户县四职八年级英语上册导学案----Unit6 I’m going to study computer science_第1页
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1、.户县四职八年级英语上册导学案-Unit6 Im going to study computer science.课时Period1SectionA(1a-1c)主备人李花梅副备人宫云阁学习目标1.学习掌握有关职业的单词。2.学会用be going to谈论理想及实现方式。学习重难点1.职业名词;2.be going to句型; 教学流程设计1、 自研自探I、单词冲浪:熟读,背诵P41页1a新单词,并根据以下汉语提示默写出职业名词。1. 演员_2.医生_3.工程师_ 4.司机_5. 厨师_6.飞行员_7.钢琴家_8.科学家_9.电脑程序员_10.篮球运动员_11.教师_12.小提琴家_除了以上

2、职业,你还能补充出哪些职业名词呢?1. 歌手_2.艺术家_3.音乐家_4.魔术师_5. 护士_6.农民_7.工人_8.记者_9. 作家_10.舞者_11.警察_12.商人_点拨:由小组长组织组员讨论完成:通过观察以上职业名词,你发现它们的构成有什么规律呢?1. 动词加词缀er或or构成,举例:_2. 名词加词缀ist或ian构成,举例:_预习任务:按照职业是否有趣,给1a中的职业名词排序。II、预习P41页1b,并翻译出下列短语及句子。1. 长大_2.上表演课_3.学习电脑科学_4.每天练习篮球_5.努力学习数学_6. -你长大了想要当什么?-我想成为一名科学家。_7. -你准备怎样实现?-我

3、准备努力学习科学。_二、合作探究1、对学:对子间互相核对预习部分习题答案并相互纠错。2、群学:组长组织讨论,讲解,检查本组组员所写句子。1)语法聚焦:”be going to”的基本用法:be going to动词原形是将来时的一种表现形式,表示事先打算或计划。你能用它来写几个句子吗?练一练:造句:我准备明天去上唱歌课。I_ _ _take singing lessons tomorrow. 他准备怎样当一名工程师? How _he _ _ _ an _? 他们周末准备干什么?What_they_ _ _this weekend? 她不打算呆在家里。She _ _ _ _at home. 你准

4、备学电脑科学吗?_you _ _ _computer science?2)趣味抢答:你熟悉下列人物吗?通过学习,试着写出他们职业的英文表达方式。Yang Liwei:_ Jackie Chen:_ Langlang_ Jay Chou: _ Yao Ming: _ Edison_3)听一听,读一读,说一说。听1b中的听力短文,完成1b听力任务并朗读听力原文-分组竞读。(公布答案加分);再听一遍,记录下问题的答案,小组长组织讨论并核对答案。(抢答加分);What does Tina want to be when she grows up?How is she going to do that?

5、Tina wants to be a_,she is going to_.What does Larry want to be when he grows up?How is he going to do that? Larry wants to be a_,he is going to_.What does the girl want to be when she grows up?How is she going to do that? She wants to be a_,she is going to_.What does the boy want to be when he grow

6、s up?How is he going to do that? He wants to be a_,he is going to_.对子间相互讨论自己的职业理想及如何实现,每组展示一组优秀对话设计。A:What do you want to be when you grow up? B:I want to be a/an.A:How are you going to do that? B:I am going to.三、展示提升组内对各组员的职业理想及实现方式做一个调查问卷,并给出简短报告。(2-3人)NamesWhat does she/he want to be?How is she/h

7、e going to do that?Report:_4、 总结生成:1.本节课我学会的职业名词有:_;2. 我会用be going to 句型谈论未来的职业理想及规划:_5、 效能检测 I、基础巩固:用所给词适当形式填空。 1. Lang Lang and Li Yundi are famous _(piano) 2.Yuan Longping is a great_(science)3. He is good at violin,he is a_(violin) 4.His father is a_(drive) in my school.5. Zhou Xingchi is a popu

8、lar comedy_(act).II、拓展提升:补全对话。A:_? B:I want to be a singer.A:Are you going to sing pop songs? B:_,Im going to sing rock songs.A:_? B:Im going to take singing lessons.A:_? B: Im going to start next month.A:_? B:Im going to New York to take singing lessons.III、小练笔 :写写你和好友的职业理想及实现方式。_课堂反馈: 户县四职八年级英语上册导

