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1、 电力电子技术课程设计 单极性SPWM单相桥式逆变电路的设计与仿真 院 、 部: 电气信息工程学院 学生姓名: 李旺 指导教师: 杨万里 职称 助教 专 业: 自动化 班 级: 1401班 学 号: 1430740107 完成时间: 2017.6 湖南工学院电力电子技术课程设计课题任务书 学院:电气与信息工程学院 专业:自动化 指导教师杨万里学生姓名李旺课题名称单极性SPWM单相桥式逆变电路的设计和仿真内容及任务一、设计任务设计一个单极性SPWM单相桥式逆变电路,已知直流输入电压100V,负载自拟,要求交流输出电压频率为50Hz,并仿真载波比N15和33,调制度为0.5和1时相关波形。二、设计

2、内容1、关于本课程学习情况简述;2、主电路的设计、原理分析和器件的选择;3、控制电路的设计;4、保护电路的设计;5、利用MATLAB软件对自己的设计进行仿真。主要参考资料1 王兆安.电力电子技术M.第四版.北京:机械工业出版社,2004.1.2 贾立柱,刘晓龙.基于MATLAB的升降压斩波电路的仿真J.北京:华北电力大学,2001.3 曲永印.电力电子技术M.北京:机械工业出版社,2013.4 陈治明.电力电子器件基础M.北京:机械工业出版社,1992.教研室意见 教研室主任:(签字)年 月 日摘 要20世纪80年代以来 ,信息电子技术和电力电子技术在各自发展的基础上相结合而产生了一代高频化、

3、全控型的电力电子器件,典型代表有门极可关断晶闸管、电力晶体管、电力场效应晶体管和绝缘栅双极型晶体管。逆变电路是PWM控制技术最为重要的应用场合。这里在研究单相桥式PWM逆变电路的理论基础上,采用Matlab的可视化仿真工具Simulink建立单相桥式单极性控制方式下PWM逆变电路的仿真模型,通过动态仿真,研究了调制深度、载波度对输出波形的影响。仿真结果表明建模的正确性,并证明了该模型具有快捷、灵活、方便、直观等一系列特点,从而为电力电子技术教学和研究中提供了一种较好的辅助工具。关键词: PWM控制技术;逆变电路;单极性SPWM;SimulinkAbstractSince 1980s, the

4、electronic information technology and power electronics technology combined to produce a generation of high frequency phase in their development, full controlled power electronic devices, a typical gate turn off thyristor, power transistor, power MOSFET and insulated gate bipolar transistor.The inve

5、rter circuit is one of the most important applications of PWM control technology. Here in the theoretical basis of the single-phase bridge inverter circuit of the PWM, the simulation model of PWM inverter using Matlab visual simulation tool Simulink to establish the single-phase bridge unipolar cont

6、rol mode, through dynamic simulation, studied the modulation depth, the carrier frequency of the output voltage. Influence of load current; and analyzes the harmonic characteristics of output voltage, load current. The simulation results show that the model is correct, and it is proved that the mode

7、l is fast, flexible, convenient, intuitive and a series of characteristics, so as to power electronic technology teaching Study and research provides an effective tool.Key words: PWM control technology; inverter circuit; SPWM waveform; SimulinkII目 录1 绪言11.1电力电子技术的概况11.2课程学习情况简介11.3设计要求及总体方案设计22 主电路设

8、计32.1主电路原理图及原理分析32.2器件选择及参数计算43 控制与驱动电路设计53.1控制电路设计53.2驱动电路设计64 保护电路设计74.1过电流保护74.2过电压保护7 5 仿真分析85.1仿真软件介绍85.2仿真模型的建立85.3仿真结果分析106 设计总结13参考文献14致谢15附录161绪言1.1 电力电子技术的概括 随着电力电子技术的高速发展,逆变电路的应用非常广泛,蓄电池、干电池、太阳能电池等都是直流电源,当我们使用这些电源向交流负载供电时,就需要用到逆变电路了。另外,交流电动机调速用变频器,不间断电源,感应加热电源等电力电子设备使用非常广泛,其电路的核心部分都是逆变电路。



11、上或直接供给用电设备。1.2课程学习情况简介通过本课程的学习,对电力电子技术有了初步的了解和认识,主要体现在以下四大方面: 第一,电力电子器件的学习。包括电力二极管,普通晶闸管,以门极关断晶闸管、双极晶体管、功率场效应管为代表的全控型器件。 第二,基本电力电子电路的学习。整流电路,逆变电路,直流-直流变流电路,交流-交流变流电路。第三,PWM技术和软开关技术。其中PWM技术是本课程设计的重要理论基础。第四,电力电子装置的应用。1.3设计要求及总体方案设计设计一个单极型SPWM单相桥式逆变电路,已知直流输入电压100V,负载自拟,要求交流输出电压频率为50Hz,并仿真载波比15和33,调制度为0

