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1、获奖英语范文获奖感言高中英语作文I m so excited that OUr drama CIUb WOn the first PriZe in this Petition. PartiCiPating in this CIUb helps US toIearn more about drama, and develop OUr Self-COnfidenCe andCUItUraI qualities aswel1. On the Other hand, thanks to the club, I haveknown many friends WhO Share the Same inte

2、restWith me. There We municate and IearnfrOmeaCh Other In addition, before the Petition We kept On PraCtiCing for alongtime Luckily, OUr efforts Paid off, WhiCh is beyond OUr expectation to be honest Finally, I, d Iike to express my thanks to all Of OUr teachers WhO directed us, friends WhO helped u

3、s, and Partners WhO WOrked hard Without you, We CoUldr t have made SUCh agreatachievement. Thank you SO much, again.I am SO PrOUd to Stand here and get the award from this SPeeCh Pitition, i really Iearn a IOt i realize the true meaning Of the PrOVerb NO pains, NO gains ,CaUSe i really devOte a IOt

4、to the COnteSt i Want to Say thank you to my ParentS for giving me the birth, to my teachers for giving the OPPOrtUnity and to my friends for the SUPPOrting. Thank you, Thank all Of you!SChOIarShiPS and PriZeS获奖情况学习奖学金Learning SChOIarShiP优秀学生称号The title Of the best StUdentS优秀团员称号The title Of excelle

5、nt membersA: I, m a reporter from XX Daily, as you know, the job market is getting toUgher and tougher now, but you have got a good POSitiOn in MiCrOSOft China When facing a IOSt OfPetitors With SeVeraI years WOrking experience HOW do you think an InterVieWt S importance?B: SUre. AS a well-known fac

6、t, the job for life is gone 一 the WOrld is Changing SO fast, WhiCh results in the job market getting InCreaSingIy Petitive. MOSt PeOPIe WilI need to Change jobs at IeaSt every few years Or so. SO you cant get hired Without Shining at the interview And as well, your earnings WilI be dictated by how W

7、elI you perform!A: BUt in fact, how to do WelI in an interview SeemS a quite difficuIt thing for a IOt fresh graduates. Then What, S your OPerl SeSanIe (诀窍)for your OWn suess?B: Well, doing WelI in an interview Can be easy if you UnderStand how to PrePare and know What to expect! Its CrUCiaI to PreP

8、are PrOPerIy for a job before the interview.A: That, S true PreCaUtiOnS avert perils. COUld you PIeaSe explain it in detail?B: Yeah, Of COUrSe FirSt Of all, you ShOUld feel SUPremeIy COnfident in all SitUations! AS you know, there,S no recruiter WOUld Iike to hire a PerSOn WithOUt COnfidenCe When fa

9、cing PrObIemS Second, you ShOUld PrePare for answering frequentIy-asked questions The IaSt but it S no IeSS important, you d have to train yourself What to Say to the tricky questions.A: Right, I Cant t agree With you more BUt you know, aIOt Of job-seeker WhO can, t make it finally even they think t

10、hey, Ve PerfOrmed WelI in an interview, do you think What the root CaUSe is?B: Interview SUeSS is not just about knowing thequestions. It, S also about what is behind the question. FOr example, Wha t do you t hink they are get ting at WherI t hey say: ,Tell me aboUt a tyPiCaI week? Are they just int

11、erested in What you do, Or is there SOmething else behind the question? SUreIy they WaiTt to know SOmething about you CharaCterS YOU ShOUld COnVinCe them that you, re a responsible PerSOn instead Of your CareIeSSneSSA: Terrific, thatt S exactly true. Thank you Very much for your kindness to Share yo

12、ur VaIUabIe experience in job-Seeking BUt for the Sake Of OUr InterVieW time, I d have to give it to and end now After all, I SUPPOSe all the readers WilI appreciate for your help WiSh you a brilliant future in MiCrOSOft!B: I, m Very glad to do that and you, re WeIe After all, thank you for your bes

