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1、四川乐山中考英语解析第一节 语法和词汇(共15小题;每小题1分.满分15分)从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. What ugly painting! I can t believe it is the master s work.A. aB. anC. /21. B22. He is a shy man, he is not afraid of anything or anyone.A. soB. asC. but22. C23. Can t you stay a little longer?It s getting late. Ireally go now.A. m

2、ustB. may C. will23. A24. Shirley, a book lover, often gets many books to read the library.A. in B. for C. from24. C25. I don t understand what you said. Would you please give me example?A. anotherB. otherC. others25. A26. Is Peter coming? No, he his mind after a phone call at the last minute.A. cha

3、nge B. changedC. was changing26. B27. Rio (里约)will becomethe most amazing city the Olympic Games in August.A .instead of B. because ofC. as a result27. B28. To my surprise , I from hundreds of students to speak toteachers, parents and follow students.A. was chosenB. would chooseC. chose28. A29. Don

4、t worry, Thereenough water, vegetables and fruitsin the fridge.A. haveB. areC. is29. C30. Tom, please remember the light when you leave.A. turn offB. turning offC. to turn off30. C31.If you swim in the river or lake, you d better know is belowthe water surface. Often there are some rocks in the wate

5、r.A. whoB. thatC. what31. C32. You your sunglasses again! You shouldn t have bought the cheapest one just to save a few dollars.A. have brokenB. breakC. will break32. A33. The Pizza smells . Let me have one first.A. wellB. good C. bad33. B34. Hi, John. Are you busy?A. Yes. I agree.B. No, What s up?C

6、. No.Are you sure34. B35. Things are changing so fast these days. Wecan t imagine exactly in 100 years time.A. what life will like B. what will life be likeC. whatlife will be like35. C第二节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分.满分15分)阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-50从小题所给的三个或四个选项中选出一个最佳选项AOverhead bridge (过街天桥)can often be seen in S

7、ingapore (新力口坡)in places where traffic is heavy and crossing the road is not easy.36 the help of the bridges, people can cross the roads 37 . Overhead bridges are used in the 38 way as zebra crossing but they are more useful as they woH t hold up the traffic. They were very helpful in 39 traffic jam

8、s in central Singapore. The only weak point maybe that it is not that convenient (方面)as people have to climb up a lot of 40 . This is believe especially 41 for old people. But itis still much safer than walking across the road with all the moving traffic.The govemment of Singapore has spent a lot of

9、 money building many overhead bridges to help people stay safe and 42 traffic moving at the same time.36. A. With B. As C. On37. A. quickly B. slowly C. safely38. A. wrong B. same C. different39. A. increasing B. reducing C. having40. A. stairs B. buildings C. streets41. A. easy B. strange C. differ

10、ent42. A. stop B. avoid C. keep36. A 37. C 38. B 39. B 40.A 41. C 42. CBMr. Brown would be away from home for a week. 43 he left, he said to his son,“If anyone comes to visit me, you can tell them thatyour father is out and will be back in a week. And be 44 to ask them to sit down for a cup of tea.

11、”“OK, Dad!” said his son. Mr. Brown was afraid his son wouldn t 45 what he said, so he wrote some words down on a piece of paper. The boy put it into his pocket, took it 46 and looked at it every now and then while his father was away.Four days passed, but no one came. The boy thought nobody would c

12、ome to his house. He thought the piece of paper was of no 47 , so he threw it away.The next afternoon , someone knocked on the door. A man was standing at the door and said, “Hello. Where is your father? ” The boy put his hand into his pocket at once and 48 the piece of paper. He could not find it.

13、He 49 remember he had thrown it away, so he shouted, “No more! ”The man was very 50 . He said, “No more! ” I met your father last week. What happened?43. A. Before B. After C. During D. Since44. A. proud B. sure C. confident D. patient45. A. answer B. accept C. believe D. remember46. A. out B. away

14、C. off D. up47. A. value B. reason C. use D. way48. A. looked for B. looked up C. looked out D. looked after49. A. carefully B. suddenly C. clearly D. luckily50. A. angry B. nervous C. serious D. surprised43. A 44. B 45.D 46. A 47. C 48. A 49. B 50. D第三节阅读理解第一节(共15小题;每小题2分.满分30分)阅读下列短文,从所给的几个选项中选出一个

15、最佳选项。AInformationT- Prluet5 And TbcDiiesr31 July 8 Au朋胤Mijn-卜R 10 Min t 7 pnSat-Sim 10 de, 2 师* 7 pinVenut :ThuMrcDur日的n i1.5 hoitnTicket pric*s :$25 per child or cidu ItC AA)蠢F diowa)$ 3-S per ehild of wAu II (皋)family Patk品照$&5 for 4 ti rkrLi ( 1C am t 2 pm 5hw,)J l20 for 4 LLtkrli (7 pin sktiwk)L

