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1、春联(chnlin)(chnlin)或对联(Spring Spring Festival CoupletsFestival Couplets) 每逢春节(Chn Ji)(Chn Ji),中国人都喜欢在门上贴对联。Chinese people usually put Chinese people usually put up Spring Festival couplets up Spring Festival couplets on front gates of their on front gates of their h o u s e s d u r i n g S p r i n g

2、h o u s e s d u r i n g S p r i n g Festival. Festival. 第1页/共38页第一页,共39页。明朝时,传说明太祖朱元璋一次出巡时,见一杀猪的人家门上没有贴春联,就为他家(t ji)(t ji)写下一幅。自此之后,春联之风便开始盛行。 It is said that once Emperor Zhu It is said that once Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty made a Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty made a tour, he saw a bu

3、tchers house did not tour, he saw a butchers house did not put up Spring Festival couplets and then put up Spring Festival couplets and then wrote one for him. Since then, putting wrote one for him. Since then, putting up Spring Festival couplets became a up Spring Festival couplets became a fashion

4、 throughout the country. fashion throughout the country. 春联(chnlin)(chnlin)或对联(Spring Spring Festival CoupletsFestival Couplets) 第2页/共38页第二页,共39页。 尽管历史(lsh)(lsh)又延续了千百年,但春联的应用在中国却越来越广泛。 Although several hundred Although several hundred years have passed by, years have passed by, the use of Spring th

5、e use of Spring Festival couplets are Festival couplets are still very popular in still very popular in China.China.春联(chnlin)(chnlin)或对联(Spring Spring Festival CoupletsFestival Couplets) 第3页/共38页第三页,共39页。春联不仅仅在过年的时候贴,平时,每逢婚丧喜庆等活动也有贴对联的。而且(r qi)(r qi)对联所贴的范围也不再仅仅局限于门板了,墙壁和梁柱上也都可以贴。 People put up cou

6、plets not only during People put up couplets not only during the Spring Festival but also on other the Spring Festival but also on other important occasions like weddings and important occasions like weddings and funerals. And Spring Festival couplets funerals. And Spring Festival couplets are hung

7、not only on front gates, but are hung not only on front gates, but also on walls and beams. also on walls and beams. 春联(chnlin)(chnlin)或对联(Spring Spring Festival CoupletsFestival Couplets) 第4页/共38页第四页,共39页。English to ChinesePassage for Interpreting第5页/共38页第五页,共39页。Vocabulary purely 地地道道 source from追

8、溯到 tune 曲调 represent象征 cunning狡诈 loyalty忠诚 bravery勇猛 positive正面的 striking鲜明(xinmng)的 supporting male role男性配角 facial makeup脸谱 decoration扮相第6页/共38页第六页,共39页。 Peking opera is a purely Chinese opera form. It got its name because it is formed in Peking. Peking opera sources from several ancient local ope

9、ras. It absorbed the tunes of the Anhui and Hubei local opera, and also drew on the best of other local operas. Peking Opera(京剧(jngj)) 第7页/共38页第七页,共39页。 京剧是地地道道的中国国粹,因形成(xngchng)(xngchng)于北京而得名。京剧的源头还要追溯到几种古老的地方戏剧。京剧主要以安徽和湖北地方戏的曲调为主,兼收各种地方戏的精华。 Peking Opera(京剧(jngj)) 第8页/共38页第八页,共39页。 One of Peking

10、operas features is using different colors of the faces to represent different characters and personality. For example, white represents cunning, red stands for loyalty, black means bravery. Peking Opera(京剧(jngj)) 第9页/共38页第九页,共39页。 京剧的一大特点是在人的脸上涂上不同的颜色以象征不同的性格和品质。例如,白脸代表狡诈(jiozh)(jiozh),红脸代表忠诚,黑脸代表勇猛

11、。 Peking Opera(京剧(jngj)) 第10页/共38页第十页,共39页。 Sheng, dan, jing, chou are just the terms for four different types of roles. sheng is the positive male role, dan is the positive female role, jing is a supporting male role with striking character and chou is the clown. Every type has its facial makeup an

12、d decoration, so you can easily tell. Peking Opera(京剧(jngj)) 第11页/共38页第十一页,共39页。 “生、旦、净、丑”是京剧中的四种角色分类。“生”代表男性正面角色,“旦”代表女性正面角色,“净”代表性格鲜明的男性配角(pi ju),“丑”代表幽默滑稽或反面角色。每种角色又有表明身份的脸谱、扮相等,你一望便知。 Peking Opera(京剧(jngj)) 第12页/共38页第十二页,共39页。 One of Chinas most popular folk arts is paper-cutting. Archaeological

13、 finds trace the tradition back to the 6th century. It is supposed that the beginning of paper-c u t t i n g w a s e v e n a f e w centuries earlier. Paper-cutting(剪纸(jinzh)) 第13页/共38页第十三页,共39页。 剪纸是中国最为流行的民间艺术之一,根据考古其历史(lsh)(lsh)可追溯到公元六世纪,但人们认为它的实际开始时间比这还要早几百年。Paper-cutting(剪纸(jinzh))第14页/共38页第十四页,共

14、39页。 Paper-cuttings are used for religious purposes and for decoration. Today, paper-cuttings are chiefly used as decoration. They ornament walls, windows, doors, columns, mirrors, lamps and lanterns in homes. They are also used for decoration on presents or are given as presents. Paper-cutting(剪纸(j

