



1、日常接打电话旅游点餐常用英语口语句型集团标准化办公室:VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN(一)、中国人与英美人打电话有很大差异。用英语打电话要掌握以下几点:1 .打电话人接通电话后可说:Hello!接着说:This is sb. speaking. /Could ( May) I speak to sb./ Is sb. in但不能问:Who are you接电话人可说:Hello! Good morning/afternoon/ evening.紧接着将自己的电 话号码或姓名告诉对方。如:(This is) 3531968. /This is Jim speaking.

2、2 .问对方是谁,不说:Who are you 而应说:Who's that speaking (calling)/May I have your name/ Is that sb. (speaking)3 .代人接电话,最好说:What name shall I give? / Who shall I say is calling若要离开去叫人,须跟对方说:Hold the line, please. V 11 get him/her to phone.(别挂断,我就去找他(她)听电话。)或Hold on for a moment.(请等一会儿。)反之,若电话要找的人在身边,代接电话

3、的人可说:It's for you.或For you. (你的电话。)4 .如果打电话要找的人不在,代接电话的人可说:Sorry, he/she isn't in. 或I'm afraid he/she is out.(他/她不在。)如果问对方是否要留话, 说:May I take a message for you/Can I take a message? / Would you like to leave a message?打电话者若要拜托接电话人转告要找的人某事时,可问:Could you take a message for me? / Please tel

4、l him (her) that (sth. ) /Tell him(her) I called. /Will you please tell him (her) to call me back later?5 .若对方打错电话,接电话者可说:Sorry, you've dialedthe wrong number. 打电话人发现拔错号码,应说:Sorry, I've dialed the wrong number.6 .若电话的线路忙或有问题,可说:The line is busy.(占线。)The line is dead.(断线。)(二)、电话对答情况(一)打电话的人找的

5、是你自己对方:Is David thereDavid在吗你可以回答:Speaking.我就是。This is he.我就是。(注:女的用"This is she.") You' re speaking/talking to him.你正在跟他说话。 (注:女的用"You're speaking/talking to her.") This is David.我就是 David。That, s me.我就是©对方:May I speak to Mr. Liu请问刘先生在吗你可以回答:He's not here right

6、now.他现在不在这里。He's out.他出去了。He's in a meeting right now.他现在正在开会.You've just missed him.你刚好错过他了。He's just stepped out,他刚好出去了。情况(三)打电话的人要找的人不在,问对方是否要留言 对方:Can I talk to David 我可以跟David讲话吗 你可以回答:He's out on his lunch break right now. Would you like to leave a message 他出去吃午饭了,你要留言吗He&#

7、39;s not available right now. Can I take a message 他不在,我可以帮你传话吗情况(四)打电话的人问他要找的人何时回来对方:Do you know when he will be back你知道他什么时候会回来吗你可以回答:r m sorry. I don't know.抱歉,我不知道。I have no idea.我不知道°He should be back in 20 minutes.他应该二十分钟内会回来。情况(五)打电话的人问他要找的人在哪里 对方:Do you have any idea where he is 你知道

8、他在哪里吗你可以回答:Sorry. I don't know.抱歉,我不知道,He's at work right now. Do you want his phone number 他现在在上班.你要不要他的电话号码情况(六)打电话的人要找的人不在,愿意接受对方的留言 对方:Can I leave a message 我可以留个话吗 你可以回答:Yes. Go ahead, please.可以,请继续Of course. Hold on for just a second so I can grab a pen and paper, 当然, 稍等 一下让我拿个纸笔。Sure,

9、 if you can excuse me for just a second. Let me find a piece of paper to write it down.当然,如果你可以等我一下下,让我找张纸写下来。情况(七)接受对方留言时听不清楚,希望对方重复对方:When he comes back, can you have him call me at (206) 5551212 他回来后,能不能让他打(206) 5551212这个号码给我你可以回答:Can you repeat again, please 能不能请你再重复一次 (Say) Again, please 再说一次好吗

10、Pardon?抱歉。(请再说一次)Come again, please 再说一次好吗I'm sorry抱歉“(请再说一次) 情况(八)对方希望留话,怕听错了,不想接受对方的留言对方:Xay I leave a message我能否留个话你可以回答:You know whatMy English is not that great, and I don't want to miss anything. Would you mind calling back laterI'm sorry.你知道吗我的英文不是非常好,我不想听错话。你介意稍后再打来吗我很抱 歉。If you