16、atecnnier polrry;Plea&c 第 e*rtyi UkCMnen 川11 g M to enEer uniilH pntper bnik in thr thuws.Children* Childurr feekw three yem t|d will 如则 be allowed in.51. How many days will the show last?A. 9 days B. 10 days C. 11days52. If a family with five members watches the show at 10 am, they will get the tic

17、kets at the lowest price ofA. $ 110 B. $ 120 C. $12553. What can we learn from the ticket information?A. Children under three must go to the show with parents.B. There will never be a proper break in the show.C. A latecomer can only enter during a break.54. If you want more information about the sho

18、w, you will probably .A. send an email B. make a phone call C. write a letter55. Where does the ticket information most probably appear?A. A story book B. An interview C. A newspaper51. A52. A53. C54. B55. CBTony Wheeler was born to travel. His father served in an airline. For the first 16 years of

19、his life. Tony and his family lived in manydifferent countries.In the early 1970s, Tony met a young woman named Maureen. They soon married. Before getting jobs, Tony and Maureen wanted to travel. They took a-year-long trip from England, through Asia, to Australia. On the trip,they visited places lik

20、e Iran, India and so on.When Tony and Maureen arrived in Australia, people asked manyquestions about their trip. To answer these questions, Tony wrote a book called Across Asia on the Cheap. The book told people about different countries weather, customs and place to see. But unlike other travel boo

21、ks then, Tony Wheeler s book also talked about places most tourists did not go. He also wrote about unique things to see and do. The book was very popular.Tony and Maureen start a companycalled Lonely Planet. They continued traveling. They wrote books for each place they visited. Today, 800 people w

22、ork for Lonely Planet. The company has over 650 books. Tony Wheelers, the great traveler, still writes about travels to many places and will bring us more surprises.56. What made it easy for Tony to travel abroad when he was a teenager?A. His family was rich enough.B. His father worked for an airlin

23、e.C. He wanted to live an exciting life.57. In their a- year-long trip, which country did Tony and his wife arrive in at last?A. Australia. B. EnglandC. India.58. The underlined word “unique meansA. familiarB. unusualC. common59. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. Tonys book

24、 Across Asia on the Cheap helped tourists know about seldom-visited places.B. Lonely Planet started by Tony himself has become a company of great success.C. All the books by the companyare from Tony s early travel experiences. 60. The passage is written.A. to give tourists advice on how to plan a tr

25、ipB. to introduce the popular books by Lonely PlanetC. to tell about Tony Wheeler, a great traveler and writer56. B57. A58. B59. A60. CCWhen we say a person blows his own trumpet ( 小号 ) , we mean he talksa lot about his own achievements ( 成就 ). That expression usually shows disapproval ( 不赞成 ). But

26、recently at a top private girls school inBritain , students were encouraged to blow their own trumpet.Some excellent girls are under a great deal of pressure (压力 ) andfind it difficult to accept their success. The purpose of the “ Blow YourSome teenagers willOwn Trumpet week was to help these studen

27、ts.continue to push themselves and never realise that they ve done enough, said Ms. Hanbury, head of Wimbledon High School in London, Without being able to accept when things have gone right , some girls might never be happy” .The school wanted to help the girls build an ability to get better from s

28、etbacks quickly, so they wouldn t think it was the end of the world if they didn t do well in an exam. In the “ Blow Your OwrTrumpet week, students were encouraged to talk about their experiences of success and failure. They were also asked to think carefully about their achievements in each subject

29、 during lessons, makevideos and act out plays to tell the stories of success and failure in classes.Ms. Hanbury said she wanted her students to be confident in the things they re good at and to also know they re not good at everything. It was important for them to know their own strengths (长处) and w

30、eaknesses,she added. She also said girls needed to understand that being praised for achievements was quite different from showing off (炫耀).61. If someone blows his own trumpet, he.A. likes playing musical instrumentB. always lies to people he doesn t likeC. likes talking about how successful he isD

31、. always minds too much if others do something wrong62. The purpose of building up the “Blow Your Own Trumpet ” week wasA. to guide students how to manage their time wellB. to let students learn about the importance of winningC. to teach students how to praise themselves without being shyD. to help

32、students deal with difficulties and accept their success63. If the girls didn t do well in an exam, the school wanted them to feel.A. sad and hopelessB. it was not the end of the worldC. they could do nothing but study harderD. it was necessary to always do better than others64. What does the under

33、lined word “ setbacks ” mean in Chinese?A. 弱点B. 吹嘘C. 病痛 D. 挫折65. Students at the school did all of the following in the“Blow YourOwn Trumpet” week EXCEPT .A. talking about their failuresB. making videos about their hobbiesC. thinking about the progress they ve madeD. telling the stories of success a

