1、2007-9-912007高考英语试卷(山东卷)分析及2007-08年学年度高三英语教学意见2007-9-92 试卷评析2007-9-93命题的指导思想和原则稳中求变,变中求新,突出语篇,强化语境依据考试说明确定考查内容和标准,不拘泥于教材试题取材在外,要求答案在内起点高(选拔人才),落点低(保证一定的通过率)体现三个强化(语言基础知识实际应用能力,语篇理解能力和语言输出能力的考查)保证试题难度与(较高的)区分度知识的活学活用、知识的重新构建与整合2007-9-94试卷的主要特点n以稳定为前提,稳中求发展,变中求新意n遵循但不拘泥于2007山东卷考试说明,体现新课改理念,增加了主观性和开放性。
2、试题选材丰富,内容有时代感,知识覆盖面广,重点较突出,以英语课程标准为纲,突破教材版本限制,对教师在实际教学中贯彻新课程标准有良好的导向作用。n试题题量适中,试卷总长度与往年基本持平。全卷共3907个单词,去年总词量3389个。n有意识地增加了新课程标准所要求的词汇量。实际考查词汇比2006年增加约160词(06年为760词;07年为922词)。仅在“阅读表达”中就有10个纲外词汇: strategy, junk, exclamation, correspondence, permissible, pals , chatty, charm, bounds, annoyancen试卷难度与往年相
3、比有较大程度的提高2007-9-95成绩抽样统计(省10万份) 第I卷抽样成绩 第II卷抽样成绩05年06年07年05年06年07年平均分总分不同56.55 总分不同20.96难度0.630.590.540.590.460.47及格率60.79% 52.94%38.01% 52.26%28.4%36.9%优秀率21.29% 6.71%1.66%8.98%0.8%4.1%2007-9-96试卷各部分成绩抽样统计(省10万份)题型试卷分值平均分 难度及格率优秀率听力 3023.60.7981.27% 47%语法词汇 156.470.4318.53% 3%完形填空 209.540.4322.53%
4、0.40%阅读理解 4016.950.4217%8.1%阅读表达 155.370.3626.3%6.8%写作 3015.570.5247%6.4%2007-9-97听力理解的考查技能听力测试主要是通过听的方式考查学生获取信息和处理信息的能力。要求的技能有:1、获取具体的事实性信息(15个)2、理解会话者的观点、态度或意图(2个)3、判断会话者之间的关系或会话的场合、背景(1个)4、对所听的内容判断或理解所给材料的主旨要义等(2个)2007-9-98听力问题设置的类别n环境场景类(17,93.69%)n数字计算类(4,67 .1%;18,93.14%)n原因类(7,80.88%;9,84.13%
5、;15,85.79%;20,82.22%)n结果类n关键词语类n比较选择类n计划建议类n请求或提供帮助类n言外之意类(12,76.72%)n综合推断类(5,84.09% ;6,70.86%;10,92.73%,13,71.68%)2007-9-99三年来听力试题考查要点及词汇量比较项目数量时间whatwhowhichwherewhenwhyhow理解事实推测词数总词数2005 91040242153843 12342006 110112141163831 11982007 111010512153636 9922007-9-910听力难题示例1.Who is coming for tea? A
6、. John.B. Mark.C. Tracy录音文稿W: John, is Mark coming for tea tomorrow?M: Yes, I told you yesterday, Tracy!W: Oh, did you? Sorry, I must forgotten.本题是听力部分难度系数最大的题目,0.48。主要原因:对具体信息的处理能力;速记能力;考试的心理素质。2007-9-911听力测试的发展展望一、总体难度在现有的水平上有可能提高,提高的方面: 1、适当加快语速 2、加大材料内容难度,但不出现生单词 3、设题更加注重语段的整体理解二、求新思维将更加突出,新的话题比
7、往年多一些三、听力文稿的题材和体裁更为广泛2007-9-912语法和词汇知识的考查特点1、覆盖面广,考题基本上覆盖了考试说明和课程标准的所有语法项目。2、突出重点,侧重考查动词及其用法3、题干简单,但语境明确,寓语法规则于实际应用中,有利于拓展考生思维,实现由知识到能力的升华。4、体现交际,以口语、对话、习惯用法等考查学生得体使用英语的能力 “在考查语言基础知识的同时,侧重考查英语语言运用能力”特点尤为突出。语言交际行为除了需要语言能力外,还需要一些其它能力。2007-9-913语法与词汇知识考查项目考查项目 词 类复合从句交际用语It的用法虚拟语气 动 词名词形容词副词介词短语冠词连词名词从
8、句状语从句定语从句时态语态非谓语动词情态动词动词/词组独立结构过去分词不定式数量1112111111211题号323326253427312821222930352324合计 51111112112007-9-914语法与词汇知识答题抽样(10万份)题号 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28难度0.470.460.520.460.490.280.360.41正答率47.25%46.31%52.47%46.01%49.15%28.18%36.65%41.03%题号 29 30 31 32 33 34 35难度0.440.50.510.340.350.540.32正答率44.44%49.
