1、(推荐)1古代埃及艺术古代埃及地图古代埃及地图古埃及艺术 古埃及人生活的方方面面都受到了宗教的影响。 他们的宗教属于多神信仰,从山川草木到日月星辰,无论有生命的还是无生命的,都受到了人们的崇拜和供养。 要理解古埃及艺术,就必须了解埃及人的宗教观念。因为在整个埃及历史的进程中,宗教就象一根强有力的线,把古埃及社会的各个方面连接起来 。古代埃及人相信灵魂不灭,他们确信在人的肉体死去之后,灵魂将随着躺在坟墓中的尸体继续生活。因此认为,只要尸体保存好,其灵魂就可以依附在尸体上继续生活,死者就可获得永生。死亡并不是人生的毁灭,而只是人的生命从一个世界转移到另一个世界的开始,基于这样的理解,古埃及人便对营
2、造日后将继续“生活”的地方坟墓,格外尽心尽力。因此,古埃及人的绘画、雕塑等艺术作品常常与坟墓或庙宇结合在一起。a full-length figure of a goddess.another wooden coffin, more simply decorated装木乃伊用的人形木盒illustration of spell 110 from the book of the dead in the burial chamber of sennudjem, ca. 1279 bc. new kingdoma mummy, louvre 古埃及艺术 政治方面,古埃及具有明显的政教合一的特征。法老
3、既是国家的最高统治者,又是神灵的化身。他不仅可以主宰人们的命运,还拥有至高无上的统治权。 在政治、宗教的双重影响下,古埃及的人像作品具有非常明显的“追求完整”的特征。脸是侧面的,显示出明确的额、鼻、唇的外轮廓;眼却是正面的,有着完整的眼角。这样的一个头部安在呈正面的上半身上,正面的上半身又安在两条侧面的、呈行走姿态的腿上,就使得侧面与正面显得同样完整,这样,人体的各部分都获得了能够完整表现的角度。 古埃及历史分期 早王朝时期:前3100年前2686年 古王国时期:前2686年前2181年 中王国时期:前2134年前1786年 新王国时期:前1567年前1085年 早王朝时期 美尼斯统一埃及后,
4、建立了埃及历史上第一个王朝,开始了早王朝时期。早王朝从公元前3100前2686年,包括第一、第二两个王朝,约持续了4个世纪。早在前王朝时代,埃及人就显露出艺术才华,到了第一、第二王朝时,更有了不断发展。早王国时期的建筑马斯塔巴 马斯塔巴马斯塔巴(mastaba)是古埃及墓葬建筑的类型之一。马斯塔巴是平顶、长方形的建筑,其四壁呈斜坡状,与地面成75度斜角 ,很多古王国时期著名的埃及人都埋葬于这类型的墓室内。墓室是用泥砖或石头来建成。 卡塞赫穆伊法老坐像古王国时期 古王国的历史从第三王朝的第一位国王左左塞塞开始,时约公元前2650年。它经历了第四、第五、第六王朝。古王国时期是埃及作为一个中央集权的
5、奴隶制国家最强大、最稳定的时期,也是埃及文化、艺术的形成时期。 (古王国时期也被称为“伟大的金字塔时代”)。埃及历史上第一座金字塔左塞金字塔 伊姆霍特普(imhoyep):古埃及第三王朝时期的建筑家、医生和高级祭祀,在埃及历史上被奉为圣者胡夫、哈夫拉、门考拉金字塔。哈夫拉金字塔和巨大的狮身人面像这尊巨大雕像高2o米,长57米,脸孔高度5米,鼻子高度1.7米,耳朵高度2米。 the great sphinx of giza is made completely from one stone. it was built over 3 thousand years ago, and historia
6、ns still can not answer the riddle of the sphinx - who was the author of this statue, and who was the real-life model for its face. another question debated among historians is - what exactly happened to the sphinx nose. one of the popular theories suggests that the nose was broken off with a cannon
7、 ball fired by the soldiers of napoleon bonaparte. the great sphinx of giza is considered a guardian of the giza pyramids, and represents the might of the pharaohs who ruled the egyptian land thousands of years ago. 左塞雕像。像高138厘米,以石灰石为材料。雕像的底座刻有建筑大师伊姆霍特普的名字,这在埃及是罕见的。 哈夫拉雕像门考拉王和王后双人像像高142.2厘米,以粘板岩雕刻而成
8、。王后左臂弯曲,左手放在法老左胳膊上,右手臂则围抱着法老的腰。这是埃及夫妇像的标准格式。 被称为“一种冷冰冰的皇家式拥抱”。 拉霍太普夫妇坐像此为双人坐像的最初代表 ,男像高120厘米,女像高118厘米,均用石炭岩雕成。 书吏凯伊像。石炭石彩雕像,高52厘米,为第五王朝的作品。在古代埃及,书吏是与文字有关的一个特殊职业阶层,享有极高的社会地位。seated scribe: painted limestone, beginning of dynasty 5, c. 2475 bce. this statue is an idealized rendition of a loyal scribe
9、and public official. in a squatted position, the scribe sits with his back upright and his eyes fixed to the future - a representation in keeping with the positive attitudes and general respect held towards scribes throughout khufus reign. though asymmetrical, the anonymous scribes face denotes conf
10、idence and determination. his windswept wig-locks leave the expressions of his round face in plain view.ka-aper, from his mastaba at saqqara, egypt, dynasty v, c. 2450-2350 bc, wood, approx. 37” high, egyptian museum, cairo. 卡阿珀像表现普通劳动者的雕像磨面的女人踏种的山羊与过河的牛群古王国时期浮雕作品提观看猎捕河马,第五王朝时期作品。石灰岩彩绘,狩猎场面约高122厘米。中
