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1、根底训练I.找出每组词中不属于同一范畴的词()1. A.redB.blueC. whiteD .salad()2. A.bagsB.tomatoesC. carrotsD .potatoes()3. A.trousersB.shortsC. socksD .soccer()4. A.bori ngB.in teresti ngC. friendD .difficult()5. A.bigB.saleC. longD .short()6. A.shopB.buyC. sellD .believen.用划线词的反义词填空7. Bring your math book here andaway yo

2、ur exercise books.8. I like short hair. I don 'likehair.9. My shoes are too 也.I want to buyones.10. The store sells school things. You cansome coloured pencils there.11. I think this book is very easy a nd that book is very.12. Watching TV is too boring. But playing sports is very.13. His first

3、name is John and hisname is Green.14. The shirt is too big for me. Give me aone, please.15. The blackboard is black. The words on it are川.用英文数字填空16. four + eight =17. seven + eight=18. thirteen + seven =19. fourteen + sixteen20. seventy - fourteen =21. eighty - sixteen =22. sixty - thirteen =23. eig

4、hty - forty=24. forty-eight - twelve=25. ninety + five =W.将以下短语译成英语26. 各种颜色的27. 运动包28.一条裤子 29.一件红色的毛衣30.出售 31 .价格合理 _32.服装店 33.到达 34.愿意廉价35.不只这些 _V.单项选择on the bed.) 36 Where your new trousers?A. is, It'sB. are, They are C. is, They're D. are, It's) 37. What color the socks?A . canB. doC

5、. areD . is) 38. The girl a colorful pencil.A. there isB . there areC. haveD . has) 39. It's that time year again.A. for B . of C. for a D. of a) 40. You want it, we have it, a very good price.A. forB. atC. ofD . in()41. We have sweatersall colors ¥ 50 each.A. in, atB. at, inC. in, inD. at,

6、 at) 42. Come down Huaxing and see yourself.A. to, to B. for, forC. to, forD. for, to) 43. We can books the bookstore (书店)A. sell, to B . buy, from C. sell, from D. buy, toA sell, toB buy, fromC sells, toD buys, from) 45 There many shorts sale in the store.A are, onB are, forC is, onD is, for) 46 th

7、e trousers? They're 15 yuan.A How many isB How many areCHow much isD How much are) 47 We read $ 10as A ten dollar B ten dollarsCdollar ten) 48 This shirt is very cheap. I 'llit.D dollars tenA bringB takeC wantD believe) 49 a clerk work in a store?A IsB AreCDoesD Do) 50 We have T-shirts green

8、 for only $ 8.A atB inConD with指出并改正句中的一处错误。51 How much is the socks? 52. How much are that trousers? 53. These shoes are twenty-three dollar. 54. That hat is eight yuan 55. Fourteen and twenty-six is forty. 56. Have a look for the picture. 57. They each has a bag for sports. 58. We have many bags.

9、Do you like it cheap.59. Thank a lot. You 'e welcome.60. I'll take these short.能力训练排列对话顺序A. How much is this that?C. Can I help you?E. Yes, please. I want a hat.G. You're welcome.I. We have hats in all colors.61. 62. 66.67.B . I'll take it.D . It 'twelve dollars.F . Here you areH

10、 . Thank you.63 . 64 . 68.69.vrn .完形填空AA boy and a girl catch a bird and 70 it in a birdcage. They like it very much and 71 it every day.A cat sees the bird and wants 72 her supper. 73 the bird is in the cage. She can ' catch it. So she is very an gry.One day, she ope ns the door of the cage74 w

11、a nts to catch it. But the bird flies away.The cat 75, and she has 76.The two childre n77 a nd see the bird isn 'ti n. They are very angry and put the cat intothe cage.()70 . A .takeB.putC .carryD .bring()71 .A .seeB.lookC .have a lookD .have a look at()72 .A .have it forB.has it forC .to have i