9、77%51.37%33.82%35.17%54%31.96%2007-9-915语法与词汇知识典例剖析26. Please remain _ until the plane has come to a complete stop.A. to seatB. to be seatedC. seating D. seatedD。思维定势,误选B项居多。Seat vt. 使/让某人坐下Seated 坐下,坐着Please be seated.Keep seated until you are asked to stand up.2007-9-916语法与词汇知识典例剖析27. I cant say w
10、hich wine is bestits a(n) _ of personal taste.A. affairB. eventC. matterD. varietyC 词义辨析 误选D项居多。2007-9-917语法与词汇知识典例剖析32. They _ two free tickets to Canada, otherwise theyd never have been able to afford to go.A. have gotB. gotC. have gotD. getB 通过虚拟语气考查时态。根据后半句判断,他们已去了加拿大,所以是与过去事实相反的假设。2007-9-918语法与
11、词汇知识典例剖析33. The country has already sent up three unmanned space craft, the most recent _ at the end of last March.A. has been launchedB. having been launchedC. being launchedD. to be launchedB 考查独立主格结构,需要根据题干中提供的时间判断。此语法项目属于超纲。2007-9-919语法与词汇知识典例剖析35. The book was written in 1946, _ the education s
12、ystem has witnessed great changes.A. whenB. during whichC. since thenD. since whenD when可以和前置词since, till等并用:Since when has he been engaged in this work?Till when can you stay?(疑问副词)He came here in 1950, since when he has been engaged in this work.I shall leave at the end of this month, till when I
13、stay here.when=which time 关系代词现代英语惯用法词典费致德单项填空并非纯粹语法,更体现了语境中运用知识的原则2007-9-920完形填空命题特点n文章选材:贴近学生的认知能力(记叙、议论、说明)n考查特点:对阅读理解能力和综合运用语言知识的能力相对提高。知识的综合运用,知识网络的再现。n设项规律:以考查实词为主,虚词为辅。动词部分(包括非谓语动词)约占选项的40%;名词约占15%;形容词、副词约占30%;其它15%。n答题存在问题的原因: 重量轻质;思维逻辑的不正确以及相近词或词组的辨析能力差;不能够融会贯通地从上下文分析(重视点,忽视面);不能够“身临其境”;不能够
14、将所学词汇或词组的确切含义再现出来。2007-9-921完形填空的具体数据及变化特点n体裁:议论文n题材:如何珍视友谊所带来的挑战n短文含284词+100词n读速要求:25.6wpm ,较往年有所提高.n选项设置:实词为主,虚词为辅n考查层面:点线面(上下文至语篇层次)n不足:考查语法,难度过大2007-9-922完形填空答题情况题号36373839404142434445难度0.670.340.450.890.450.620.42正答率67.47%33.52%44.95%81.4%29.84%22.07%48.5%45.3%62.11%41.63%题号464748495
17、解;既重视从语言学的角度考查学生的语言知识和语言技能,又重视从心理学的角度考查学生的学习和阅读策略英语作为知识的载体,不仅仅是语言问题;思维空间的广阔,考生认知与情感的共鸣2007-9-927阅读中的长难句和复杂句式举例n过去分词作定语过去分词作定语 reduced to waist-high ruins, our ruined house, extremely reduced circumstances, no conditions attached, one-year paid leave, increased sales, a specially trained teacher ,the
18、 level expected for their age, standards-based, the shoes named Square Eyes, their daily allowance gained through exercise, the recommended daily amounts of both, every 100 steps recorded by the Square Eyes2007-9-928阅读中的长难句和复杂句式举例n熟词生意熟词生意/词性活用词性活用 Then a poet at the University of Florida offered to
19、 let his house to me while he went to England on his one-year paid leave. Maybe the books boom has affected only the top of the educational pile. The design was inspired by a desire to fight against the rapidly ballooning waistlines among British teenagers2007-9-929 Firstly, you junk anything with a
20、n exclamation mark or a string of capital letters When Andrea Peterson landed her first teaching job, she faced the daunting task of creating a music program with almost no money for equipment or supplies in a climate where standards-based learning was the focus and music just provided a break for s
21、tudents and teachers. 2007-9-930长难句长难句nAn evaluation earlier this year reported that children on the scheme made 20 months progress in just one year, whereas similarly weak readers without special help made just five months progress , and so ended the year even further below the level expected for t
22、heir age.2007-9-931对学生的情感、态度、价值观具对学生的情感、态度、价值观具有良好影响的佳句有良好影响的佳句 Its almost worth losing our worldly possessions to be reminded that people are really nice when given half a chance. Reading for fun matters because children who are keen on reading can expect lifelong pleasure and loving books is an ex