11、don't mind, could you please call back and leave a message on the answering machineMy English is not very good.如果你不介意的话,能否请你再打一次,然后在录音机上 留言我的英文不是很好。情况(九)打电话的人;的人是别人,请对方稍等对方:Is David thereDavid在吗你可以回答:Yes, he is. One moment, please.他在° 请稍等Hold, please.请稍等©Hold on, please.请稍等。Let me see

12、if he's here. Hang on. 0. K.我看看他在不在。等一下,好吗情况(十)对方打错电话对方:Can I speak to Jasmine Deng我可以和Jasmine Deng说话吗你可以回答:Jasmine Deng? I'm sorry, but there's nobody here by this name. Jasmine Deng? 抱 歉,这里没这个人。I m sorry. I'm afraid you've got the wrong number.抱歉,恐怕你打错电话。What number did you dia

13、l你打几号情况(十一)如果对方要求和(打电话的人)刚刚已经通过话的人再讲话对方:Can you put David back onI forgot to tell him something.你能否请David再来听电话呢我忘了跟他讲一件事。你可以回答:Sure. ril go get him.当然!我这就去叫他情况(十二)如果你打电话,电话没人接(或录音机),你可以说:Is he there他在吗No one is there.没人在。Nobody answered.没人接。No. I got the answering machine,没有!是录音机。情况(十三)电话打不通,你可以说:Di

14、d it go through(电话)打通了吗The line was busy.电话忙线,I got the busy signals.电话忙线:情况(十四)(因自己忙等原因)请别人去接电话,你可以说:Jasmine, can you answer the phoneI'm busy.Jasmine,你能不能去接电话我在忙。Can you get it, JasmineMy hands are tied.Jasmine,你能不能去接电话我现在不能接。情况(十五)如果你接到无人电话(就是打来了却不说话的那种) 某人问:Who called谁打来的你可以回答:No one. He hun

15、g up on me.没人。他把电话挂了。Wrong number, I guess. He hung up without saying a word. 打错了, 我想。 他一句话 也没说就把电话挂了。电话留言Hi! This is David. I can't come to the phone at this time. Please leave a message and I* 11 call you back as soon as possible嗨!我是David。我现不能接电话。请你留言。我会尽快回你的电话。(三)一、预约火车票1. I'd like to res

16、erve a seat at twelve to London.我想要预定一个座位,十二点开往伦敦的火车。2. I'd like to book two tickets from Paris to London.我要预定两张从巴黎到伦敦 的票。二、预约旅馆1. Do you have a single room available tomorrow night 明晚还有单人间吗2. I'd like to make a reservation for a single room.我想要预定一间单人间。3. I prefer a room with an ocean view.我

17、想要一间可以看到海景的房间。4. How about the room charge房间的费用是多少呢5. What' s the price of a double room双人间的价钱是多少6. Does that include service charge and tax 包含服务费和税吗7. Do you accept visa 你们能接受visa信用卡吗三、叫醒服务1. Would you wake me up at six?六点钟能叫我起床吗2. This is room 213. Could you give me a wake-up call at six tomor

18、row morning? 这里是213房。明天早晨六点能请你叫我起床吗3. Id like a wakeup call at seven tomorrow morning.明天早晨七点请叫我起床。四、房间设备有问题1. There is no water.没有水。2. The toilet doesnt t flush properly.马桶冲不下去了。3. We need one more towel.我们需要多加一条毛巾。4. The TV doesn, t work.电视机不能看°表示坏了,可以用:something is wrong with 或 be not working

19、.(四)、到异国品尝美食可说是旅游的乐趣之一,然而,若是语言不通,大概就很难品尝 餐厅最受好评的菜色了。因此,学会基本点餐说法,适当的询问服务生,并表达自己喜 好,包管可以让自己吃得道地又满足。()1)请给我菜单。May I have a menu, please2)是否有中文菜单Do you have a menu in Chinese3)在用晚餐前想喝些什么吗Would you like something to drink before dinner?4)餐厅有些什么餐前酒What kind of drinks do you have for an aperitif?5)可否让我看看酒单May I see the wine list?6)我可以点杯酒吗 May I order a glass of wine?7)餐


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