1、Un it 1 Where Has All My Money Gone书上P3-4听力原文What the Matter? (P3)Jenn ey: Hey, Billy. You look worried. What the matter?Billy: Err. I n eed to buy a book, but I don have eno ugh mon ey.Jenny: Why? Y our mum has give n you the money of this mon th, has n she?Billy: Yes, she has. But I have spe nt it
2、 all.Jenny: But it just been a week since she gave you the money. How did you spend it?Billy: Food, CDs, clothes, computer games .I just don tknow where all the money has gone. Jenny: Oh, I am sorry to hear that.Billy: Look, Jenny, will you lend me some mon ey?Jenny: Ok. How much do you want?Billy:
3、I think ten pounds will do.Jenny: Here it is. But I do suggest you make a monthly finance plan for yourself . You spe nd money too easily.Billy: I think you re right. Thank you very much, Jenny.Jenny: You are welcome.How to Shop Wisely? (P4)Woman: Welcome, Dr Jones. Today were going to talk about sh
4、opping. Many people feel regret about having bought something they don need. And some people are really un happy about such buying.Man: Tha t s right. One source of un happ in ess for people is feeli ng out of con trol of their spe nding. Woma n: Do you have any suggesti ons?Man: Well, I il in store
5、s orsupermarkets. First of all, make a list, and stick to it. With a shopping list, you know exactly what you n eed and avoid buying those you don t n eed.Woma n: OK.Man: . Before going out, figureout how much money you need based on your shopping list. To stop yourself buying unn ecessary thin gs,
6、do not bring too much mon ey.Woman: Hmm, that will definitely work for me. So rule number two, bring money thats just eno ugh to cover your n eeds.Man: . In both situations,you focus more on finishing shopping quickly rather than on thinking carefully whether you n eed to buy an item or not.Woma n:
7、Fair eno ugh. Dont buy whe n you have limited time.Man:. The more time youspend in a store or supermarket, the more you re likely to buy.Woman: So be careful how much time you re prepared to spend in stores. Wonderful tips. Thank you very much, Dr Jon es. I believe if we bear these tips in mind whe
8、n we do our next shopp ing, we will spe nd money more wisely.书上 P13 Practice (写作范文)September 16, 2013 Dear Mayor,We are going to send one of our directors, Mr Joseph Arde n, to Hamburg to establish a branch compa ny. We are writ ing to in troduce him to you and we would be very grateful if you wound
9、 exte nd to him courtesy and help.Mr. Arde n is very farUn rtwjhI tjmbuidnarkettaGdeFouhdcliuecgPl dfspuYs guppla n with you.We sin cerely wish we could cooperate well and we are sure Mr. Arde n will put forward some ideas which he feels might be ben eficial to our mutual adva ntage.Yours sincerely,
10、Alice WangHR Man agerSeptember 16, 2013 Dear Julia,It is with great pleasure that I introduce my friend, Tom, to you. Tom is going to visit San Fran cisco. Tom is study ing juve nile deli nquency and is very in terested in the won derful job you are doing among the childre n in San Fran cisco. As bo
11、th of you are in terested in childre n welfare, I would like the two of you to meet and have a chat with each other. Im sure you enjoy meeting him, and I equally sure he will be delighted to meet you too.Very truly,An gelaP23-24 on the book.Unit2 I Just Couldn Get Through to You!书上P23-24听力原文It Depen
12、ds on the Question You Ask( P23)Jack: Im wondering if I should go to the manager and ask for a few days off. Ive been workingreally hard for the last eight mon ths.Max: Go ahead, it your right.Jack: Sure, I llgo right now.Max: Jack, what happe ned? I heard the man ager yelli ng at you.Jack: He refus
13、ed to let me take a vacati on. He said I chose the wrong time whe n every one was busy with a new project.Max: How did you ask him exactly?Jack: I said, Sir, may I take a few days off? I have been working very hard for the last eight mon ths. I do n eed time off to have a rest. ”Max: Poor Jack, you
14、asked the wrong question. Now, watch carefully, I llgo to the manager and ask for a time off.Jack: How did you go with the man ager, Max?Max: He said I could have three days off.Jack: I cant believe it! How did you do that?Max: I asked the manager, Sir, may I work on this project while I m on vacati
