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1、非谓语动词填空题附答案非谓语动词填空题附答案复习:非谓语动词1. “ Do you have any clothes (wash)? ” asked themaid.2. The great danger lay in (not know) ourshortcomings, so we must be very careful about what we are going to do.3. If elected, he promised he would do all he could (promote) public welfare.4. You are wasting your time

2、 (persuade) him; hewill never take your advice.5. The young teacher could hardly make himself (pay) attention to because the students were so noisy.6. We can do nothing now but (encourage) him.7. The e-mail I had been looking forward to (come) at last.8. Don t let those who are not old enough (enter

3、)the video game arcade.9. The boy can thelp but (follow) his parents advice because he thinks his parentswo rds are right.10. The naughty boy pretended (not watch) TVwhen his mother came in.11. I tried my best to do what I could (help)Grace with her lessons.12. Do you feel like (have) a walk along t

4、heriver?13. A number of people (stand) outside asked(allow) (enter) the hall.14. It is no use (regret) (not study)hard last term. What you should do is (make)up your mind (accomplish) your task.15. (hear) him sing English songs, and youcannot help (laugh).16. (force) to eat in the school cafeteria e

5、veryday made me sick.17. I m considering (make) a new plan for thetrip.18. The flowers require (water) every other dayif they are to survive.19. There is no (stand) still in this life; onemust either advance or fall behind.20. A high position brings many benefits, but it also means (have) much respo

6、nsibility.21. He objected to (keep) waiting for such along time.22. What is the best way you can think of (ensure) an adequate supply of blood for this youngpatient?23. He is said (write) several books aboutthe workers in the past few years.24. There ought to be no trouble (dry)your clothes.25. Ther

7、e is one more point which is worth(mention).Key:1 to be washed 2 not knowing 3 to promote 4 persuading 5 paid 6 encourage 7 came 8 enter 9 follow 10 not to be watching 11 to help 12 having 13 standing to be allowed to enter 14 regretting not studying/ regretting not having studied to make to accompl

8、ish 15 Hear laughing 16 Being forced 17 making 18 watering/ to be watered 19 standing 20 having 21 being kept 22 to ensure 23 to have written24drying 25 mentioning复习:分词作状语1. (hit) by a bullet, the soldier fell from therunning horse.2. (cook) in wine, the meat will taste better.3. (overlook) the ocea

9、n, the houses here are verypopular and they sell quite well.4. (devote) to bringing out the secret of nature,the young scientist has little time for entertainment.5. (try) to make himself (hear), he shoutedat the top of his voice.6. (make) several experiments, he drew aconclusion.7. (accept) as an O

10、lympic event, a sport must beplayed in at least 75 countries on at least 4 continents.8. When (expose) to the sunlight for a long time,one may get skin disease.9. (not inform) of the time for the meeting aheadof time, we were late for it.10. We often talk a great deal about English language teaching

11、, (forget) that it is the learning thatreally matters.11. He sat there, (watch) the children at play and(listen) to the old men talking.12. (consider) as one of the most talented artistin European history, Van Gogh couldn t have sold a single work without his brothers assistance.13. If (leave) alone

12、 on a desert island, whatwould you do?14. There was a time when table tennis was playedeverywhere, (make) it the most popular sportacross the country.15. (lose) in thought, he wasn t aware of ourpresence.16. (judge) from the report, the damage was notserious.key: 1 Hit 2 Cooked 3 Overlooking 4 Devot

13、ed 5Trying heard 6 Having made 7 To be accepted 8 exposed 9 Not having been informed/ Not informed 10 forgetting11 watching listening 12 Considered 13 left 14 making 15 Lost 16 Judging 复习:分词作定语1. He told me that the man (refer) to in my letterhad been put in prison.2. If the work (complete) by the e

14、nd of the month isdelayed, the construction company will be fined.3. The flowers (smell) nice in the garden attract thevisitors to the beauty of nature.4. The bell (indicate) the end of the period rang,(interrupt) our heated discussion.5. Three separate teams of scientists recently claimed to have m

15、ade a breakthrough (involve) a researchon human.6. The picture (hang) on the wall is painted by afamous artist.7. The bookcase is full of books (write) for highschool students.8. The question (raise) by the student beat theteacher.9. Modern zoos are different from zoos (build) fiftyyears ago.10. In

16、order to jump, your body changes the chemical energy (store) in the food you have eaten intomechanical energy.11. Factory workers (expose) to constant noisemay gradually suffer from a loss of hearing.12. In your opinion, what is the most serious environmental problem (exist) in China?13. Our company

17、 is an enterprise (specialize) inthe import and export of food and medicine.14. The dangerous virus (study) in the followingfew weeks in the laboratory can cause fatal diseases.15. The bridge (rebuild) there at the moment willbe opened to the traffic next month.16. In his attempt (climb) the mountai

18、n, John felland injured his backbone, which cost him the use ofhis legs.3 smelling 46 hanging 711 exposed 12key: 1 referred 2 to be completed indicating, interrupting 5 involving written 8 raised 9 built 10 storedexisting13 specializing 14 to be studied 15 beingrebuilt 16 to climb复习:宾补1. The class teacher caught these two students (chethe exam.2.


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