



1、1)世贸组织(WTO)允许其成员方为维护特定的区内公共政策目标或社会公共利益可以采取免除 WTO义务的措施.(exemptfrom)The World Trade Organization (WTO) allows its members to take measures toexempt from WTO obligations in order to safeguardspecific public policy object and public interests.2)自信和恐惧都来自于我们的信念和态度,但它们是互相矛盾的思维。(stem from)Confidence and fea

2、r arecontradictory states of mind that bothstem from our beliefs and attitudes.3)对于家长来说,现在我们到了缩减债务周期并为子女的将来开启一个储蓄理财计划的时候了。 (curtail)For parents,it is the time to curtail the cycle of debt and createa savingsplan for your child future4)这次事故促使贸易协会提起诉讼以反对专利侵权和不公平的商业行为。(infringement)This accident prompt

3、ed the trade association to initiate a lawsuit against patentinfringement and unfair business practices5)随着旅游业加快利用网络服务进行市场推广, 其它行业也一定会紧跟这股潮流。(follow suit) Other industries certainly will follow suit as the tourist industry gears up to take advantageof networks and Is marketing potential.U21)央行在过去的45

4、天里两次调低了基准利率,这是自从2002年以来的第一次调低。(benchmark )The central bank lowered Is benchmark interest rate twice in the past 45 days, the first cuts since 2002.2)在接下来的几年里,这个国家的财富将会停滞不前或者是大量缩水。(stagnate )In the next few years, the nation' s wealth will either stagnate or shrink significantly.3)一旦这个现象发生,希腊将会产生

5、恶性的负债水平,并蔓延到整个经济体。When this phenomenon occurs, Greece will produce a pernicious level of debt tpervade throughout the economy.4)相应的,中国在全球经济中所占的份额将会从百分之十四上升到百分之十八,而美国所占的比例将会下降到百分之十七。(ascend )Correspondingly, China's share of the global economy will ascend from 14 percent to 18 percent, while the

6、US' share will descend to 17 percent.5)而当我朋友说我看上去和原来完全不一样的时候,我真是要崩溃了。I got really freaked out when my friends started telling me that I looked totally different.i)在当前的压力下,许多年轻人在互联网上悲叹他们几乎没有什么希望实现他们的梦想。(lament ).Under current pressure, many young peoplelament on the internet that there is very li

7、ttle they can achieve for their dreams.2)这个国家的政府不甘心放弃对权力和资源的控制,承诺会施行新政解决失业,推动民主。(relinquish)The government did not willingly relinquish control over power and resources, promising new administration to tackle unemployment and promote democracy.3) 2009年,货币升值消灭了越来越多中低收入阶层的储蓄,伤害了蓬勃发展的开放的市场。 (wiped out

8、)In 2009, a currency revaluation wiped out the savings of a growing lower-middle class, hurting the burgeoning open markets.4)值得赞誉的是,公司出台了一部大刀阔斧的改革计划,旨在削减成本增加收入。(to its credit) To its credit, the company has produced a bold plan to cut costs and increase revenue5)新当选的大多数共和党人都曾作出过大幅度削减联邦开支以及坚决反对任何增税的

9、竞选承 诺。(steadfastly)The vast majority of new Republicans have made campaign promises to drastically cut federal spending and to steadfastly oppose anyax hikes.U6i)次贷危机的起因是由于最近几年各大银行向信用不佳或收入不稳定的房屋购买者提供数以百万计的房贷。(stem from)The subprime crisis stems from millions of mortgages given by banks in recent yea

10、rs to homebuyers with poor credit or unstable finances.2)他对招标公司表示,这个系统不管在任何情况下都能运转,即使是在完全没有天然气的情 况下。(viable)He told the bidding company that the system would remain viable under any circumstances, even if the gas runs out completely.3)医院资金缺乏导致为病人提供的卫生保健质量下降,工作人员工作条件恶化。(deteriorate)The lack of hospit

11、al funds has led to deteriorating healthcare for patients and poor working conditions for the staff.4)他们不知道能够指望从民主党人那里得到多少支持。(count on)What they did not know was how much support they could count on from Democrats.5)每个生态系统都是动态的网络,总是在变化,总处在重塑自己的过程中。(in flux)Every ecosystem is a dynamicweb always in f

12、lux , always in the processes of reshaping itself.U71 .当面临国际收支困难、外汇储备锐减等问题时,政府就不得不运用外汇管制。The government has to resort to exchange controls when faced with such problems as defidts on balance of payments andsharp drop in foreign exchange reserves.2 .最近,这个公司多次以捐赠的名义向地震灾区转移伪劣食品,存在重大的安全和健康隐患。Recently, t

13、he company has repeatedly diverted fake and inferior foodnder the guise of donation to earthquake-stricken areasp resenting hidden danger to security and health.3 .如果坚持锻炼和健康的饮食,就能有效抵御心脏病和其他疾病对健康的威胁。If you keep on healthy eating and taking physical exercises, you caward off heart disease and many other health risks.4 .许多年来,中国的商业地产和住宅都供大于求,这可能会成为国有银行的阻碍,甚至导致通 货紧缩。There has been a commercial and residential propertyglut in China for years, w


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