11、王国时期 中王国时期,政治上中央集权衰落,法老们拥有的政治、经济实力都较前朝逊色很多。与之形成鲜明对比的是,割据一方的各州统治者势力强大。这种政治、社会环境在艺术上的表现是,法老的陵墓远没有过去的庞大和辉煌了,并且大部分是用土砖砌成。而各州州长的陵墓却比以往大臣的陵墓壮观,不比国王的陵墓逊色多少。 位于孟菲斯南部的呗尼哈珊(beni hasan)的岩石上的坟墓 (岩窟陵墓)阿门内母哈特(amenemhet)悬崖石墓的内厅。约建于公元前2150年(属中王国时期)。注意:厅内断掉的石柱。石柱的上半截并未因失去支撑而掉落,而是悬空于屋顶上。这说明,岩窟陵墓中的石柱并不起支撑作用,只是作为装饰而已。埃
12、及方尖碑新王国时期 在中王国末期,尖锐的社会矛盾引发了新的动荡局面,战争此起彼伏。经过一系列的长期的战争,最后由阿莫斯一世(ahmose)战胜了入侵埃及的希克索斯人,建立了第十八王朝,开始了埃及历史上的新王国时期。这一时期,埃及通过征服战争,扩展了版图,也同亚洲、爱琴海诸岛建立了贸易往来。它的首都底比斯,获得了很大的发展机会,它在当时的发达程度是中东任何一个城市都无法相比的。随着物质财富的增长,埃及的文化艺术也得到了空前发展,形成了埃及艺术史上的黄金时代。 哈特舍普苏特神庙女法老的木乃伊静静躺在木箱中 哈特舍普苏特画像正在向太阳神献祭的哈特舍普苏特跪像。painted limestone sp
13、hinx of queen hatshepsut, from deir el-bahri, c. 1470 bc. 61 cm, mmoa. hatshepsut as sphinx, from deir el-bahri, dynasty 18, c. 1478-1458 bc. red granite, 164 cm h. mmoa卡纳克神庙建筑群神庙中的“圆柱殿”卢克索神庙神庙内的斯芬克斯通道卢克索神庙内的中央列柱,柱头是绽放的纸草花冠拉姆西斯二世陵墓的悬崖巨像 the young, handsome face is finely carved. he wears a double cr
14、own on his head and a heavy nemes flares out on both sides of his face. the line of the smiling lips is more than a meter long. smaller sculptures between the legs and at the base of the colossi represent members of the royal family: princess nebt-taui, princess bant-anat and an unidentified princes
15、s on the southernmost colossus; queen tue, the kings mother, queen nefertari, his wife, and his son prince amen-hir-khopshef to the left of the doorway; and beside the statues to the right (north), queen nefertari, twice represented, and prince ramses 拉姆西斯二世神庙远景拉姆西斯二世庙宇内的人像柱interior of the temple of
16、 ramses ii. abu simbel. pillar statues approx. 9.75 m high.interior of the temple of ramses ii. wall decoration depicts military victories of ramses ii. 拉姆西斯二世妻子的陵庙纳菲尔提提王后像royal couple in a garden斯蒙克凯尔和他的妻子玛丽塔吞英国考古学家:霍华德卡特 07年11月4日工人将图坦卡蒙的石棺打开,将木乃伊搬到有温度及湿度调节的透明胶箱内展出,游客现可在墓穴看到他的真面目。考古学家称,他简直“美极了”,是古代
17、埃及的美男子。埃及首席考古学家哈瓦斯强调,图坦卡蒙永远不会离开其墓穴,不会像其它木乃伊一样移送博物馆展出。英国考古学家卡特1922年发现图坦卡蒙时,把他移离墓穴,拿走他的黄金面罩,结果令木乃伊遭破坏,身体裂成18块。两年前,埃及考古学家为图坦卡蒙作计算机断层扫描后,开始进行修复。哈瓦斯表示,由于大批游客涌到墓穴参观,令木乃伊加速损耗,“人们散发的热气及湿气,会令木乃伊化成粉末。图坦卡蒙唯一保持完好的便是他的面孔,所以我们要保住他那张脸。” 约于公元前1323年身亡的图坦卡蒙充满神秘,死因及身世均多谜团。最流行的说法指,他是埃及18王朝第12任法老,8岁登基。考古学家2019年史无前例为图坦卡蒙
18、作计算机扫描,结果虽否定他被残暴杀害,但却不能肯定其死因。专家怀疑他死前数天左腿断裂,可能受感染致死。 图坦卡蒙法老的内棺,整个内棺外部用一层金箔包裹。death mask of tutankhamen, from the innermost coffin in his tomb at thebes, dynasty xviii, c. 1323 bc. gold with inlay of semiprecious stones, approx. 54 cm high. egyptian museum, cairo.图坦卡蒙死后佩戴的面罩,用黄金制成,上嵌有宝石。 后期埃及的法老们有意无意地
19、总是模仿以往的埃及艺术,总是喜欢把自己的形象神化和权威化。宗教和政治对埃及艺术地影响十分明显,但是埃及人固有的性格特征对其艺术发展的影响也不容忽视。保守主义就是埃及人的性格特征。在将近三千年的时间里,埃及人都拒绝做大的改变,这在艺术史上也可谓一个奇迹。 the uraeus is the serpent emblem found in egyptian portrayals of royalty and deity. it is a symbol of divine authority, representing the goddess wedjat as the all seeing eye
