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1、Module 6 Unit3 Understanding each other 教案 dule 6 Unit3 Understanding ea 教案 Readingultural dd 差别,差异 adj. v. 反义词 similarity ( 复数 _ ) adj. 短语:与 . 不同/ 发生改变,有影响其作用 区分 A 和 B 之间的不同 (ddlalar) (d/be d; make a d; tell the dbetween A and B) (1) 不管他是去还是不去,对我都没有影响。 Iwg ( 2)That is our dlies. 那就是我们分歧所在。 (makes n

2、o d; where) 2. Waled, why don t you tell her about t he Bacher wdas soon aved it ad-of-? “ 一就”句型复习 As soon as I arrive in Beijing, I will give you aallI arrive in Beijing, I will give you aallI arrive in Beijing, I will give you aallBeijing, I will give you aallBeijing, I will give you aall. (T/minu

3、te/second;Immediately;On/Upon my arrival; On arriving)Rare supposed to drive badawaweddingand hens are thougure good luarriag)be supposed2) drive sb./sth. away from a plaThe Japanese agg( 侵略者 ) were driven awaa. 3 ) Babies are thougar music bare bbabies hear music bare b) ensure +n. / that 保证 ensure

4、 success safety, supplies 成功安全, 供应ure sb. from/against 使安全 , 保护 (1) I cant ensure . 我不能保证他的准时 (2) I cant ensu 我不能担保他会及时到那儿。 (3) This medicine will ensure you a good nights sl(4) These are safety dev 这些安全设施是为了保护 工人不出事故。 (his arrival/ being; that he will b; ensure waccidents ) And evgratulated the new

5、 couple because it was considered very lu 祝贺 ; 恭喜 (+on/upon) 1) I . 我祝贺你的伟大发现。 2) I . 我衷心地祝贺你 (congratulaur great discovery; congratulate you wart) ( 后接 oneself) 自我庆幸 (+on) congratulated himself on being alivAnother dat while we serve food, soft da andalcohold at the wedding in fact, alcohol is alto

6、gbited in Bru)( P. P.P ) vt. 允许,许可,准许 (=allow) We d(smoke)g People ad (smoke)vi. 允许,容许。 Well discuss both quwe ll discuss both quTg 2) prohibit vbit sb. from doing sth. ( 以法 令, 规定等 ) 禁止妨碍 , 阻止; 使不可能 严禁各处销售烟草的商人卖给 18 岁以下儿童香烟。 The tobacco retail bu 我建议政府应该采取措施来 禁止人们在此停车。 abitedlling cigaung man under

7、the agI suggest that govuld take measubit peoplarkingaIt s quite funny watching the new foreign teag to adjust to doing that. adjust vt. 调节;改变 . 以适应 校正;校准; 调整 adjust (sb./oneself)(1)Ia while to adjust to He the air-crash. 他庆幸自己在空难中幸免于死 (live) alone adivorce. living (2) 她必须学会适应美国的生活。 ust leaadjuAmeri

8、can l(3) 我的表快了 , 我得把它校准。 I must . Its fast. adjust the wa(4)My camera can be to take pictuloudy or sunny cond(C) A. treated B. adopted C. adjusted D. remediedAnd you probably wou ldn t get enough slu lived near where a weddingwas being held. If you came to Brunei, you would have to taubefore going s

9、 hou(1)If it (be) spring allw good it (be)! 如果四季如春,该多好啊! were, would be (2)If you (put)udy, you (succeed)ad put; would have succeeded 要是你多用些时间在学习上的话, 这次考试你就成 功了。 (3) If it ( snow) tomorrow, we (have) a snowball fight. snowed/ should snow/ww, would have 如果明天下雪,我们就可以打雪仗了。 agners have trouble getting a

10、ccustomedave trouble/difficulty (in) doingbe/get used to (doing) sth.= be/get accustomed to (doing) 他已经习惯于单身。 H(He is accustomed to being single.) 9.It s a celebration that takes place on Novembvery yealebralebrate v(3) anytime/ ev/ ea 等引导时间从句 1) 庆祝 ( 不可数 ). 2) 庆祝活动 (可数) All night long the celebravi

11、ctory wThat evening we organiz ed a celebra) in celebraThe pa s silver wedding. 这次聚会是为了庆祝母亲银婚。 10. Even though we shaame language ,our customs are not always al 常见连词的选用 (C A C D) (1) The engineers are so busy thaavutdactivities, they havA. wherever B. whenever C. even if D. a(2) Our holiday cost a l

12、 Did it? Well, that doesnt matter you enjoyed yourselvA as long as B unless C as soon as D though (3) Mary mad _ her guests wgal . A. so that B. although C. while D. a(4) they decide which college to guduld reseaadduA. As B. While C. Until DIt g 的相关句式 . (1) It /second at + 时 Iat I (predict) the futu

13、re. (have predicted) It waat human beings (land)(had landed) (3) anytime/ ev/ ea 等引导时间从句 (2) It at (虚拟) 该是我们提高公众环保意识的时候了。他们一见钟情 (It at we raised people s awavalTll in love with ea) Grammar ,Task P2vt. ad(dg) 与有关 对担心 就而言 (bd with; bd about; as far as sb d) (1) 相关的人 must give us further explana(2) (ma

14、ke) the right d(concern) the futuant thing. 出关于未来的正确决定是最重要的事情。 (3) 就我而言 , chatting on line is a waand(The peopld; Makingg; As far as I ad)give out buards to ggive 相关短语 give out 分发; 放出发出(声音,光线,气味) give in 屈服 give back 归还 give off 释放 ( 气体, 射线 ) give up 放弃 give away 泄露;赠送 (1)Papers are to all the stude

15、nts five minutes earlier before each examina(2)d hardalm, but the sweaad(3) Ta pleasant smell. (4) Never willdifficul(5) Could you plea? (6) - Smoking is bad for your health - Yes, but I simply can ( given out; gave, away; giving off/out; give in; give back; give up) Paccou(1) vt. 描述,叙述 accouWhy don

16、 t you write your own what happened. (2) on account of 由于,因为 . 的缘故 take into account=take deraage, he was not allowed to do thaWe should ( 把健康考虑在内 ) (accounts of ; On account of; take healaccount)belong to vi. 属于 This dictionary me. It a is a country which developing coua is a country developing cou(doesn t belong to ; belongs to ; belonging to )wer 力量, 能 力,权利,电力,动力 控制,支配 执政,当权上台 TGod can


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