15、on? As you kno w, I have bee n work ing very hard for our compa ny in the last eight mon ths, and I n ever slack, but all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy . I n eed some time off to relax so that I can work better. ”Do You Know What It Was About? (P24)Beth: I heard the boss yelli ng at Max for
16、 some reas on earlier today. Do you know what it was about?Sally:and the n tried to cover it, but the boss found out.Beth: Why did n t he just own up and tell some one?Sally:.Beth: But whe n you have made a mistake, it is importa nt to tell some one so that it can be fixed.Sally: Maybe Max wished yo
17、u had told him that earlier.Beth: He won tdo that againMax is not a fool, and only fools make the same mistake twice.Sally: I cant tell. even the smartest person makes thesame mistake sometimes.Beth: Surely the boss won tfire him, will he?Sally:the boss was con sideri ng movi ng him dow n to a lower
18、 level.Beth: Thats too bad. But at least he stays.书上P33 Practice写作范文April 2, 2013 Dear doctors and nu rses,Thank you very much for your care during my stay in Nanjing Medical Centre.The love andwarmth I received there helped me go through those difficult days. I wont forget the hope and en courageme
19、 nt from you whe n I was very upset and wan ted to give up on myself. Now I feel much better and have got home. I really appreciate your help, and I wish you all of the best.Many tha nks aga in.第YduM sincerely,Alicia CoasterApril 2, 2013 Dear Professor Chen,I am writing this letter to thank you for
20、your taking time out of your busy schedule to help me write my research papers. I know you are very busy at the beginning of the term. I really appreciate your help.Your in valuable advice and patie nt reply help me successfullyaccomplished my research.Thank you aga in for your gen erosity and help.
21、Yours sin cerely,Lin FengUn it 3 Tell Me How to Do It书上P41-42听力原文You Want Me to Move All of Them? (P41)Supervisor: You n eed to make room for a new shipme nt, Tom. Move the TVs from the platform in Buildi ng A, take them to Buildi ng C and stack them up on the top level.Tom: Weve got TVs in both Bui
22、ldi ng A and B. You want me to move all of them to C?Supervisor: No, just the ones here in Buildi ng A.Tom: OK. What else do you n eed me to do?Supervisor: Well. After you put the TVs on the top level, you should en ter the in formati on on the inven tory for Buildi ng C.Tom: Update the inventory fo
23、r Building C, right?Supervisor: Right.Tom: You want me to move them right away?Supervisor: Yes, just as soon as you can.Do You Mean ?(P42)Patie nt: Good morning, doctor.Doctor: Good morni ng. What V the problem?Patient: My back hurts and I can lie down to sleep at night.Doctor: How long have you bee
24、 n like this?Patie nt: About four days.Doctor: I Vl need to do some tests.Patie nt: OK. Is it serious?Doctor: Don V worry. It is nothing serious. One pill each time.Patie nt: Sorry. ?Doctor: No. You should take one pill each time, three times a day.Patie nt: OK. ?Doctor: After a meal.Patie nt: Three
25、 times a day. One pill at a time after a meal.Doctor: That right.Patie nt:?Doctor:You better take several days off work and have a good rest.Patie nt: OK. I see to that.Tha nk you, doctor. Goodbye.Doctor: You re welcome. Goodbye.书上P52 Practice写作范文Dear Mr. Fitch,I am the HR man ager in XXX Compa ny.I
26、t is in deed a great privilege for me to recomme nd Mr.Dong Qi to you, who applies for the positi on of Store Man ager in your compa ny.I had the pleasure working directly with Mr. Dong for two and a half years, and was deeply impressed by his amazing ability.I was Mr. Dong direct supervisor at XXX,
27、 and during thattime, we worked together closely, so I fully un dersta nd his capabilities.During the two and a half years, Mr. Dong had made great progress. At first, he was just a part-time stock-room clerk. But with his effort and tale nt, he had developed into a store man ager in two years. He w
28、as always pun ctual, and he worked very hard, and always worked for Ion ger hours without any compla in ts.We have found him a most capable and resp on sible worker andour relations with him have been entirely cordial.With his dedicati on, resp on sibility and hard-work ing, Mr. Dong would prove an
