



1、英语 ( 四年级下册 )Unit 5 SeasonsFun time & Song timeTeaching contents 教学内容Fun time & Song timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论不同季节的气候特征以及人们经常从事的活动。2. 能够理解歌词、会唱歌曲并改编歌曲。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:谈论不同季节的气候特征以及在不同季节里人们经常从事的活动。教学难点:用图

2、片和文字结合的方式描述最喜欢的季节。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Warm up1. Free talkT: Hello, boys and girls. We talked about seasons last time. How many seasons are there in one year?S: Four.T: Yes. Four seasons make a year. What are they?S: Spring, summer, autumn and winter.T: How s the weather in spring/summer/a

3、utumn/winter?S: It s warm/hot/cool/cold.T: How s the weather today?S: Its2. Magic eyesT: Let psl ay a game called magic eyes now. Look at the pictures and words carefully and find out which one is missing.S:【设计意图:通过师生问答回顾和复习第一课时所学习的重点单词,通过Magiceyes这一游戏巩固单词。】Step 2 Song time1. Show the picture of a s

4、unny dayT: How s the weather in the picture?S: It ' s T: It s a sunny day.(学习:a sunny day)2. Watch and answerT: Watch the cartoon. Enjoy the song and find out what they do on a sunny day.S: They fly kites.3. Learn to sing the songT: Listen and repeat. Then try to sing it.S:4. Sing the songA sunn

5、y daytogether5. Listen to the teacherT: I wrote a new song. Would you like to listen to me?S:T: Listen to me, please.(Teacher sings the new songA summer day.)6. Think of a new song and sing it in groupsT: Now, you can change some of the words in the lyrics. And try to sing it in groups.S:7. Sing new

6、 songs in classS: In T: Let s share our nsoenwgs.S:【设计意图:通过How s the weather in the picture? 一问引入歌曲的学习,衔接自然。 在理解歌词、 学唱歌曲的基础之上, 让学生运用所学单词对歌曲进行改编,使得学习过程有趣、有效。 】Step 3 Say a rhyme1. Ask and answerT: What do you do in different seasons?S: We T: What do you do on a warm/hot/cool/cold day?S: We 2. Learn t

7、o read the rhyme.T: Try to read the rhyme together.S:3. Finish the rhyme in pairs.T: Now, talk about your activities on different days and finish the rhyme in pairs.S:4. Share rhymes in class.T: It msetito share our happy days. Please act your rhyme in pairs.S:【设计意图: 小诗的学习和改编可以帮助学生进一步思考不同季节人们的活动以及天气

8、对人们活动的影响,为接下来的学习进行语言铺垫。】Step 4 Fun time1. Talk about the differences among seasonsT: In which season do we wear ?S: In T: In which season do we see ?T: In which season do we eat ?S: In T: Which season do you like best? And why?S: I like best. Because 2. Read and learnT: Which season does the boy/gir

9、l like best? Read and learn.S:3. Talk about favourite season in groupsT: Seasons are colourful and beautiful. Which season do you like best? Why? Talk in groups. You can talk about different clothes, different flowers, different fruits, different things to do and so on.4. Show time.T: Who d like to

10、say about your favourite season?S:5. Make a season card.T: Look, the boy makes a season card.(1) T: How to make a season card?S:(2) T: What s in the card?5: Pictures, the title and the body.(3) Make a season card and learn to check the sentences.(4) Say about season cards.【设计意图: Fun time 的主要学习内容是制作一

11、张季节卡片。 学习前安排学生根据图片提示思考不同季节人们所穿的服饰、 看的花和吃的水果等方面的不同, 启发他们对于不同节日特点的思考。 制作季节卡时, 教师应鼓励学生多想和多写。 】Homework 家庭作业1. Show your season card to parents and introduce your favourite season.2. Preview Cartoon time and Sound time.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:课件及相关音、视频文件,单词卡片 板书设计:Unit 5 SeasonsI like In,I说课作为第二课时,本节课的教学以Fun time和Song time为主,分别以完成一 个手工制作和学唱一首歌曲为主要教学内容。 学习形式相对轻松、有趣,但是学 习要求却进一步提高。其中,歌曲板块的学习不仅要求学生理解和会唱原文,还要结合本课新授单 词,对歌曲进行创编,再唱一唱。尤其是在不同季节(或者不同气候)里人们的 活动方面,鼓励学生大胆想象、合作创编,教师应努力创设轻松、愉快的氛围让 学生勇于表现和积极交流。手工制作活动可在课前布置学生准备好图片和卡纸,以确保课堂语言实践的时间和效率。对于完成有困难的同学,可以允许两个一组合作完成。为了进一步提高学生语言输出的质量, 本节课应注重学生语


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