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1、Chapter 4 Select ing a Topic and a PurposeTrue-False Questi onsStudents are to indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false by circling theappropriate letter.1.TFUsually the speech topic is determ ined by the occasi on, the audienee, and the speakers qualifications.2.TFThere ar

2、e three broad categories of pote ntial topics.3.TFIf you started out free-associat ing from movies, you would doubtless end up somewherecompletely differe nt.4.TFUsually gen eral purpose will fall into one of two overlapp ing categoriesto inform orto persuade.5.TFYour specific purpose is not n ecess

3、arily appropriate for your audie nee.6.TFIf you find that you cant fulfill your specific purpose withoutrel ying on tech ni cal words and con cepts, you should rec on sider your purpose.7.TFThe cen tral idea is what you hope to accomplish.8.TFThe cen tral idea usually emerges after you have done you

4、r research and have decided onthe main poin ts.9.TFThe cen tral idea should be expressed either as a full sentence oran infinitive phrase.10.TFThe characteristics that make a well-worded cen tral idea are esse ntially the same thi ngsthat make a well-worded specific purpose.Multiple Choice Questio n

5、sStude nts are to in dicate the best an swer for each questi on by circli ng the correct letter.1.Which of the following people is likely to give a speech on curriculum and textbooks?a.The head of a travel agency.b.The real estate age nt.c.The movie director.d.The middle-school principal.2.Most peop

6、le speak best about subjects_.a.in which they are most in terestedb.with which they are most familiarc.about which they are most curiousd.at which they are most surprised3.For_speeches, you can thi nk of subjects about which you holdstrong opinions and beliefs.a.persuasiveb.in memoratived.in troduct

7、ory4.If you are hav ing trouble select ing a topic, there are a nu mber of_procedures you can follow to get started.a.creativeb.regularc.ide ntify ingd.bra in storm ing5.If personal inventory doesnt work, try a technique called_a.group ingb.cluster ingc.categoriz ingd.classify ing6.Which of the foll

8、owing topic ideas is NOT likely to be included in thesublist for Three Gorges?a.Academy Awards.b.Yan gtze River.c.Chongqing.d.Mountains.7.All of the follow ing topic ideas are releva nt to the category of pla ns andpolicies EXCEPT_.a.Develop Solar Powerb.Cook Yunnan foodc.Change graduati on Requirem

9、e ntsd.Build a New Computer Cen ter8.Whe n your gen eral purpose is to persuade, you act as_a.an advocate or a partisa nb.a politicia n or a statesma nc.an academicia n or a researcherd.a marketer or an advertiser9.All of the following specific purpose statements are effective EXCEPTa.to inform my a

10、udienee about recent discoveries of dinosaur fossilsb.to inform my audie nee that yoga is extremely coolc.to persuade my audie nee that harsher pen alties are n eeded to preve nt the practices of fraudulent land developersd.to inform my audience about the scientific uses of hot-air balloons10. Which

11、 of the follow ing tips for specific purpose stateme nts is false?a.Write the purpose statement as a full infinitive phrase.b.Avoid figurative Ianguage in your purpose statement.c.Express your purpose as a questi on, not as a stateme nt.d.Make sure your specific purpose is not too vague or gen eral.

12、11. No matter how well you con struct your speeches, they are likely to_uni ess you speak about matters of in terest to your liste ners.a.fall flatb.become offen sivec.misleadd.be illogical12. You should choose a specific purpose you can achieve_a.in no more tha n an hourb.in the allotted timec.in t

13、he least possible timed.in no less tha n 10 minu tes13. A six-minute speech will consist of roughly_words.a.120 to 150b.300 to 350c.520 to 800d.720 to 90014. Which of the following specific purpose statements is NOT likely to be han dled well in the timeallotted for classroom speeches?a.To inform my

14、 audience about the rise and fall of ancient Rome.b.To persuade my audie nce to con vert to vegetaria ni sm.c.To inform my audience of the history, styles, and cultural impact of qipao.d.To inform my audie nce about the role of tech no logy in Chin ese history.15. Which of the following tips for cen