29、in valuable asset to your compa ny. I stron gly recomme nd him for the positi on of Store Man ager.Si ncerely,Ted DansonHR Man agerDear sir or madam,I have been asked to write a letter of recommendations for Miss Li Jinxuan.We were in thesame accounting department for three years, so I am very famil
30、iar with her capacity.Miss Li Jinxuan is a brilliant accountant, who is good at accounting and statistics.She hasworked in this company as an accountant for three years, and has proved to be a skillful and experie need employee.She is very warm-hearted, and is willing to help others. She treats peop
31、le with sincerity. Every one in our departme nt gets on well with her. In the last three years, I find her a responsible and hard-working worker. She always checked the reckoning for many times to make sure there was no mistake. She never left today work to tomorrow and would like to stay late un ti
32、l she fini shed them.I reallyFeel very sorry for her leaving, but she longs to work in a company near her home.I sincerelyrecomme nd her to you. I know she would be an excelle nt acco untant for your compa ny and I have no doubt that you will be excepti on ally pleased if you hire her. Please do not
33、 hesitate to con tact me if you have any questio ns.Yours faithfully,Jen TaylorUn it 4 There Might Be Some Issues书上P61-62听力原文Ha nding Conflict(P 61)In terviewer: Today we have in vited Jeremy Colli ns, the writer of Worki ng with Con flict to talk about how to han dle con flict in workplace. Jeremy,
34、 could you give me an example of how con flict was han dled badly?Jeremy: Yes, I can. The example I rm th in ki ng about is of two man agers in a team, erm, who were con sta ntly arguing with each other. The rest of the team avoided the problem and eve ntually things got ugly and there was a huge fi
35、ght with lots of things said that should nt have bee n said, and the reason the con flict was badly man aged was that everybody avoided the problem.Everybody tried to make everybody feel better rather tha n actually say ing look, we have an issue here. Lets sit down and find a way out.In terviewer:
36、Could you give me an example of how con flict was han dled well?Jeremy: Yes. I can use my own example. One of my colleagues and I had certa in problems with each other. She had a way of worki ng that I was n t comfortable with and once we had a major disagreement and both sides got angry. But we did
37、nt start yelling at eachother. We decided that the two of u needed a real talk and when we did start talking things out, we understood each other s problems, and then we worked out a way together quickly.There Might Be Some Issues (P62)Gerry: So, Sally, I sense there might be some issues with work t
38、hat you are not 100 percent satisfied with. And I just want to sit dow n with you in formally and talk things out.Sally: OK.Gerry: So I can see that you have bee n work ing really hard and that might be an area of concern for you.Sally: Well, yes.You kno w, I am the last one out of here almost every
39、 ni ght and I have got toadmit it is gett ing to be kind of a stra in.Gerry: Uh-huh, last our every ni ght.Yeah, that could be frustrati ng.Sally: Yeah, it is not that I mind putting in the extra hours, but it is just the it feels a little unfair whe n every one is leavi ng at five every day.Gerry:
40、Yes, that sunderstandable.Sally: And it seems to me that we are short of hands in my area.Gerry: Right. I think that is true. As you know, we are work ing on gett ing some one in here.Sally: Yes, and I know it is just tak ing Ion ger tha n usual.书上P70 Practice写作范文October 31,2013 Dear Lin da,I am ter
41、ribly sorry that I cannot visit you this weekend because I have been taken down by a serious cold.I really appreciate your invitation, and I know you have prepared a lot of food andin vited all your best frien ds.It is really a pity that I cannot make it. I will visit you whe n I getbetter. Many apo
42、logies aga in.Yours,Cheng YueOctober 31,2013 Dear Mr. Spen cer,Im writing to ask you to excuse me for not being able to go to your house-arming party.I really appreciate your invitation and I d love to go. Its a pity that I cannot be there because I have to go on a bus in ess trip to New York on the
