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1、(推荐)deixiso a: 你说你是小狗我就给你这块糖o b: 你是小狗o a: 我让你说你是小狗 !o b: 我说的就是你是小狗啊o a: 你说“我是小狗”!o b: 啊 ? 你是小狗 ? deixis deixispragmatics chapter 1origin of deixisorigin of deixiscategories of deixiscategories of deixisfunctions of deixisfunctions of deixiso deixis indicating, pointingo deicticso deictic wordso deic

2、tic expressionso yehoshua bar- hillel 1954 origin of the term: origin of the term: deixis is the first area of study in linguistic pragmatics that has caught the attention of scholars. in 1954, the israeli philosopher yehoshua bar-hillel wrote an article “indexical expressions” (直指表达式)(直指表达式). since

3、 then the study of indexicals, or deictics, has always been one of the central topics in pragmatics.deixisdeixiso deixis:o the earliest target or first study area of pragmatics, since it directly concerns the relationship between language structure and the context in which it is used. o deixis belon

4、gs within the domain of pragmatics, because it directly concers the relationship between the structure of languages and the contexts in which they are used.o -话语和语境之间的关系是通过指示语而得以在语言话语和语境之间的关系是通过指示语而得以在语言结构上反映出来结构上反映出来。o (1) ill be back in an hour. - levinsono (2) listen, im not disagreeing with you

5、but with you, and not about this but about this.o (3) meet me here a week from now with a stick about this big.o (4) arriving at 11:30am tomorrow.deictic center and deictic projectiondeictic center and deictic projection o in general, deixis is used in an egocentric way, hence the egocentricity of d

6、eixis. that is, unless otherwise stated,o (i) the central person is the speaker, o (ii) the central time is the time at which the speaker produces the utterance, o (iii) the central place is the speakers location at utterance time, deictic center and deictic projectiondeictic center and deictic proj

7、ectiono (iv) the discourse center is the point which the speaker is currently at in the production of his utterance, and o (v) the social center is the speakers social status and rank, to which the status or rank of addressees or referents is relative o s. levinson 1983: 64 deictic center and deicti

8、c projectiono so the first person pronoun i (my, me), refers to the speaker, no matter who hears or reads it. o violating this rule would result in comic effect, as in:exampleo 1) a hebrew teacher discovering that he had left his comfortable slippers back in the house, sent a student after them with

9、 a note for his wife. o the note read:o “send me your slippers with this boy”. when the student asked why he had written “your” slippers, the man answered: “fool! if i wrote my slippers, she would read my slippers and would send her slippers. what could i do with her slippers? so i wrote your slippe

10、rs, shell read your slippers and send me mine.”o although person deixis is reflected directly in the grammatical categories of person, it may be argued that we need to develop an independent pragmatic framework of possible participant-roles, so that we can see how, and to what extent, these roles ar

11、e grammaticalized in different languages. o such a framework would note that the speaker or spokesman can be distinct from the target, and hearers or bystanders distinct from addressees or targets, o and that sometimes such distinctions are grammaticalized in non-obvious ways. o the joke above depen

12、ds, of course, on the distinction between source and speaker.deictic projectiono however, in actual speech, the egocentricity may be violated. (as in a long-distance call)-good morning! -good evening! -we are coming to londono we are going to new york next week .o we are coming to new york next week

13、. o (the center of discoure may be shifted to the addressee. )o this phenomenon, the speaker projecting himself into a deictic context centered on the addressee is known as deictic projection.deictic projectiono likewise, we often say: o come in, come here, / go away, go there. o but “i am coming”.

14、o (when someone is calling you a little distance away) o this deictic projection is called by some pragmatists as polite shift of deictic center, manipulate location, yule . o (礼貌的观点转移:不以自己为参照点,而把参礼貌的观点转移:不以自己为参照点,而把参照点转移到听话人的位置,以示礼貌照点转移到听话人的位置,以示礼貌。)example (deictic projection)o 辛楣在电话里说辛楣在电话里说“哙,老方

15、呀,哙,老方呀, 今天今天你作主人,没有付帐就跑,我们做客人的身你作主人,没有付帐就跑,我们做客人的身上没带钱,扣在咖啡馆里等你来救命呢!上没带钱,扣在咖啡馆里等你来救命呢!s.o.s.快来!快来!”鸿渐忍不住笑道:鸿渐忍不住笑道:“我我就来就来了了”。o (钱钟书:围城) functions of deixis projection: functions of deixis projection:o 1. to convey some intended meaning in an implicit way. o a: (害羞的) 这衣服是他妈妈o b: (故意打趣) 谁妈妈 ?o a: 他嘛

