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1、梵高的名言英语1、绝不要以为故去的人永远逝去,只要有人活着,故去的人就永远活着,永远活着。Never think of death passed forever, as long as people alive, dead people can live forever, live forever.2、 也许在我们的灵魂中有一团热火, 但没有人用它使自己暖和起来。Maybe in our souls have a mass of the heat, but no one use it to warm up.3、它是我的生命创造的力量。It is my life - the power of c

2、reation.4、没有什么不朽的,包括艺术本身。唯一不朽的,是艺术所传递出来的对人和世界的理解。There is no immortal, including the art itself. From the only immortal, is the art of the understanding of people and the world.5、今天早上,天还没亮,我在窗口看了很久,窗外什么都没有,唯有一颗金星,好大的一颗星。夜,比白天还要活,还要热烈。This morning, the day is not bright, I see for a long time in the

3、window, the window is nothing, only a Venus, good big of a star. Night than during the day to live, but also warm.6、我想画出触动人心的素描,我想透过人物或风景所表达的,不是伤感的忧郁,而是真挚的悲伤。I want to draw a touch the hearts of the sketch, I want to through the characters or expressed by the scenery, is not sentimental melancholy,

4、but sincere sorrow.7、我认为这是伟大人物经历中的一幕悲剧。他们往往再作品被工作所承认之前便死了。I think this is a great character through the tragedy. They tend to work again is admitted by the work before he died.8、我拥有自然,艺术和诗歌,我还有什么不满足呢?I have a natural, art and poetry, I still have what not satisfied?9、当我画一个男人,我就要画出他滔滔的一生。When I draw

5、a man, I'm going to draw his life.10、一切我所向着自然创作的,是栗子,从火中取出来的。啊,那些不信仰太阳的人是背弃了神的人。Is everything I have towards natural creation, chestnuts, to withdraw from the fire. Ah, those who do not believe in the sun is betrayed the people of god.11、我越来越相信,创造美好的代价是:努力、失望以及毅力。首先是疼痛,然后才是欢乐。More and more, I be

6、lieve, to create the good price is: hard work, disappointment, and perseverance. The first is pain, and then the joy. 12、 在它们活着的时候, 他们遭受着为生存而斗争中的障碍与困难的 不断压迫。When they are alive, they suffer from the struggle for survival of obstacles and difficulties of oppression.13、不少画家害怕空白画布, 但空白画布也害怕敢帽风险的、真正热情的画

7、家。Many painters scared blank canvas, but dare to cap risk, blank canvas fear really passionate painter.14、我梦想着绘画,我画着我的梦想。I dream of painting, I painted with my dream.15、 在灵魂一角可能有着一座燃烧着炽热火焰的火炉, 然而无人前来 取暖;过客只是瞥见烟囱的一抹。May be in the corner of the soul with a hot flame burning stove, but no one came to h

8、eating; A bit of a visitor just caught a glimpse of the chimney.16、正常状态好比一条铺好的路:走起来舒服,但长不出花。Normal state is like a paved road: walk comfortable, but don't grow flowers.17、悲伤会永远留存。Sadness will always retained.18、在我的生活与绘画中,我可以不要上帝,但是像我这样的笨人,却不能没有比我伟大的某种东西。In my life and painting, I can not to god,

9、 but fools like me, but we cannot do without something great than me.19、 通过一颗星来表达希望, 通过一个落日的彩霞来表达心灵的渴望。Through a star to express the hope that, through a sunset over the rosy clouds to express the desire of the mind.20、生命只是一个播种的季节,收获是不在这里的。Life is just a season of sowing, harvesting is not here.21、

10、当我在画一个太阳, 我希望人们感觉到它正在发出骇人的光热巨浪。如果生活中不再有某种无限的,深刻的,真实的东西,我将不再眷恋人间。When I draw a sun, I want people to feel that it is a terrible and heat waves. If life no longer have some infinite, deep, the real thing, I will no longer be sentimentally attached to earth.22、实际上我们穿越大地,我们只是经历生活。In fact we through the