15、inzh))第15页/共38页第十五页,共39页。 剪纸常用于宗教仪式和装饰。现在,剪纸更多地是用于装饰。剪纸可用于点缀墙壁、门窗、房柱、镜子、灯和灯笼等。同时,剪纸也可为礼品(lpn)(lpn)作点缀之用,甚至 剪纸本身也可作为礼物赠送他人。 Paper-cutting(剪纸(jinzh))第16页/共38页第十六页,共39页。 Most paper-cuttings are made by rural women, who use scissors to cut pieces of paper into various designs.Paper-cutting(剪纸(jinzh))第17

16、页/共38页第十七页,共39页。 剪纸的作者(zuzh)大都是农村妇女,在她们的剪刀下,产生了一幅幅形态各异的剪纸作品。 Paper-cutting(剪纸(jinzh))第18页/共38页第十八页,共39页。 Jade is a rare colorful and hard stone. It is usually polished and carved to make fine jade ware. Jade items are precious and rare treasures in China. Jadeware(玉器(yq))第19页/共38页第十九页,共39页。 玉是一种色彩美丽

17、、质地坚硬的珍稀的石头,一般被用来打磨和雕刻成精致的玉器(yq)(yq)。在中国,玉石是价值连城的珍宝。 Jadeware(玉器(yq))第20页/共38页第二十页,共39页。 From the Zhou Dynasty, jade was treated as symbols of righteousness, faithfulness and courage by the ruling class of benevolence. In the Han Dynasty, jade wares moved from noble families into ordinary peoples ho

18、mes. After the Han Dynasty, jade wares were mainly used as decorations or everyday items . Jadeware(玉器(yq))第21页/共38页第二十一页,共39页。 中国玉器,历史悠久。从商朝开始,佩玉就被统治阶级视为善良、正直、忠诚和勇敢的象征。汉代玉器开始从上层贵族手里进入普通百姓家中。汉代以后,玉器就主要是用作装饰或是日常(rchng)(rchng)用具了。Jadeware(玉器(yq))第22页/共38页第二十二页,共39页。 Jades are mostly produced in Beijin

19、g, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Yangzhou of Jiangsu Province and Liaoning Province. And jade wares made in different places have different appearances and styles. Jadeware(玉器(yq))第23页/共38页第二十三页,共39页。 玉器的主要产地是北京(bi jn)(bi jn)、上海、广州、江苏扬州、辽宁等地。各地玉器的艺术风格也有差异。 Jadeware(玉器(yq))第24页/共38页第二十四页,共39页。Chinese to Engli

20、shPassage for Interpreting第25页/共38页第二十五页,共39页。甲骨文(Jiaguwen) 最早的文字出现于商代。 当时人们尊尚鬼神,遇事占卜。他们把卜辞刻在龟甲和兽骨的平坦面上,涂上红色标示吉利,黑色标示凶险。这些文字都是用刀刻上去的,大字约一寸见方,小字(xio z)如谷粒,或繁或简,非常精致。 第26页/共38页第二十六页,共39页。 The earliest Chinese written language appeared in the Shang Dynasty. At that time, people believed in ghosts and p

21、redict on important occasions. They inscribed predicting words on tortoise shells or animal bones, and painted them red to symbolize good luck or black to symbolize potential disaster. The words were inscribed with knives. Some of them a r e b i g , s o m e a r e s m a l l , s o m e a r e complicate

22、d, some are simple, but they are all well defined. 甲骨文(Jiaguwen) 第27页/共38页第二十七页,共39页。 甲骨文经过几千年的沉睡,直到清代才被发现。发现地是河南省安阳城西北五里处的一个村子,那里是当年殷商的故都。18991899年,洹水决堤,冲出许多(xdu)(xdu)甲骨。开始人们以为是龙骨,用来当药材治病。后来便有一些学者将其上面的文字定名为“甲骨文”。 甲骨文(Jiaguwen) 第28页/共38页第二十八页,共39页。 Examples of shell and bone writing were not found u

23、ntil the Qing Dynasty, thousands of years after they were made. The discovery occurred in Anyang, Henan Province, which was the capital city of the Shang Dynasty. In 1899, the banks of the Huanshui River in Henan Province collapsed, and many tortoise shells with carved patterns on them were revealed

24、. At first, people regarded the shells as dragon bones and used them as medicine. Later, researchers gave the carved patterns the name of Jiaguwen. 甲骨文(Jiaguwen) 第29页/共38页第二十九页,共39页。 虽然中国(zhn u)(zhn u)国画与西洋画有许多相似之处,但它仍独具中国(zhn u)(zhn u)民族特色。 中国(zhn u)(zhn u)国画(Chinese Chinese Traditional PaintingTra

25、ditional Painting)第30页/共38页第三十页,共39页。 Although Chinese Traditional Painting has much in common with western painting,it still possesses Chinese unique national character. 中国(zhn u)(zhn u)国画(Chinese Traditional Chinese Traditional PaintingPainting)第31页/共38页第三十一页,共39页。 中国国画汲取了多种艺术形式如诗歌、书法和绘画艺术之众长。中国国画很少像西方人那样因循守旧,它反倒(fndo)(fndo)给画者提供了更自由的表达空间。 中国(zhn u)(zhn u)国画(Chinese Chinese Traditional PaintingTraditional Painting)第32页/共38页第三十二页,共39页。 Chinese traditional painting absorbs the best of many forms of art, like poetry, calligraphy, and painti


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