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1、 BILLING TECHNOLOGY LICENSE AGREEMENT技术许可协议 SHANGHAI SHANDA NETWORKING CO., LTD.上海盛大网络有限公司。 and和 SHENGQU INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. 盛趣信息技术(上海)有限公司。 2003年12月9日签订WHEREAS:鉴于: 1. 1 。 Party A is an internet PC game operator and the PC games it operates甲方是一个互联网的电脑游戏运营商和PC游戏经营商,具有科学,合理和准确的

2、以计算机为基础的结算system; and Party B has developed and mastered valuable technology系统;乙方已开发并掌握了有价值的技术information, know-how and mature experience for billing processing and信息,知识和管理互联网的电脑游戏的成熟经验,双方达成如下协议。 ARTICLE 1 - DEFINITIONS第1条-定义 1.1 "Term" shall be the duration of this Agreement stated in Art

3、icle 2.3 1.1 “期限”是指本协议的有效期限 1.2 "Billing Technology" shall mean materials and information owned by Party 1.2 “结算技术”系指乙方所拥有的材料和信息,如技术信息, know-how, design, drawing, process, method, data, program and other诀窍,设计,绘画,工艺,方法,数据,程序及其他 1 ARTICLE 2 GENERAL TERMS第2条一般条款 2.1 Party B hereby agrees to e

4、xclusively grant a license of the Billing 2.1乙方特此同意给甲方专有技术许可 2.2 Unless otherwise agreed by Party B in writing, Party A shall not acquire 2.2 除非乙方以书面形式同意,甲方不得向任何第三方收购identical or similar technology license from any third party.相同或相似的技术授权。 2.3 This Agreement shall be effective upon the execution here

5、of by the 2.3有效期10年ARTICLE 3 LICENSE第3条许可 3.1 In consideration of the payment of license fee by Party A and the 3.1乙方特此授予Party A an exclusive license to allow Party A to use the Billing甲方的独家授权,允许甲方在中国范围内使用其Technology in the PRC; the Parties acknowledge that the territorial scope技术 3.2 Party A hereby

6、 agrees to accept and exercise the right of license granted 3.2甲方特此同意接受和行使的权利,许可证发放,above in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated herein.按照以上的条款和条件规定如下。没有乙方的书面形式表示同意, Party A shall not sub-license or transfer the Billing Technology to any甲方不得将技术转让给任何第三方 2二 3.3 During the term of this

7、Agreement, Party A has the right to indicate, in 3.3在本协议期限内,甲方有权使用乙方授权的“billing system” 3.4 The right of license of Billing Technology granted by Party B to Party A 3.4 专利许可并不代表任何形式的专利转让。 乙方仍保留技术所有权。 3.5 Party A acknowledges that Party B owns or controls the Billing Technology 3.5甲方承认乙方拥有或控制结算技术,and

8、 enjoys proprietary right to the Billing Technology.并享有专有权利的结算技术。 Unless otherwise除非另有约定或事先有乙方书面同意,甲方不得使用或申请注册任何与结算技术或“计费系统”相关的版权或专利权connection with the Billing Technology or the "Billing System", nor shall,也允许有任何行为可能直接或间接阻碍 Party B from registering copyright or patent right in connection

9、with the乙方登记版权或专利权与Billing Technology or the "Billing System".结算技术或“计费系统” 。 Upon Party B's request, Party经乙方的要求,甲方须立即提供援助, to facilitate any registration of the Billing Technology with the以方便乙方向有关部门任何登记结算与技术 ARTICLE 4 DELIVERY OF TECHNOLOGY第4条提供技术 乙方向甲方根据本协议提供技术许可 ARTICLE 5 LICENSE FEE

10、第5条授权费 The license fee payable hereunder shall be calculated and paid as follows:许可收费如下 5.1 The monthly license fee payable by Party A to Party B hereunder shall be 5.1甲方应向乙方每月支付许可证费用如下 calculated as follows: License Fee = standard monthly fee per concurrent计算如下:许可费=每月收费标准为并行online player x average

11、number of concurrent online game player per在线播放X平均人数同时在线游戏的球员每month;一个月; 5.1.2 standard monthly fee per concurrent online player shall be as follows: 5.1.2每月收费标准为并行线上的球员如下: a.a. 2003年RMB 15.30 per month for the year 2003;每月为15.30元人民币,; b b.b 2004年及以后RMB 13.46 per month for the year 2004 and thereaft

12、er;每月为13.46元人民币,; 3三 <PAGE> 5.2 Party B reserves the right to adjust the amount of standard monthly fee 5.2乙方有权调整每月租费的数额标准 ARTICLE 6 PAYMENT OF LICENSE FEE第6条规定支付许可费 6.1 Payment of License Fee shall be made by Party A on quarterly basis and 6.1支付许可证费用应由甲方对每季度dudu结束时支付到to an account designated

13、by Party B. At the end of each year, Party B到乙方指定的帐户. 6.2 The Parties understand and agree that, if Party A fails to make payment 6.2如果甲方在最后截止日期规定的时间内未能付款,of the License Fee before the final due date within the time stipulated,乙方应有权request Party A to pay an overdue interest on the delinquent payment

14、, and要求甲方支付逾期利息, ARTICLE 7 TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT第7条技术提高 协议签订后,After the effectiveness of this Agreement, Party B shall make further协议乙方应对技术作出进一步的development and enhancements to the Billing Technology.发展和增强。 Any intellectual ARTICLE 8 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF PARTY B第8条乙方的陈述和保证 8.1 Corporat

