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1、Module 1 Wonders of the world 知识点总结一、模块主题:谈论参观世界奇观二、重点短语归纳in one ' s opinio喉某人的意见 millions of 大量的;无数的 go through 穿过fall away突然向下倾斜more than 超过look forward to doing期望做某事wonders of the world世界奇观join in参加(某种活动);加入到on the eastern coast of 在.的东海岸be interested in对感兴趣become grey 变成灰色;get out oflook ove

2、r从上方看过去;仔细检查look across眺望;向对面看look down 俯视,向下看agree with sb 同意某人的观点agree with sth 表示同意(某一观点或看法)at the bottom of 在.的底部on top of 在的上面on both sides 在两边be famous for 因而闻名look like看起来像do an interview 做采访 draw a picture of 画一幅的画go down 落下;下沉wait for 等候dozens of 许多get out of从.出来 in height高度,在高度上 without do

3、ing sth 没有做某事in+一段时间;在.(多长时间)之后one of +the +形容词最高级+可数名词复数 最之一三、知识点详解Unit 1 :1. the Terracotta Army 兵马俑;the Three Gorges Dam 三峡大坝;the Giant ' s Causevway 人之路;Victoria Falls维多利亚瀑布2. Let ' s call Wonder of the World and join in the discussion.(1) let 的用法:让: let sb. (not) do sth. 出租: Room to let

4、, laundry found. 房间出租 , 洗衣 不另收费 .(2) wonder v.“想知道;对感到好奇"。其后可以接wh-+ to do或if, wh-引导的宾语从句,宾语从句为陈述语序。 I wondered what that noise was. n. “奇观;奇迹”。 No wonder it is called the Eighth Wonder of the World.拓展: wonder wonderful wonderfully; wander 徘徊(3) discuss discussion 【 discuss sth. with sb. 或 have

5、a discussion with someone 】(4) join in, join, take part in , attend 区别 1)join 有两个用法:1. ) 指加入某个党派,团体组织、社会团体等,成为其成员之一,意为:“参军、入团、入党”等。如: She joined the Young Pioneers.2. ) 和某人一道做某事,其结构为: join sb. in (doing) sth. ,根据上下文, in (doing) sth. 也 可以省去。如: He' ll join us in singing the song.We re going to the

6、 East Lake Parkon Sunday. Will you join us?2)join in 多指参加小规模的活动如“球赛、游戏”等。如: Come along, and join in the ball game. 3)take part in 指参加会议或群众性活动等,着重说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。如:We ll take part in social practice during the summer vacation. 【注意】 takepart in 是惯用词组, part 前一般不用冠词, 但 part 前有形容词修饰时, 要用不定冠词。 如: Li

7、ncoln took an active part in polities and was strongly against slavery.4)attend 是正式用语,及物动词,指参加会议,婚礼,葬礼,典礼;去上课,上学,听报告等。 句子的主语只是去听, 去看, 自己不一定起积极作用。 如: He ll attend an important meeting tomorrow. I attended his lecture.3. I think natural wonders are more interesting than man-made ones. 【 man-made 人造的】【

8、 ones 此处代替 natural wonders 。注意区分不同代词: it ( 同一个 ) 如: Can I borrow your bike? -Yes,you can borrow it.( 同一物,自行车)one ( 同一类,单数) 如: This is not my book, give me another one.( 同一类,都是书,单数 )ones ( 同一类,复数) (见本文)that ( 代替可数单数或不可数名词,其后常和 in/of 连用 ) 如: The weather in Beijing is colder than than in Tianjin. 北京的天气

9、比天津的天气冷。 ( that 指代 the weather, 不可数名词,后与in 连用)4. I ve seen it, so I m not sruereewI iathg you.1)be sure that+ 句子/be sure of/about(doing)sth ”确信;对有把Hb'e sure to do sth 务必要做某事如: I m sure that our dreams will come ture through our efforts.我确信通过我们的努力我们的梦想会实现的。Be sure to bring your umbrella. 务必要带上你的雨

10、伞。I m quite sure of passing the exam. 我相当确信可以通过考试。2 ) agree with, agree on, agree to-agree with+sb 表示“同意某人的观点;(气候、食物等)适合某人."I agree with you我同意你的观点。The climate doesn t agree with him. 这种天气不适合他。agree with+sth 表示“同意(某一观点或看法);与.相符,与.一致o you agree with my opinion ? 你同意我的看法吗?-agree to表示“同意.”用来表示一方提出

11、一项建议、安排、计划等,另一方同意协作:后 接 suggestion(n.建议),plan(计戈U), proposal (建议),advice (建议)。I agreed to help that old lady. We agreed to their arrangement. She agreed to marriage.-agree on upon主要指双方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议:We agreed on the price. Both sides agreed on these matter.( 事)5. on the eastern coast of Northern I

