc75. They would like stay )

45、at home on Sunday. 181aM7edPc76. Do you know anything about Canada ) culture?181aM7edpc77. The two words are spelled different ) . but they have the samepronunciation . 181aM7edpc78. Which is more important , say) something or doing it? 181aM70dpe79. Birthday cakes are a tradition ) part of birthday

46、parties. 181aM7edpc80. Yesterday was my birthday . I received lots of gift ) from my friends . 181aM7edpcvn.短文填空每小题1分,共10分)请根据短文内容及所给首字母提示填入适当的单词,使短文内容完整、通顺。The aim of students who come to school is to study . But to study n 81) a rightway, or We would w 82 ) time and money. The following are ways o

47、f studying . Thebest time to read is morning . Because in the morning , the air is f 83 ) and our minds arec84) . 181aM7edpcIn studying we must be patient . If we don ' tu 85) a text well , we must read it again. We should not read the next one u 86) we have learned the first onewell 181aM7edpcW

48、hen we are studying , we must put our hearts into the book . We can not read absentmindedly 心不在焉地), or we can get n 87) from the book while we arereading. 18|aM7edpcWe must always a 88) " whys." If it is not well understood , w 89) itdown and ask our teachers or parents, brothers or friends , in any possible way . We must understand it completely and then our knowledge can be used well . 18IaM7edpcThou


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