43、 same ni ght. I hope you will like my house-warm ing prese nt for you. I think this cha ndelier suits your new sple ndid house.When I finish my trip, I will visit your new house. Wish you a nice evening at the party.Si ncerely,第Dav页共98啧Unit 5 What It Like In Your Company?书上P79-80听力原文What It Like In
44、Your Company?(P 79)Owe n: So, Carol, what sit like worki ng for a large car compa ny?Carol: Well. You hear so much about competiti on in my type of compa ny, but in fact, I got a lot of support from my co-workers. We help each other a lot.Owen: And you, Henry?Henry: Well, as you expect working in th
45、e hospital. We have to stick to the rules carefully because people health is very importa nt in our job.Owen: And Sally, what s it like working for a software company?Sally: Well, it really suits me, you kno w, I n early always tur n up at work weari ng jea ns and T-shirt, and every one talks to eve
46、ry one else in a really relaxed way. What about you, Owen?Owen: My compa ny, as you kno w, is a con sumer products compa ny. Our pay is depe ndent on how much profit we bring in to the compa ny. All that matters is the performa nee in comparis on with others. Some may say theres too much competiti o
47、n, but for me, that s bus in ess.Why Bother to Cha nge ? ( P80 )Woman: So what s your problem, Vincent?Man: Well, I d like to talk to you about a big project. I need to change the culture in my compa ny.Woma n: Well, as far as I know, you have bee n running a really successful compa ny.You havegreat
48、 clients, you have hard-working employees, and you make a lot of money. Why bother to cha nge anything?Man: You re right in a way. But there is something wrong. It turns out that our people are work ing hard, but they are not happy.Woma n: Your compa ny does have a reputati on as a terrible place to
49、 work. Then what do you think led to that reputati on?Man: I think our man ageme nt works our people too hard. I met one of our man agers recen tly. He told me, a meeti ng had bee n scheduled on the day one of his employees was gett ing married. He said, “told her she n eeded to be at the meeti ng a
50、nd that the meeti ng was early eno ugh for her to get to her wedd ing on time. ”Woma n: That certa inly sounds un reas on able to the employee.Man: Look, I m not proud of this story, but it s how we do things here in the compa ny.Woma n: Then why do you want to cha nge the culture?Man: Because it wo
51、n go far. Eventually we llose our best people. No one will want to work here. I wouldn want to work her either. So, what should I do to change the workplace culture?Woman: My suggestion is to 书上P89 Practice写作范文Dear David,November 15, 2013It is great to hear that you have bee n promoted to the Regi o
52、nal Man ager for China.I knowyou deserve this as you devote yourself to the compa ny. future.Yours,Che ng WeiMy best wishes to you for a brightNovember 15, 2013 61182 Oysterville RoadMou nt Vernon, WA 92270Dear Ms. Joh nson,On behalf of every one here at Deerwood Resorts Ltd., I would like to sincer
53、ely con gratulate your compa ny on its thirtieth anni versary.Your compa ny has bee n very successful and has agood reputation for good service among customers. It is my company honour to be one of your compa nys partner in bus in ess. Wishes to its bright future and our further pleasa nt cooperati
54、on.Yours sin cerely,Sandy LinPreside nt & CEOUnit 6 It Changed My Life书上P 99-100听力原文What a Special Day! (P 99)Man: Are you ready to go, Kate?We llbe late for the graduati on.Woma n: Im wait ing for my family. They should have bee n here half an hour ago. I won der whats keep ing them.Man: They may b
55、e stuck in a traffic jam.Woma n: Is your family coming?Man: No, they can make it. There is a strike going on in South Africa. No planes are flying.Woma n: You must be very disappo in ted.Man: Well, I m not going to be honoured at the graduati on any way.It does n matter.Woma n: You are so easy-go ing.Man: I have to be. There is no need to upset myself about things that can be changed. Don you thi nk so?Woman: I do, but Well, I always take things seriously, and for people like me, being easy oing is bey ond the ability.Man: After graduation, youll experienee a totally different life.
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