高二英语 Unit2 Language study Integrating skills45分钟过关检测 大纲人教版第二册_第1页
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1、【英语】大纲第2册 45分钟过关检测 Unit2 News media课堂训练 Language study & Integrating skills基础巩固:站起来,拿得到.写出下列动词的过去式及过去分词1.pay_ _ 2.mean_ _ 3.satisfy_ _ 4.suffer _ _5.hurt_ _ 6.rise _ _7.wear_ _ 8.win _ _9.deal_ _ 10.feel _ _答案:1.paid,paid 2.meant,meant 3.satisfied,satisfied 4.suffered,suffered 5.hurt,hurt6.rose,

2、risen 7.wore,worn 8.won,won 9.dealt,dealt 10.felt,felt.单词拼写1.He_ (改变) the co nversation from one subject to another.2.Your suggestion has come to our _(考虑).3.Im sorry to _(使失望) you,but I cant agree with you there after all.4.The headmistress _(通知) us that the school would be closed for one day next

3、week.5.When will work on the highway be _(完工)?6.The Chinese Government serves the people while its people have a _(责任) to help the government reach its goals by considering its interests.7.Would you like me to give you a_ (示范)?答案:1.switched 2.attention 3.disappoint 4.informed pleted 6.responsibility

4、7.demonstration能力提升:踮起脚,抓得住!.单项选择1.When I landed I fell forward.Someone was standing too_ me and I knocked into him.A.close to B.closely toC.close from D.closely from答案:A提示:close在此处为副词,意为“靠近”。2.What do you think of Tom?He is not very clever,but I like him _.A.all the way B.all the bestC.all at once

5、D.all the same答案:D提示:all the same指“仍然”。3.As soon as she entered the room,the girl caught sight of the flowers _ by her mother.A.buying B.being boughtC.were bought D.bought答案:D提示:应该是被妈妈买的花,故用过去分词,相当于定语从句which were bought。4.All homework is _ to be turned in on time.A.expected B.hoped C.asked D.told答案:

6、A提示:被期望及时交上来。5.We found her greatly _.A.changing B.to change C.change D.changed答案:D提示:过去分词作宾补。6.I bought this dress _ for $35;it used to be $85.A.for sale B.on sale C.at sale D.in sale答案:B提示:on sale在廉价销售。7.(北京东城期末检测,24) So how long have you been here?Just a couple of days actually.I am on a big jour

7、ney,you know.I _ all the places of interest here.A.am visiting B.visited C.have visited D.will visit答案:A提示:从here可知,说话人现在还在这个地方。所以用进行时。8.On the wall _ two large portraits.A.hanging B.hang C.hangs D.hanged答案:B提示:该句为倒装结构,主语为portraits。9.When she did some shopping in the supermarket,she had her pocket _.

8、A.stole B.picked C.robbed D.cheated答案:B提示:have sth. done表示“遭受”;pick ones pocket为固定搭配;另有steal sth. from sb.,rob sb. of sth.等搭配。10.The visiting Minister expresses his satisfaction with his talks,_ that he had enjoyed his stay here.A.having added B.to add C.adding D.added答案:C提示:add与talk发生在很短的先后之间,所以不用完

9、成时,用现在分词表示伴随。11.The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it.A.begins B.having begun C.beginning D.begun答案:D提示:once begun相当于once it is begun。12.Please go on trying.Im sure the efforts you are _ will pay off.A.doing B.giving C.making D.sparing答案:C提示:make efforts指“努力”。13.So

10、rry I cant go with you.Im _ a serious stomachache.A.suffering B.suffered C.suffering from D.suffered from答案:C提示:suffer from指“遭受;患”。14.I wonder Whats your attitude _ the problem _ yesterday.A.in;discussing B.to;to be discussedC.towards;discussed D.with;being discussed答案:C提示:attitude后接to或towards;yeste

11、rday说明这个问题已讨论过了,故用discussed。15.Rather than_ on a crowded bus,he always prefers _ a bicycle.A.ride;ride B.riding;rideC.ride;to ride D.to ride;riding答案:C提示:此处为prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.结构的运用。16.Preparations are being made for the Olympic Games _ in Beijing in 2008.A.held B.holding C.to be h

12、eld D.to hold答案:C提示:不定式作定语常表将要发生的事情。此处不定式要用被动语态。17.The famous writers play,_ in one of my books,was published in 1963.A.to mention B.mentionedC.to be mentioning D.mentioning答案:B提示:mention提起,提到与主语之间有被动关系。18.The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _ the next year.A.carry out B.carr

13、ying outC.carried out D.to carry out答案:C提示:本题考查see sth. done的结构,that指代先行词the plan在定语从句中作see的宾语,carried out为宾语补足语。19.How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?The key _ the problem is to meet the demand _ by the customers.A.to solving;making B.to solving;madeC.to sol

14、ve;making D.to solve;made答案:B提示:key后常接介词to,demand与make之间为被动关系。20.Mr smith, _of the _ speech,started to read a novel.A.tired;boring B.tiring;bored C.tired;bored D.tiring;boring答案:A提示:boring speech意为“令人厌烦的演讲”;be tired of意为“对厌倦”,此处不能构成句子,故不带be。21.Cleaning women in big cities usually get _ by the hour.A

15、.pay B.paying C.paid D.to pay答案:C提示:get在此处相当于be。22._ in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.A.Losing B.Having lost C.Lost D.To lose答案:C提示:lost in thought是when he was lost in thought的省略,意为“当他陷入沉思的时候”。23.As we joined the big crowd I got _ from my friends.A.separated B.spared C.lost D.mi

16、ssed答案:A提示:separate指“分开”。拓展应用:跳一跳,够得着!.单句改错1.On the wall hangs two pictures.答案:hangshang2.She felt nervous because it was the first time she spoke before so many people.答案:spokehad spoken3.By ask why,how and what,curious minds find new ideas and solutions.答案:askasking4.He listens my ideas and gives

17、me his suggestions.答案:listens后加to5.The editors job is to keep the newspaper balanced and interested to the readers.答案:interestedinteresting6.Even if inviting,I wont go.答案:invitinginvited7.From her puzzling eyes,we can see that she was puzzled.答案:puzzlingpuzzled puzzled eyes意为“疑惑的眼神”。8.Faced such a d

18、ifficult problem,he didnt know what to do.答案:.FacedFacing9.They make sure that the article reflects events and opinions truthful.答案:truthfultruthfully10.The media can often solve problems and draw attention to situations which help is needed.答案:whichwhere11.For a reporter,the basic task is report an

19、 event truthfully.答案:is后加to12.In my opinion,you must be responsible to what you did the other day.答案:tofor13.What you said made that difficult for me to go on with my work.答案:.thatit14.I want to write about people addicting to drugs.答案:addictingaddicted15.Cold chicken is delicious when eating with salad.答案:eatingeaten.将下列句子译成英语1.在去拜访朋友之前,她打电话以确定他们在家。(make sure)_答案:Before she called on her friends,she rang to make sure that they were home.2.要使自己适应环境是不容易的。(adapt to)_答案:It is not easy to adapt oneself to new condition


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