12、.5和1时相关波形。电力电子器件在实际应用中,一般是由控制电路,驱动电路,保护电路和以电力电子器件为核心的主电路组成一个系统。由信息电子电路组成的控制电路按照系统的工作要求形成控制信号,通过驱动电路去控制主电路中电力电子器件的导通或者关断来完成整个系统的功能,当控制电路所产生的控制信号能够足以驱动电力电子开关时就无需驱动电路。根据功能要求,该系统应包括逆变主电路、SPWM信号产生电路、过电流保护、驱动电路、直流稳压电源和滤波输出电路等模块,系统总体框图如图1所示。图1 总体设计方案框图2主电路的设计2.1主电路原理图及原理分析图2所示是采用IGBT为开关器件的单极型SPWM单相桥式逆变电路的原

13、理图: 图2 单极型SPWM单相桥式逆变电路原理图该电路的基本工作原理:和通断状态互补,和通断状态也互补。在和的交点时刻控制IGBT的通断。正半周,保持通,保持断。当时使通,断,。当时使断,通, 。负半周,保持通,保持断。当时使通,断,;当时使断,通,。这样就得到了单极性的SPWM波形。2.2器件选择与参数分析2.2.1器件选择(1) 电力电子器件的选择考虑安全裕度则IGBT的额定电压为2-3倍峰值电压,所以额定电压可为200V-300V,额定电流22A-33A。选择IGBT的型号为IRH4PC40U,其额定电压为600V,额定电流为40A。选择续流二极管的型号为HFA25TB60,其额定电压

14、为600V,额定电流25A。(2) 电压源的选择 选择电压为100V的直流电压源。(3)其他器件选择 电阻选择阻值为7的电阻,电感选择14mH的电感。2.2.1参数分析 在PWM控制电路中,载波频率和调制信号频率之比: (1) 称为载波比。而调制波幅值与载波幅值之比: (2) 称为调制度,调制度。在本设计中信号频率设为50Hz,调制度和载波比可调,按照设计要求载波比N取15和33,调制度取0.5和1。 3控制与驱动电路的设计3.1控制电路的设计PWM(Pulse Width Modulation)控制就是对脉冲的宽度进行调制的技术,即通过对一系列脉冲的宽度进行调制,来等效地获得所需要的波形。P


16、框图如图3所示,波形图如图4所示: 图3 控制电路原理框图 OwUd-Ud 图4 控制电路波形图 3.2驱动电路设计IGBT是电力电子器件,控制电路产生的控制信号一般难以以直接驱动IGBT。因此需要信号放大的电路。具体来讲IGBT的驱动要求有一下几点: 1)动态驱动能力强,能为IGBT栅极提供具有陡峭前后沿的驱动脉冲。否则IGBT会 在开通及关延时,同时要保证当IGBT损坏时驱动电路中的其他元件不会被损坏。 2)能向 IGBT提供适当的正向和反向栅压,一般取+15 V左右的正向栅压比较恰当,取-5V反向栅压能让IGBT可靠截止。 3)具有栅压限幅电路,保护栅极不被击穿。IGBT栅极极限电压一般

17、为土20 V,驱动 信号超出此范围可能破坏栅极。 4)当 IGBT处于负载短路或过流状态时,能在IGBT允许时间内通过逐渐降低栅压自 动抑制故障电流,实现IGBT的软关断。驱动电路的软关断过程不应随输入信号的消失而受到影响。 4保护电路设计4.1过电流保护常见的过电流保护有:快速熔断器保护,过电流继电器保护,直流快速开关过电流保护。快速熔断器保护是最有效的保护措施;过电流继电器保护中过电流继电器开关时间长(只有在短路电流不大时才有用)直流快速开关过电流保护功能很好,但造价高,体积大,不宜采用。因此,最佳方案是用快速熔断器保护。 FVD图5 快速熔断器4.2过电压保护用非线性元件限制过电压的幅度

18、,用电阻消耗生产过电压的能量,用储能元件吸收生产过电压的能量。对于非线性元件,不是额定电压小,使用麻烦,就是不宜用于抑制频繁出现过电压的场合。所以我们选用储能元件吸收生产过电压的能量的保护。使用RC吸收电路,这种保护可以把变压器绕组中释放出的电磁能量转化为电容器的电场能量储存起来。由于电容两端电压不能突变,所以能有效抑制过电压,串联电阻消耗部分产生过电压的能量,并抑制LC回路的震动。保护电路如图。 CRAbstractSince 1980s, the electronic information technology and power electronics technology combi

19、ned to produce a generation of high frequency phase in their development, full controlled power electronic devices, a typical gate turn off thyristor, power transistor, power MOSFET and insulated gate bipolar transistor.PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) is the control technology for pulse width modulatio

20、n technology, it modulates a series of pulse width, equivalent to obtain the required waveform (including the shape and amplitude). The area equivalent principle is an important basic theory of PWM technology. If the pulse width changes as sine wave the sine wave and PWM equivalent, also known as th

21、e SPWM.PWM waveform control technology is widely used in the inverter circuit. An inverter circuit of bipolar SPWM single-phase bridge inverter circuit is controlled by SPWM control technology. Simulink is one of the most important components of MATLAB, it provides a dynamic system modeling, simulat