9、学案- Unit6 Im going to study computer science.课时Period2SectionA(2a-2d)主备人李花梅副备人宫云阁学习目标1.学习掌握本课时重点短语;2.询问未来职业规划的句子。学习重难点1.be going to句型(讨论未来职业规划的对话) 教学流程设计2、 自研自探预习课本第42页1.自主复习:如何询问职业理想及实现方式,完成以下句子的翻译。1).-你长大后想当什么?-我想当老师。-你准备怎样实现?-我准备学习如何教孩子。_2).-李明长大后想当什么?-他想当足球运动员。-他准备怎样实现?-他准备每天练习足球。_2. 自读第42页2d,用红

10、色笔画出重难点,并翻译出来,熟读本部分,回答如下问题。1) .What does Ken want to be?_2) How is Ken going to do that?_3) .What does Andys parents want her to be?Is she sure about it?_4) .How can you be anything you want?_二、合作探究 Task 1:听一听,读一读,说一说。1. listening practice:(2a,2b)-公布答案加分1) .listen,what is Cheng Han going to do?check

11、 the correct boxes in the picture.2) .listen again,what are Cheng Hans plans for the future?complete the chart.3) .小组竞读对话,如果能脱稿额外加分。(可以对Cheng Han做采访,注意所提问题)2. Groupwork and pairwork:(2c) ask and answer questions about Cheng Hans plans.先由对子间口头完成对话,再由小组推选出一对同学展演。(写在黑板上并表演出来)3. 群学2d并探究以下语法点:1)对话中be goo

12、d at的意思是_2)keep on 后跟_,意思是_,相当于keep doing sth.3)Just make sure you try your best.make sure意思是_; try ones best (to do sth.)意思是_4) .but Im not sure about it.其中be sure about 意思是_.翻译句子:他擅长于游泳。He_ _ _ _. 坚持努力,你将会成功。_ _ _,youll be_请你务必完成作业。_ _you finish your homework.我准备尽我最大的努力去帮助他。Im going to _ _ _to hel

13、p him.他们对这件事还没确定。They _ _ _ _this.三、展示提升:1.对、群学并展示:每组展演一组对话。Talk about your future intentions. A: What do you want to be when you grow up? B: I want to be A: How are you going to do that? B: Im going to A: Where are you going to work? B: Im going to A: When are you going to start? B: Im going to2. 展

14、示2d的角色扮演,力求形式新颖。(可读,可脱稿)3. 完成小组调查并给出口头报告。每组以报告形式汇报1-2名组员的未来打算。Names/intentionsWhat does he/she want to be?How is he/she going to do that?Where is he/she going to work?When is he/she going to start?Report:_四、效能检测 I、单项选择。1. ( )-_does Li Feng want to be?-He wants to be a doctor. A.How B.What C.Which2.

15、( )If you keep on_English books,you are going to get good grades.A.read B.reading C.reads3. ( )we can get_we want if we try our best. A.something B.anything C.nothing 4. ( )-How are we going to be a writer?-_. A.write stories B.watch TV C.sing songs5. ( )-How can our dream come true?-_you try your b

16、est. A.Make sure B.Really C.Dont worry6.( )How are you going to be ?Im going to practice basketball every day. A. a basketball player B. a teacher C. a pianist D. a pilot7.( ) is he going to be when he ?He is going to be a computer programmer.A. What, grows up B. How, grows up C. What, grow up D. Ho

17、w, grow up8.( )He wants to be a(n) _. He studies math really hard. A. writer B. cleaner C. engineer D. artist9.( ) are you going to move?I am moving .A. Who, somewhere interesting B. Where, somewhere interesting C. Who, anywhere interesting D. Where, anywhere interestingII句型转换1.Hes going to be a sin

18、ger.(改一般疑问句) he to be a singer?2.Theyre going to move to Beijing.(提问)_ _they going ? 3.Lucy is going to visit her aunt tomorrow.(提问)_ _Lucy_ _ _her aunt?4.确保你尽最大努力每天坚持读英语。(汉译英)_5. My sister is going to be an actor when she grows up. (提问)_? 6. Tom takes acting lessons every week. (用next week改写句子)_7.

