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1、A Listening Course 4施心远主编听力教程4 (第 2 版 )答案Unit 6Section One: Tactics for ListeningPart 1: Listening and Translation1. Blogs are being used more and more by teachers. 老师对博客的使用越来越多。2. Many Internet services now offer free and easy ways to create personal Web pages.现在很多因特网服务商都提供免费、便捷的制作个人网页的方式。3. Educat

2、ors did not become involved with blogging right away.教育工作者并不是从一开始就涉足博客的。4. Many were concerned with privacy issues and security. 很多人担心隐私和安全问题。5. But now, thousands of teacher blogs can be found on the Internet.但是现在在因特网上可以找到成千上万个教师博客网页。Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart 1 DialogueEx. : Listen to

3、 the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true or false.1. T. I put a big value on being current with my friends.2. F. She and her friends take turns to call each other.3. F. Her phone bills are high, but she considers it's just like one of her living expenses.4. T. She says,

4、 "there's something about throwing away a letter that I just can't do it."5. T. They met when they worked at the same place. Then he went to Taiwan for two years and they wrote letters. They didn't know each other very well, but they got to know each other through letters over

5、the first two years and then they are good friends ever since.6. F. They met when they worked at the same place.7. F. When she first saw him after writing him for two years, she was a little nervous that they wouldn't be able to function without a pen and paper between them.8. T. She has a frien

6、d who got on-line and email is her thing. Since she got her email address recently, she is able to hear from her twice a week.9. F. She thinks that friends should provide comfort and support and adventure and jokes.10. T. She says, "I feel like one thingI want my friends to do is call me on thi

7、ngs, you know, to let me know if I do something that upsets them from whatever reason. I think that's one thing friends, you know, do for each other.11. F. Sometimes friendship can get prickly and hard. You can fight, but in her view, fighting was never bad.12. T You share jokes that you've

8、created together that you've understood and all you have to do is say one word, and the other person can go off into peals of laughter.Part 2 PassageEx. B: Sentence Dictation1. Negotiating isn't always done with a hammer in hand. But you should become a better negotiator if you want to succe

9、ed in business.2. In the art of negotiating, facts and figures play a role, but what may tip the balance is the emotional factor.3. Good negotiations-in business as well as in personal or family situations-hinge on respect for others, and respect for your own feelings.4. If someone is getting angry

10、at you, there can be all sorts of reasons for that.5. Both sides have an ongoing relationship that can be damaged by a lopsided agreement.Ex. C: Detailed Listening.1. Directions: Listen to the passage and answer the following questions1) What makes the difference between success and failure in a neg

11、otiation?How you deal with emotions, your own and those on the other side, makes the differe nee betwee n success and failure in a n egotiati on.2) What does the notion of a lack of power and self-respect lead to in n egotiati on?The negotiator with 4his no ti on is often immediately put at an disad

12、va ntage.3) What do positive emotions and negative emotions bring about in a n egotiati on?Positive emotions elicit good feelings and often lead to good soluti ons; n egative ones cloud the brain and reduce our capacity to think, learn and remember.Exercise 2ing the other side'oi nts of view,fin

13、ding merit in their ideas and com muni cati ng your un dersta nding.2) Affiliation: Try to build genuine connections with the other side as huma n bein gs, not merely as adversaries.3) Autonomy: The recognition that both you and the other side arefree to affect or make-decisi ons4) Status: Competiti

14、on over status is a dead end. Appreciating thestatus of both sides leads to the mutual respect n ecessary for a successful n egotiatio n.5) Role: Don 'needlessly limit yourself. The activities in your workand negotiations can often be expanded to be more fulfilling and meanin gful.Ex. D: After-l

15、iste ning Discussi on1. What is one of the best sooth ing methods? Why?One of the best sooth ing methods is to ask yourself, "How importa nt is this issue to me?" Some n egotiators, just like some married couples, are at risk of making every issue a big issue. We can get worked up about is

16、sues that are of little importance. As Aristotle pointed out, "One can become an gry; that is easy. But to be angry with the right pers on, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose-that is not easy."2. How do you deal with emoti ons in n egotiati ons?Ope n.Secti on Thr

