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1、教育类Some people think that students should only study science subjects. Other subjects are not important to them. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Model Answer:Some people suggest that students only study science subjects. Although I agree that science subjects are important, I think that stud

2、ents should also study a variety of other subjects.On the one hand, science subjects should be core subjects on the school curriculum. In modern history, science and technology have been the most influential driving forces behind productivity and material prosperity, and are particularly important i

3、n an age of global economic competition. The knowledge gained through science subjects, such as physics, chemistry and biology, prepares children for future careers in science, technology, engineering or medicine. Without compulsory science courses, schools would fail to produce enough young people

4、with scientific knowledge and technological skills for their country' s economic development.On the other hand, people ' s-bweeinllg does not only depend on material success. Other subjects on the school curriculum also serve the common good and therefore should not be ignored. Music classes

5、, for example, teach children to express their emotions better and appreciate others ' more. Also, art classes stimulate children' s imagination and encourage them to approachproblems creatively, which helps to prepare a creative workforce for the future.Science subjects cannot even serve th

6、e common good well if other subjects on the school curriculum are not effectively or efficiently taught. For instance, it is hard to imagine that students can present the results of their scientific experiments clearly in their papers if they have not gained systematic knowledge of academic writing

7、in their language classes.In conclusion, I would agree that a good curriculum should be balanced and consist of a wide range of areas, including natural science, social studies, arts and humanities.例文 2:Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on children. Do you agree

8、 or disagree?Model An swer:I tend to agree that young children can be negatively affected by too much time spent on the computer every day. This is partly because sitting in front of a screen for too long can be damagi ng to both the eyes and the physical posture of a young child, regardless of what

9、 they are using the computer for.The main concern is about the type of computer activities that attract childre n. These are ofte n electr onic games that tend to be very intense and rather viole nt. The player is usually the of the game and too much exposure can en courage childre n to be self-ce n

10、tred and insen sitive to others.Even whe n childre n use a computer for other purposes, such as gett ing in formati on or emaili ng friends, it is no substitute for human interaction. Spending time with other children and sharing experiences is an important part of a child' s development that ca

11、nnot be provided by a computer.In spite of this, the obvious ben efits of computer skills for young childre n cannot be deni ed. Their adult world will be cha nging con sta ntly in terms of tech no logy and the Internet is the key to all the knowledge and information available in the world today. Th

12、erefore, it is important that childre n learin at an early age to use the equipme nt with con fide nce as they will n eed these skills throughout their studies and work ing lives.I think the main point is to make sure that young children do not overuse computers. Parents must en sure that their chil

13、dre n lear n to enjoy other kinds of activity and not simply sit at home, learning to live in a virtual world.科技类例文With the increasing use of mobile phones and computers, fewer people write letters. Some people think that the traditional skill of letter writing will disappear. To what extent do you

14、agree or disagree?Model An swer:Mobile phones and the Internet are so widely used today that many people are concerned that letters may completely disappear from our lives. Although I thi nk this concern is un dersta ndable, I do not think it will become a reality.The ease and immediacy of phone cal

15、ls, text messages and e-mails make them attractive to people, especially to young and busy on es. An e-mail or a text message can reach some onethousa nds of kilometers away in a few sec on ds. The same e-mail or text message can eve n be sent to multiple users at the same time. By contrast, it take

16、s a letter several days to reach the recipie nt.E-mails and multimedia messages also allow their users to share pictures and videos and makes com muni cati on more in teractive and en terta ining. Ano ther adva ntage of e-mails and text messages is that they can be stored electr oni cally on servers

17、 and mobile phon es, while letters always n eed some physical storage space.In spite of this, I do not think that the tradition of letter-writing will disappear. Letters, especially han dwritte n on es, have a strong pers onal touch. Letter-writi ng takes much more time and en ergy than typing and s

18、ending an e-mail on a computer or calli ng some one on a mobile phone. This helps a letter to express emotions more deeply than an e-mail or a phone call. Letter-writing works particularly well whe n we n eed to express our sympathy, support or roma ntic feeli ngs. For bus in ess or official purpose

19、s, letters can also provide the formality that is well-suited to formal corresp ondence.In con clusi on, despite the adva ntages that e-mails and mobile phones have in speed, ease of use and storage, I believe that letter-writing will continue to be useful for a variety of personal and bus in ess pu

20、rposes.媒体类The n ews media play an importa nt role in moder n society. Why are the n ews media so importa nt? Is the in flue nee of the n ews media positive or n egative?Model An swer:The n ews media, such as n ewspapers, n ews magaz in es, n ews websites and TV n ews shows, are a very in flue ntial

