



1、牛津小学英语教学设计一、 教学内容:九年义务教育六年制小学教科书 牛津小学英语5AUnit 4 Halloween (活动课)二、 教学目标:1、 让学生通过收集资料和本课活动,了解万圣节的有关情况。2、 通过介绍风俗,学习单词pumpkin lantern,candle,mask,pig,if,能听懂、会读、会说这些单词。三、 教学重点:让学生通过这节课的活动了解有关万圣节的传说、风俗,为下节课的教授对话作铺垫。四、 教学难点:能听、说、读单词pumpkin lantern,candle,mask,pig,if。五、 课前准备:1、 教学准备:让学生课前收集万圣节的资料,每人做一个面 具。2

2、、 教具准备:录音机、磁带、准备几个面具(*、老虎、狗)3、 板书准备:在黑板上预先写好课题Halloween六、 教学过程:Step 1 Free talk1. T:Lets sing a song. We can sing and dance ”together.Ss:Sing the song2. T:(Greeting)Class begins. Good morning, boys and girls.3. T:Do you know what day is April 1st?(Fools Day)What day is June 1st?(Childrens Day)What a

3、bout October 31st?(Halloween)(Teach “Halloween”)Step 2 Presentation1.T:Halloween falls on the night of Oct. 31st and it gives us a perfect opportunity to have great fun!Do you know the origin of Halloween?Ss:(自由发言)关于万圣节的.由来,传说最多的版本认为,那是源自于基督诞生前的古西欧国家,主要包括爱尔兰、苏格兰和威尔士。这几处的古西欧人叫德鲁依特人。德鲁依特的新年在十一月一日,新年前夜

4、,德鲁依特人让年轻人集合,戴着各种怪异面具,拎着刻好的萝卜灯(南瓜灯系后期习俗,古西欧最早没有南瓜),他们游走于村落间。这在当时实则为一种秋收的庆典,也有说是“鬼节”,传说是当年死去的人,灵魂会在万圣节的前夜造访人世,据说人们应该让造访的灵魂看到圆满的收成并对鬼魂呈现出丰盛的款待。所以篝火及灯火,一来为了吓走灵魂,同时也为鬼魂照亮路线,引导其回归。T:(总结)So it celebrates autumn harvest and its also a ceremony of the dead.2.T:Now, lets enjoy a performance. Welcome!Ss:(Give

5、 a performance)T:Oh, its wonderful.(Ask one student)Excuse me. Whats this in English?S:Its a pumpkin lantern.T:(show a picture)Look, its a pumpkin.(Teach “pumpkin”)Whats in the pumpkin? Theres a candle.(Teach “candle”)We can use them to make a pumpkin lantern.(Teach “lantern”)T:(Introduce)至于南瓜灯也至少有两

6、种说法。一种说是人挖空了南瓜又刻上鬼脸,点上烛火以驱散鬼魂的;另一种说是鬼魂点上烛火,试图骗取人们上当而跟着鬼魂走,所以人们就在南瓜表面上刻上一个嘲讽的脸面,用以嘲笑鬼魂:哼!傻瓜才会上你的当!传说因为首先用南瓜的是一位爱尔兰人Jack,所以人们又将鬼脸南瓜灯叫做Jack-O-Lantern.Ss:(Repeat “Jack-O-Lantern” several times)T:(Ask one student)Can you tell me whats this in English?S:Its a mask.T:Look, here are some masks.(teach “mask”

7、)(show the masks)Its a dog /tiger mask.Its a pig mask.3.T:If tomorrow well have a Halloween party. What do you need? Please discuss in groups.S:Sweets/Pumpkin/Step 3 Say a rhymeT: Please listen to a rhyme.Ss:(listen)T:(Teach “if”)This time, follow the tape please.Ss:(Read after the tape)(Read by the

8、mselves)(Read together)T:(Divide the Ss into two groups and then read.)Now, lets try to recite it.(Ask some Ss to recite,use the masks try to act, and T gives sweets)Ss:Read together again.Step 4 Play a game.T:See, I put the apple in the water, you only can use your mouth to get the apple. If you ca

9、n, its yours. I give you only one minute.Step 5 Introduce other informations about Halloween.(1) If you were born on Halloween youll enjoy lifelong protection against evil spirits.(2) Your future husband will appear in the mirror on Halloween. The children in America also have the colouring picture. You can have a look.(分发图片)Step 6 HomeworkAfter class, please desig


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