



1、Lesson 31一.根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。I.There are many machines in the 问).2. To tell the truth, he is good 鄱手)of me.3. The factory 催佣)a thousand workers.4. Mr. Weller(® 休)last month and now lives in the countryside.5. My mother bought a(自彳T车)for me as a birthday present.6. Tom works for a

2、 computer( 司).7. We' ve been (积蓄)for five years to buy a house.8. We just get our孙子)here and look after him on weekdays.二.用括号中所绐而的正确形式填空。1. He used to(live) in England, but now he lives in China.2. You didn ' t use to(go) to school by bike, did you?3. He has(live) in the country for three ye

3、ars.4. Tom used to(swim) in the river, didn' t he?5. They are used to(read) English for half an hour every morning.三.单项选择。1. That girl tried every meansgT 法)to money for college by herself.A. saveB. take C. spend D. gather2. Chinese women find it harder to get at the moment.A. employ B. employin

4、g C. employed D. to employ3. He the cold weather after he lived there for two years.A. used to B. was used to C. uses to D. is used to1.1 said on the phone, your request will be considered (考虑)at the next meeting.A. LikeB. Because C. While D.As5. He had many interesting while travelling in Africa.A.

5、 experiences B. experience C. experienced D. experiencing6. To my surprise, that 18year-old body has a shop his own.A. onB. byC. inD. of7. He was a very good teacher in his.A.40B.40 ages C. age 40D. forties8. Have you visited the farm Helen once worked?A. thatB. whereC. which D. when9. Working hard

6、is the only road success.A. toB. atC. for D. with10. As she the newspaper, her grandmother asleep.A. read; was falling B. was reading; fell C. was reading; was falling D. read; fellLesson 32根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1.I 包裹)the book in brown paper before I mailed it.2.She had several(l 品)of cl

7、othing in her bag.3.The thief has been逞捕)by the police.1.1 t ' s difficult to get interesting materials which are 简单地)written.5. Don ' t give in to诱惑).6. He(1 经)knew her, but they are no longer friends.二.用括号中所给形容词的正确形式填空。1. Tom is one of the(clever) boys in our class.2. Who is(strong), Li Le

8、i or Wu Tong?3. It was very hot yesterday, but it is even(hot) today.4. Jone Smith is the(tall) one if the two young men.5. It takes(little) time to go there by plane than by train .三.单项选择。1. This book is the most interesting the three.A. inB. ofC. atD. for2. he lived in America, but now he lives in

9、 England.A. BeforeB. AgoC. OnceD. Ever3. Many people find it hard to resist(抵抗)the temptation the computer games.A. playing B. play C. in playing D. to play4. We can jump on the moon than on the earth.A. more high B. much C. highD. much high5. Computers can make learning.A. easier and more interesti

10、ng B. is easier and interestingB. being easier and interesting D. to be easier and interesting6. Nothing is that you make friends with him.A. more dangerous than B. dangerous thanC. the most dangerous than D. as more dangerous as7. To my surprise, he walked past me without.A. speaking B. spoken C. s

11、peak D. to speak8. Jane didn ' t do in the exam, but her exam results are than last yearA. bad; worse B. good; better C. well; better D. well; worse9. There are 14 members in that team.A. of allB. all at C. at all D. in all10. As I was setting out that afternoon, there was only thing to do. I ha

12、d tosend email.A. a; anB. one; an C. the; one D. a; theLesson 33一.根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式1 . The passengers went on(f 岸).2 .We just entered the room when a 风雨)came.3 .He 解释)that he had been cheated.4 . Two people were 前面)of us, and travelling fast.5 .The old man has beenwith the 川ness.6 .A

13、new 恒院)is being built in my hometown.7 . Jean moved期)the door.8 . The room was in complete暗).9.1 t takes much strength to climb up these悬崖).10.Turn off theT) when you leave.二请用适当的介词填空,完成下列句子。1. Maybe the keys are just your bag.2. The old man jumped the cold river and swan fast.3. Mike has been livin

14、g in China for two years. He comes America.4. Aunt Liu will arrive the small town the day after tomorrow.三.单项选择。1. Do remember to check it carefully you hand it in.A. beforeB. after C. untilD. while2. The boy us that he had never heard of the story before.A. talked toB. spoke to C. explained to D. s

15、aid to3. I ' m afraid we will be caught the rain on the way.A. inB. byC. with D. for4. As we all know, Japan lies the east of China.A. toB. inC. onD. at5. He wants to 100 miles before it goes dark.A. passB. goC. coverD. get6. On it, the woman said she did not like it.A. seenB. being seen C. seeD

16、. seeing7. He to understand why the plan had failed.A. set out B. set about C. set of D. set up8.She to the shore and then was saved by a fisherman.A. escaped B. walked C. travelled D. struggled9.Some new changes happened the school my absence.A. at; toB. in; for C. in; during D. at; on10. All we ha

