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1、河北基教考试研究中心 高考研讨会 北京 胡小力n20082008年,年,1515个个省、自治区采用教育部考生省、自治区采用教育部考生中心命制的高考英语试卷。考生中心根据中心命制的高考英语试卷。考生中心根据这些省份的要求命制了这些省份的要求命制了三类三类高考英语试卷:高考英语试卷:n不含听力不含听力试卷有试卷有5 5个省、自治区:个省、自治区:n含听力含听力试卷有试卷有8 8个个省、自治区:省、自治区:n新课程标准新课程标准试卷有试卷有2 2个:个: * * If I had wings, I would fly in the sky. If I flew in the sky, I would

2、 be happy. If I were happy, I would eat more. If I ate more, I would be fat. If I were fat, I would fall down hard. If I fell down hard, I would die.Luckily, I have no wings at all. (truth) If I had had wings, I would have flown in the sky. If I had flown in the sky, I would have been happy. If I ha

3、d been happy, I would have eaten more.If I had eaten more, I would have been fat. If I had been fat, I would have fallen down hard.If I had fallen down hard, I would have died.If I were to be rich, I would help the poor.neveryone go fishing there be no fish leftnPast, Now, FuturenIf everyone went fi

4、shing, there would be no fish left.nIf everyone had gone fishing, there would have been no fish left.nIf everyone were to go fishing, there would be no fish left.I be driver I drive lessfuturenowpastIf I were to be a driver, I would drive less.If I were a driver, I would drive less.If I had been a d

5、river, I would have driven less.明确英语新课程目标明确英语新课程目标5 5方面方面: :基础教育阶段英语课程的总目标基础教育阶段英语课程的总目标: :培养学生的培养学生的综合语言运用能力综合语言运用能力。综合语言运用能力的形成建立在学生综合语言运用能力的形成建立在学生语言技能语言技能、语言知识语言知识、情感态度情感态度、学学习策略和文化意识习策略和文化意识等素养整体发展的等素养整体发展的基础上。基础上。 明确级别要求明确级别要求n九级九级n八级(高考要求)八级(高考要求)n七级七级 -普通高中毕业的要求普通高中毕业的要求n六级六级n五级五级 - - 9 9年级结

6、束时的要求年级结束时的要求n四级四级n三级三级n二级二级 - - 6 6年级结束时的要求年级结束时的要求n一级一级八级目标要求八级目标要求n词汇词汇: : 学会使用学会使用30003000个单词和个单词和400500400500个习惯用语或固定搭配个习惯用语或固定搭配n阅读阅读: : 除教材外除教材外, ,课外阅读量应累计课外阅读量应累计达到达到3636万词以上万词以上n写写: : 能根据文字及图表提供的信息能根据文字及图表提供的信息写短文或报告写短文或报告 What would you do if you won the lottery?If I won the lottery, I wou

7、ld任务型语法任务型语法教学案例教学案例Task 1 Interview your partnersnSample:nLeader: What would you do if you won the lottery?nStudent A: I would give it to charities.NamesIdeasReport samplenLucy would buy a big house if she won the lottery.nPeter would give it to charities if he won the lottery.nJack would put it in

8、 the bank if he won the lottery.nFor me, I would buy snacks.Listen to the tape and find out the worry of the girl. She cant sleep the night before an exam. Then shes too tired to do well.Task 2 Give your suggestions and write a letter to the girlTry to useIf I were you, I wouldDiscuss and complete t

9、he sentences:If I were poor, I would do my shopping in cheaper stores.1. If you were trapped in a lift.2. If you had a flat tire on your way home.3. If you heard a noise outside your apartment in the middle of the night.4. If someone was following you down a dark street.5. If you were short of five

10、yuan for a tennis racket.培养学生的问题意识培养学生的问题意识新课程提倡学习的过程应该多种多样新课程提倡学习的过程应该多种多样教师教师n讲得讲得 “ “少少”一点一点: : 留给学生思考留给学生思考, ,交流的机会交流的机会n引得引得 “ “巧巧”一点一点: : 启发学生思考启发学生思考, ,归纳判断归纳判断学生学生n学得学得 “ “精精”一点一点: : 掌握重点难点掌握重点难点n用得用得 “ “活活”一点一点: : 思维活跃思维活跃, ,举一反三举一反三n想得想得 “ “深深”一点一点: : 思维深度广度思维深度广度n悟得悟得 “ “透透”一点一点: : 善于发现问题

11、善于发现问题思考思考: : 追求追求6 6个个 “ “点点” Activity One Reporter Listen to a report On October 12, 2005 from the Jiuquan Statellite Launch Center, China its second manned spaceship with Nie Haisheng and Fei Junlong aboard. The astronauts, in orbit 350 kilometers above the Earths surface, said they welland evert

12、hing was mormal. During their stay in deep space, they mainly some scientific experiments. After a successful five-day flight, Shenzhou VI safely to the earth.launchedwere feelingwouldcarry outreturnedAt present, the return capsule of Shenzhou VI . being shown in the museum and its success . greatly

13、 peoples passion to spaceflight course. Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng . the national heroes and admired by people all over the world. So far, the scientific experiments of Shenzhou VI the first manned deep space exploration in China. Chinese spaceflight course a leap and even glorous with the devotion of spaceflight scientists.ishasstimulatedhave becomearehave beenhas realizedwill be what An introduction to Shenzhou VI时间时间2005年年10月月12-17日返回日返回地点地点甘肃酒泉卫星发射中心甘肃酒泉卫星发射中心人数人数聂海胜、费俊龙聂海胜、费俊龙在太空的主要活动在太空的主要活动1)科学实验)科学实验 2)庆祝生日)庆祝生日 3)日常生活)日常生活 4)与亲人通话)与亲人通话 现状现状1)正在展出)正在展出 2)


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