15、tral idea is false?a.Make sure the cen tral idea is not too specific.b.Express the cen tral idea as a full senten ce.c.State the cen tral idea as a declarative senten ce, not as a questi on.d.Avoid figurative Ianguage in the central idea.16. The central idea“Banning violent content on television is

16、a good ideais con sidered in effective because_.a.it is not a full sentenceb.it is a questi onc.it is too gen erald.it in cludes figurative Ian guage17. Accord ing to your textbook, brain storm ing is especially helpful whe n youare hav ing trouble_.a.determ ining the gen eral purposeb.determ ining

17、the specific purposec.phras ing the cen tral idead.choos ing a speech topic18. After choosing a topic, what is the next step of speech preparation?a.Phras ing the cen tral idea.b.Analyzing the occasion.c.Determ ining the gen eral purpose.d.Select ing the specific purpose.19. Using Yahoo or other sub

18、ject-based search engines on the In ter net isrecomme nded in your textbook as one method of_for a speechtopic.a. siftingb. consultingc.brain storm ingd. deliberating20. Which of the following is out of place in a speech to inform?a. Advocating.b. Explaining.c.Reporting.d. Telling.21. When the gener

19、al purpose of your speech is to_, you act primarilyas a teacher or lecturer.a.convinceb.en terta rmd.persuade22. Advocating a position is most appropriate when the general purpose of yourspeech is to_.a.in spireb.persuadec.en terta rm23.“Improv ing pers onal relati on ships”is a poor

20、ly phrased specific purposefor a speech because it is_.a.too technical for a classroom speechb.written as a sentence rather than a declarative phrasec.written as a fragment rather than a full infinitive phrased.expressed in figurative Ian guage24.“Knowing how to deal with stress”is a poorly phrased

21、specific purposefor a classroom speech because it_.a.is too tech ni calb.does not in clude a reference to the audie neec.contains figurative Ian guaged.written as a sentence rather than a declarative phrase25. According to your textbook, what is the most important early step in the process of develo

22、p ing asuccessful speech?a.Creati ng a prelimi nary bibliography.b.Researchi ng for speech materials.c.Formulat ing the specific purpose.d.Brai nstormi ng for a cen tral idea.26. As a specific purpose statement,“To inform my audienee about computertech no logy”is too_.a.trivialb.broadc.tech ni cald.

23、detailed27.“To in form my audie nce about the basic steps in car maintenance and how toprotect their in vestme nt with auto in sura nce”is a poorly phrased specificpurpose stateme nt for a classroom speech because it_.a.is too specificb.contains figurative Ian guagec.contains more tha n one dist inc

24、t idead.is writte n as a stateme nt in stead of a questi on28.“To in form about sav ing for retireme nt”is a poorly phrased specificpurpose stateme nt because it_.a.is too specificb.does not in clude a reference to the audie ncec.contains figurative Ian guaged.is writte n as a stateme nt in stead of

25、 a questi on29. As a specific purpose statement,”*丄warmi ng is too_.a.scie ntificb.broadc.pers onalTo inform my audie nee about global30. Identify the flaw in the following specific purpose statement for a classroomspeech:“To inform my audie nee about the solar system.a.Its too shallow.b.Its too gen

26、eral.c.Its too remote.d.Its too impers on al.31. Identify the flaw in the following specific purpose statement for a classroomspeech:“To inform my audie nee about the stock market.a.Its too figurative.b.Its too detailed.c.Its too general.d.Its too technical.32. The specific purpose of Stephanies in

27、formative speech isTo inform myaudienee about ballet.”Are there any flaws in Stephanies specificpurpose?a. Yes. Stephanies specific purpose is too broad.b. Yes. Stepha nies specific purpose is too impers on al.c. Yes. Stepha nies specific purpose is writte n as a stateme nt rather tha n aquesti on.d

28、. Yes. Stepha nies specific purpose mentions her audienee.33.“To inform my audie nee about the three basic steps in preve ntivemedicine”is an example of a_.a.specific purposeb.thesis statementc.cen tral idead.gen eral purpose34.“To in form my audie nee about the symptoms, causes, and treatme nt of c

29、hronic fatiguesyndrome”is an example of a_.a.thesis statementb.gen eral purposec.specific purposed.mai n point35.“To inform my audie nee how our local water treatme nt facility en sures the safety of our drinking water”is an example of a_.a.specific purpose b.transition statementc.gen eral purposed.