12、reland位于北爱尔兰东海岸上6. Though I think Victoria Falls in Africa is even more fantastic. Though 意为 “尽管,虽然“ 不可与but连用.不能说: Though is was snowing, but she went out.(山不容二虎,只能出现个)7. They' re about 1,700 metres wide(adj) and 100 metres high.= They' re 1,700 metres inwidth(名词短语)and 100 metres in height.8

13、. in one ' s opinio短语在看来; 据的意见 The book is, in my opinion, the best book on the subject.9. Look at the Terracotta Army. It' s more tharyearsSld. terracotta n.无釉赤陶;陶瓦; 赤褐色, terracotta army 兵马俑。 more than 多于,反义词 less than 10. It produces electricity for millions people in China. 【当 hundred, th

14、ousand 和 million 等词与具体的数字连用表示确切数目是要用单数形式;当它们指的是不确切的数目时,必须用复数形式,且后面接介词of,意为“数以计的"J【produce (v.)生产一product (n.)产品一production (生产;产量)】 确切数目如 5千five thousand 1百one hundred 5百万five million11. Betty and Daming are more interested in man-made wonders.贝蒂和大明对人造奇观更感兴趣。12. - because I love wild places by

15、the sea. by the sea 在海边; by sea 乘船】 Unit 2:13. I looked to the east-the sky was becoming grey. become grey "变成灰色";此处的 become为连系动词,意为“变得”,后接形容词作表语。另外 grey还表示“白发”】14. I got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along a dark path.1)get动词短语归纳:get out of 从.出来get into 进去get on上(火车、公共汽车、

16、船、飞机等)get off下(火车、公共汽车、船、飞机等)2)go through 用法:1 .穿过 The rain has gone through my overcoat.雨水渗透了我的大衣。2 .查阅I will go through your papers.我将审阅你们的论文。3 .经历(困难、痛苦等); 遭受; 忍受 He has gone through such a lot since his wife died. 妻子死后他经受了不少苦难。3) through与across辨析:through指从物体中间或空间内穿过(多指穿过门、窗、洞、森 林、隧道等);across指从某个

17、平面表面穿过(多指穿过街道、马路、桥梁、河等的表面) 15."Yes," he replied, "you' ll get there in five minutes.”1) reply to sb./sth = answer sb./sth. (reply 为不及物动词,不能直接和 sb./sth.连用)例:I answered him. = I replied to him.2) in+时间段与after+时间段都表示“一段时间之后”in+时间段表示在将来的时空中的一段时间之后如:we' ll meet you in your office i

18、n a week.一周后我们会在办公室见你。after+时间段表示在过去的时空中的一段时间之后如:He arrived in Shanghai and found ajob after a week.他到达了上海,一周后找到了一份工作。16. rise与raise的区别都是升起的意思1) .raise是及物动词,(过去分词和过去式为 raised)发出此动作的通常是人,可用于被动语 态,意为“举起、提高”,如抬头、举手(目、帽、石头、重物等),还可用作比喻,如提高生 活、地位、名誉、声音。 We must raise the living standard of the people.His

19、speech raised my interest.He raised his arms above his head.与raise常搭配的固定说法有:raise a subject 提出一个问题;raise one ' s vocel嗓门;raise a family 养家糊 口 ; raise therent提高租金;raise money 筹款;raise price 提高价格; raise one ' s spirits起精神; raise salaries 提高工2) . rise是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态,意为“上升”、“升起”、“起身”、"起立(此时

20、主语是人)”、“上涨”以及“(日、月星等)升起到地平线上”。其过去式与过去分词分别是rose和 risen。 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.Prices rise every day in those countries.The chairman rose from his chair.17. Far below me, the ground fell away and down to a river. below 在以下;彳氐于 .反义词 above超过;在之上。18. I looked down to the Colorado

21、 River, a silver stream nearly one mile below me. lookdown俯瞰,往下看;look down与 on 或 upon 连用时,意为“看不起"。例: You should never look down on poor people. 19. at the bottom of.在.底部;at the top of 在.顶部;on the top of 在.上方20. reach n.伸出,延伸,区域,范围vt.到达,伸出,延伸。词形变化:形容词:reachable1 .beyond above, out of one reach达不

22、到的,力所不及的;不能理解2 .within one ' s reach某人力所能及的范围内,在某人能到达的范围内21. I remained by the canyon for about half an hour. remainn. n.乘U余物, 残骸 vi.留下; 保持;依然】22. Both sides两个面,both在此为限定词,意为“两个,两个都”,其后接名词复数。Both girls are from China. 两个女孩都来自中国。Both .and 意为”.”和”.者B" Bothmimrendylgood friends.吉姆和汤姆都是我的朋友23.