15、e Status and Good Standing. 8.1企业现状和良好的信誉。 8.2 Authorization. 8.2授权。乙方已经获得相应授权和审批 the effective date, Party B shall have taken all actions necessary to ARTICLE 9 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF PARTY A第9条甲方的陈述和担保9.1 Corporate Status and Good Standing. 9.1企业现状和良好的信誉。 9.2 Authorization. 9.2授权。甲方已经获得

16、充分的授权,可以经营相关业务。 Party A has full corporate power and authority under its甲方已经获得 9.3 Non-Contravention. 9.3非违反。 9.4 Governmental Approvals. 9.4获得政府部门的审批。 ARTICLE 10 ASSIGNMENT OF INTERESTS第10条转让的利益 根据本协定,没有另一方的书面同意,Neither Party shall be entitled to assign or otherwise transfer any of its任何一方都无权转让或以其他

17、方式转让任何其interests under this Agreement, whether in part, in whole or in any other利益, ARTICLE 11 CONFIDENTIALITY第11条CONFIDENTI 11.2 to undertake confidentiality obligation. 11.2承担保密义务。 ARTICLE 12 EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT第12条 协议的延长期满自动延长1年 ARTICLE 13 FORCE MAJEURE第13条不可抗力 ARTICLE 14 EXECUTION第14条执行 ARTIC

18、LE 15 DISPUTE RESOLUTION第15条解决争端 ARTICLE 16 - NOTICE第16条-注意事项 ARTICLE 17 - MISCELLANEOUS第17条-杂项 17.1 This Agreement is entered into in Chinese. 17.1本协定在中国生效 Shanghai Shanda Networking Co., Ltd.上海盛大网络有限公司 (corporate seal) (公司盖章) By: _到: _ Name:姓名: Position:位置: Shengqu Information Technology (Shanghai

19、) Co., Ltd. Shengqu信息技术(上海)有限公司 (corporate seal)By: _ (公司盖章)到: _ Name:姓名: Position:位置: Appendix 1: Descriptions of Functions of Billing System附录1 :说明功能计费系统 Appendix 2: Software and Hardware Environment for the Operation of Billing附录2 :软件和硬件环境运行的帐单 System系统 Schedule A: Billing System Tables Based on

20、Billing Technology附表A :结算系统的基础上表计费技术 9 9日 <PAGE> Appendix 1:附录1 : DESCRIPTIONS OF FUNCTIONS OF BILLING SYSTEM说明职能的结算系统 Billing System consists of User Registration Module, Recharge Interface Module,计费系统由用户注册模块,充电接口模块, Payment Information Synchronization Module, and other value-added modules su

21、ch付款信息同步模块,和其他增值模块as Second-Based Billing Module, Day-Based Billing Module, and IP-Based Billing作为第二届基于结算模块,日基于结算模块,以及基于IP的帐单Module.模块。 >> User Registration Module loads the synchronized registration “ ”用户注册模块加载同步登记,information of users from the game to the Billing System, forming信息的用户从游戏的计费系统

22、,形成the basis of the users of Billing System.根据用户的计费系统。 The data is sent to the这些数据发送到game system by means of web interface or MQ.游戏系统通过网络界面或传输。 >> Recharge Interface Module links to the sales system of online “ ”补给接口模块链接到销售系统的在线 channels and others.和其他渠道。 The systems receive the recharge reque

23、st from该系统收到users, convert the authentication, and add the time that accords用户的请求补给,转换认证, >> Payment Information Synchronization Module transfer users' “ ”付款信息同步传输模块用户 remaining time to the game system by means of FTP or MQ.向游戏系统通过FTP或传输。 >> Second-Based Billing Module consists of Pa

24、yment Information “ ”二次结算基于模块组成付款信息,Synchronization Module and Billing Module.同步模块和结算模块。 The former one前一个synchronizes the time information about used time to the Billing同步的时间信息用时间计费System for further application, by means of FTP or MQ.系统的进一步应用,通过FTP或传输。 Billing帐单 Module subtracts the used time tran

25、sferred by Synchronization模块减去模块从用户同步转移Module from users' remaining time.的剩余时间。 >> Day-Based Billing Module realizes the subtraction function based “ ”天基结算模块实现了基于减法功能on the periods of monthly and daily subscription.上期每月,每日订阅。 >> Other value-added modules provide interfaces to some bu

26、siness “ ”其他增值接口模块提供的一些业务partners, for example, IP-Based billing function supplies some ISP合作伙伴,例如,基于IP的计费功能用品有些的ISPfree games based on IP, and IP-based billing.免费游戏基于IP和基于IP的帐单。 As an open system, Billing System supports most popular game genres, such as作为一个开放系统,计费系统支持最流行的游戏类型,如 MMORPG and casual g

27、ames. MMORPG游戏和休闲游戏。 The system supplies billing service based on the该系统提供结算服务的基础上playtime of the game, as well as the length of the period such as monthly玩耍的游戏,以及时间长短,如每月subscription.订阅。 Moreover, the system can, according to the requirements of the Appendix 2:附录2 : SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE ENVIRONMENT FOR THE OPERATION OF BILLING SYSTEM软件和硬件环境,操作的结算系统 Software Requirement: Windows 2000, SQL Server2000, MSMQ, IIS软件需求: Windows 2000,则SQL Server2000 , MSMQ的, IIS Hardware Requirement:硬件要求: Database Server Requirement:数据库服务器要


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