13、t WiSheS:Behind the GOld MedaIReporter: COngratUIate you On earning all roundChamPiOnS!祝贺你获得全能项目的金牌!Yang Wei : Thank you!谢谢!Reporter: At the moment Can you US your feeling?你能告诉我们你此时此刻的心情吗?Yang Wei : Very excited and happy.很激动,也很高兴.Reporter: What do you Want to Say best?你现在最想说些什么?Yang Wei: Thank my C

14、OaCh my Parents my CIOSe PIayerS and all the friends WhO SUPPOrt me fully. Thank you Very much! 感谢我的教练、我的父母、我亲密无间的队友们以及所有权利支持 我的朋友们.谢谢你们!Reporter: YOUr COaCh is Very kind to you isnt he?你的教 练对你非常好,对吗?Yang Wei: Yes. BUt Very StiCt With me. He WaS quite StriCt in every movement during the training SOm

15、etimeS it Seemed to be a IittIe severe.是的.但对我非常严格,他对我训练 中的每一个动作要求都相当严格,有时似乎有点苛刻.Reporter: I think it is Very helpful to you.我想这对你很 有帮助.Yang Wei: NOW I UnderStand it PIetely. EXCePt that my PIayerS are always COrreCting my UnPerfeCt movements Tm Very thankful to them.现在我完全理解.除此之外,我的队友也总 给我纠正不完美的动作,我非

16、常感激他们.RePOrter: Thank you for your time. BeSt WiSheS for you!谢谢你接受我们的采访.祝福你!还可以改编下面的对话对话 1: That, S TOO PerfeCtBob: Did you WatCh the PerfOrmanCe Of gymnastics IaSt night?昨天晚上的体操表演你看了吗?Jim: Of COUrSe I Iike it best. He KeXin WOrl UneVen bars and her PerfOrmanCe WaS too PerfeCt!当然,我太喜欢了何可欣 赢得了高低杠金牌.她

17、的表演太精彩了 !Bob: LaSt night her PerfOrmanCe IOOked SO relaxed and graceful.昨天晚上她的表演看上去是那样的轻松自如,优美娴 熟.、Jim: She WaS quite an experienced gymnast! NOt OnIy the PerfOrmanCe WaS PerfeCt but also the movements Were quite to the music.她是个相当有经验的体操运动员,不但表演漂亮,动作和音乐的配合也完美无比Bob: Right The movement that She balanc

18、ed herself Onthe Strength With a SingIe arm WaS SO WOnderfUI that all the audience StOOd up.说得对.它用一只手臂的力量保持整个身体 平衡的那个动作做得如此出色,以致于所有的观众都站起来了.Jim: ErL It needs quite good SkilIS and PhySiCaIStrength to do that.嗯.那需要相当高的技术和力量.Bob: YeS Her Ianding WaS also SWift and SUre对,女也的落 地也同样轻快娴熟.、拼拼凑凑吧I, m so exc

19、ited that Owr drama CIUb WOn the first PriZe in this PetitiOn. PartiCiPating in this CIUb helps US to Iearn more about drama, and develop OUr Self-COnfidenCe and CUItUraI qualities aswel1. On the Other hand, thanks to the club, I haveknown many friends WhO Share the Same interest With me. There We m

20、unicate and IearnfrOmeaCh Other In addition, before the PetitiOn We kept On PraCtiCing for alongtime Luckily, OUr efforts Paid off, WhiCh is beyondOUr expectation to be honest Finally, I, d Iike to express my thanks to all Of OUr t eachers WhO direc ted us, friends WhO helped us, and Partners WhO WO

21、rked hard WithOUt you, We CoUIdr t have made SUCh agreatachievement Thank you SO much, again.One Of my favourite SPOrts is swimming, because it is good for OUr health I Iearned how to SWiIn When I WaS OnIy 5. My mom took me to SWiniIning IeSSOn. I StilI remember I WaS afraid Of my COaCh. NOW Iama go

22、od SWimmer I SWim OnCe a month in OUr regional SWimining PoOL I CaiI do the 4 Strokes, free style, butterfly, back Stroke and breast StrOke. Free Style is my best I Carl finish 50m in 45 SeCOndS AIthOUgh m not a good SWinimer as MiChaeI PhiIPS WhO WOn 8 gold medals in XX Bei g OIymPiC Games, mStilI in IOVe With SWimlningMOYan is the first ChineSe Writer to Wirl the


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