16、 你知道 , 就是他嘛。o b: 到底是谁啊 ?o a: 讨厌 ! 除了他还有谁嘛 !o 2. to shorten or lengthen the distance between the speaker and the hearer.o儿子 , 有啥话不能给我说 ?o儿子 , 有啥话不能给你爹说 ?o“我是第一次来咱们学校做演讲 。”o“有啥话不能给一个心理医生说说 ?”o 3to seek for forgiving: o韩红: 所以我希望上海方面能给予韩红原谅 ,o我不是有意伤害大家的 要解释就解释到这里了, 希望大家多原谅老韩吧。(郑颖2004: o 4. to threaten s

17、omebody o我要你知道国伟秋不是好惹的。o 5. to advertise oneselfo 主持人: 下面请黎明介绍一下在 中饰演的角色。o 黎明: 黎明在 中 饰演一个警察 (郑颖2004: 69)different uses of deictic expressionsdifferent uses of deictic expressionso gestural uses (身势用法)(身势用法)o symbolic uses (象征用法)(象征用法)gestural and symbolic usesgestural and symbolic useso gestural use

18、s:o the use of deictic expression together with paralinguistic features o (body movements such as eye-gaze, facial expressions, nodding of the head, gestures of the hand, variation of pitch, etc.) is called the gestural use.o symbolic usage of deictic terms makes reference only to contextual knowled

19、ge shared by the participants antecedent to the utterance. (the basic spatio-temporal parameters of the speech event, the knowledge of the participant-role and discourse and social parameters)gestural and symbolic useso this one is genuine, but this one is a fake. (gestural use)o you, you, but not y

20、ou, are dismissed. gestural useo this city is really beautiful. (symbolic use)o im working on a new book now. symbolic useanaphoric useanaphoric use o john came in and he lit a fire. o i was born in london and have lived here/ there ever since. (both anaphoric and deictic use)o one can not lose what

21、 one/ he never had.o (third person deixis more often used in an indefinite or anaphoric way)o ( -第三人称代词主要作照应或泛指,偶尔用作指示。)第三人称代词主要作照应或泛指,偶尔用作指示。)classificationclassificationo person deixiso place deixiso time deixiso discourse deixiso social deixiso - fillmore, 1971classificationclassificationo person

22、 deixiso first, second, third person and their respective variations:o i (my, me, mine, myself); o you (your, yours, yourself, yourselves);o he (his, himself); o she(her, hers, herself); o it(its, itself); o they (them, their, theirs, themselves) pragmatic meaning of person deixis pragmatic meaning

23、of person deixis (语用意义(语用意义or or 变通变通用法)用法)o inclusive-we & exclusive-we o what are we supposed to do? o (a. inclusive-we: one student asks his classmate, inclusive-of the-addressee)包括谈包括谈话对方话对方o (b. exclusive-we: one student asks his teacher)不包含谈话对方不包含谈话对方 wewe means means i i o we are a grandm

24、other. o (margaret thatcher announced on the steps of 10 downing street that her son and his wife had had a baby, o she had used what is known as the “royal we”. ) wewe means means i i o traditionally kings and queens of england have used this pronoun to refer to themselves, rather than the more per

25、sonal i: o it gives their utterances a more formal ring and perhaps also suggests that in their role as monarch they are talking for their people as well as themselves.wewe means means i io as we showed a moment agoo (in a scholarly article, the author often uses we rather than “i, sounding more mod

26、est. wewe means means youyouo how are we feeling today? o (when the speaker wants to show his concern and to share the problem with the addressee )o 咱咱爸爸咱咱妈妈 o 咱咱老爷子身体怎么样?老爷子身体怎么样? youyouo my son is very naughty. once you buy him any toy, he will always break it into little pieces before you know it

27、.o 这孩子要我给他买手风琴,一天三番五次地这孩子要我给他买手风琴,一天三番五次地老跟老跟你你在这个问题上兜圈子。在这个问题上兜圈子。 现代汉语小词典,商务印书馆现代汉语小词典,商务印书馆situational insertionsituational insertiono this kind of “you” is referred to by maitland and wilson as a “situational insertion”,o the conversion of ones own personal experience into experiences which migh

28、t be, or can be, shared by the addressee.o the speaker is appealing to the hearers experience of life in general. (quirk et al).o of course money cant buy you a loving family, but it can buy you a separate bedroom for the children. ( neil kinnock) o poverty doesnt cause terrorism. being poor doesnt

29、make you a murderer.( george bush)o this “you” is derived from the use of what has been called the “formulation of morals and truisms”. o this means that you is occasionally employed to reflect upon a kind of conventional wisdom as opposed to actual experience. we-versus-they dichotomywe-versus-they