11、land, we're just going through life.23、 我的作品就是我的 * 和灵魂, 为了它我甘愿冒失去生命和理智的危险。My work is my body and soul, to which I willing to take the risk of loss of life and reason.24、 我越来越相信创造美好的代价是努力失望以及毅力。 首先是疼痛 然后才是欢乐。More and more, I believe that the cost of creating a better is to try and disappointment,

12、 and perseverance. The first is pain then joy.25、只要活人还活着,死去的人总还是活着。As long as the living alive, dead people always still alive.26、 天赋总是以阻碍艺术家开始的。 我绝不允许那个阻力把我引向歧途。Talent is always began to hinder the artist. I will never allow the resistance had guided me to the wrong way.27、我带着我的热情,我的冷漠,我的狂暴,我的温和,以及

13、对爱情毫无理由的相信,走的上气不接下气。I take my enthusiasm, my apathy, my rage, my gentle, and there's no reason to believe in love, and go all out of breath.28、每个人的心里都有一团火,路过的人只看到烟。There is a fire in the heart of everybody, passing people only see the smoke.29、只要活着的人还活着,死去的人就不会死去。As long as the living alive, the

14、 dead will not die.30、让我沿着我自己的道路奋斗吧,千万不要丧失勇气,不要松劲。Let me along the road to my own struggle, don't lose courage, don't slacken off.31、我总是全力以赴地画画,因为我的饿最大愿望是创造美的作品。I always try my best to draw, because I'm hungry, biggest wish is to create beautiful works.32、 人们必须真正地爱他的同类, 我要尽可能地使自己具有这样的心。P

15、eople must be really love him, I want to make oneself have such heart as much as possible.33、生怕慢一点他就会被淹没在岁月的尘埃里。Afraid to slowly he would be "swamped" in the years of dust.34、没有比爱人更为真确的艺术。The art of no more true than love.35、如果有位画家看到的色彩和别人不同,其他画家会说他是疯子。If one painter see different colors a

16、nd others, other artists would say he is a madman.36、即使我不断地遭受挫折,也不灰心;即使我身心疲惫,哪怕是处于崩溃的边缘,也要正视人生。Even if I constantly suffer setbacks, don't lose heart; Even if I exhaustion of body and mind, even if it is on the brink of collapse, also want to face up to life.37、 一人绝不可以让自己心灵里的火熄灭掉, 而要让它始终不断的燃烧。On

17、e can never put out the fire in the heart, and let it always keep burning.38、凡是诚实地过日子,并且遭遇到许多麻烦与失败而不气馁的人,要比那种一帆风顺, 只知道安逸的人来得有价值, 一个人永远不要相信天下会有毫无困难的事。Who honestly, and suffered a great deal of trouble and failure but not discouraged, than that kind of smooth sailing, only know comfort comes valuable,

18、 a person, don't ever believe that there will be no difficult in the world.39、不要熄灭你的灵感及想象,不要成为你楷模的奴隶。Do not quench your inspiration and imagination, not a slave to the model for you.40、每个人心中都有一团火,路过的人只看到烟。There was a fire in the heart of every man, pass by people only see the smoke.41、我认为这是伟大人物经

19、历中的一幕悲剧他们往往再作品被工作所承认之前便死了。I think this is the tragedy of great man experience. They tend to work again is admitted by the work before he died.42、但是总有一个人,总有那么一个人能看到这团火,然后走过来,陪我一起。But there is always a person, there is always a person can see the fire, and then came up and accompany me.43、我的体内存在着某些东西,

20、那是什么呢。There were some things in my body, what is that?44、 我们不能指望从生活中得到我们明明知道得不到的东西。 生命只是一个播种的季节,收获是不在这里的。We can't expect of we clearly know can't get out of life. Life is just a season of sowing, harvesting is not here.45、我觉得死比生容易。死虽然痛苦,但生比死更痛苦。I think death than life easy. Death, although pa


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