23、注意掌握:long (adj.长的)一length (n.长度);wide (adj.宽的)一width (n.宽度); high (adj.高的)一height (n.高度);deep (adj.深的)一depth (n.深度)24. Which direction was the writer facing while he/she was looking over the Grand Canyon? direction n.方向】25. What' s the writer ' s purpose in writing this passage?urpose n.意志;目

24、的】 Unit 3:26. Have/has gone to 与have/has been to都表示现在完成时的结构两者辨析:-Have/has gone to 表示去了 某地还没回来 .My father has gone to Beijing.我爸去北京了。(说话的时候爸爸还没回来,还在北京)-Have/has been to 表示去过某地,已经回来。常与 ever, just, never等副词连用,也可 接 once、 twice、three times 等表示次数的词或短语。I know how to get to the library, I havebeen there twi

25、ce.我知道去图书馆的路,我去过那里两次了。27. one of the tallest buildings in the worldone of + 心词,组=a/an +n. + of + 名词性物主代词。例如:one of my photos = a pho to of mine; one of the boy ' s habits = a habit of the boy' sone of +the + 形容词最高级 + 可数名词复数 最之一 She is one of the most beautiful girlsin our class.她是班里最漂亮的女孩之一。

26、28. It has a fantastic view of Pudong District. 【have a view of 有一个好的视野 /景色】29. locate (v.)位于;location (位置,场所);常用词组:be located in 30. look forward to doing sth.期盼做某事。I am looking forward to hearing from you . 我非常期待收到你的来信。(lookforward to后也可以接名词或者代词,但不常考。)31. Stonehenge is an ancient circle of stones

27、in the south of England.巨石阵是英国南部的一个古老的石头群。in the south of在.的南边其他方面也可以带入进去如:in the north of 在.的北方east南方 west西方32. There are dozens of stones, and they are different in height. 【dozens of 彳艮多;dozen 意为“一打”】33. ,but it is still one of the most wonderful sights of the world.但它仍是世界上最美妙的奇观之一。再来复习一遍one of +

28、the +形容词最高级+可数名词复数最之一34. How did ancient people move these huge stones without machines to help them?古代人们在没有机械装置帮忙的情况下是如何把这些巨石长距离地搬运过来的呢?35. because of由于,因为(后跟名词 .代词.动名词)because (后跟句子)He lost his job because of his age.因为年龄问题他失去了工作。I didn ' t buy the shirt because it was too expensive.36. Find o

29、ut as much information as you can. 【as + much+ 不可数名词 + as 句型】 尽可能 的找到更多的答案。37. 作文:旅游可以让人放松身心,增长见识初中毕业在即,很多同学想利用暑假去旅游。请你根据 下面的内容提示,写一篇短文,通过你校英语论坛,向大家推荐一个好去处,并给出旅行建议。内容提示:I.Where is the best place to go? 2.What is the place special for? 3.What should you pay attention to?It's a good idea to go tra

30、velling during the summer vacation. I think the best place to visit is the Palace Museum. As we all know, the Palace Museum, also known as the Purple Forbidden City, is wonderful and famous for its long history in the world. We can see a lot of ancient buildings, including palaces, temples and tower

31、s. If we want to visit to the Palace Museum, we should pay attention to our safety. We had better go with our friends or our family.38. 本单元语法:时态一、一般现在时一般现在时基本用法:1、含义(1).表示事物或人物的特征、状态。如:The sky is blue.天空是蓝色的。(2) .表示经常性或习惯性的动作。如:I get up at six every day.我每天六点起床。(3) .表示客观现实。如:The earth goes around th

32、e sun.地球绕着太阳转。2、结构(4) . be动词:主语+be(am,is,are)+其它。 如:I am a boy.我是一个男孩。(5) .行为动词:主语+行为动词(+其它)。如:We study English.我们学习英语。3、基本句式:(1)肯定句:A.be动词:主语+ be +其它成分He is a worker.B.行为动词:主语+动词(注意人称变化)+其它成分We like the little cat.(2)否定句:A.be 动词:主语 + be + not + 其它成分 They are not students.B.行为动词:主语+助动词(do/does) + no

33、t +动词原形+其它成分 We don' tlike the little cat.(6) 一般疑问句:A.be动词: Am / Is /Are +主语+其它成分Are you a teacher? Yes, I am. / No, I am not.Are they students of your school.Yes they are / No they aren,t.B.行为动词:助动词(Do/Does)+主语+动词原形+其它成分 Do you like it? Yes, I do. / No. I don' tDoes he(she) like it? Yes, he