30、cen tral idea36.“To in form my audie nce about the four major eleme nts in rope climbi ngisan example of a.a.speech topicb.gen eral purposec.specific purposed.thesis stateme nt37. Accord ing to your textbook,“Getti ng an intern ship at a major corporati onrequires a great deal of work, but the rewar

31、ds are well worth the effort is an example of a(n).a.speech proposalb.specific purposec.in formative thesisd.cen tral idea38.“The three main methods of harvesti ng trees in professi on al loggi ng areselective cutt ing, clear cutt ing, and row thi nning”is an example of aa.specific purposeb.tran sit

32、i onc.cen tral idead.sig npost39.“The three major factors to con sider whe n purchas ing a bicycle are thekind of ridi ng you pla n to do, the amount of ridi ng you pla n to do, and theamount of money you are willing to spend”is an example of a_a.specific purposeb.cen tral ideac.gen eral purposed.to

33、pic statement40. Chang thi nks hed like to give an in formative speech for class on whatits like to be an international student on a U.S. college campus. Hisspecific purpose is“To persuade my audie nee to be more accepti ng ofin ter nati onal stude nts.”His cen tral idea is“An intern ati onal stude

34、ntsacce nt, use of En glish, and cultural customs should be accepted rather tha n criticized.”HasChang made any mistakes in this process?a. No. Chang has covered all the bases for an in formative speech.b. Yes. Changs specific purpose contains too much figurative Ianguage.c.Yes. Changs central idea

35、contains two or more unrelated ideas.d. Yes. Changs specific purpose is not suitable for an in formative speech.Short An swer Questi ons1.The specific purpose is a single infinitive phrase that states preciselywhat a speaker hopes to accomplish in his or her speech.2.A one-sentence statement that su

36、ms up or encapsulates the major ideas of a speech is called the central idea.3.List at least three questi ons you should ask about the suitability of your specific purpose for youraudie nee.a.b.c.Possible an swers in clude:Does my purpose meet the assig nment?Can I accomplish my purpose in the time

37、allotted?Is the purpose releva nt to my audie nee?Is the purpose too trivial for my audie nee?Is the purpose too tech ni cal for my audie nee?4.Explain what is wrong with the following poorly written central idea for apersuasive speech:“Somethi ng must be done about cybercrime.”It is too general; it

38、 does not indicate what“must be done.”5.Explain what is wrong with the following poorly written central idea for anin formative speech:“How to tell fake an tique crocks.”It is not writte n as a complete sentence6.Explain what is wrong with the following poorly written central idea for an in formativ

39、e speech:“What are the major styles of Chin ese silkembroidery?”It is writte n as a questi on, rather tha n as a stateme nt.7.Explain what is wrong with the following poorly written central idea for a persuasive speech:“Graffiti artists are a public nu isa nee.It is expressed with figurative Ian gua

40、ge8.What is wrong with the follow ing specific purpose stateme nt for an in formative speech? Rewritethe stateme nt to conform with the criteria give n in your textbook for effective specific purposestateme nts.In effectiveSpecific Purpose:The major beliefs of the Buddhist religi on.Error:It is writ

41、ten as a fragment, not as a full infin itive phrase.More EffectiveSpecific Purpose:To in form my audie nee about the major beliefs of the Buddhistreligi on.9.What is wrong with the follow ing specific purpose stateme nt for an in formative speech? Rewritethe stateme nt to conform with the criteria give n in your textbook for effective specific purposestateme nts.In effectiveSpecific Purpose:To in form my audie nee about World War II.Error:It is too vague or general; doesnt indicatewhat specific aspects of World War II will be dealt with in thespeech.More Eff


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