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1、UNIT 1Section One Tactics For ListeningPart 1 PhoneticsExercise: Complete the following short dialogue as you listen to the tape. Pay specialattention to the weak forms, link-ups and contractions.Woman 1:Ive got good news (1) for you!Woman 2:Oh, yes?Woman 1:Im getting married.Man: Well, well! (2) Wh

2、os the lucky man? Do we know him?Woman 1: Of course you (3) know him! Its David!Woman 2: (4) Thats wonderful news!Man: Im sure (5) youll be very happy.Woman 2:(6) Whens the wedding?Woman 1:Next June. (7)were going to have a big June wedding!Woman 2:Are we invited?Woman 1:Of course! I hope you (8) ca

3、n all come.Part 2 Listening and Note-takingTelephone rings for a long time.Operator: Redman Electronics. Can I help you?Voice: At last! Why dont you answer the phone?Operator: lm sorry. I was downstairs.Voice: Well, can I speak to Mr Redman please?Operator: Im afraid he isnt here at the moment. Hes

4、on holiday. Hes in the South of France.Voice: What about Mr Gray - extension 322.Operator: Mr Grays at home.Voice: Well, may I speak to Mr Redmans secretary?Operator: She isnt in today. Shes at her sisters.Voice: I see. Then Id like to speak to Mr Grays secretary.Operator: Miss Jones?Voice: Thats ri

5、ght.Operator: Sorry. She isnt in. Shes gone to the hairdressers.Voice: Who is in today?Operator: Well, I am. But Im going home soon. Who is it please? Exercise A: Listen to the conversation and take notes.Exercise B: Complete the following sentences.Where are they?Mr Redman is on holiday in the Sout

6、h of France.Mr Gray is at home.Mr Redmans secretary is at her sisters.Mr C-rays secretary, Miss Jones, is at the hairdressers.Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart 1 DialogueDialogue 1HelloWoman 1 : Professor Andrews, this is Dr Baxter.Woman 2: How do you do?Man: How do you do?Man 1: Hello, Al. Ho

7、w are you?Man 2: Fine, thanks, Eric. Nice to see you again.Woman I: Sally, do you know Steve?Woman 2: No, how do you do?Man: Hello, Sally. Im glad to meet you.Manl: Tony, Id like to introduce my friend Mary Parker.Man 2: Oh, hello. Ive heard so much about you.Woman: Hello.Woman: May I introduce myse

8、lf? My name is Susan Roper.Man: Oh, hello. Im John Lee. lm sorry, I didnt catch your name.Dialogue 2 welcome to BristolEtienne has just arrived in England,Etienne: Hello, Are you Mrs. Baker? Im Etienne Bertrand, from Switzerland.Mrs. Baker: Hello, Etienne. Come on. Welcome to Bristol.Etienne: Hello.

9、 Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Baker.Mrs. Baker: Oh, call me Nicola. And this is my husband, Nigel.Mr. Baker: How was your trip? No hijacks?Etienne: No, it was all right, thank you. But the plane was late and the airport was crowded.Mr. Baker: Well, its the holiday season. You expect it at this time of

10、the year. Here, let me take your bags upstairs.Etienne: Oh, thats all right. Ill take this one. It s heavy.Mr. Baker: Well. Heres your room. I hope its big enough for you and not too cold. We do have central heating but it doesnt work very well There are extra blankets in the cupboard, I think. Oh,

11、well Nicola, where are the blankets? Lets go down and meet the rest of the family.Exercise: Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T or F in the space provided. Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true orfalse.T 1. Etienne

12、Bertrand is from Switzerland. (Im Etienne Bertrand, from Switzerland.)T 2. The Bakers are expecting Mr. Bertrand. (Mrs. Baker says Hello, Etienne. Come in. Welcome to Bristol.)T 3. There have probably been hijacks in recent days. (Mr. Baker says How was your trip? No hijacks? and Etienne answers No,

13、 it was all fight, thank you/ We may draw a conclusion that they were serious.)F 4. the plane was late because there had been a hijack attempt. (The plane was late probably because it was the holiday season.)T 5. The airport is usually crowded at this time of the year. (It is the holiday season.)T 6

14、. It is probably still cold. (Mr. Baker mentions central heating and tells Etienne to use extra blankets if he feels too cold.)F 7. The central heating doesnt work. (It doesnt work very well.)T 8. Mr. Baker cant find the blankets. (Mr. Baker asks Mrs. Baker where the blankets are.)Part 2 PassagesPas

15、sage 1 a young waiterThe most interesting part of the little town was the market square, which was surrounded by cafes, restaurants and small shops full of all kinds of cheap goods likely to attract tourists. At this time of the year it was not very crowded. It was a lovely day with only a few littl

16、e white clouds, like puffs* of smoke, in the sky. It was not too hot, as it sometimes was during the summer, but pleasantly warm.Edward and Ann sat down at a table outside one of the cafes. After they had been sitting there enjoying the sunshine for a few minutes, a young waiter, not much more than

17、a boy, came to take their order. He spoke no English, but after a lot of laughter and pointing at the menu, they thought they had managed to make him understand that all they wanted was ice cream. There were several flavors*, lemon, chocolate, coffee, orange and vanilla* and they both chose coffee,

18、I love coffee ice cream, said Ana.After a little while the waiter returned. He was carrying a big tray, which he set down very carefully on the table in front of Edward and Ann. There were two cups of coffee and two plain ice creams on the tray.We didnt order coffee, said Edward crossly*, we ordered

19、 coffee ice cream. He ought to be able to understand simple English.The waiter smiled and looked pleased.No, said Ann laughing, its his country. We ought to be able to speak his language.Exercise: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1. B 2. C

20、3, D 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. APart 3 NewsNews Item 1In Houston Texas, a federal investigating jury has charged the Arthur Andersen Company with blocking efforts to seek justice in the Enron case. Arthur Andersen employees kept financial records and provided advice to the failed energy company Enron.