34、( she )does. / No, he ( she )doesn ' t.特殊疑问句:疑问词 + 一般疑问句A.be 动词: How many students are there in your school?B.行为动词: What do you usually do on Sunday?4、常见的时间状语:always(总是)usually(通常)often(经常)sometimes(有时)never(从不) every(每一)等等。5、一般现在时谓语动词的词形变化(1)、一般现在时动词只有第三人称有词形变化,当主语是第三人称单数时,一般动词在一般现在时句子中的变化规律: 、

35、多数在动词后加 s play plays like likes ,、以 s, x, sh、以辅音字母加ch, o 结尾的动词力口 es wash -washes catch -catches do -does y 结尾,把 y 改 i 再加 es flyflies study studies、以元音字母加、不规则变化y结尾,直接加shavehasbuy - buys(2)、其他人称(第一人称:I, we;第二人称:you;第三人称复数:they、my friends )动 词均用原形二、现在进行时:现在进行时基本用法:1、含义现在进行时:表示正在进行的、发生的动作2、某本结构:ambeisar

36、e+动词 ing3、基本句式:(1)肯定句:主语 + be动词(am, are, is)+ 现在分词(ing)+ 其他 I am watching TV.(2)否定句:主语 + be动词+ not +现在分词(ing ) + 其他 I am not watching TV.(3) 一般疑问句:Be动词(Am, Are, Is) +主语+现在分词(ing) +其他Are you watching TV? Yes, I am. / No, I am not.(4)特殊疑问句:疑问词 + 一般疑问句What are you doing ?4、常见的时间状语: now, look, listen ,

37、It ' s+时.间5、现在进行时动词的-ing形式的变化规律: . 直接力口-ingwatch watchingclean cleaning(2) .以-y 结尾的动词,直接力口 -ingstudy studying play playing(3) .以不发音的-e 结尾的动词,先去 -e 再加-ing make makingcome coming(4) .末尾只有一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节动词,双写末尾字母,再加-ing cut cutting三、一般将来时的用法:1、含义表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。2、结构:(1 ) be (am

38、,is ,are) +going to+ 动词原形(2 ) will+动词原形注意:'be going to+动词原形(打算)"="will+动词原形(将,会)”I ' ingoing to study tomorrow. I will study tomorrow.(be going to着重于事先考虑好will未事先考虑好)-一般不用考虑3、基本句式(1)肯定句:主语 + be (am, are, is) going to +动词原形. 主语+ will +动词原形(2)否定句:主语 + be (am, are, is) not going to + 动

39、词原形.主语 + won' t+ 动词原形.(3) 一般疑问句:Be (Am, Are, Is) +主语+ going to +动词原形? Will +主语+动词原形?(4)特殊疑问句:疑问词 + 一般疑问句?注意:will 常简略为ll,并与主语连写在一起,如: I'll, he'll , it'll, we'll, you'll , they'll o 4、常见的时间状语: tomorrow (明天),the day after tomorrow (后天),next (下一 个),from now on (从现在开始),in the

40、future (将来),soon (不久)等四、一般过去时1、含义(1)表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。(2)也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作2、结构及及基本句式:(1)、Be动词在一般过去时中的变化:am 和 is 变为 was。 否定(was not=wasn ' t)are 变为 were。 否定(were not=weren ' t)(2)行为动词在一般过去时中的变化否定句:didn ' + 动词原形如:Jim didn ' go home yesterday.一般疑问句:在句首加Did,句子中的动词过去式变回原形 如:

41、Did Jim go homeyesterday?特殊疑问句:(1)疑问词+did+主语+动词原形?如:What did Jim do yesterday?(2)疑问词当主语时:疑问词+动词过去式?如:Who went to homeyesterday?3、常见的时间状语:yesterday(昨天),last (上一个),this morning (今天早上),ago(以前), before (在,之前),in 2002(在 2002 年)等4、动词过去式变化规则:(1) . 一般在动词末尾加 -ed如:watch-watched, cook-cooked(2) .结尾是 e力口 d如:tas

42、te-tasted(3) .末尾只有一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ed ,如:stop-stopped(4) .以“辅音字母 +y”结尾的,穹为i, 再加-ed ,如:study-studied(5) . 不规贝U动词过去式:am,is-was, are-were, do-did, see-saw, say-said, give- gave- -五、现在完成时的用法1、含义(1)表示:过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。常见的时间状语:already, yet, just, ever, never, before(2)表示:过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。常见的时间状语:for, since, since - ago2、结构:基本结构:助动词 have/has +动词的过去分词(当主语是第三人称单数时用has,


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