23、cellent indicator of future educational success. She said its essential for schools to offer classes such as art or music and physical education because for some kids one of those subjects is the only thing that motivates them to come back to school day after day. When we are committed to something,
24、 it means that no matter how painful or how uncomfortable something is , we will always choose to face it and work it through instead of running away from it. 2007-9-93207山东卷阅读考查项目表项目总数综合概括词义推测推理判断细节理解主旨大意 文章体裁 A B C D20 1 1 2 14 2生活感悟(记叙文)阅读学习(说明文)人物介绍(记叙文)科普发明(说明文)2007-9-93307阅读理解答题情况表题号5657585960
25、6162636465难度0.520.480.430.520.310.560.510.540.310.24正答率52.51%47.87%43.33%52.14%31.74%55.34%51.2%53.85%30.55%23.9%题号66676869707172737475难度0.400.460.350.450.210.550.430.570.440.20正答率39.52%45.46%34.94%45.25%20.43%55.2%42.79%57.18%44.12%20%2007-9-934难度低于0.4阅读题目解析60. Which of the following is true of Par
26、agraph 1? A. Many childrens books have been adapted from films. B. Many high-quality childrens books have been published. C. The sales of classics have led to the popularity of films. D. The sales of presents for children have increased.原文: If you look for a book as a present for a child, you will b
27、e spoiled for choice even in a year when there is no new Harry Potter. JK Rowlings wizard is not alone: the past decade has been a harvest for good childrens books, which has set off a large quantity of films and in turn led to increased sales of classics such as推理判断2007-9-935难度低于0.4阅读题目解析64. The ai
28、m of this text would probably be _. A. to overcome primary school pupils reading difficulty B. to encourage the publication of more childrens books C. to remind children of the importance of reading for fun D. to introduce a way to improve early childhood reading主旨大意题。难度较大。文章用了近三个自然段的篇幅来谈论这一方案的背景,然后
29、引出Reading Recovery这一阅读复苏计划,来谈论阅读的重要性,鼓励孩子们为了将来的成功打好基础就要多阅读。C项具有较强的干扰性,转移主题。2007-9-936难度低于0.4阅读题目解析65. The underlined word “daunting” in Paragraph 1 most probably means_. A. discouragingB. interesting C. creativeD. unbearable词义猜测题。she faced the daunting task of creating a music program with almost no
30、 money for equipment or supplies in a climate where standards-based learning was the focus and music just provided a break for students and teachers.由此可以看出,这项工作是不被人看好的,让人沮丧的。篇章语意,体会文中人物的心情。排除法,A、D可接受,而学生恰恰选择了unbearable.2007-9-937难度低于0.4阅读题目解析70. It can be inferred from the text that _. A. Petersons
31、honor was a surprise for the local people B. Petersons are classes attracted students back to school C. Peterson aroused the local residents passion for music D. Peterson will change her profession next year推理题。线索:Para 6: The honor means a lot to residents of Granite Falls. Its inspiring to know tha
32、t people from small towns can even win national honors.干扰:Para 7: As a national teacher of the year, Peterson will spend the next year outside the classroom, as a national and international spokeswoman for education.2007-9-938难度低于0.4阅读题目解析75. Which of the following would be the best title for the te
33、xt? A. Smart Shoes Decide on Television Time B. Smart Shoes Guarantee More Exercise C. Smart Shoes Measure Time of Exercise D. Smart Shoes Stop Childhood Overweight主旨大意题。区分度不大。把握主题句的能力欠缺。Sports shoes that work out whether their owner has done enough exercise to warrant time in front of the televisio
34、n have been devised in the UK.warrant: 1. to be a good enough reason for something 2. to promise that something is true = guaranteedecide on sth: phr v to choose one thing from many possible choices选定 B属于“偷梁换柱”型干扰项2007-9-939阅读理解失分的主要原因n词汇问题n细节理解与整体(篇章)理解n答题思维问题n应试疲劳问题2007-9-940解决阅读存在的问题的方法n以阅读养阅读n以阅
35、读促词汇n以词汇促理解n以理解带动整卷水平的提高2007-9-941阅读表达题目分析 文章共277词,符合考试说明的字数要求,主要谈论如何处理众多的电子邮件和可操作性建议。话题具有一定的时代性,但对部分农村考生来说可能陌生,一定程度上影响了他们实际语言水平的发挥。答题情况不够理想,77,79,80三个题目正答率过低,区分度不高,失去了考查的意义题号7677787980平均分 0.981.521.440.690.76难度0.330.510.480.230.252007-9-942题目分析76. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in mea