21、The charges say Arthur Andersen destroyed tons of documents while an investigation was taking place after Enrons failure. The Arthur Andersen Company condemned the charges as a serious misuse of government power.News Item 2NATO Secretary General George Robertson has arrived in Moscow fortalks aimed

22、at combing Russian fears about NATO s future plans. He isexpected to meet with the President Vladimir Putin and other officials. Mr. Robertson says NATO s expansion to the east will not harm the balance in Europe. Russia strongly opposes NATO membership for Lithuanian, entry of these countries would

23、 threaten Russia ssecurity interests. He says Russia will take extra security measures if they join in the alliance.Latvia and Estonia. A defense ministerman srespoktedsly said theNATO will consider their membership next yearSection 3 Oral WorkPart 1 Questions and AnswersPeter and William have just

24、arrived at the door of Peters house. Peter is looking in all his pockets.Peter: Oh dear. I cant find my door key.Williams: If your sister Anns at home, shell let us in, wont she?Peter: Shes out. The door wouldnt be locked if she was at home. William: Lets hope it doesnt rain again then. If it does w

25、ell get soaked. Peter:I tell you what. If you let me climb on your shoulders, I1t get in through the pantry*window.William: Right. Up you go. (sound effects) Whats the matter?Peter: Its no good. If it were two inches wider, I could do it.William: And all the other windows are shut, otherwise it woul

26、d be easy.Peter: 1 suppose we could break one.William: I dont think your father would be very pleased if we did.Peter: No, I dont suppose he would. Well, what shall we do?William: I dont know. If only you werent so careless, you wouldnt get into such trouble.Peter: Walt! Whats this in the grass?Will

27、iam: Your key! You must have dropped it when you came out. You really are careless.Peter: Its lucky I am, really, otherwise wed have to wait till Ann comes home.Exercise: Listen to the dialogue and then answer some questions about it, You will hear the dialogue and the questions only once. Answer ea

28、ch question with a complete sentence after you have heard it.Questions:1. What is Peter looking for?(He is looking for his door key.)2. Is Ann at home?(No, she is not at home.)3. What is William worrying about?(He is worrying about the weather.)4. What does Peter want to do?(He wants to get into the

29、 house through the pantry window.)5. Why cant he get in through the window?(Because the window is not wide enough.)6. Peters father wont mind if Peter breaks one of the windows, will he?(Yes, he will.)7. Where is the door key?(Its in the grass.)g. What does William think of Peter?(He thinks he is re

30、ally careless.)Par2 RetellingThe children had desperately wanted to go to the circus. Every day after school they had gone down to the field behind the pub to see what was happening. First the men had put up tile big tent, and then moved in all the seats, and finally they had fixed the colored light

31、s round the outside of the tent.In another part of the field, the children watched as the animals were fed and exercised.Sometimes, to their delight, two young women stood on the horses backs and galloped round and round.But the most exciting moment of all was when the trainer allowed them to watch

32、him go into them lions cage. The children were sure he would be attacked, but he came out again unhurt and smiling.At last the opening night came round. Then the most terrible thing happened; their mother forbade them to go because she said it was unkind to put animals in a circus. The children were

33、 unable to make her change her mind, and they had to sit at home while the music and lights in the field reminded them of what they were missing.Section Four Supplementary ExercisesPart 1 Listening ComprehensionPassage 1Greetings and introductions are an essential aspect of US culture. The importanc

34、e of which can never be overemphasized.In social situations, a man is traditionally introduced to a woman. However, in the business world introductions are based on a persons rank* or position in a company. Whoever is the highest-ranking person is introduced to everyone else in order of their positi

35、on. If you introduce two people of equal rank to each other, introduce the one you know less well lo the one you know better.There might be occasions wherein you will have to introduce yourself. For example, if you are meeting a new colleague or an associate*, you might start off by extending your h

36、and and saying Hello! I am . If you have been introduced earlier to someone, do not assume* that the person would remember you and be prepared to reintroduce yourself should it be necessary.Americans shake their hands when first introduced to a new people. Rarely they shake hands while parting, As a

37、 part of greeting, sometimes, social kissing is acceptablebetween men and women and also between women who know each other very well.If you are with a group of English-speaking people and the conversation is going on in English, do not use your native or any foreign language for more than a few sent

38、ences,as it is not considered to be polite. Try to avoid using any filthy*, sexually explicit* stories or jokes. When you are in a theatre, its not polite to talk or whisper during the performance.Exercise: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.I.B 2. D3

39、. D4. C5. B6. B 7. D 8. BPassage 2The native people of North and South America were given the name Indians by the explorer Christopher Columbus*. He thought he had reached a place called the Indies. In time, the terms American Indian and Indian became widely used. About 2,000,000 native Americans li

40、ve in the United States today. Some Indians live on government lands called reservations*, or on tribal* lands. Others live in cities.Traditional culture remains strong in areas where large numbers of Indians live. But many native Americans worry that their cultural traditions will be lost as young

41、people leave these areas for economic reasons.The economic situation of American Indians as a group is not good. About 50% of those who live on reservations have no jobs. Those who do have jobs earn less than other Americans. Most Indians hold low-paying unskilled jobs. Indians have many health prob

42、lems and do not live as long as other Americans. But the situation is improving as more Indians are becoming educated. Today, most native Americans graduate from high school. At least 9% of all Indians 25 years old or older have finished college.The economic situation also has improved as native American tribes create businesses on their lands. One example is the Pequot tribe of the northeast. The tribe owns and operates a hotel, gambling casino, and a museum of its culture and his


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