22、ion and comprehensive analysis of the integrated environment. In this environment, without a lot of writing equations, but only by simple mouse operation, you can construct a complex system.Key words: PWM control technology; inverter circuit; SPWM waveform; Simulink; simulationRAbstractSince 1980s,

23、the electronic information technology and power electronics technology combined to produce a generation of high frequency phase in their development, full controlled power electronic devices, a typical gate turn off thyristor, power transistor, power MOSFET and insulated gate bipolar transistor.PWM

24、(Pulse Width Modulation) is the control technology for pulse width modulation technology, it modulates a series of pulse width, equivalent to obtain the required waveform (including the shape and amplitude). The area equivalent principle is an important basic theory of PWM technology. If the pulse w

25、idth changes as sine wave the sine wave and PWM equivalent, also known as the SPWM.PWM waveform control technology is widely used in the inverter circuit. An inverter circuit of bipolar SPWM single-phase bridge inverter circuit is controlled by SPWM control technology. Simulink is one of the most im

26、portant components of MATLAB, it provides a dynamic system modeling, simulation and comprehensive analysis of the integrated environment. In this environment, without a lot of writing equations, but only by simple mouse operation, you can construct a complex system.Key words: PWM control technology;

27、 inverter circuit; SPWM waveform; Simulink; simulationRAbstractSince 1980s, the electronic information technology and power electronics technology combined to produce a generation of high frequency phase in their development, full controlled power electronic devices, a typical gate turn off thyristo

28、r, power transistor, power MOSFET and insulated gate bipolar transistor.PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) is the control technology for pulse width modulation technology, it modulates a series of pulse width, equivalent to obtain the required waveform (including the shape and amplitude). The area equival

29、ent principle is an important basic theory of PWM technology. If the pulse width changes as sine wave the sine wave and PWM equivalent, also known as the SPWM.PWM waveform control technology is widely used in the inverter circuit. An inverter circuit of bipolar SPWM single-phase bridge inverter circ

30、uit is controlled by SPWM control technology. Simulink is one of the most important components of MATLAB, it provides a dynamic system modeling, simulation and comprehensive analysis of the integrated environment. In this environment, without a lot of writing equations, but only by simple mouse oper

31、ation, you can construct a complex system.Key words: PWM control technology; inverter circuit; SPWM waveform; Simulink; simulationRAbstractSince 1980s, the electronic information technology and power electronics technology combined to produce a generation of high frequency phase in their development

32、, full controlled power electronic devices, a typical gate turn off thyristor, power transistor, power MOSFET and insulated gate bipolar transistor.PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) is the control technology for pulse width modulation technology, it modulates a series of pulse width, equivalent to obtain

33、 the required waveform (including the shape and amplitude). The area equivalent principle is an important basic theory of PWM technology. If the pulse width changes as sine wave the sine wave and PWM equivalent, also known as the SPWM.PWM waveform control technology is widely used in the inverter ci

34、rcuit. An inverter circuit of bipolar SPWM single-phase bridge inverter circuit is controlled by SPWM control technology. Simulink is one of the most important components of MATLAB, it provides a dynamic system modeling, simulation and comprehensive analysis of the integrated environment. In this en

35、vironment, without a lot of writing equations, but only by simple mouse operation, you can construct a complex system.Key words: PWM control technology; inverter circuit; SPWM waveform; Simulink; simulationL 图6 过电压保护电路5仿真分析5.1 仿真软件简介此次仿真使用的是MATLAB软件。Simulink是MATLAB最重要的组件之一,它提供一个动态系统建模、仿真和综合分析的集成环境。在

36、该环境中,无需大量书写方程,而只需通过简单直观的鼠标操作,就可构造出复杂的系统。Simulink是MATLAB中的一种可视化仿真工具,是一种基于MATLAB的框图设计环境,是实现动态系统建模、仿真和分析的一个软件包,被广泛应用于线性系统、非线性系统、数字控制及数字信号处理的建模和仿真中。为了创建动态系统模型,Simulink提供了一个建立模型方块图的图形用户接口(GUI),这个创建过程只需单击和拖动鼠标操作就能完成,它提供了一种更快捷、直接明了的方式,而且用户可以立即看到系统的仿真结果。5.2建立仿真模型主电路仿真图如图7所示: 图7 主电路仿真电路图 控制电路仿真图如图8所示: 图8 控制电

37、路仿真电路图 具体参数设置如下:(1)直流电压值为100V,设置如图9所示。图9 电压参数设置(2)电阻R值设为7,电感L值设为14*e-3H,如图10所示。 图10 电阻,电感参数设置5.3仿真结果分析U/V(1)当调制度m=0.5,载波比N=15时,触发脉冲波形如图11所示,单极性SPWM方式下的逆变电路输出波形如图12所示:T/S图11 m=0.5,N=15时触发脉冲波形图12 m=0.5,N=15时输出波形(2)当调制度m=0.5,载波比N=33时,触发脉冲波形如图13所示,单极性SPWM方式下的逆变电路输出波形如图14所示:图13 m=0.5,N=33时触发脉冲波形图14 m=0.5,N=33时输出波形U/V(3)当调制度m=1,载波比N=15时,触发脉


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