19、They are going to study math hard. (改为否定句) _.8. Im going to keep on writing stories to become a writer. (提问) ?III、完成对话 A: Kelly, what do you want to be you grow up? B: I _to be an engineer.A: Wow! _are you going to do that? B: Im _ to study science at a university.A: Hmm . sounds difficult. _are you

20、_ to study? B: Im going to _ in New York.A: _are you going to start? B: Im going to _next year.五、总结生成及课后反思:本节课你学会询问未来职业规划的对话了吗? 户县四职八年级英语上册导学案-Unit 6 Im going to study computer science.课时Period3SectionA(Grammar-3c)主备人李花梅副备人宫云阁学习目标1.学习掌握本课时新词,短语。2.复习巩固谈论未来打算的句型。学习重难点be going to句型。 教学流程设计1、 自研自探 预习课本4

21、3页,完成3a,3b,3c. 复习及预习检测:I、读背新词,扫除障碍1.单词大学_教育 _ 药 _(综合性)大学_文章_发送_杂志_报纸_2.词组 确信_确保_坚持做某事 擅长于 尽某人最大努力 写故事_发送到 II、翻译句子。1.你长大了想当什么?我想工程师。2. 你准备怎样实现?我准备努力学习数学。3. 你打算去哪儿工作?我准备去上海.4. 你准备何时开始?我准备当我完成高中和大学的学业后开始。5. 李明长大后想当什么?他想当演员。6. 他打算怎样当一名演员?他准备上表演课。7. 他打算迁到北京吗?不,他准备迁到好莱坞(Hollywood)8. 他打算什么时候开始?他打算下周开始。 2、

22、合作探究 1.对学:对子间核对预习检测部分答案。2.群学:由小组长组织全组讨论预习中的难点,对展示环节的任务进行分配,并组内预展。小组探究如下探究点探究1. Im going to move to Shanghai.我打算搬到上海。move to +地点名词 “移到某地;搬到某地”,若某地是here/there等这样的地点副词时,move 后不再跟介词to, 如:move here/there.针对练习:Where are you going to _? Im going to _ Beijing. A. move to; move to B. move; move C. move to; m

23、ove D. move; move to 探究2 medicine medicine是药物的总称,一般为不可数名词,但作“各种各样的药”解时可用作可数名词,可以有复数形式。表示“吃药”通常说take/have medicine,而不说eat/drink medicine。针对练习:我胃痛,能给我开点药吗? I have a stomachache. May I have some _?探究3 Im going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers.send sth to 意为“把某物寄给”。例如:I sent a

24、 postcard to him last Sunday. = I sent him a postcard last Sunday.send.to.=send sb.sth.送某人某物。针对练习:同义句转换My teacher sent me a book for my birthday.My teacher for my birthday.三、展示提升1.对预习检测内容分组展示。2.展示3a,3b. 3.展示3c,(鼓励有创意的答案)你将来打算做什么?填写3b中的表格,然后仿照3b或3c进行展示对话。(替换例子中的划线部分)A:What are you going/do you want t

25、o be when you grow up?B:Im going to/want to be a reporter.A:How are you going to do that ?B:Im going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers.A: Where are you going to work?/When are you going to start?B: Im not sure yet. Maybe Beijing or Shanghai./Im going to start next week.四、效能

26、检测I、单项选择。1. My brother is going to _ a computer programmer when he _ up. A. do; grow B. do; grows C. be; grow D. be; grows2.He is going to buy a big house when he more money.A. has B.have C.will have D.is going to have3.Which city Mr Smith going to ?A. is, move to B.is move C.are, move D.is, moving4

27、.The girl a new computer for herself next year.A. buy B.buys C.bought D.is going to buy5.I am volleyball tomorrow.A. practice B.going practice C. going to practice D.go to practice6.I to have a trip to Wuhan next year.A. am going B. am go C. is go D.is going toII、根据汉语提示完成英语句子。1.明年你打算做什么?_ _ you _ _

28、_ next year? 2. 我们班大多学生每天练习说英语。Most students in our class _ _English every day.3. 他们下个月要搬到纽约。They _ _ _ _ to New York.4. 我们下周天将要进行英语考试。We _ _ _ _ an English exam next Sunday .5. 你打算怎么做才能成为医生? 我打算去大学学医学。 _ are you going to _ a doctor? Im _ _ _ at a _.III、能力提升从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确的形式填空,使文章意思完整。 to like pla