17、ee NewsNews Item 1Ex. A: Summarize the n ewsThis n ews item is about the world ' s first commercially cloned . dogEx. B: Liste n to the n ews aga in and decide T or F.1. F Several years agoEdgar and Nina Otto froze the DNA of their dog,Lan celot.2. T The couple were sad and they decided to get a

18、 clone producedby a South Korea n laboratory.3. F Lancelot Encore, the new puppy, is the world's first commercially cloned dog.4. F The new owners here in Florida say they're happy with theirnew dog and don't plan to clone any others5. TTape script of News Item One:Several years ago Edga

19、r and Ni na Otto froze the DNA of their dog, Lancelot. When he died last year, the couple were devastated and they decided to get a clone produced by a South Korea n laboratory.几年前,Edgar和Nina Otto将他们的爱犬 Lancelot的DNA进行了 冷藏。去年,这条狗死了,这对夫妇很受打击,于是他们决定让韩国 实验室克隆一条狗。The biotech firm Best Frie nds Agai n cla

20、im that Lan celot En core, as they've n amed the new puppy, is the world's first commercially cloned dog. The laboratory in South Korea, BioArts, includes a scientist that lost his research professorship at Seoul Un iversity in 2004, after fraudule ntly claimi ng he'd cloned huma n embry

21、os and stem cells.Best Friends生物技术公司再次宣布,以他们命名的LancelotEncore幼犬成为世界第一条商业克隆狗。韩国BioArts实验室中有 2004年曾因虚假宣称克隆人类胚胎干细胞而丢掉首尔大学研究级教授的一位科学家The new owners here in Florida say they're happy with their new dog and don't pla n to clone any others.美国佛罗里达州的新犬主人说,他们很高兴与新犬在一起,并不打算再克隆其他狗了。It's thought that

22、 betwee n three and four milli on unwan ted dogs are killed at shelters across the US every year.一亠有人认为美国每年有三到四百万流浪狗死于狗的收容所News Item 2Ex. A: Listen to the news and complete the summaryThis n ews item is about US future space travel.二Ex. B: Liste n aga in and fill in the bla nks.Five years ago Presid

23、e nt Bush set out his lofty visi on of sending astronauts back to the Moon by the year 2020 . Then the Moon would be the staging post for the next frontier - a manned landing on Mars. The pla n now seems pretty much pie in the sky .The curre nt US huma n spaceflight programme appears to be on an un

24、susta in able trajectory .The only way forward is to in crease the funding of NASA or to cooperate with private companies now embarking oncommercial space flightsThe panel says visits to Near-Earth Objects such as asteroids are far more realistic too. The most realistic thing now is to keep the Inte

25、rn ati onal Space Stati on going till 2020 in stead of pulli ng the plug in six years' time.Script of News Item Two:Future of US space travel uncertainFive years ago Preside nt Bush set out his lofty visi on of sending astro nauts back to the Moon by the year 2020. It was meant to be the stagi n

26、g post for the next fron tier - a manned landing on Mars. Now a panel of space experts says that's pretty much pie in the sky.Their report, commissi oned by Preside nt Obama, says the curre nt US huma n spaceflight programme appears to be on an un susta in able trajectory. It suggests the on ly

27、way forward is to in crease the funding of NASA by billi ons of dollars, or to co-operate with private compa nies nowembark ing on commercial space flights.The panel says visits to Near-Earth Objects such as asteroids are far more realistic too. The experts also argue for keeping the International S

28、pace Station going till 2020, rather than pulling the plug in six years' time.News Item 3Ex. A: Listen and summarize the news itemThis n ews item is about the research that shows worki ng protectsaga inst deme ntiaEx. B: Liste n aga in and an swer the questi ons.1. The study looked at nearly 400

29、 men who developed Alzheimer's disease. It assessedthe time they spent in full-time education, the type of work they did and the point at which they retired.2. No, the researchers detected no link betwee n the on set ofdeme ntia and educati on or occupati on.3. Every extra year at work was assoc

30、iated with a six week delay in Alzheimer's.4. To lower dementia risk.5. Much more research is needed in order to understand how todelay or preve nt deme ntia.Script of News Item 3The study looked at nearly 400 men who developed Alzheimer's disease. It assessed the time they spe nt in full-ti