17、ve to do is practise every day.A. thatB. which C. what D. whetherLesson 34一.根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。I.The thief was brought to the nearby police(fSM).2. Of the three questions, this is the(ft) difficult one.3. I 0攵至 U) a letter from my sister yesterday afternoon.4. He 期待)to finish the work

18、by March.5. He told(有趣的)joker after dinner.6. I bought a new(自彳T车)several days ago.二.单项选择。1. They my house yesterday afternoon.A. called on B. called at C. called out D. called off2. The guests around the city this Sunday.A. are shown B. will show C. were be shown D. will be shown3. I saw the happin

19、ess in her face, so I.A. smiled; smiling B. smiling; smiled C. smiling; smiling D. smiled; smiled4. The boy the hat for the old man.A. picked out B. picked off C. picked up D. picked at5. Don ' t except him here on time. He is always late for meetings.A. to arrive B. arrive C. to be arriving D.

20、arriving6. My birds by one of my best friends when I' m away.A. will be look afterB. will be looked afterC. be looked afterD. will been look after7. The day I met the famous pop star was the greatest day of my life.A. untilB. thatC. whenD. where8. The boys often themselves by drawing caricatures

21、t 画)of other people.A. interest B. surprise C. worryD. amuse9. Please let me know you want to go to the cinema with us or not.A. whether B. what C. whyD. that10. Lesson Three is very difficult text, but not most one.A. the; the B. a; a C. the; aD. a; theLesson 35一.根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1.

22、 She says she is going to New York 快)。2. Go(仝直)down the road and then turn left.3. I 后悔)the loss of her friendship.4. He will be back in a(段时间).5. He(中)to the street to see what was happening.6. She nearly died of害怕)at the sight of the escaped tiger.7. (以后)they had lunch in the garden.8. We should(亍

23、动)immediately.9. It turned out(1 上常)better than I expected.10. The ship was(t 坏)against the rocks.二.用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。1. We then listened to the child read the article(write) on the blackboard.2. These are all the questions(give) to you.3. He is a(retire) worker.4. We can see the(rise) sun in the east

24、.5. There is nothing(interest).三.单项选择。1 .When we got to the station, we found him for us there.A. to wait B. being waiting C. waiting D. to be waiting2. I enjoyed it very much. It was than I had expected.A. far more interesting B. far interestedC. ever more interesting D. ever interested3. Most of t

25、he people to the party were famous scientists.A. being invited B. inviting C. invited D. to be invited4. Linda heard his brother TV in the living room.A. watchedB. to watch C. being watching D. watching5. As we for that small mountain village, it to small.A, set off; began B. were setting off; began

26、C. were setting off D. set off; was beginning6. The meeting at the moment is sure to be a great success.A. taking place B. to be taken place C. taken place D. being taken place7. He is that all his pupils like him.A. such good teacher B. such a good teacher C. so a good teacher D. so good teacher8.

27、I regret that I am unable to help you.A. to sayB. saidC. sayingD. being said9. They got there late to catch the early bus.A. veryB. enough C. tooD. so10. Even on holidays Mr. Wang preferred to nothing.A. read; to B. to read; do C. reading; doing D. to read; doingLesson 36一.根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运

28、用其正确形式1. He is(虽壮的)enough to lift that rock.2. I 仃算)to study abroad next year.3. Everybody is waiting i焦急地)for the doctor.4. He is a very good(f泳运动员).5. If you work hard, you will 喊功).6. She holds the world(己录)fo门ong-distance swimming.7. We(111 练)them to make use of English dictionaries.8. When wate

29、r freezes, it becomes 11s体的).二.用will或者be going to的正确形式填空。1. I ' m tired. I think I go to bed soon.2. you come in and have a drink?3. Look! It rain!4.I come to help you if you need me.5. I think Smiley become a good singer.三.单项选择。1. He says he hopes you and your family soon.A. seeB. to seeC. seei

30、ngD. sees2. The government a monument (纪念碑) for him in his hometown.A. set upB. set outC. set offD. set about3. Don ' t worry. She is sure back soon.A. coming B. comes C. to come D. of come4. Don ' t phone me between 8:00 and 10:00. We classes then.A. will have B. are going to C. will be hav

31、e D. will be having5. I intended the early train, but I didn' t get up in time.A. to catch B. to catching C. catch D. catching6. He goes to see his uncle two weeks.A. each B. other C. both D. every7. My mother and I our garden tomorrow afternoon.A. will have cleaned B. will cleanC. will being cl

32、ean D. will cleaning8. The letter is from my sister,is working in Beijing.A. which B. that C. whom D. who9. to his joy, he successes that job at last.A. to get B. in getting C. to getting D. in get10. The old lady was him from head to foot.A. looking at B. hearing C. noticing D. seeingLesson 37一.根据括

33、号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1We all know that Beijing is the者B)of China.2. They will(S 开)a meeting to discuss this problem tomorrow.3. The Atlantic Ocean is(l 大的).4. Your recent work has been below(k 准).5. This house was(i 计)by my father.6. The " Bird ' s Nest ” is realhg以的)and beautiful

34、building.7. We will go to the(H大体育场)to watch a football match.8. He is now working for the 政府).二.用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。1. By the time you arrive in London, we(stay) in Europe for two weeks.2. Please come to our meeting if you(be) free tomorrow.3. I hope that they(repair) the road by the time we come back.