34、nd failure through plays【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。介绍了“ blows his own trumpet ”的意思。就是多谈论自己的成绩。61. C【解析】细节理解题。根据短文的第一段的第一句 we meanhe talks a lot about his own achievements ( 成就).” 可知应该选 C62. D【解析】细节理解题。根据短文的第二段的第一句 Someexcellent girls are under a great deal of pressure (压力)and find it difficult to accept their s

35、uccess. ”可知应该选D63. B【解析】细节理解题。根据短文的第三段的第一句“ .so they wouldn t think it was the end of the world if they didn t do well in an exam ”可知应该选Bo64. D【解析】词义猜测题。根据短文的第二段的内容及第三段的第一句可猜测本句本句句意:学校想帮助女孩快速从挫折中变得更好的的能力。故选Do65. B【解析】细节理解题。根据短文的整体内容,可知B项没有提到。故选Bo第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文前方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并

36、 在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A. Warm up enough.B. Try to take exercise during the daytime.C. Winter can be a difficult time to take exercise.D. Whatever sport makes you want to exercise, just do it.E. Whenyou ran or walk, don t worry about howfast or slow you re going.66 Apart from the short daylight and cold weathe

37、r, there are also plenty of holidays to keep you away from exercising. So how to keep fit and not to put on too much weight during the winter time? Here are some tips for you.Make yourself comfortable. You don t necessarily have to do some intense (居嫁、s) sports. 67 Just find a rhythm(节奏)that makes y

38、ou feel easy and comfortable. Winter is not the time to be strict with yourself. 68 Before you head out the door, warmup indoors to slowly raise the heart rate (心率), without sweating (流汗)a lot. Run in place, walk up and down the stairs, or use a jump rope. It does work as long as it can get your hea

39、rt beating faster.Make yourself seen. 69 When the air is the warmest and the sun is out, the weather is more suitable for exercising. But if you have to walk or run in the dark, do use a headlamp or carry a flashlight.Get a partner. Exercising with a friend, even once a week, can helpyou get out of

40、the door. It s hard to sta y and not to move when someone is waiting for you, and you two can encourage each other.Take it inside. If you cannot stand the cold outside, why not go for some indoor sports? You can take a Yoga class, play badminton or swim in an indoor swimming pool. 70 Never stop movi

41、ng for health!66. C67. E68. A69. B70. D第二卷(非选择题,共50 分)注意事项:1. 必须使用0.5 毫米黑色字迹签字笔在答题卡上题目所指示的答题区域内作答,答在试卷上无效。2. 第二卷共50 分。第四部分:写作(共四节,满分50 分)第一节 词汇(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)根据下列句子的句意、汉语提示或英语解释,写出空白处所缺单词的正确形式;每空一词。71. Reading on mobile phones does ( 伤害 )to your eyes.72. It might be cold and ( 湿润的 ) in Hong

42、Kong in January.73. Students are encouraged to discuss ( 自由地 ) about what theythink.74. At Shanghai Disneyland, we can see some Disney (movingpictures; film), eat in Disney restaurants and buy Disney gifts.75. Get up right now, or you ll (fail to catch) the first bus.71. harm72. wet73. freely74. mov

43、ies75. miss第二节完成句子(共5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)阅读下列各小题,根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。76. They use paper bags for shopping because plastic bags cause pollution. (对划线部分提问)they use paper bags for shopping?77. He hopes that he will be an astronaut in the future.(改为同义句)He be an astronaut in the future.78. 夏令营让孩子们开心、交朋友、体验新事

44、物。Summer camp is a place for kids to, make new friends and experience new things.79. 来自中国的女科学家屠呦呦因获得 2015年诺贝尔奖而闻名世界。Tu Youyou, a womanscientist from China, is around theworld winning the Nobel Prize in 2015.80. 如果现在不注意的话,你会再次全部做错的。If you don t pay attention now, you ll get it all wrong81. Why; do 77

45、. hopes; to 78, have; fun/enjoy; themselves82. famous/well-known; for 80. once; again/more(2015 四川乐山)第三节 完成短文和对话(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)A)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。Jack went to a barber shop and got his hair 81 (cut). When he came out, he was unhappy with the result. His friend Bob saw him and 82(laugh),W

46、hat has happened to your hair, Jack?Jack said, “ I tried a new barber shop today because I wasn t happy with my old one. But this one seems even 83 (bad). ”Bob agreed. “Yes, I think you re right, Jack. Next time when you go into a barber shop, look at all the barbers , hair. Find 84 (who) hair looks

47、 th e worst, and then go straight to him. ”“Why shall I go to him? ” Jack asked. “That would be stupid! ”“No, it wouldn t, answered Bob. “Who cut that man s hair? Just think. It was 85 (possible) for him to cut it by himself. Somebody else cut it. So you k now he can t be the worst barber. ”81. cut82. laughed83. worse84. whose85. impossibleB)阅读下面对话,在空白处填入恰当的内容。A: Good morning. Can I help you?B: Yes, please. I d like


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