36、ning to the following one? The possible existence of annoyance results from our inability to sort out e-mails. If this is the case, its only because we havent developed an appropriate discrimination in dealing with it.评分:句子不完整应酌情扣分。学生问题:不抄写完整个句子;汉字说明;在文章中划线;抄写单词错误等。2007-9-943题目分析77.Fill in the blank
37、 in Paragraph 3 with a proper sentence. (within 10 words)E-mail(s) can be handled in the following ways.Here are the ways to deal with e-mail(s).Handling e-mail(s) is an art.下列情况得3分:Please follow my suggestions.Do as follows.How to deal with the problems?Here are some tips/suggestions.There are some
38、 ways to deal with the problem.Please do as I tell you.You can solve this problem as follows.Now let me introduce the way of handling e-mails.2007-9-944题目分析78. What advice is given in the last paragraph? (within 10 words) You may reply to a long e-mail briefly. You dont have to write a long reply e-
39、mail.其它满分答案:抄写最后一段第一句话(A reply e-mail doesnt have to be the same length as the original.)No need to reply e-mail with long sentence.Do not make the reply e-mail too long.2007-9-945题目分析79. For what purpose does the author mention his American friend in Paragraph 1?(within 10 words)To show a way of ha
40、ndling e-mail(s) with an example.To introduce the topic of the text.其它得分:For the purpose of taking an example.He takes his friend as an example for his advice.2007-9-946题目分析80.You are perfectly within the bounds of politeness in responding to a marathon e-mail with a brief reply.用简短的话回复冗长的电子邮件完全不失礼节
41、。用简短的话回复马拉松式的电子邮件也是礼貌的。要点:1、用简短的话/语言;2、回复马拉松式的/冗长的电子邮件;3、是礼貌的/不失礼节的。各要点1分,把握通顺。要点3如翻译成“完美的”扣1分。2007-9-947阅读表达失分的原因n生词较多:strategy, junk, exclamation, correspondence, permissible, pals, chatty, charm, bounds (n.), annoyance等. bound作名词,且要求翻译,超纲。n实际考查词汇增多,句子结构复杂,长难句较多。 An American friend of mine who was
42、 high up in a big corporation had worked out a way of handling a flood of e-mails before most of us had even heard of the concept. We all have e-mail pals who send long, chatty e-mails, which are nice to receive, but who then expect an equally long reply.n所选文章后半部分信息链不够完整,句子间的逻辑联系不强,一定程度上影响了考生的理解和正常水
44、作评分细则:上档(18-29)n优秀(26-29) 观点明确,紧扣主题。理由表达充分,能有效地使用连接成分,具备较强的书面表达能力。语言小错不超过4个。n良好(22-25) 观点明确,紧扣主题。理由表达基本充分,语言有少量错误,但不影响意思的表达。n一般(18-21) 观点明确,紧扣主题。理由表达基本清楚,语言错误稍影响了部分意思的表达。 2007-9-952写作评分细则:下档(0-17)n较差(13-17) 能够表达基本观点。行文不连贯,语言错误较多,多数句子基本正确。n差(6-12) 能够写出少数与内容相关的句子。n无法评判(0-5) 抄写阅读理解文章;誊写与文章内容不相关的内容;用汉语表
45、达的文章;用图画表达的文章;无法辨明笔迹的文章。 2007-9-953写作评分细则特别说明n未表明个人观点态度的,降一档给分;n重在以语言表达给分n词数少于120或远远多于150的,从总分中扣除2分n书写较差,以致影响交际,将分数降一个档次关注阅卷者的情感2007-9-954写作抽样极优(30)第六档(2926)第五档(2522)第四档(2118)第三档(1713)第二档(126)第一档(50)平均分06.4%17.9%22.8%16.9%17.2%12.1%15.572007-9-955Writing Sample 1 Its inspiring that a number of stude
46、nts will be admitted to colleges free of charge this year on condition that they must work as a teacher in their own province for more than ten years. I would like to be one of these special students. In my opinion, receiving an education like that would not only reduce the expanses but also enable
47、us to make contributions to our countrys education carrer. As we all know, fewer and fewer people are willing to be a teacher because of low pay and hard work, especially in the poor areas. It will be dangerous for the development of the teenagers and children in our country. So its necessary that l
48、arge numbers of graduates of high qualities devote to the education carrer. On the other hand, teaching will be a valuable experience and make our lives meaningful. So, lets apply for that and try our best to make efforts for the education of our country.2007-9-956Writing Sample 1评语n该文章观点明确(愿意),紧扣主题