35、4. She(be) to the Great Wall several times.5. When he comes to my house tomorrow, I(type) the letter.三.单项选择。1. Thank you very much for your help and I look forward to you in the nearfuture.A. meeting B. meet C. be meeting D. have met2. John says that he will arrive here half an hour.A. forB. atC. on

36、D. in3. We didn ' t know what to do we here just visiting there.A. because of B. as C. due toD. why4. When we got there, they were a meeting.A. liftingB. setting C. holdingD. putting5. What you at this time next Monday?A. will; doB. will; be doing C. are; doing D. were; doing6. The workers will

37、have repaired all the machines the end of next week.A. byB. atC. inD. during7. To my surprise, this beautifully garden belongs to the little boy.A. designing B. to design C. designed D. being designed8. You should the right pronunciation 读音)of this word in the dictionary.A. look after B. look out C.

38、 look for D. look up9. the students the teacher were invited to the party.A. Both; and B. Not only; but alsoC. Either; or D. Neither; nor10. As you can see, new factories are everywhere.A. going away B. going up C. going down D. going outLesson 38一.根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1. He 他怨)to me abo

39、ut the food yesterday.2. That boy is crying如断地).3. She sat in the garden enjoying the 光).4. We got there every day 除了)Sunday.5. It is 刎骨地)cold today.6. She额梦)that she could fly last night.7. My father will(退休)next year.8. My legs were so weak that I could_(L 乎不)stand.二.用括号中所给动词的正确形式填证1. I no sooner(

40、get) to the bus stop than the bus stand.2. Andrew(leave) as soon as he had drunk his coffee.3. He hardly(finish) the article when the light(go).4. They had already had breakfast before they(arrive) at the hotel.5. He said that he never(see) such a beautiful bird before.三.单项选择。1. He dreamed of a movi

41、e star when he was young.A. to become B. becoming C. become D. having become2. To tell you the truth, I really have nothing to complain.A. toB. onC. about D. at3. He to play before he was eleven years old.A. had learned; piano B. had learned; the pianoC. has learned; the piano D. learns; piano4. Unc

42、le George didn ' t until he was nearly 50.A. settle down B. live C. get down D. stay5. He will come here on time it rains.A. sinceB. because C. as through D. even through6. She did nothing except while she was here.A. complainB. complaining C. to complain D. being complained7. had they arrived a

43、t the airport the plane stared to leave.A. Hardly; when B. Hardly; thanC. No sooner; when D. When; hardly8. She cried when she heard the news.A. bitter B. bitteredC. bitterly D. bittering9. He could not that his friends should laugh at him .A. bear B. affordC. suffer D. wait10. He talked he knew all

44、 about it.A. as B. likeC. even if D. as ifLesson 39一.根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。I.His father had an 6术)last week.2. My aunt is my only 筐戚)in this city.3. She询问)why he had not thought of that before.4. A 荣个)person called on you yesterday.5. He did it for the(以下的)reasons.6. She watched TV when s

45、he is(自的).7. The doctor is very kind to his病人).8. It was a成功的)meeting.二.把下列的直接引语句子转换成间接引语的形式。(注意:每空一词)1 .“Did you see her last week? ” he asked.He I her the week before.2 . He said, “You can sit here, Jim. ”He Jim that he sit here.3 . He asked, “ How did you find it, mother? ”He asked her mother fou

46、nd it.4 "Where have you been these days? ” he asked.He asked me been those days.5 "Do you know where she lives?” he asked.He asked knew where she.6 " Are you interested in this?” he asked.He I was interested in.三.单项选择。1. Tom asked Helen to tell him her telephone number, but she refuse

47、d so.A. doing B. to do C. on doing D. for doing2. The teacher said that the sun in the east and down in the west.A. rose; set B. risen; set C. rises; sets D. rising; setting3. This month is March. The party will be held in the month. It' s April.A. followed B. next following C. next followed D.

48、following4. Ann asked many questions and I did my best to them.A. answer B. reply C. comment D. explain5. He asked me I was going to home that weekend.A. that B. ifC. whenD. where6. We inquired the way to the post office,a boy, but he didn' t know eitheiA. for B. withC. ofD. about7. Did someone call me this morning?-Yes.Mr. Smith called to say that he would like to see you tomorrow.A. A B. The C. AnD. One8. When I lived in New York, I often felt.A. lonely; lonely B. alone; lonely C. alone; alone D. lonely; alone9. The doctor is busy preparing an operation this patient.


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