12、t forD .to has it so()73 . A .ButB.AndC .SoD .The n()74 . A .butB.andC .soD .or()75. A.can to flyB .can flyC.can 'tto flyD.can 'fly()76. A.no waysB.some waysC.any wayD.not way()77. A.come back to homeB.come back homeC.come to homeD.back homeBCome to Parks on store. Here is a supermarket (超市)

13、.Have a l 78! All the fruit andvegetables are at a very good p 79! Do you like oranges? They are ¥ 3 a kilo (公斤).Doyou n80 big and red strawberries at ¥ 5 a kilo? And tomatoes are just ¥ 2 a kilo. Oh,come on with me. Here is the sports s 81 center. Do you have a football or a basketba

14、ll? They are all only ¥ 50 each. And the sports shoes in all colours are ¥ 65 a pair! It ' so c 82!Do you believe it? Come on soon!78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 区阅读理解One Sun day after noon Mr Gree n and his child, Mary, are in a big shop. Mr Gree n likes Mary and wants to buy a new dress for her

15、. Mary doesn 'like the new dress. She likes something to eat. So her father buys two kilos of apples for her, too. Mary also wants to buy some picture-books and coloured pencils. There are many things and many people in the shop. They are men and women, old and young. They all want to buy someth

16、 ing there. The people in the shop are very frien dly.()83. It is.A. Saturday B. Mon dayC. FridayD. Su nday()84. Mary andare in the shop.A. Mrs GreenB . his fatherC. her father D . her mother()85. Mary likes to buy.A. a new dressB. coloured booksC. apples, picture-books and coloured pencilsD. someth

17、ing to drinkX.阅读短文,答复以下问题Sam likes eating fish very much. He often buys fish in the shop and takes them home. One day his wife sees the fish and thinks, “ Good! Now, I can ask my friends to have lunch and we can eat the fish. They like fish very much. When Sam comes home from work in the evening, th

18、e fish is not there and his wife says,“ Oh, your cat eats it. And then she gives him some bread for his supper. Sam is angry 生气. He takes the cat and his wife to a shop near his house and weighs 称 the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, “ My fish weighs one kilo. The cat weighs one kilo, too. M

19、y cat is here, you see, then, where is my fish? 86 What does Sam like eating very much?87 Who eat the fish that day?88How much does the fish weigh?89 What does Sam's wife give him for supper?90Can you guess if 是否 Sam knows where the fish is?幻.书面表达假设你的服装店出售很多的衣、帽、鞋、袜等,请写一那么销售广告。 开头已给Welcome to Fe

20、nghua Clothing Sale. These T-shirts are just $ 5 each .参考答案I. 1 6 DADCBAn. 7 10 take, long, new, buy 11 15 difficult, interesting, last, small, whitein. 1620 twelve, fiftee n, twe nty, thirty, fifty-six 21 25 sixty-four, forty-seve n, forty, thirty-six, ninety-fiveIV. 26. in all colors 27. bags for

21、sports 28. a pair of trousers 29 . a red sweater 30. onsale 31. at a good price 32. clothing store/shop 33. get to 34. like cheap 35. That' not all.V. 36. B trousers 作主语,谓语中 be 用 are37. C 主语socks是复数38D 主语 the girl 是单数39B that time of year 一年中的那个时节40. B “以价格销售用介词at41. A in all colors各种颜色的,at 

22、5; 50 each以每件50美元的价格42. C come down to 来到某处 for yourself 你亲自43. B buyfrom从购置44. C sellto把出售给45. Aon sale 出售46. Dhow much 可以表示询问价格47. B$10 读作 ten dollars48. B take 此处表示“买下 49. C 主语为a clerk,谓语是行为动词 work,因此疑问句助动词为does50. Bin green 绿色的. forteen60. short51. isf are 52 . that those 53. dollardollars 54. yuans yuan 5 t fourteen 56. for f at 57. hasf have 58. it f them 59. Thanks Thanks f shortsW.61 65 CEIAD6669 BFHGW. 70. B put动词,“放,放置的意思71. D have a look at “看一看的意思72. C wants 后接不定式 to have73. A but表示转折关系74. B and 表示并列关系75. B can 是情态动词 , 后面接动


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