31、me educati on, the type of work they did and the point at which they retired.The researchers detected no link betwee n the on set of deme ntiaand educati on or occupati on. But they found that every extra year at work was associated with a six week delay in Alzheimer's. They say this points to t

32、he value of keeping the brain active by working.They also ack no wledge that the n ature of retireme nt is cha nging, and for some people it may be as intellectually stimulating as working. The Alzheimer's Research Trust, which fun ded the study, says more people tha n ever retire later in life

33、to avert finan cial hardship, but there may be a silver lining: lower dementia risk. However it says much more research is n eeded in order to un dersta nd how to delay or preve nt deme ntia.Secti on FourPart 1 Feature reportExercise A:This n ews report is about the pote ntial dan ger caused by ille

34、gal fireworks .Exercise B:1. T 2.F 3. F. 4.T5. T 6. F 7. T 8. TScript26/jasi nda/text/textbook/textlearnmai n9.jsp?text type=text&moduleid=20050705151401859&textid=2005070515100287 5&media=true&pare nt=20030801093534497For most America ns, celebrati on of the n ati

35、 on's birthday on the 4th of July just would n't be complete without a fireworks show. Milli ons of people across the country will close out their Independence Day festivities watching spectacles of color explode noisily in the night sky. Many people also like to mark the holiday with some s

36、maller-scale fireworks in their own backyards - a practice that often causes devastating injuries. Now there is a national effort to make July 4th an enjoyable and a safe holiday.On a hot, June day on the National Mall, a man in flame-retardant clothing lit a match under three watermelons which were

37、 blown to pieces by an illegal firework called an M-80. It was part of a demonstration by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to show what can happen to people who purchase or manufacture illegal fireworks. Harold Stratton, Chairman of the CPSC, led the nationally-televised demonstrat

38、ion. "Many of the illegal fireworks you see here today have been banned for nearly forty years," Mr. Stratton told those watching. "Yet we still see these devices being manufactured and sold to consumers."Commissioner Stratton says more than 10,000 emergency room visits were attr

39、ibuted last year to fireworks-related injuries - most involving children. Many of those injured suffered from burns, lacerations and hand and eye injuries. He says 50% of thoseinjuries were caused by legal, consumer-approved products. "Even sparklers, for example, burn at a temperature of 2,000

40、 degrees Fahrenheit (about 1,100 degrees Celsius). This is hot enough to melt metal and can easily cause third degree burns."The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to watch a big show put on by a team of professionals. There is something magical about sitting in the dark with a large crowd of peo

41、ple and listening to the collective 'oohs' and 'ahs' every time a new explosion of color appears in the sky.Felix Grucci, Jr. is Chief Financial Officer of Fireworks by Grucci, a century-old family business and one of the leading fireworks display companies in the United States. On h

42、and for the demonstration in Washington, he talked about the mystique of a fireworks display. "It is a magical transformation of a person's psyche and emotions," he said. "For a 20-25 minute period we can send them into places that they've never seen before."Mr. Grucci, a

43、 former Congressman from New York, believes a well- choreographed fireworks display can be a universally profound experience. "When you look at the night sky and you seethe majesty and beauty of God's handiwork, and then all of a sudden that becomes interrupted with man's handiwork and

44、you turn the night sky into a kaleidoscope of color and you marry that color to sound, and all of a sudden you're exciting the sights and senses of an individual, the fireworks have this uncanny ability to be able to transverse age groups, ethnic backgrounds and social- economic levels." He

45、 adds, "The richest of the rich can stand next to the most humble of humble and be able to get the same level of firework entertainment."It's that universally entertaining quality of a good fireworks display that makes private purchases of these explosive devices so tempting, and so po

46、tentially dangerous. Fireworks displays provided by licensed operators are legal in every state. But laws vary from state-to-state regarding what consumer firework products may be sold. Firecrackers, sparklers and small rockets are what most people like to buy.Legal or not, many Americans consider fireworks to be essential to their 4th of July celebrations. Todd Race of Adams, New York, who was visiting the Mall with his family said they enjoy the fun of lighting sparklers in the backyard every July4th. "Sparkle


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