30、 dichotomy (我们我们对他们他们的二分模式) ) o robin tolmach lakoff (1990) analyzes the “we-versus-they” model from a cognitive perspective. o he holds that people tend to categorize things in order to understand the outside world. o those who are different from us are often referred to as “they”. example should e

31、nemies strike our country, they would be attempting to shift our attention with panic and weaken our morale with fear. in this, they would fail. no act of theirs can alter the course or shake the resolve of this country. we are a peaceful people - yet were not a fragile people, and we will not be in

32、timidated by thugs and killers. if our enemies dare to strike us, they and all who have aided them, will face fearful consequenceso they had their moment. they have not led. we will. they had their chance. they have not led. we will. o 他们他们曾有过一显身手的机会,但他们他们的表现并不出色,我们我们却能。他们他们曾有过机会大展鸿图,但他们他们并未独领风骚,我们我

33、们能。o (this example is taken from bushs acceptance speech in 2000. o in this example, bush is using “they” to refer to the democratic party members, his opponents in the presidential campaign, and “we” to refer to him and the republican party, of which he is the chosen candidate.o by using this we-ve

34、rsus-they model, bush is criticizing and attacking his opponents by distancing himself and his party away from his “enemies”. )o we-versus-they dichotomies have two useful functions for politicians: o they make it easy to hate and mistreat those defined as they, and force us into tighter and closer

35、union us against the world of them out there; “us”, the bearers of civilization and all its virtues. “this” versus “that”o similarly, the speaker may use this for somebody emotionally closer to him, somebody he likes, and that for somebody emotionally distant, somebody he dislikes. for example:o i h

36、ope she doesnt bring that husband of hers.o hes awful, that michael.“this” versus “that”o is this / that x? ” o quirk et al (p.1481) remarks, “perhaps because of the unfavourable values associated with that, there is some tendency to address the unseen hearer e.g. on the telephone with the questiono

37、 it may be that the truly pragmatic basis of spatial deixis is actually psychological distance. o physically close objects will tend to be treated by the speaker as psychologically close. o also, something that is physically distant will generally be treated as psychologically distant.o however, “i

38、dont like that.o ( a speaker may also wish to mark something that is physically close, eg, a perfume being sniffed by the speaker as psychologically distant )o in this analysis, a word like that does not have a fixed (semantic) meaning; instead, it is invested with meaning in a context by a speaker.

39、 o psychological processes seem to be at work in our distinctions between proximal and distal expressions. (george yule, 12)the manipulation of deixis in political text the manipulation of deixis in political text o the pronouns politicians use in their speeches are worth examining because they make

40、 a significant contribution to the overall effect. o observe the various personal references a politician can employ in a specific context :o“today i intend to reduce taxes by 10 per cent.” (first person singular i)o“today we intend to raise taxes by a mere 5 per cent.” (first person plural we) o“th

41、e president/ government must raise taxes for the long term good of the nations economy.” (referring to the position or institution)o“today it has been found necessary to raise taxes by 20 per cent.” (agentless passive)pragmatic meaning of person deixis in pragmatic meaning of person deixis in chines

42、e:chinese:o 你让我给你借小说,人家人家借来了,你又不看。o 人家人家又没有说你,干吗那样沉不住气? (周流溪,2001:298)o there is latent pragmatic implication of “disapproval” or “dissatisfaction”. time/ temporal deixiso time deixis is mainly performed by time adverbials like now, then, today, tomorrow, week, month, and tense marker of the verb.o

43、the reference of the deictic expressions entirely depends on the speech situation, it is decided by point of reference (参照点参照点).o terms like today, tomorrow, yesterday are said to be pre-emptive (先用权先用权) in the sense that when they are applicable, the others like monday, tuesday will not be used. o

44、i went to town last monday. (yesterday )o i am going to town tuesday. ( today)o i will go to town wednesday. (tomorrow)o do it at 10:23. (now)tense as a means of time deixis o nowadays, linguists make a distinction between “time” and “tense”. o “time” is a universal concept, which every language is

45、capable of expressing,o while “tense” (verb form that shows time), is a linguistic concept ,which varies from language to language. place/ spatial deixiso typical place deixis are place adverbs here, there, in(side), out(side), up, down, nearby, behind, etc. which specify a location relative to the

46、place of a deictic center. o it also includes verbs with direction: come, go, take, bring, etc.o the interpretation of place deixis must depend on context o the person on the left/ right of the banker, the meaning depends on the perspective o to be clear, we can say: on the bankers left right, (on y

47、our left right) discourse deixisdiscourse deixisodiscourse deixis, or text deixis, is similar to what is discussed under the name of cohesion by m. a. k. halliday. generally 3 types: oa. combined with time deixis: last, next, preceding, following, etc.oe.g. in the last paragraph, in the next chapter, the form


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