21、part of our lives.There are two main reas ons why the n ews media are importa nt and popular in the twen ty-first cen tury. The first one is that n ews report ing provides people with in formati on about the events that just happened in their communities, cities, countries or even other countries. A

22、s we are living in a more competitive and globalised world, people who have access to the latest news can usually make better-i nformed decisi ons and therefore have competitive adva ntages. The sec ond reason for the importance and popularity of the news media is that people are naturally curious a

23、bout new thin gs. Through media reports we can get new in formati on about importa nt eve nts and celebrities, which not only satisfies our curiosity but also offers us interesting conversation topics.On the other hand, no wadays many n ews media compa nies are tryi ng to in crease their popularity

24、and in flue nee by addi ng en terta inment value to their n ews reports. This ofte n leads to false n ews stories and results in widespread distrust of the news media. Another problem is that many news media networks today have close connections with politicians. News presented by these networks is

25、often biased and is used to manipulate the public 'psnion to help the politicians gain political adva ntages.To con clusi on, it is clear that the in creas ing in flue nee and power of the n ews media is a result of the kno wledge, convenience and bus in ess value that they can provide. However,

26、 I believe that disho nest jour nalists and n ews media n etworks who spread false n ews should be puni shed by the law.政府类The government should pay for people' s health care and education. To what extent do you agreeor disagree?Model An swer:Health care and education are basic human rights and

27、needs. Some people think that the gover nment should pay for citize ns' health care and educati on. I partly agree with this view.There are three main reasons why the government should pay for citizens medical and educati onal costs. Firstly, a large proport ion of gover nment revenue comes from

28、 the taxes paid by citizens. The government should reward taxpayers with health care and education. Secondly, intern ati onal competiti on in econo mic and tech no logical fields is fierce today. The educati onal and health levels of citize ns are importa nt factors in flue ncing the competitive nes

29、s of a country workforce. By providing citizens with education and health care, the government helps to promote econo mic and tech no logical developme nt and in crease the competitive ness of the workforce in the global economy. Thirdly, there are people who cannot afford basic health care or educa

30、ti on in almost every coun try. If the gover nment did not pay for their basic healthcare or educational needs, they would feel that they are treated unfairly by the government, which would be a source of social un rest.However, the government only has limited financial resources. If it spends too m

31、uch money on health care and education, other important fields such as scientific research, infrastructure development and the pension system may be under-funded and underdeveloped. It is the resp on sibility of the gover nment to keep a reas on able bala nee betwee n the educati onal and healthcare

32、 needs of citizens and other financial needs that are also essential to economic growth and social developme nt.Overall, I believe that the gover nment should provide free health care and educati on to citize ns who cannot afford them. At the same time, it should en courage bus in esses to provide h

33、ealth in sura nee to their employees, and fund public schools with the property tax that local reside nts pay. These measures can help the government to keep its budget balaneed and achieve more susta in able econo mic growth.发展类例文:It is suggested that every one in the world wants to own a car, a TV

34、 and a fridge. Would the adva ntages of such a developme nt to society outweigh the disadva ntages?Model An swer:It is suggested that every one in the world wants to own a private car, a TV and a refrigerator. I think whether the adva ntages of such a developme nt would outweigh its disadva ntages w

35、ould depe nd on adva nces in tech no logy.Popular con sumer goods can gen erally make in dividuals' lives more convenient and enjoyable. Acar owner can have a more flexible schedule tha n people who rely on public tran sport. Televisi on gives viewers access to a wide range of in formati on and

36、en terta inment, while refrigerators can help people to preserve food Ion ger tha n leavi ng it at room temperature. This is why uni versal own ership of these con sumer products is ofte n associated with a higher sta ndard of livi ng.On the other hand, the possible risks of every one owning these c

37、on sumer products should not be un derestimated. With curre nt tech no logy, more en ergy is con sumed whe n the nu mber of consumer products does not rises, which also produces more pollution. Sometimes increasing own ership of con sumer products does not eve n lead to greater convenience or higher

38、 efficie ncy.In large cities such as Beijing and Paris, the ever-rising number of cars has caused serious traffic con gestio n and a sig ni fica nt in crease in the amount of time that urba n commuters spe nd on the road. As a result, many of them take public tran sport in stead and leave their cars

39、 in their garage.There is also the risk that uni versal TV and fridge own ership would result in an in crease in sede ntary lifestyle habits and people buying less fresh food.Therefore, I believe that uni ess future tech no logical breakthroughs could make popular con sumer goods far more environmen

40、tally-friendlyand healthy choices than they are now, universalown ership of cars, TV sets and fridges would bring more problems tha n ben efits.文化类例文:Some people believe there should be a sin gle intern ati onal Ian guage. Others believe that would make it difficult to maintain the ide ntify of cult