49、,理由表达充分,能有效地使用连接成分,有较强的书面表达能力。语言小错(标点、拼写、用词等)不超过3个。n全文共161词,略超出字数范围,书写较认真,卷面整洁,评分2829分。2007-9-957Writing Sample 2 To tell you the truth, I am unwilling to be a charged-free student in teaching. It is not because I lack the enthusiasm, but that I have other ambitions. Firstly, I dream of becoming an
50、expert in energy resources. It is my aim to solve the present problem of energy absence. I have great interest in it and I have been working for it all the time. To change this ambitions is against my will. Secondly, I am not suitable for the job of teaching. For I lack the skills of teaching. Usual
51、ly, if I have made sense of something, I can explain to myself very well, but to others, it very difficult. In my opinion, everyones ambition is good so long as it aims to make a contribution to the development of our motherland. I will stick to my dream and try my best to make a difference. 2007-9-
52、958Writing Sample 2 评语n该文章观点明确(不愿意),紧扣主题,理由表达充分,能有效地使用连接成分,有较强的书面表达能力。语言小错(标点、拼写、用词等)不超过3个。n全文共150词,符合字数要求,书写较认真,卷面整洁,评分2829分。2007-9-959Writing Sample 3 Yes, Id like to be a teacher. Because I think the job of teacher is very important for the country. In our country many children cant pay for the m
53、oney to school, so the have to stay at home and do the homework. If I can be a teacher, I want to help the poor student come to school and come ture their dream. While I think teaching more than ten years not a long time, I want to be a teacher in all the time for my life. Teachers can teach more an
54、d more children. Our country need teachers to new children study project and tell them you to be a real man and how to go to a right way in their furture. Id like to be a teacher, so I also like to study to be a good teacher. I will study in school and take all my life in the work. I think I will be
55、 a good teacher. 语言不地道,中文式思维,词汇错误,卷面有涂改,得分:1718分2007-9-960Writing Sample 4 I am favor of the advice It is known to all, education is important. With the social development more and more people who have much good knowledge are need to help our country with development. Besides, it is a important reas
56、on that I can attend school free. As known to all, it need much money at university. As the ordinary family, I am not have enough money to attend university. Finally, becoming a teacher is my dream because my father is a teacher, who make a good enfluence on me. If I become a teacher I can devote my
57、self to education in my town. At that time, I will very happy.105词,标点较乱,拼写、语法错误较多,误用标题,涂抹严重。评分15分左右2007-9-961Writing Sample 5 I think is very good. I like student. I have a dream. I want to be a teacher. I like the job. Im good at singing and play football. So I can teach sing and play football. I w
58、ant to be a great teacher. Im very young. I can help the student. Teacher is very happy. No matter where you are, students will miss you. The best wish for you. I think is very good. The job is very great. Come on! I will go to school. I will a good teacher. The best wish for you. Thank you!99词,简单句堆
59、砌,陈述理由不充分,语法错误较多,得分8分。2007-9-962写作中学生存在的主要问题n不能紧扣主题。要求学生回答愿意或不愿意,许多考生审题不慎,不能明确表明是否愿意,乱加标题,“答非所问”。试题要求写出自己的理由,不少考生则泛泛地谈教育的重要性和国家经济发展的关系,出现了避实就虚的离题现象。n句子成分残缺或用词不当。句子没有谓语或出现双谓语。In my opinion, students will be free for the normal university education is a good news.Some students drop out of school as dont have enough money.The chance I want to have.Teaching for ten years a lot of work.They afraid of no money to go to university.Because sometime the tuition fees often too high for students.Ill take my life in the teaching work.2007-9-963写作中
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