29、y read article buy art hardly travel hold Hello,I am Chen Zhong . I am a 14-year-old boy .I have a happy family .My mother is a writer. Her are very popular with young people.She often gets letters from some .My father is an .He paints well and often art exhibitions in our city.My father makes lots

30、of money and he a big house for my grandparents in Beijing last year.Every summer he takes my family to to some interesting places.I have a brother .He is a basketball player in a club and he spends most of his time basketball outside our city.So I see him at home .I like playing basketball, .When I

31、 grow up ,I am going to be a basketball player, _my brother. IV、提升素质 书面表达 想想你长大以后想从事什么职业,并打算怎样去实现你的梦想。_ 课后反思: 户县四职八年级英语上册导学案-Unit 6 Im going to study computer science. 课时Period4SectionB(1a-1e)主备人李花梅副备人宫云阁学习目标1.学习掌握本课时生词,短语。2.学会用be going to句型表达未来的计划。学习重难点1.重难点短语;2.表达新年决心的句型。(be going to) 教学流程设计自研自探:预

32、习课本44页;I、预习1a,根据图片和文字信息,翻译下列短语。1. 新年决心_2.学习弹钢琴_3.建立足球队_4.取得好成绩_5.吃更健康的食物_6.得到很多锻炼_7.上吉他课_8.再学一门外语_9.听起来很有趣_II、自我感悟:-what are you going to do next year?-I am going to_ -How are you going to do it? - I am going to_(Did you make New Years resolutions?Try to write down at least two.)_有几位同学也制定了新年计划,你能用be

33、 going to句型将它们写出来吗?1. Lingling, learn to play the piano_.2. Tom, get good grades_. 3. Henry, get lots of exercise, _.4.Li Ming,make a basketball team_.合作交流:1.独学:看1a中的图片,把新年决心要做的事与图片搭配起来,完成1a.2. 对学:互读1b正音,你的新年计划是什么? 与你的同伴讨论一下,然后仿照1b编对话(替换划线部分)A:What are you going to do next year?B:Well, Im going to t

34、ake guitar lessons. I really love music.A:Sounds interesting. Im going to learn another foreign language.B: Are you?Great!But foreign languages are not for me.3. 听力练习:1c,1d1) .listen and circle the resolutions you hear in 1a. 2).Listen again,write down how these people are going to make their resolu

35、tions work.(使决心实现)3).群学:根据听力内容完成以下表格及填空并由组长组织组员编写并表演对话。Names/resolutionsWhat is.going to do?How is.going to do it?LucyKimMikeReport:Lucy is going to _, she is going to_. Kim is going to _ he is going to _ and _. Mike is going to _, he is going to_and this summer ,he is going to_because he can _ ever

36、y day there.5.列一张你决心想做的其他事情的表,在你的小组内和同学进行讨论,完成1e.A:Well, I want to be a teacher. B:How are you going to do that? A:Im going to get good grades. B:Sounds interesting. I want to get a lot of exercise.展示提升:1.展示预习环节内容;2.展示听力对话朗读和角色表演;3.展示1e部分对话替换练习并可以续编对话。总结生成:本节课,我们学会了用_结构来表达未来的计划及如何实现,你会用主要句型了吗?_ 效能检测

37、:一、完形填空。1.Boys and girls,what are your new years_(resolution)?1. Tom_(learn) to play the piano next year.2. The boy _(real)like playing the guitar. 3.He wants to get lots of_(exercise).3. I want to go to a_(foreigner) country if I have much money.二、单项选择。( )1.Lang Ping is going to _ another womens vo

38、lleyball team. A. get B.make C. makes D. gets ( )2.The music of the program_very beautiful. A.cooks B.smells C.sounds D.tastes( )3.-Whats your New Years _?-Im going to study harder A.job B.subject C.resolution D.exercise( )4._ is she going to be an actor?-Take acting lessons. A.What B. How C. When D. Where( )5.I can speak English and Chinese, Id like to learn_language. A. other B. the other C. another D.others3、 完成句子。1.Tim准备下次取得更好的成绩。Tim _next time.1.


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