41、ures. Discuss both these views and give your ownopin io n.Model An swer:In the past, several la nguages have acted as the lin gua franca in differe nt areas of the world, but the growth of modern communications and the development of air transport have created a dema nd for a si ngle intern ati on a

42、l la nguage to cover the whole world.There are several reas ons to believe that a sin gle intern ati on al la nguage has become a practical necessity. Firstly, trade is becoming increasingly international, involving multiple partners who have mutually in comprehe nsible mother ton gue. Secon dly, th

43、ere has bee n a huge proliferati on of international organisations, such as UNICEF, the WHO and the European Union. Thirdly, scientific research, such as space and gen etic research, is beco ming more of an intern ati onal cooperative effort. Although multiple translation is technically available an

44、d sometimes practised, it is often expe nsive and inconvenient. Fourthly, it is arguable that if we all make use of one Ian guage to com muni cate, prejudice and misun dersta ndings will be overcome and world peace will be promoted.Many people fear that the spread of a sin gle intern ati onal Ian gu

45、age threate ns in dividual cultures. It is argued, for example, that the spread of one Ianguage will cause others to die out. However, there is evidence to the contrary. History suggests that the use of one or more official Ianguages has in fact sharpe ned the sen sitivity of speakers to other Ian g

46、uages. More broadly, people fear that a single Ianguage will spread a single culture over the world, a movement sometimes called"languagecolonisation But . we should keep in mind that the purpose of an international Ian guage is for use in intern ati onal con texts, not everyday on es. Any inte

47、rn ati onal Ian guage is likely to rema in superficial.Therefore, my con clusi on is that the eno rmous ben efits of a sin gle intern ati on al la nguage vastly outweigh the potential risks it presents.全球化类:例文:International organisations should provide developing countries with practical aid and adv

48、ice rather tha n finan cial aid. To what exte nt do you agree or disagree?Model An swer:I agree that practical aid and advice from intern ati onal orga ni sati ons are importa nt to develop ing countries, but I also believe that money should be a significant part of international aid.Practical aid,

49、such as tech no logy tran sfer, medical teams, school supplies and tech ni cal training programmes, and advice can be of great help to developing countries. Such aid helps them to improve their own in dustry, agriculture, educati on and healthcare systems. These developme nts can boost their economy

50、 and reduce their reliance on foreign aid. The purpose of practical aid and advice from international organisations also tends to be more specific than the purpose of financial aid. For example, many international medical aid teams focus on the treatment of certain contagious diseases. By providing

51、practical aid and advice, international organisations can reduce misuse of the aid.However, international aid for developing countries should not be limited to practical aid or advice. With financial aid, poor countries can buy domestically-produced goods and services in stead of foreig n goods and

52、services, which can help their own economy. Finan cial aid also plays an important role in meeting the financial needs of their infrastructure development, such as con struct ion of airports and many other public facilities. Practical aid and advice would be useless if the recipie nt coun tries did

53、not even have the facilities where they could apply adva need tech no logy or put intern ati onal aid teams' advice into practice.In conclusion, to help developing countries effectively, international organisations should provide them with practical aid and advice as well as finan cial aid. Fina

54、n cial aid can be used to buy goods and services from bus in esses in their own coun tries, and improve in frastructure and other public facilities, while practical aid and advice can help them to become more productive and in depe ndent in the long term.女性类:例文:Today, many of the problems that young

55、 people experience, such as juvenile delinquency, arise from the fact that many married wome n now work and are not at home to care for their childre n. To what exte nt do you agree or disagree?Model An swer:It is true that the position of women in society has undergone a dramatic change in the past

56、 twenty years, but I do not feel this is a direct cause of the in crease in juve nile-related problems during this period.It is now accepted that young women should find work after completing their education. Once they get married, the majority of women continue working as the financial pressure of

57、establishi ng a reas on able sta ndard of living ofte n requires two in comes.Twenty years ago it was com mon for wome n to give up work once they had childre n and devote their time to cari ng for their childre n. This is no Ion ger the gen eral rule and the provisi on of professi on ally-ru n chil

58、d care facilities and day nu rseries have removed much of the resp on sibility for child rearing that used to fall to mothers. However, these facilities come at a cost and often require two salaries coming into a family to be afforded.I do not believe that the in crease in the nu mber of work ing mo

59、thers has resulted in childre n being brought up less well than previously. It could be argued that by giving mothers the opport unity to work and earn extra money childre n can be better provided for tha n previously.There is more money for luxuries and holidays and a more secure family life is possible.Of course there are limits to the amount of time that ideally should be spent away from home and the ideal scenario would be for one of the parents (often the wife) to


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