1、stress is bad after all!) As a n egative in flue nee, it can result in feeli ngs of distrust,rejecti on, an ger, and depressi on, which in tur n can lead to health problems such asheadaches, upset stomach, rashes, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure, heartdisease, and stroke. With the death of a l
2、oved one, the birth of a child, a jobpromoti on, or a new relati on ship, we experie nee stress as we readjust our lives.Inso adjusti ng to differe nt circumsta nces, stress will help or hin der usdepe nding on how we react to it.? Social isolati on, withdrawal, lethargy.? In ability to focus on a s
3、pecific topic in a con versati on or activity.Stress Man ageme ntWhat is Stress?Sig ns and Symptoms of Stress in Stude ntsHow Can I Elimi nate Stress from My Life?How Can I Tell what is Optimal Stress for Me?How Can I Man age Stress Better?What is Stress?Stress is the wear and tear our bodies experi
4、e nee as we adjust to our contin ually changing environment; it hasphysical and emotional effects on us and can create positive or negative feelings. As a positivenfluence,_stress_can_help_compel_us_to action; it can result in a new awareness and an exciting new perspective.(_So not allstress is bad
5、 after all!) As a n egative in flue nee, it can result in feeli ngs of distrust,rejecti on, an ger, and depressi on, which in tur n can lead to health problems such asheadaches, upset stomach, rashes, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure, heartdisease, and stroke. With the death of a loved one, the
6、 birth of a child, a jobpromoti on, or a new relati on ship, we experie nee stress as we readjust our lives.Inso adjusti ng to differe nt circumsta nces, stress will help or hin der usdepe nding on how we react to it.? Social isolati on, withdrawal, lethargy.? In ability to focus on a specific topic
7、 in a con versati on or activity.Signs and symptoms of stress in stude nts?Disorga ni zed thi nking and speech, feeli ngs that are in appropriate to thesituati on, lack of affect, or other evide nee that stude nt is out of touch with reality.? Expressi on of feeli ngs of persecuti on, stro ng mistru
8、st of others.?Viole nt outbursts.? Signs of excessive alcohol or drug use.? Expressi ons of gen eral un happ in ess over a period of several weeks.?Freque nt class abse nee or disappeara nee over exte nded periods.? Gain or loss of sig nifica nt amou nts of weight.?Abrupt cha nge in mann er, style,
9、or pers onal hygie ne.?In creas ing depe ndence on you (by making excessive appo in tme nts, hangingarou nd your office or after class) or others.Please note that this list is not exhaustive.Stude nts Complai ntsMarked an xiety, extreme restless ness, and in ability to concen trate or relax.Marked d
10、ecrease or in crease in appetite.Marked decrease or in crease in sleep.Loss of in terest in formerly pleasurable or meanin gful activities, such as classes,social life, in timate relati on ships.Expression of irrational fears.Physical compla ints without a medical cause, such as headache, stomach pa
11、ins,etc.Un usual ritualistic or repetitive behavior.Chronic fatigue.Suicidal thoughts, pla ns, threats.Overwhelming financial obligations.How Can I Elimi nate Stress from My Life?As we learnt earlier on, positive stress adds anticipation and excitement to life, and we allthrive under a certain amoun
12、t of stress. Deadlines, competitions, confron tati ons, and eve nour frustrati ons and sorrows add depth and en richme nt to our lives. Our goal is not to elimin ate stress but to lear n how to man age it and how to use it to help us. In sufficie nt stressacts as a depressa nt and may leave us feeli
13、 ng bored or dejected; on the other hand,excessive stress may leave us feeli ng tied up in knots. What we need to do is find theoptimal level of stress which will in dividually motivate but not overwhelm each of us.How Can I Tell what is Optimal Stress for Me?There is no sin gle level of stress that
14、 is optimal for all people. We are all in dividual creatureswith uni que requireme nts. As such, what is distress ing to one may be a joy to ano ther. Andeve n whe n we agree that a particular eve nt is distress ing, we are likely to differ in ourphysiological and psychological resp on ses to it.The
15、 pers on who loves to arbitrate disputes and moves from job site to job site would bestressed in a job which was stable and routine, whereas the person who thrives under stableconditions would very likely be stressed on a job where duties werehighly varied. Also, our pers onal stress requireme nts a
16、nd the amou nt which we can tolerate before we becomedistressed cha nges with our ages.It has bee n found that most ill ness is related to un relieved stress. If you are experie ncing stress symptoms, youhave gone bey ond your optimal stress level; you n eed to reduce the stress in your life an d/or
17、 improve yourability to man age it.How Can I Man age Stress Better?Iden tify ing un relieved stress and being aware of its effect on our lives is notsufficie nt for reduc ing its harmful effects. Just as there are many sources of stress, there are many possibilities forits management. However, all r
18、equire work toward cha nge: cha nging the source of stress an d/or cha nging yourreacti on to it. How do you proceed?1.Become aware of your stressors and your emoti onal and physical react ions?Notice your distress. Dont ignore it. Dont gloss over your problems.? Determi ne what eve nts distress you
19、. What are you telli ng yourself about the meaning of these eve nts?Determ ine how your body resp onds to the stress. Do you become n ervous orphysically upset? If so, in what specific ways?2.Recognize what you can change.?Can you cha nge your stressors by avoid ing or elim in ati ng them completely
20、?Can you reduce their inten sity (ma nage them over a period of time in stead ofon a daily or weekly basis)? Can you shorte n your exposure to stress (take a break, leave the physical premises)? Can you devote the time and en ergy n ecessary to making a cha nge (goal setting, time managementtechniqu
21、es, and delayedgratification strategies may behelpful here)?3.Reduce the in te nsity of youremoti onal react ions to stress.The stress reaction is triggered by your perception of danger.physical dan ger an d/or emoti onal danger. Are you view ing your stressors in exaggerated terms and/or taking a d
22、ifficult situation and makingit a disaster? Are you expecti ng to please every one?Are you overreact ing and view ing thi ngs as absolutely critical and urge nt? Do you feel you mustalways prevail in every situati on?Work at adopt ing more moderate views; try to see the stress as someth ing you can
23、cope with rathertha n someth ing that overpowers you.Try to temper your excess emoti ons. Put the situati on in perspective. Do not labor on the n egativeaspects and the what ifs.4.Lear n to moderate your physical react ions to stress.? Slow, deep breathing will bring your heart rate and respiration back to normal.?Relaxati on tech ni ques can reduce muscle tension.Medications, when prescribed by a physician, can help in the short term in moderating your physical reactions.However, they alone are not the answer. Lear ning to moderate these reacti ons on your own is a preferabl
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