20、 of ra, who was believed to protect the pharoahs by spitting fire, and the emblem of the lower kingdom of egypt. according to legend, the cobra was given to the pharoahs as a sign of kingship by the god geb. the ankh is an ancient egyptian symbol of life. also known as an ansata cross, it is a visua
21、l representation of a sandal strap. this combination of male and female symbols (the cross and circle) in the ankh suggest fertility and creative power. the top loop also symbolises the sun on the horizon, and suggests reincarnation and rebirth. the ankh appears frequently in egyptian writings about
22、 rebirth, and this symbolism was adopted by coptic christians, especially gnostic sects, to symbolize the resurrection of christ and the heavenly marriage. the ankh was an earlier form of the cross than the later latin cross. designed to resemble the eye of a falcon, this symbol is called the eye of
23、 ra or eye of horus represents the right eye of the egyptian falcon god horus. as the udjat (or utchat), it represented the sun, and was associated with the sun god ra (re). the mirror image, or left eye, represented the moon, and the god tehuti (thoth). (a very similar concept of the sun and moon a
24、s eyes appears in many religious traditions) according to legend, the left eye was torn from horus by his murderous brother seth, and magically restored by thoth, the god of magick. after the restoration, some stories state, horus made a gift of the eye to osiris, which allowed this solar deity to r
25、ule the underworld. the story of this injury is probably an allusion to the phases of the moon as the eye which is torn out every month. together, the eyes represent the whole of the universe, a concept similar to that of the taoist yin-yang symbol. spiritually, the right eye reflects solar, masculi
26、ne energy, as well as reason and mathematics. the left eye reflects fluid, feminine, lunar energy, and rules intuition and magick. together, they represent the combined, transcendent power of horus. the eye of horus was believed to have healing and protective power, and it was used as a protective a
27、mulet, and as a medical measuring device, using the mathematical proportions of the eye to determine the proportions of ingredients in medical preparations) to prepare medications. the masonic all seeing eye, the eye of providence symbol found on american money, and our modern rx pharmaceutical symb
28、ol are all descended from the eye of horus.the scarab is the symbol of ra, the sun god of the egyptians. in his scarab aspect, ra was called khepera.scarab beetles lay their eggs in dung, which they roll into a ball and roll into a hole. the egyptians equated this with the movement of the sun and its daily resurrection. the opening and closing of the scarabs colorful wings symbolized night and day. sca
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